Index of Cleared Science Reviews
Index for Fluazifop-butyl (Pc Code 122805)
February 17, 1982. Review. 33 Pages.
Willa Garner. Environmental Fate Branch.
EUP - Use on Cotton, Soybeans, and Miscellaneous Crops.
March 2, 1982. Review. 22 Pages.
Willa Garner. Environmental Fate Branch.
Reg./File No. 10182-EUP-EI, 10182-EUP-EO.
Program expansion on cotton and soybeans.
Leaching, mobility, and crop rotation field residue.
Accession 070638. (includes MRIDs 93850, 93851.).
March 23, 1982. Memorandum. 4 Pages.
Deloris Graham. Fungicide-Herbicide Branch.
EPA File Symbol 10182-EUP-29. Fusilade 4E Herbicide.
March 24, 1982. Review. 3 Pages.
Willa Garner. Environmental Fate Branch.
Use on Cotton and Soybeans (Sec. 18).
March 24, 1982. Review. 45 Pages.
Willa Garner. Environmental Fate Branch.
Use on Cotton and Soybeans.
Pages 26-29 and 34-36 are not included - registrant data.
April 7, 1982. DER. 2 Pages.
Charles Lewis. Ecological Effects Branch.
Citation: "... Effects on the arthropods, nematodes,
microorganisms and plants used in pesticide screens..."
Test Type: Seed Germination Study.
MRID 00093811.
April 26, 1982. Memorandum. 58 Pages.
Carolyn Gregorio. Toxicology Branch.
#10182-EUP-EA, -EI, -EO, -ET Experimental Use Permit for
the Use of the Herbicide Fusilade on Miscellaneous
Broadleaf Crops, Soybeans and Cotton (Crop Destruct).
Caswell No. 460C. Inert ingredient information on pages
3 and 4 is not included.
April 29, 1982. Review. 13 Pages.
William Rabert. Ecological Effects Branch.
Proposed Conditional Registration of Cotton and Soybeans Use.
May 6, 1982. Memorandum. 40 Pages.
Carolyn Gregorio. Toxicology Branch.
#10182-EUP-EI and 10182-EUP-EO. Pesticide Petition No.
2G2629. A Request for Expansion of Experimental Use
Permit to Proposing a Temporary Tolerance on Cotton and
Soybeans in Connection with Fusilade 2E and Fusilade 4E.
Inert ingredient information on page 3 is not included.
May 24, 1982. Memorandum. 14 Pages.
Carolyn Gregorio. Toxicology Branch.
#10182-AA and 10182-AI. Pesticide Petition No. 2F2630. A
Request for a Conditional Registration of Fusilade 2E and
Fusilade 4E and Petition for Establishment of Permanent
Tolerances in Cotton and Soybeans. Caswell No. 460C.
Tox Review 002126.
January 1, 1983. One-Liner. 2 Pages.
Exposure Assessment Branch.
Pesticide Environmental Fate One-Liner - Fluazifop-butyl.
January 12, 1983. Memorandum. 18 Pages.
Carolyn Gregorio. Toxicology Branch.
Registrant's Response to TB Review of Fusilade (Dated
7-21-82) and EPA Letters (Dated 5-18-82 and 7-29-82).
Pages 9-18 are not included - commercial/financial
January 24, 1983. Memorandum. 2 Pages.
Carolyn Gregorio. Toxicology Branch.
Addendum to Data Review for Fusilade.
February 24, 1983. Review. 3 Pages.
Joseph Reinert. Exposure Assessment Branch.
Human Exposure Analysis.
June 22, 1983. Review. 7 Pages.
Thomas Johnston. Ecological Effects Branch.
Proposed Conditional Registration of Various Nonfood Uses
and Use on Conservation Use Acreage.
June 22, 1983. Memorandum. 3 Pages.
Carolyn Gregorio. Toxicology Branch.
Amended Registration for Fusilade 4E to Add Nonfood Uses
(Noncrop Areas, Various Ornamentals, Non-Bearing Trees and
Vines and Treatments of Fallow Land).
July 1, 1983. Review. 3 Pages.
Richard Moraski. Exposure Assessment Branch.
Additional Uses: Noncrop, Non-Bearing Orchards, Fallow
Land, and Conservation Use (PIK). Exposure Estimate.
November 17, 1983. Review. 16 Pages.
Russel Farringer. Ecological Effects Branch.
Submission of Data in Support of Conditional Registration;
Addition of Aerial Application and Increase in Rate Plus
Other Proposed Changes.
December 13, 1983. Review. 18 Pages.
Samuel Creeger. Exposure Assessment Branch.
Amendment Revising Application Rate and Rotational Crop
Restriction and Human Exposure Analyses for Back Pack and
Aerial Applications.
February 21, 1984. Memorandum. 2 Pages.
Richard Loranger. Residue Chemistry Branch.
EPA Reg. No. 10182-67. Request to Use Fluazifop-butyl on
Non-Bearing Asparagus.
February 24, 1984. Memorandum. 4 Pages.
Brian Dementi. Residue Chemistry Branch.
EPA Reg. No. 10182-67. Amended Registration for Cotton
and Soybeans.
March 1, 1984. Memorandum. 3 Pages.
Carolyn Gregorio. Toxicology Branch.
EAB Human Exposure Analysis for Fusilade. Caswell No. 460C.
April 12, 1984. Memorandum. 1 Page.
Russel Farringer. Ecological Effects Branch.
Fusilade 4E Herbicide - Submission of Studies as
Requirements of Conditional Registration.
Commercial/financial information is not included.
April 25, 1984. Review. 2 Pages.
Samuel Creeger. Exposure Assessment Branch.
84-NE-01; Emergency (Sec 18) use on onions.
May 3, 1984. Review. 3 Pages.
Samuel Creeger. Exposure Assessment Branch.
Review Soil Study.
May 11, 1984. Review. 3 Pages.
Samuel Creeger. Exposure Assessment Branch.
Emergency Exemption Request for Use on Onions to Control
Grassy Weeds.
June 7, 1984. Memorandum. 28 Pages.
Carolyn Gregorio. Toxicology Branch.
Review 52-Week Feeding in Dogs, Metabolism and Dermal
Penetration Estimates Using Fusilade 4E. Caswell No. 460C.
July 28, 1984. Memorandum. 1 Page.
Carolyn Gregorio. Toxicology Branch.
Fluazifop-butyl (Fusilade) Dermal Absorption Data Submitted
for Review (10182-67).
Attachment(s) following:
July 26, 1984. Memorandum. 2 Pages.
Robert Zendzian. Toxicology Branch.
Fluazifop-butyl, In Vitro Dermal Absorption Study Using
Human Skin Samples.
*End of attachments*
September 25, 1984. Memorandum. 1 Page.
David Severn. Exposure Assessment Branch.
Use Information for Exposure Assessment of Fluazifop-butyl
October 10, 1984. Memorandum. 3 Pages.
James Saulmon. Benefits and Use Division.
Response to Request for Use Information for Exposure
Assessment of Fluazifop-butyl (Fusilade).
October 11, 1984. Memorandum. 1 Page.
James Saulmon. Science Support Branch.
Addendum - Fusilade Exposure Assessment.
October 12, 1984. Memorandum. 3 Pages.
Carolyn Gregorio. Toxicology Branch.
Petitioner's Response to Previous Review Regarding MOS
Values and Dermal Penetration Potential of Fusilade.
October 24, 1984. Review. 9 Pages.
Samuel Creeger. Exposure Assessment Branch.
Response to Previous Exposure Assessment.
October 25, 1984. Memorandum. 1 Page.
Carolyn Gregorio. Toxicology Branch.
Additional Dermal Penetration Information Provided by the
Petitioner for Fusilade.
October 29, 1984. Memorandum. 42 Pages.
Carolyn Gregorio. Toxicology Branch.
Request for a Proposed Change of R-S Enantioner Ratio in
Fluazifop-butyl (PP009) for Use on Soybeans and Cotton.
December 4, 1984. Memorandum. 4 Pages.
Carolyn Gregorio. Toxicology Branch.
Request to Assess MOS Values of Fusilade with EAB Assessment
of Exposure Estimates.
April 22, 1985. Review. 7 Pages.
Charles Lewis. Ecological Effects Branch.
Submission of Acute Aquatic Study with Sheepshead Minnow.
November 27, 1985. Memorandum. 22 Pages.
Carolyn Gregorio. Toxicology Branch.
Request to Assess MOS Values of Fusilade for Homeowner
Use (Grass-B-Gon).
July 10, 1986. Review. 8 Pages.
John Noles. Exological Effects Branch.
Reg. Nos. 86-NC-07, 86-NC-08. Fusilade 2000/Poast.
Proposed Section 18 for Use on Peanuts.
September 4, 1986. Memorandum. 10 Pages.
Cynthia Deyrup. Residue Chemistry Branch.
PP #4F3069, PP #4F3070 (RCB #1180, 1181) Fluazifop-butyl
in/on bulb onions and carrots. Amendment of 6/27/86,
7/8/86. Accession No. 263585.
September 11, 1986. Review. 5 Pages.
Samuel Creeger. Exposure Assessment Branch.
Emergency Exemption Section 18.
January 6, 1987. Review. 3 Pages.
Emil Regelman. Exposure Assessment Branch.
Request for Specific Exemption under Section 18 for
Emergency Use on Peanuts in North Carolina.
April 29, 1987. Review. 5 Pages.
Carolyn Offutt. Exposure Assessment Branch.
Emergency Exemption Section 18.
October 22, 1987. Letter. 2 Pages.
Barbara Kaminski. ICI Americas Inc.
Fluazifop-butyl/Fluazifop-p-butyl Ground Water Advisory
and Data Call-In Notice.
February 12, 1988. Review. 6 Pages.
Patrick Holden. Exposure Assessment Branch.
Ground Water Monitoring Study in West Germany.
April 14, 1988. Memorandum. 5 Pages.
Susan Stanton. Residue Chemistry Branch.
Fluazifop-butyl (Fusilade)- Acute Dietary Exposure
Analysis of All Published and Pending Tolerances.
October 18, 1988. Review. 3 Pages.
Patrick Holden. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
Review Protocol for Small Scale Prospective Ground Water
Monitoring Study.
January 31, 1989. Memorandum. 2 Pages.
Richard Doyle. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
Small Scale Prospective Ground Water Study for Fluazifop-
May 4, 1989. Memorandum. 13 Pages.
Michael Flood. Dietary Exposure Branch.
PP#4F3147 FAP#4H5542. Fluazifop in/on Peanuts.
EPA Reg. No. 10182-104.
Submission of 9/16/88. Response to DEB review of
2/27/85.MRID #'s 408313-00 through 408313-09. DEB #'s 4454,
4455, 4456.
July 20, 1989. Memorandum. 2 Pages.
Freshteh Toghrol. Dietary Exposure Branch.
Fluazifop-Butyl (Fusilade 2000 Herbicide)
on Pineapples. Amendment of 5/26/89 (addition of
Pineapple to list on Non-bearing Crops).
EPA Reg. No. 10182-104, (No MRID #, DEB # 5198).
April 11, 1990. Analysis. 8 Pages.
Toghrol. Residue Chemistry Branch.
Fluazifop-butyl (Fusilade 2000). Requesting State:
Washington. Crops: Peppermint, Spearmint.
July 10, 1990. Memorandum. 6 Pages.
Whang Phang. Toxicology Branch I.
Fusilade (Fluazifop-p-butyl & Fluazifop-butyl):
Response to ICI Americas Inc. Concerning Data
Requirements on Fluazifop-p-butyl.
October 26, 1992. DER. 24 Pages.
D. Edelstein. Environmental Fate & Groundwater Branch.
Degradation in soil; a comparison of the microflora;
aerobic soil metabolism; anaerobic soil metabolism.
Pages 7-24 removed, registrant data.
MRID 92067032, 92067033.
October 28, 1992. Memorandum. 6 Pages.
Whang Phang. Toxicology Barnch II.
Review of a skin sensitization and two mutagenicity
studies on D-NC 302
EPA ID No. 000352-00541
MRID 421474-01
Tox review 009812.
May 6, 1993. Memorandum. 8 Pages.
Bernard Schneider. Chemistry Branch I.
Clarification of Nonfood Use of 'Florigraze'
Perennial Peanuts when Treated with Fusilade 2000
Herbicide (EPA Reg. No. 10182-104. No MRID #.
CBTS No. 11605. DP Barcode: D189287.