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Index of Cleared Science Reviews

Index for Propamocarb hydrochloride (Pc Code 119302)

April 10, 1981. Review. 10 Page(s).
Hank Jocoby. Environmental Effects Branch.
2139-RER. Full registration [3 (c)(5)] for control of
pythium on turf grass.

September 18, 1981. Review. 26 Page(s).
Willa Garner. Environmental Fate Branch.
2139-RER. Control of pythuim blight of turf grass.

September 18, 1981. Memorandum. 4 Page(s).
Amal Mahfouz. Toxicology Branch.
Previcur N Teratology Study. Effect of Adminstration During
Organogenesis on Fetuses of the Rabbit.
Accession No. 245108.

November 25, 1981. Review. 2 Page(s).
Willa Garner. Environmental Fate Branch.
2139-RER. Response to questions on soil dissipation studies.

December 1, 1981. Memorandum. 19 Page(s).
Amal Mahfouz. Toxicology Branch.
EPA Reg. #2139-RER. Prevex (Propamocarb Hydrochloride)
a Fungicide Formulation for control Pythium on Turf Grass.
Application for Registration of a New Chemical.
Pages 3, 5 removed, inert and pending registration action.
Tox review 001276.

May 10, 1982. Memorandum. 2 Page(s).
Richard Loranger. Residue Chemistry Branch.
EPA File No 2139-RER. Nitrosamine analysis for
propamocarb HCL.
Manufacturing process and quality control procedure
information on pages 1, 2 not included.

July 1, 1982. Review. 5 Page(s).
Samuel Creeger. Environmental Fate Branch.
2139-121. Use on residential turf - exposure assessment.
Page 5 removed, draft label.

September 1, 1982. Memorandum. 2 Page(s).
Amal Mahfouz. Toxicology Branch.
EPA Reg. 2139-121; Prevex (Previcur N), Use on Turf
Grass in Residential Areas.

September 10, 1982. Memorandum. 1 Page(s).
Richard Loranger. Residue Chemistry Branch.
EPA Reg No 2139-RER. Additional nitrosamine
data for propamocarb HCL.
Quality control procedure information not included.

September 20, 1982. Memorandum. 19 Page(s).
Orville Paynter. Toxicology Branch.
EPA Reg. No. 2139-REU. Propamocarb Hydrochloride.
Additional in Support of the Registration of
a New Chemical.
Acc. 23742, 247426.
Tox review 002204.

January 10, 1983. Memorandum. 2 Page(s).
Orville Paynter. Toxicology Branch.
Previcur N; EPA Reg. 2139-REU/2139-121. Amendment to
the reviews of the 90-day rat and dog feeding studies.
Tox review 002413.

January 21, 1983. Memorandum. 2 Page(s).
Orville Paynter. Toxicology Branch.
Previcur N; EPA Reg. # 2139-REU/2139-121. Amendment to
the reviews of the 90-day rat and dog feeding studies.

May 4, 1983. Memorandum. 9 Page(s).
William Burnam. Toxicology Branch.
Previcur N; EPA Reg. 2139-121. Additional In Vitro
and In Vivo Acetylcholinesterase Studies submitted in
Support of the Registration of a New Chemical.
Tox review 002711.

May 9, 1983. Memorandum. 2 Page(s).
Amal Mahfouz, Ph.D. Toxicology Branch.
Previcur N; EPA Reg 2139-121; NOR-AM's Response to Questions
Associated with the In Vitro (Dog and rat) and In Vivo (Dog)
Acetylcholinesterase studies.
Acc. 248884 Caswell 710A.

January 17, 1984. Review. 1 Page(s).
Richard E. Nuihell. Fungicide Herbicide Branch.
File 2139-121
Respond to our letter of 11/14/83 accepting
all comments except the request to include
Reg. Nos. in the Compatibility paragraph.

January 17, 1984. Review. 5 Page(s).
Richard Hebert. Toxicology Branch (Dynamac Corporation).
Propamocarb hydrochloride: Gene Mutations and Mitotic
Recombination in Saccharomycas cervisiae
Nor-Am Agriculture Products, Inc 1980. MRID 00101645.
HED Doc. No. 001276.

November 29, 1994. Memorandum. 10 Page(s).
Robert Fricke. Toxicology Branch.
Propamocarb: Review of subchronic neurotoxicity
screening battery (82-7)
MRID 430131-02
Tox review 011333.

January 12, 1995. DER. 12 Page(s).
Alberto Protzel. Toxicology Branch.
Guideline Series 84: Mutagenicity
Study type: Salmonella typhimurium/mammalian microsome
mutagenicity (Ames) Assay.
MRID 412781-21. Product impurity info on page 2 not included
Pages 5-12 removed, registration data. ToxR 011524 excerpt.

March 28, 1995. DER. 9 Page(s).
C.S. Jamison. Chemical Hazard Evaluation Group for HED.
Study Type: Yeast/Mammalian Activation;
Gene Mutation Assay (84-4)
MRID 412781-24. Inert ingredient information and impurity
information on page 3 is not included.
Tox review 011524 excerpt.

March 28, 1995. Memorandum. 10 Page(s).
Robert Fricke. Toxicology Branch.
Propamocarb: Review Addenda to Acute and Subchronic
Neurotoxicity Studies
MRID Nos.: 434409-01,-02,-03, & -04.

April 19, 1995. Memorandum. 9 Page(s).
George Ghali. HED Peer Review Committee.
RfD/Peer Review Report of Propamocarb [3-(dimethylamino)
propyl] carbamate monohydrochloride.

May 16, 1995. DER. 50 Page(s).
J. Harlin. Dynamac Corporation (for EFGWB).
Study 15
Field Dissipation - Terrestrial
MRID 42421202. Pages 5-50 removed, registration data.

May 16, 1995. DER. 28 Page(s).
L. Binari. Dynamac Corporation (for EFGWB).
Study 10
Mobility - Leaching and Adsorption/Desorption
Pages 4-19, 22-28 removed, registration data
MRID 41278130, 93193037.

May 16, 1995. DER. 12 Page(s).
L. Binari. Dynamac Corporation (for EFGWB).
Study 7
Metabolism - Aerobic Soil
Pages 5-12 removed, registration data.
MRID 41278128, 93193033.

May 16, 1995. DER. 13 Page(s).
L. Binari. Dynamac Corporation (for EFGWB).
Study 3
Degradation - Photodegradation on Soil
MRID 41834608. Pages 4-8, 10-13 removed, registration data.

May 16, 1995. DER. 12 Page(s).
William Effland. Environmental Fate & Groundwater Branch.
Study 2
Degradation - Photodegradation in Water
MRID 00071296. Pages 5-12 removed, registration data.

May 16, 1995. DER. 22 Page(s).
William Effland. Environmental Fate & Groundwater Branch.
Study 1
Degradation - Hydrolysis
MRID 00071297. Pages 6-22 removed, registration data.

May 31, 1995. Memorandum. 31 Page(s).
Anthony Maciorowski. Ecological Effects Branch.
Propamocarb RED
MRIDs 416843-01, 418346-02, 418346-04, 425679-04, 418346-03,
425679-03, 425679-02, 425679-01.

August 8, 1995. Review. 4 Page(s).
Anthony Maciorowski. Ecological Effects Branch.
Proposed Section 18 for use on potatoes to control potato
blight. (Dimethomorph and cymoxanil also used).

August 29, 1995. Certified Mail. 3 Page(s).
Jay Ellenberger. Accelerated Reregistration Branch.
Review of Avian Subacute Dietary - Quail (guideline 71-2a);
Avian Subacute Dietary - Mallard Duck (guideline 71-2b);
Aquatic Invertebrate Lifecycle - Daphnia magna...
MRIDs 42567903, 42567902, 41684301, 41278121, 71297, 71465,

August 31, 1995. Review. 4 Page(s).
Anthony Maciorowski. Ecological Effects Branch.
Proposed Section 18 for use on potatoes to control potato

October 23, 1995. Review. 12 Page(s).
Anthony Maciorowski. Ecological Effects Branch.
Proposed Section 18 for use on tomatoes to control late
blight. Pages 10-12 removed, draft label.

June 11, 1996. Memorandum. 5 Page(s).
Brian Steinwand. Science Analysis Branch.
Dietary Exposure Analysis for Propamocarb hydrochloride
on Potatoes, Meat and Milk.

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