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Index of Cleared Science Reviews for Topramezone (Pc Code 123009)

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Undated. Review. 17 Page(s).
Bernadette Boutin-Muma. Pest Management Regulatory Agency Canada.
Chemistry data review for the registration of a technical grade of active
ingredient (TGAI) or an integrated system product (ISP). Submission Number : 2003-0839.
Inert ingredient info on page 2 deleted. Pages 7-17 removed, MP info and inert info.
Document (PDF) (258 KB PDF).

Undated. Risk Assessment. 370 Page(s).
S. Carey, S. Termes, J. Wolf. Ecological Risk Branch III.
Ecological Risk Assessment New Chemical Registration Topramazone (BAS 670H)
123009 D290065+ NC S3 Corn Science Chapter.wpd .
Document (PDF) (17592 KB PDF).

June 26, 2003. Memorandum. 25 Page(s).
Masih Hashim. Technical Review Branch.
EPA Reg. No.: 7969-ENU BAS 670 H DP Barcode: D290078. Evaluation of
acute toxicity data. MRID 45902118 thru 34.
Document (PDF) (1005 KB PDF).

July 07, 2003. Memorandum. 11 Page(s).
Masih Hashim. Technical Review Branch.
EPA Reg. No: 7969-ENL BAS 670 336C Herbicide. DP Barcode D290071.
Six acute toxicity studies. MRIDs 45901807 thru 12.
Document (PDF) (393 KB PDF).

August 27, 2003. Review. 5 Page(s).
Bernadette Boutin-Muma. Pest Management Regulatory Agency Canada.
Sub. Nos: 2003-0839 and 2003-0840 Level C1 / Category A Submission Attached are
the deficiencies noted for Parts 2 & 3 of the above mentioned submission. Chemistry,
storage stability Inert ingredient info on page 5 not included.
Document (PDF) (178 KB PDF).

September 29, 2003. Review. 1 Page(s).
Shyam Mathur. Technical Review Branch.
Secondary Product Chemistry Review of TGAI/MP. DP Barcode No.: D290077.
File Symbol No.: 7969-ENU. The primary reviews... were performed by PMRA.
MRIDs 45902101 thru 17.
Document (PDF) (45 KB PDF).

September 29, 2003. Review. 17 Page(s).
Shyam Mathur. Technical Review Branch/RD.
Secondary Product Chemistry Review of EP. DP Barcode No.: D290069.
File Symbol No.: 7969-ENL. Inert ingredient info on 3 and 17 not included.
Pages 9-11 removed, manufacturing process info MRIDs 45901801 thru 06.
Document (PDF) (447 KB PDF).

January 13, 2004. Letter. 11 Page(s).
Donald Stubbs. Herbicide Branch.
Review of BASF 670H Submission. BAS 670 H Technical. PMRA Sub. No. 2003-0839.
EPA File Symbol 7969-ENU. Attachment 1: Deficiency Review Notes. MRID 45902304.
Document (PDF) (413 KB PDF).

January 13, 2004. Letter. 17 Page(s).
Donald Stubbs. Herbicide Branch.
Review of BASF 670H Submission. BAS 670 336SC. PMRA Sub. No. 2003-0840
EPA File Symbol 7969-ENL. Attachment 1: Deficiency Review Notes. MRID 45902304.
Document (PDF) (611 KB PDF).

August 19, 2004. Memorandum. 4 Page(s).
Nicole Zinn. Biological Analysis Branch.
Review of the PMRA Efficacy Review for BASF 670 H (D306548).
Document (PDF) (217 KB PDF).

November 09, 2004. Review. 2 Page(s).
Sami Malak. Technical Review Branch.
Product Chemistry Review of an End-Use Product. DP Barcode #: D305002.
File Symbol/ Reg 7969-ENL. MRID 46242707.
Document (PDF) (67 KB PDF).

January 31, 2005. Review. 3 Page(s).
Bruce Kitchens. Technical Review Branch.
EP Product Chemistry Review. DP Barcode No.: D304583. REG./File Symbol No.: 7969-ENL.
Inert ingredient info on page 3 not included. Status of storage stability
and corrosion data requirements.
Document (PDF) (91 KB PDF).

February 17, 2005. DER. 10 Page(s).
Stephen Carey. EPA (and PMRA).
Data Evaluation Report on the acute toxicity of BAS 670 H to fish (bluegill sunfish).
MRID 45902315.
Document (PDF) (376 KB PDF).

February 17, 2005. DER. 11 Page(s).
Stephen Carey. EPA (and PMRA).
Data Evaluation Report on the acute toxicity of BAS 670 00 H to fish (rainbow trout).
MRID 45901813.
Document (PDF) (403 KB PDF).

February 17, 2005. DER. 9 Page(s).
Stephen Carey. EPA (and PMRA).
Data Evaluation Report on the acute toxicity of BAS 670 H to fish (rainbow trout).
MRID 45902314.
Document (PDF) (360 KB PDF).

February 22, 2005. DER. 10 Page(s).
Stephen Carey. EPA (and PMRA).
Data Evaluation Report on the acute toxicity of the transformation product M670H05
to fish (rainbow trout). MRID 46242706.
Document (PDF) (372 KB PDF).

February 22, 2005. DER. 10 Page(s).
Stephen Carey. EPA (and PMRA).
Data Evaluation Report on the toxicity of BAS 670 00 H to the carabid beetle.
MRID 45901818.
Document (PDF) (384 KB PDF).

February 23, 2005. DER. 12 Page(s).
Stephen Carey. EPA (and PMRA).
Data Evaluation Report on the toxicity of BAS 670 00 H to the parasitic wasp.
MRID 45901815.
Document (PDF) (518 KB PDF).

February 24, 2005. DER. 10 Page(s).
Stephen Carey. EPA (and PMRA).
Data Evaluation Report on the acute contact and oral toxicity of BAS 670 00 H to the
honey bee. MRID 45901814.
Document (PDF) (404 KB PDF).

February 24, 2005. DER. 10 Page(s).
Stephen Carey. EPA (and PMRA).
Data Evaluation Report on the acute toxicity of BAS 670 H to estuarine invertebrates
- Eastern oyster. MRID 45902317.
Document (PDF) (468 KB PDF).

February 24, 2005. DER. 11 Page(s).
Stephen Carey. EPA (and PMRA).
Data Evaluation Report on the toxicity of BAS 670 00 H to the predator lacewing.
MRID 45901817.
Document (PDF) (461 KB PDF).

February 24, 2005. DER. 11 Page(s).
Stephen Carey. EPA (and PMRA).
Data Evaluation Report on the toxicity of BAS 670 00 H to the predatory mite.
MRID 45901816.
Document (PDF) (464 KB PDF).

March 02, 2005. DER. 26 Page(s).
Silvia Termes. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
Data Evaluation Report on the aerobic biotransformation of BAS 670H in
a water-sediment system. MRID 45902424 .
Document (PDF) (1291 KB PDF).

March 18, 2005. Memorandum. 18 Page(s).
James Wolf and Silvia Termes. Environmental Risk Branch.
Topramezone (BAS 670H) Herbicide. Tier II Drinking Water Assessment.
DP Barcode 314642.
Document (PDF) (844 KB PDF).

April 28, 2005. Memorandum. 3 Page(s).
Sarah Winfield. Health Effects Division.
Topramezone (BAS670H). Report of the Risk Assessment Review Committee (RARC1).
Document (PDF) (112 KB PDF).

May 05, 2005. Review. 2 Page(s).
Bruce Kitchens. Technical Review Branch.
EP Product Chemistry Review DP Barcode No.: D314512. Reg./File Symbol No.: 7969-ENL.
Inert ingredient info on page 2 not included.
Document (PDF) (64 KB PDF).

May 09, 2005. Memorandum. 11 Page(s).
Mark Dow. Registration Action Branch.
Topramezone (BAS 670 H) - Exposure/Risk Assessment for the Proposed Use of
Topramezone On Corn (Field, Pop, Seed and Sweet). DP Code: 317065.
Document (PDF) (328 KB PDF).

May 11, 2005. Memorandum. 248 Page(s).
George Kramer. Registration Action Branch HED.
Topramezone (BAS 670 H) in/on Corn. PP# 3F6568. Summary of Analytical
Chemistry and Residue Data. DP#: 310772 MRID Nos.: 45902401 thru -07, 45902409 thru -14.
Document (PDF) (7531 KB PDF).

May 12, 2005. Memorandum. 121 Page(s).
Silvia Termes. Environmental Risk Branch.
New Chemical Registration. Topramazone (BAS 670H) Ecological Risk Assessment
and End-Use Product "BAS 670 336SC Post Emergent Corn Herbicide"
DP Barcode: D290065, D290068, D290076, D305000 and D311730.
Document (PDF) (5516 KB PDF).

May 13, 2005. Memorandum. 6 Page(s).
Nicole Zinn. Biological Analysis Branch.
Evaluation of Public Interest Documentation for the Conditional Registration of
Topramezone on Field Corn, Sweet Corn, and Pop Corn, D313195.
Document (PDF) (322 KB PDF).

May 17, 2005. Memorandum. 3 Page(s).
Brian Anderson. Environmental Risk Branch.
Review of "Endangered species analysis for BAS 670 336SC in field corn (including both
conventionaal herbicide and herbicide resistant/tolerant varieties), popcorn,...and sweet
corn crops" submitted by BASF 1/28/2005 DP Barcodes: D290065, 290068, 290076.
Document (PDF) (180 KB PDF).

May 17, 2005. Review. 2 Page(s).
Shyam Mathur. Technical Review Branch.
Product Chemistry Review of TGAI/MP. DP Barcode No.: D304581.
File Symbol No.: 7969-ENU (Transferred to 5481-LEG). Evaluation
of BASF response to EPA deficiency letter 1/13/04 MRIDs 45902101 thru 17.
Document (PDF) (77 KB PDF).

May 19, 2005. Memorandum. 47 Page(s).
Jessica Kidwell. Health Effects Division.
BAS 670H: Report of the Cancer Assessment Review Committee TXR No.: 0053434.
Document (PDF) (2207 KB PDF).

July 14, 2005. Memorandum. 99 Page(s).
Mary Clock Rust. Registration Action Branch HED.
Topramezone/BAS 670H: Amendment to the Human Health Risk Assessment for
New Active Ingredient Dated May 11 For Uses Proposed on Field, Pop, Seed and
Sweet Corn (DP290075). DP 319704, Petition No. 3F6568. (supercedes risk
assessment dated May 11 D290075).
Document (PDF) (5649 KB PDF).

August 30, 2005. DER. 10 Page(s).
Nancy McCarroll. Toxicology Branch.
Mutagenicity -- mammalian microsome mutagenicity assay; OPPTS 870.5100 [84-2];
OECD 471, 472 DP Barcode D292904. MRID 45902228.
Document (PDF) (459 KB PDF).

August 30, 2005. DER. 13 Page(s).
Nancy McCarroll. Toxicology Branch.
Mutagenicity: Mammalian cells in culture gene mutation assay in Chinese hamster
ovary cells; OPPTS 870.5300 [84-2]; OECD 476. DP Barcode D292904. MRID 45902230.
Document (PDF) (376 KB PDF).

August 30, 2005. DER. 13 Pages.
Yung G. Yang. Toxicology Branch.
Study Type: §83-3b; Developmental Toxicity Study in Rabbits Work Assignment No. 1-01-11 S
(MRID 46020304). TXR#: 0052097. STUDY TYPE: Prenatal Developmental Toxicity Study - Rabbit;
OPPTS 870.3700b [§83-3b]; OECD 414. DP BARCODE: D292904.
Document (PDF) (626 KB PDF).

August 30, 2005. DER. 14 Pages.
Yung G. Yang. Toxicology Branch.
Study Type: §83-3b; Developmental Toxicity Study in Rabbits Work Assignment No. 1-01-11 M
(MRID 45902211). TXR#: 0052097. STUDY TYPE: Prenatal Developmental Toxicity Study-Rabbit ;
OPPTS 870.3700b [§83-3b]; OECD 414. DP BARCODE: D292904.
Document (PDF) (643 KB PDF).

August 30, 2005. DER. 14 Pages.
Yung G. Yang. Toxicology Branch.
Study Type: Non-guideline: Developmental Toxicity Study in Rabbits
Work Assignment No. 1-01-11 O (MRlD 45902213). TXR#: 0052097.
STUDY TYPE: Non-guideline; Prenatal Developmental Toxicity Study - Rabbit.
DP BARCODE: D292904.
Document (PDF) (699 KB PDF).

August 30, 2005. DER. 15 Page(s).
Yung Yang. Toxicology Branch.
Prenatal Developmental Toxicity Study - Mouse; OPPTS 3700, OECD 414.
DP Barcode D292904. MRID 45902208, 45902209.
Document (PDF) (582 KB PDF).

August 30, 2005. DER. 16 pages.
Yung G. Yang. Toxicology Branch.
Study Type: Non-guideline Study; Developmental Toxicity Study in Rabbits
Work Assignment No. 1-01-11 N (MRID 45902212). TXR#: 0052097.
STUDY TYPE: Non-guideline Study; Prenatal Developmental Toxicity Study - Rabbit.
DP BARCODE: D292904.
Document (PDF) (799 KB PDF).

August 30, 2005. DER. 17 Pages.
Yung G. Yang. Toxicology Branch.
Study Type: §83-3b; Developmental Toxicity Study in Rabbits Work Assignment No. 1-01-11 L
(MRID 45902210). TXR#: 0052097. STUDY TYPE: Prenatal Developmental Toxicity - Rabbit;
OPPTS 870.3700b; OECD 414. DP BARCODE: D292904.
Document (PDF) (790 KB PDF).

August 30, 2005. DER. 17 pages.
Yung G. Yang. Toxicology Branch.
Study Type: §83-3b; Developmental Toxicity Study in Rabbits Work Assignment No. 1-01-11 R
(MRID 46020303). TXR#: 0052097. STUDY TYPE: Prenatal Developmental Toxicity Study - Rabbit;
OPPTS 870.3700b [§83-3b]; OECD 414. DP BARCODE: D292904.
Document (PDF) (726 KB PDF).

August 30, 2005. DER. 17 Pages.
Yung G. Yang. Toxicology Branch.
Study Type: §83-3b; Developmental Toxicity Study in Rabbits Work Assignment No. 1-01-11Q
(MRID 46020302). TXR#: 0052097. STUDY TYPE: Prenatal Developmental Toxicity Study - Rabbit;
OPPTS 870.3700b [§83-3b]; OECD 414. DP BARCODE: D292904.
Document (PDF) (772 KB PDF).

August 30, 2005. DER. 18 Pages.
Yung G. Yang. Toxicology Branch.
Study Type: §83-3b; Developmental Toxicity Study in Rabbits Work Assignment No. 1-01-11 P
(MRID 46020301). TXR#: 0052097. STUDY TYPE: Prenatal Developmental Toxicity Study - Rabbit;
OPPTS 870.3700b [§83-3b]; OECD 414. DP BARCODE: D292904.
Document (PDF) (837 KB PDF).

August 30, 2005. DER. 8 Page(s).
Nancy McCarroll. Toxicology Branch.
Mutagenicity -- mammalian microsome mutagenicity assay; OPPTS 870.5100 [84-2];
OECD 471, 472. DP Barcode D292904. MRID 45902225.
Document (PDF) (293 KB PDF).

August 30, 2005. DER. 8 Page(s).
Nancy McCarroll. Toxicology Branch.
Mutagenicity -- mammalian microsome mutagenicity assay; OPPTS 870.5100 [84-2];
OECD 471, 472. DP BARCODE D292904. MRID 45902226.
Document (PDF) (314 KB PDF).

August 30, 2005. DER. 8 Page(s).
Nancy McCarroll. Toxicology Branch.
Mutagenicity -- mammalian microsome mutagenicity assay; OPPTS 870.5100 [84-2];
OECD 471, 472. DP BARCODE D292904. MRID 45902227.
Document (PDF) (353 KB PDF).

August 30, 2005. DER. 8 Page(s).
Nancy McCarroll. Toxicology Branch.
Mutagenicity -- mammalian microsome mutagenicity assay; OPPTS 870.5100 [84-2];
OECD 471, 472. DP BARCODE D292904. MRID 45902229.
Document (PDF) (364 KB PDF).

August 30, 2005. DER. 15 Page(s).
Yung G. Yang. Toxicology Branch.
§83-3a; Developmental Toxicity Study in Rats Work Assignment No. 1-01-11 J.
DP Barcode: D292904. MRID 45902207. TXR#: 0052097.
Document (PDF) (383 KB PDF).

August 30, 2005. DER. 34 Page(s).
Judy Facey. Reregistration Action Branch 2.
Developmental Neurotoxicity Study - Rat; OPPTS 870.6300 (§83-6); OECD 426 (draft).
DP Barcode: D292904. MRID 45902304. TXR#: 0052097.
Document (PDF) (1038 KB PDF).

August 30, 2005. DER. 18 Page(s).
Yung G. Yang. Toxicology Branch.
Study Type: §82-1b, 90-Day Oral Toxicity Study in Dogs. Work Assignment No. 1-01-11 G (MRID 45902205).
Subchronic Oral Toxicity in Dogs (diet); OPPTS 870.3150; OECD 409. DP BARCODE; D292904. TXR#: 0052097.
MRID No. 45902205.
Document (PDF) (474 KB PDF).

August 30, 2005. DER. 25 Page(s).
Yung G. Yang. Toxicology Branch.
Study Type: §83-1b, Chronic Toxicity Study in Dogs. Work Assignment No. 1-01-11 A (MRIDs 45902215 and
45902216). Chronic Toxicity in Dogs (feeding); OPPTS 870.4100b [§83-1b]; OECD 452. DP BARCODE; D292904.
TXR#: 0052097. MRID Nos. 45902215 and 45902216.
Document (PDF) (689 KB PDF).

August 31, 2005. DER. 10 Page(s).
Nancy McCarroll. Toxicology Branch.
Mutagenicity: In vitro mammalian cytogenetics: chromosome aberration assay in
Chinese hamster lung (V79) cells; OPPTS 870.5375 [84-2]; 473. DP Barcode D292904.
MRID 45902232.
Document (PDF) (449 KB PDF).

August 31, 2005. DER. 21 Page(s).
George Ghali. Toxicology Branch.
Study Type: 85-1a; Metabolism Study in Rats. MRIDs 45902305, 45902306.
Document (PDF) (1249 KB PDF).

August 31, 2005. DER. 7 Page(s).
Nancy McCarroll. Toxicology Branch.
Other Genotoxicity: Unscheduled DNA Synthesis in Primary Rat
Hepatocytes/Mammalian Cell Cultures [OPPTS 870.5550 (84-2); OECD 482.
DP Barcode D292904. MRID 45902302.
Document (PDF) (281 KB PDF).

August 31, 2005. DER. 8 Page(s).
Nancy McCarroll. Toxicology Branch.
Mutagenicity: In vivo micronucleus assay in mice; OPPTS 870.5395 [84-2];
OECD 474. DP Barcode D292904. MRID 45902234.
Document (PDF) (296 KB PDF).

September 02, 2005. Memorandum. 9 Page(s).
Stephen Carey. Environmental Risk Branch.
Data Review for TOPRAMAZONE (BAS 670 336SC Post Emergent Corn
Herbicide) on Terrestrial Animals, Aquatic Organisms and Plants.
DP Barcodes D290065, D290068, D290076, D305000, D311730, D313196.
Document (PDF) (434 KB PDF).

September 06, 2005. DER. 12 Page(s).
Robert Zendzian. Toxicology Branch.
Study Type: 85-2a; Dermal Penetration Study - Rats. MRID 45902307.
Document (PDF) (512 KB PDF).

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