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Index of Cleared Science Reviews

Index for ADBAC 67%C12, 25%C14, 7%C16, 1%C8, C10, C18(PC Code 128928)

September 20, 1985. Review. 6 Pages.
Dennis Guse. Disinfectants Branch.
EPA Reg. No. 777-51
Amendment general revision of label, expanded
claims, formula change, additional brand names
Accession No(s) 258827.

February 14, 1986. Review. 4 Pages.
Anna Skapars. Disinfectants Branch.
EPA Reg. No. 777-AA
Lysol Brand Disinfectant Direct Multi-Purpose
Inert ingredient info page 3 is not included.

October 30, 1986. Efficacy Review. 7 Pages.
Dennis Guse. Disinfectants Branch.
EPA Reg. No. 777-32. Lysol Branch Disinfectant Basin/Tub/
Tile Cleaner (Aerosol). Amendment for Minor Formula Change
(Inerts), Two Alternate Formulations, and General Label

April 20, 1987. Efficacy Review. 7 Pages.
Bruce Mann. Disinfectants Branch.
EPA Reg. No. 777-32. Lysol Brand Disinfectant Basin/Tub/
Tile Clearner (Aerosol). An Amendment.

November 4, 1988. Review. 5 Pages.
Srinivas Gowda. Antimicrobial Program Branch.
Efficacy Review
EPA Reg. No.777-66
Amendment to add virucidal claims against HIV-1
(AIDS virus) with efficacy data and labeling.
MRID 406636-01.

August 16, 1989. Efficacy Review. 5 Pages.
Srinivas Gowda. Antimicrobial Program Branch.
EPA Reg. No. 777-32. Lysol Brand Foaming Disinfectant
Basin, Tub & Tile Cleaner (Aerosol). Amendment to Add
Virucidal Claim Against HIV-1 (AIDS Virus) with Efficacy
Data and Labeling.

April 29, 1993. Review. 1 Page.
Srinivas Gowda. Antimicrobial Program Branch.
Alternate Formulations, Efficacy Review
EPA Reg. No.777-66
Alternate formulation, coded as DD1-0662,...
MRID 426716-01
Inert ingredient info on page 1 is not included.

September 17, 1993. Review. 4 Pages.
Arnold Layne. Antimicrobial Program Branch.
Efficacy Review
EPA Reg. No.777-66
Add sanitization claim, new use area, and
other label language.

January 15, 1995. Amendment. 1 Page.
Srinivas Gowda. Antimicrobial Program Branch.
Efficacy Review
EPA Reg. No.777-66
Amendment to add additional bacteriocidal claims
against E. coli and L. monocytogenes...
MRID 434322-01 & 434322-02.

May 11, 2000. Memorandum. 3 Pages.
Ian Blackwell. Product Science Branch.
Product Efficacy Review for EPA Reg. No: 9480-T / Sani-Wipe
DP Barcode: D261695
MRID 449774-07 thru -12.

May 11, 2000. Memorandum. 3 Pages.
Ian Blackwell. Product Science Branch.
Product Efficacy Review of EPA Reg. No.: 9480-7/Sani-Wipe;
DP Barcode: D261695; Case No: 065184.
MRID Nos. 449774-07 through 449774-12.

March 13, 2002. Memorandum. 5 Pages.
Ian Blackwell. Product Science Branch.
Efficacy Review for 9480-7/Sani-Wipe; DP Barcode: D281397;
Case No.: 065184. MRID No. 455372-01.

December 26, 2002. Memorandum. 6 Pages.
Lorilyn Montford. Antimicrobial Division.
Secondary Review of Contractor's (DynCorp 1 & ET)
Efficacy Review for Sani-Wipe, EPA Reg. No. 9480-7.
MRID 45729501.

September 5, 2003. Memorandum. 7 Pages.
Lorilyn Montford. Antimicrobials Division.
Review of Protocol Modifications for "Sani-Cloth Germ Wipes"
EPA Reg. No. 9480-7
DP Barcode: D2895898
Case No. 065184
MRID 45896901 and 45896902.

September 15, 2003. Memorandum. 12 Pages.
Lorilyn Montford. Antimicrobials Division.
Efficacy Review for Sani-Wipe
EPA Reg. No. 9480-7
DP Barcode: D289662
Case No. 065184
MRID Nos. 45889701 thru 45889704.

September 29, 2003. Memorandum. 5 Pages.
Lorilyn Montford. Antimicrobials Division.
Efficacy Review for Sani-Wipe
EPA Reg. No. 9480-7
DP Barcode: D289588
Case No. 065184
MRID 45901701.

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