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Index of Cleared Science Reviews

Index for Noviflumuron (Pc Code 118204)

January 9, 2003. DER. 4 Pages.
Joseph Tavano. Insecticide Branch.
EPA Reg. No./File Symbol: 62719-ULG & ULU; IG-007 & AG-007.
MRID Nos. 45516724, -25, -26, 45262204, 45232423, 45262202,
-03 & -01. Reviewed MRID's 45516724 & 45516725.

March 31, 2003. Memorandum. 37 Pages.
Sid Abel. Environmental Risk Branch I.
Section 3 request for use of noviflumuron (PC Code: 118204)
in a bait formulation to control termites (DP Barcode
D285883, D288937). MRID 45232421, 45516708, 45516709.

October 4, 2004. Efficacy Review. 2 Pages.
Mark Suarez. Insecticides Branch RD.
EPA Reg. Number: 62719-453
Product Name: Recuit III
DP Barcode: 301578
MRID 46176901
in support of... bimonthly monitoring of bait stations.

October 12, 2004. Efficacy Review. 2 Pages.
Mark Suarez. Insecticides Branch RD.
EPA Reg. Number: 62719-454
Product Name: Recuit III AG
DP Barcode: 302302
MRID 46176901. "in support of... bimonthly monitoring
of bait stations..." Inert info on page 2 not included.

April 21, 2005. Efficacy Review. 1 Page.
Mark Suarez. Insecticides Branch RD.
EPA Reg. Number [EUP]: 62719-EUP-51 thru 62719-EUP-54
Product Name: AG-007
DP Barcode: 287651, 287650, 287649, 287647
The registrant has submitted interim data... not reviewed.

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