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Index of Cleared Science Reviews

Index for Carbendazim (Pc Code 128872)

May 2, 1985. DER. 5 Pages.
Allen Vaughan. Ecological Effects Branch.
Acute contact LD50 toxicity study in Honeybees.
Acc. No. 256035. MRID 154695.

September 12, 1985. DER. 1 Page.
M.P. Copley. Toxicology Branch.
Acute neurotoxicity - hens
Accession No. 241930. MRID 00154520.

August 28, 1986. DER. 4 Pages.
Marion Copley. Toxicology Branch.
Teratogenic study in rats with 2-benzimidazole-carbamic
acid, methyl ester (INE-965).
Accession No. 256025 (Vol. 1, #20).
Tox Review No. 005531.

September 30, 1986. Memorandum. 160 Pages.
Marion Copley. Toxicology Branch.
I.D. No. 352-UGI: Carbendazim (MBC): New registration
with supporting toxicity data.
Acc. 256025, 256026, 256028-256032, 256034, 262912, 260571.
(MRIDs include 00154676, 00035353, 00061617, 00154679.)
Tox review 005531.
Attachment(s) following:

September 30, 1986. Memorandum.
Marion Copley. Toxicology Branch.
continued - Page 27 removed, manufacturing process, quality
control and inert ingredient information.
(authorization for release of this review was provided in a
December 16, 1999, letter from Dr. Richard A. Carver, Ph.D.
of DuPont Agricultural Products, to Sherri Y. Street).

*End of attachments*

August 4, 1987. Memorandum. 41 Pages.
Marion Copley. Toxicology Branch.
Chronic - dog (83-1). Acc. 265664.
Special study. Metabolism in rats and mice.
Accession No. 256033. MRID 154686.
Pages 21-24, 26, 31-40 removed, registrant data.
Tox review 006235.

August 26, 1988. Memorandum. 23 Pages.
Marion Copley. Toxicology Branch.
EPA ID: 352-UGI: MBC: Toxicity data in
support of new registration and a petition for
residue tolerance in wheat, meat by-products, milk
poultry liver and eggs; Teratogenicity - rats.
MRID 404380-01.
Attachment(s) following:

August 26, 1988. Memorandum.
Marion Copley. Toxicology Branch.
(authorization for release of this review was provided in a
December 16, 1999, letter from Dr. Richard A. Carver, Ph.D.
of DuPont Agricultural Products, to Sherri Y. Street)
Tox review 006837.

*End of attachments*

May 31, 1990. DER. 18 Pages.
Melba Morrow. Toxicology Branch.
Metabolism - Rats.
MRID 414192-01. Pages 15-18 removed, registrant data.
Tox review 007960 excerpt.

July 19, 1994. DER. 4 Pages.
Irving Mauer. Toxicology Branch I.
HOE 107411: Substance Technical. Study of the Mutagenic
Potential in Strains of Salmonella typhimurium (Ames Test) &
Escherichia coli.
MRID No. 43205504.

August 12, 1994. DER. 7 Pages.
Nicholas Mastrota. Ecological Effects Branch.
8-day dietary LC50 test in the mallard duck.
Page 7 removed, registrant data.
MRID 432055-01.

September 12, 1994. DER. 5 Pages.
Nicholas Mastrota. Ecological Effects Branch.
A dietary LC50 study with the bobwhite.
MRID 431296-05.

September 12, 1994. DER. 13 Pages.
Nicholas Mastrota. KBN Engineering for EEB.
Study Type: 72-2(a). Acute Toxicity Test for Freshwater
Invertebrates. Species Tested: Daphnia magna.
Pages 7-13 removed, registrant data.
MRID 43205502.

August 2, 1999. Memorandum. 23 Pages.
Deborah Smegal. Re-Registration Branch HED.
Hazard Identification Assessment Review Committee.
This report supercedes the previous HIARC report dated
12/3/97; HED Doc No. 012418. (see Benomyl file for copy)
Tox review 013990.

March 30, 2000. Memorandum. 63 Pages.
Deborah Smegal. Re-Registration Branch 3 HED.
Toxicology Chapter for Benomyl and Carbendazim. DP Barcode
D264602, Case 819338... This memorandum summarizes the guide
line studies... and other studies considered by HED in
developing the acute and chronic reference doses (RfD's) and
toxicity endpoints... (see Benomyl file for memo copy - eb).
Attachment(s) following:

November 18, 1999. Memorandum.
Deborah Smegal. Re-Registration Branch 3 HED.
REVISED Benomyl/MBC Quantitative Risk Assessment (Q1*)
Based on CD-1 Mouse Dietary Study Using mg/kg
b.w.^3/4's/day Cross Species Scaling Factor.
Tox review 013859 and 014123.

*End of attachments*

March 20, 2001. Memorandum. 27 Pages.
Deborah Smegal. Re-Registration Branch HED.
BENOMYL AND CARBENDAZIM- Endpoint Selection for Incidental
Oral Ingestion for Carbendazim- 3rd Report of the Hazard
Identification Assessment Review Committee.
(see Benomyl file for memo copy)
Tox review 014506.

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