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Index of Cleared Science Reviews

Index for Ebufos (Pc Code 128864)

April 25, 1985. Memorandum. 34 Pages.
Ray Landolt. Toxicology Branch.
O-ethyl S,S-di-sec-butyl phosphorodithioate (FMC 67825)
(Ebufos). Tox. Chem. No. 431D.
Petition No. 279-EUP-RNE
Tox review 004414.

October 22, 1985. Memorandum. 2 Pages.
Ray Landolt. Toxicology Branch.
O-ethyl S,S-di-sec-butyl phosphorodithioate (FMC 67825)
(Ebufos). Tox. Chem. No. 431D.
Tox review 004731.

September 26, 1986. Memorandum. 34 Pages.
Ray Landolt. Toxicology Branch.
O-ethyl S,S-di-sec-butyl phosphorodithioate (FMC 67825).
Proposed Common Name - Ebufos. Tox. Chem. No. 431D.
Tox review 005517.

February 24, 1987. Memorandum. 15 Pages.
John Chen. Toxicology Branch.
O-ethyl S,S-di-sec-butyl phosphorodithioate (FMC 67825):
279-EUP-102/6G3393-242. Tox. Chem. No. 431D.
MRIDs 40017901, 40017902.
Tox review 005738.

October 19, 1988. Memorandum. 55 Pages.
Ray Landolt. Toxicology Branch.
FMC 67825, Apache, Ebufos. O-ethyl S,S-di-sec-butyl
phosphorodithioate. Project No. 7-0982. Tox. Chem. No.
431D. Tox. Review No. 6907.
Impurity information on page 1 and 4 not included.
Pages 53-55 not included - registration data.

June 2, 1989. Memorandum. 29 Pages.
Ray Landolt. Toxicology Branch II.
O-ethyl S,S-di-sec-butyl phosphorodithioate (FMC 67825) -
Project No. 9-0949 and 9-1008. Tox. Review No. 7236. MRID
Nos. 409946-01, 410053-01, and 410053-02.
Manufacturing process and impurity info. on page 2 not
included. Pp. 22-29 not included - registration data.

September 28, 1989. Memorandum. 67 Pages.
Ray Landolt. Toxicology Branch II.
O-ethyl S,S-si-sec-butyl phosphorodithioate (FMC 67825).
Project No. 9-1006. Tox. Chem. No. 431D.
Tox. Review No. 7511.
Pages 9-63 not included - impurity and registration data.

October 5, 1989. Memorandum. 3 Pages.
Debra Edwards. Dietary Exposure Branch.
PP#6E3447: Rugby 10G Nematicide/Insecticide
(FMC-67825); Clarification of Metabolism Data
Requirement for a Time Limited Temporary
Tolerance on Bananas (No MRID No., DEB No.

May 4, 1990. Memorandum. 12 Pages.
Arliene Aikens. Dietary Exposure Branch.
PP#6E3447: Rugby 10G Nematicide/Insecticide (FMC-67825)
Metabolism Data Requirement to Support an Import
Temporary Tolerance on Bananas.
MRID No. 41290201, DEB#6041.
Inert ingredient information on page 3 is not included.

June 20, 1990. Memrorandum. 28 Pages.
Ray Landolt. Toxicology Branch II.
O-ethyl S,S-di-sec-butyl phosphorodithioate (FMC 67825).
Project No. 0-0220A. Tox. Chem. No. 431D.
Pages 10-13, 15-23, 26-28 removed, registrant data.
Tox review 008002.

July 10, 1990. Memorandum. 5 Pages.
Ray Landolt. Toxicology Branch II.
O-ethyl S,S-di-sec-butyl phosphorodithioate (FMC 67825).
Project No. 0-0188. Tox. Chem. No. 431D.
Tox. Review No. 8029.

September 4, 1990. Memorandum. 28 Pages.
Robert Quick. Dietary Exposure Branch.
PP#6E3447 - Ebufos (Rugby 10G) aka FMC 67825, on Bananas.
Evaluation of the April 16, 1990 Amendment. (MRID Nos
414070-01,-02 and 414418-01,-02). Manufacturing process info
on pages 12,13 and pages 18-25 are not included. Quality con
trol procedure info on page 13 and pages 26-28 not included.

February 15, 1991. Memorandum. 25 Pages.
Mike Ioannou. Toxicology Branch II.
O-ethyl S,S-di-sec-butyl phosphorodithioate (FMC 67825).
Pesticide Petition No. 6E3447.
Attached DER: Two-Generation Reproductive Study in Rats.
MRID 41441803. Guideline 83-4.
Tox review 008266.

June 25, 1991. Memorandum. 10 Pages.
Richard Schmitt. Chemistry Branch I.
PP# 6E3447 Ebufos (Rugby 10G or FMC 67825) on Bananas.
Evaluation of the May 7,1991 Amendment.
MRID No. None
Pages 9-10 not included-confidential statement of formula.

August 9, 1991. Memorandum. 2 Pages.
Marcia van Gemert. Toxicology Branch II.
Ebufos (Rugby) - Review of supplementary data for upgrade
of a general metabolism study (MRID No. 412902-03)
MRID No. 417058-01. Tox review 008497.

September 9, 1991. Memorandum. 5 Pages.
Robert Quick. Chemistry Branch I.
PP# 6E3447 Ebufos, (Rugby 10G or FMC 67825) on Bananas.
Request for Petition Method Validation Trials of Analytical
Method FCC 72.
MRID 419619-00,01.

October 28, 1991. Memorandum. 25 Pages.
Robert Quick. Chemistry Branch I.
PP# 6E3447 Ebufos, (Rugby 10G or FMC 67825) on Bananas.
Evaluation of the Revised Analytical Method and September 17
1991 Response to Deficiencies.
Results of Petition Method Validation of Ebufos on Bananas.
MRID No. 419649-00,01.

December 19, 1991. Memorandum. 2 Pages.
Lucas Brennecke. Pathology Associates, Inc.
O-ethyl S,S-di-sec-butyl phosphorodithioate
(FMC 67825)
Project No.: 9-1006. FMC Project A84-1437.

December 20, 1991. Data Eval. Rec. 32 Pages.
Stephen Dapson. Toxicology Branch II.
Teratology - Developmental Toxicity.
Species: Rat.
Pages 11-23, 25-32 removed, registrant data.
Tox review 009083.

January 23, 1992. Data Eval. Rec. 24 Pages.
Stephen Dapson. Toxicology Branch II.
Teratology - Developmental Toxicity.
Species: Rabbit Guideline: 83-3 b.
Pages 11-24 removed, registrant data.
Tox review 009083.

February 3, 1992. Memorandum. 3 Pages.
Mike Ioannou. Toxicology Branch II.
O-ethyl S,S-di-sec-butyl phosphorodithioate (FMC 67825)
Pesticide Petition No. 6E3447
Tox review 009083.

March 4, 1992. Memorandum. 2 Pages.
Debra Edwards. Chemistry Branch I.
PP# 6E3447 Ebufos (Cadusafos), (Rugby 10G or FMC 67825)
on Bananas. Evaluation of Petitioner's February 3, 1992
Request to Use the Limit of Detection
as Anticipated Residue Value on Bananas.
MRID No. None.

March 24, 1992. Analysis. 5 Pages.
Stephen Schaible. Science Analysis and Coordination Branch.
Dietary Exposure Analysis for the Proposed Interim
Tolerance for Ebufos on Bananas (PP#6E3447).

May 18, 1992. Memorandum. 1 Page.
Steve Schaibel. none.
Dietary Exposure For Ebufos on Bananas Considering a
Residue Value of 0.01 ppm.
Attachment(s) following:

May 18, 1992. TAS Printout. 1 Page.
Tolerance Assessment System. none.
Tolerance Assessment System Routine Chronic Analysis
Chemical Information: Ebufos (Apache/FMC 67825).

*End of attachments*

May 28, 1992. Memorandum. 8 Pages.
George Ghali. Health Effects Division.
Ebufos: Report of the First and Second RfD/Peer Review.
Caswell No. 431D. CAS No. 95465-99-9. Reg. Group: New

June 10, 1992. Memorandum. 3 Pages.
Robert Quick. Chemistry Branch I.
PP# 6E3447 Ebufos (Cadusafos; Rugby; FMC 67825) in/on
Bananas. Letter of May 15, 1992 (revised Section F).
MRID No. None.

August 21, 1992. Memorandum. 2 Pages.
Robert Quick. Chemistry Branch I.
PP#6E3447. Cadusafos (Rugby) in or on Bananas.
Amendment of 5/18/92; Letters of 7/22/92 and 8/17/92.
MRID#: 423205-01.

November 25, 1992. Memorandum. 11 Pages.
Robert Quick. Chemistry Branch I.
PP#6E3447. Cadusafos (Rugby) Multiresidue Method Testing.
MRID#: 423205-01
40 CFR Ref.: 180.461.

October 8, 1997. Memorandum. 5 Pages.
Jess Rowland. Science Analysis Branch, HED.
Cadusofos - FQPA Requirement - Report of the Hazard
Identification Assessment Review Committee.

July 17, 1998. Memorandum. 39 Pages.
R. Griffin. Health Effects Division.
Cadusafos: Dietary Risk Assessment Update for FQPA
Attachment(s) following:

October 8, 1997. Memorandum.
Jess Rowland. Science Analysis Branch, HED.
Cadusofos - FQPA Requirement - Report of the Hazard
Identification Assessment Review Committee.

April 28, 1998. Memorandum.
John Punzi. Health Effects Division.
Cadusafos Reregistration. Product and Residue Chemistry
Chapters for the Eligibility Decision (RED) Document.

*End of attachments*

December 7, 1998. Memorandum. 7 Pages.
Branda Tarplee. Health Effects Division.
CADUSAFOS - Report of the FQPA Safety Factor Committee.
Tox review 013003.

December 17, 1998. Memorandum. 8 Pages.
R. Griffin. Health Effects Division.
Cadusafos (PC Code 128864). HED Risk Assessment for the
Risk Management Proposal.

December 17, 1998. Memorandum. 4 Pages.
John Punzi. Health Effects Division.
Cadusafos Anticipated Residues.

June 30, 1999. Memorandum. 17 Pages.
Amy Caicedo. SRRD.
Response to Public Comments on the Preliminary Risk
Assessment for the Organophosphate Cadusafos.

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