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Index of Cleared Science Reviews

Index for Ethofumesate (Pc Code 110601)

July 11, 1974. Memorandum. 3 Pages.
David Ritter. Toxicology Branch.
Nortron (NC 8438); Application for Temporary Permit No.
10065-EXP-X - Herbicide for Use on Sugarbeets - Related
Petition #4G1495. Inert ingredient information on pages
1 and 3 is not included.

August 21, 1974. Memorandum. 10 Pages.
David Ritter. Toxicology Branch.
Ethofumesate; Nortron... and its Methansulfonate
Metabolites Calculated as the Parent Compound in or on Sugar
Beet Tops at 1 ppm; Sugar Beet Roots at 0.1 ppm; and Meat,
Fat and Meat Byproducts of Cattle, Goats, Hogs, Horses...
Inert ingredient information on page 1 is not included.

April 30, 1975. Memorandum. 2 Pages.
David Ritter. Toxicology Branch.
Nortron; Fisson Corporation Letter of 3/21/75,
J.M. Bennett. EPA No. 10065-4G (Nortron 20% EC).
Inert ingredient information on pages 1 and 2 is
not included.

August 10, 1976. Memorandum. 14 Pages.
Charles Frick. Toxicology Branch.
Tolerance Request for Ethofumesate. Inert ingredient
information on page 3 is not included.

February 12, 1977. Summary. 1 Page.
Toxicology Branch.
Nortron Technical Registration Human Safety Review.

November 10, 1977. Memorandum. 2 Pages.
Charles Frick. Toxicology Branch.
Tolerance Request for Ethofumesate and Registration Action
PP #6F1735; FAP #4H5053; Reg. No. 10065-L.
Inert ingredient and impurity information on pages 1 and 2
is not included.

January 16, 1978. Memorandum. 2 Pages.
Charles Frick. Toxicology Branch.
Label Review and Classification. Registration No. 10065-A.
Product: Nortron EC 19% Ethofumesate.

August 10, 1978. Memorandum. 3 Pages.
Charles Frick. Toxicology Branch.
Petition Proposing Establishment of a Tolerance for the
Combined Residues of the Herbicide... (Nortron) and its
Metabolites in or on the Raw Agricultural Product Grass Hay
at 0.5 ppm. Inert ingredient information on page 1 is not

August 27, 1978. Memorandum. 3 Pages.
Charles Frick. Toxicology Branch.
Request for the Establishment of a Temporary Tolerance for
the Combined Residues of the Herbicide... (Nortron) and its
Metabolites... in or on the Raw Agricultural Commodity Red
Beets at 0.5 ppm. This Temporary Tolerance is Associated
with an Experimental Use Permit.

September 19, 1978. Record. 1 Page.
S.L. Chan. Toxicology Branch.
Meeting with Registrants on Ethofumesate (or NC 8438,
Nortron) EPA No. 40546-5 and Bendiocarb (or NC 6897, Ficam)
EPA No. 40546-5. Caswell Nos. 427BB and 360B.

August 22, 1979. Memorandum. 16 Pages.
Byron Backus. Insecticide-Rodenticide Branch.
EPA File Symbol: 40546-O. Nortron Flowable Herbicide.

September 6, 1979. Memorandum. 2 Pages.
Charles Frick. Toxicology Branch.
PP #8F2073 - Changes in Residue Levels and Existing Data
Gaps on the Compound Ethofumesate (Nortron).

October 3, 1979. Memorandum. 5 Pages.
Charles Frick. Toxicology Branch.
Registration No. 40546-I (8) - Nortron, Application for
Registration of Nortron Granule Herbicide for Selective Weed
Control in Sugarbeets. Accession No. 237352.
Inert ingredient information on page 1 is not included.

October 12, 1979. Memorandum. 1 Page.
R.B. Perfetti. Residue Chemistry Branch.
PP #8F2073. Ethofumesate on Grass. Amendment of 6/19/79.

October 24, 1979. Memorandum. 4 Pages.
Charles Frick. Toxicology Branch.
Registration No. 40546-9 - Nortron. Application for
Registration of Nortron Flowable Herbicide for Selective
Weed Control in Sugarbeets. Inert ingredient information
on page 1 is not included.

June 12, 1980. Memorandum. 5 Pages.
Deloris Graham. Fungicide-Herbicide Branch.
EPA Registration Number: 40546-4. Nortron Technical.

July 15, 1980. Memorandum. 3 Pages.
Lynn Bradley. Residue Chemistry Branch.
24(c) Registration of Nortron for Postemergence Use on Sugar
Beets as Tank Mixture with Betanex or with Betanex and

November 5, 1980. Memorandum. 2 Pages.
Deloris Graham. Fungicide-Herbicide Branch.
EPA Registration Number: 40546-4. Nortron Technical.

October 5, 1981. Memorandum. 19 Pages.
Charles Frick. Toxicology Branch.
Ethofumesate (Nortron) Studies to Fill Data Gap.
Carcinogenicity: hamster; teratology: rat; feeding: beagle.
Tox review 001033.

January 13, 1982. Memorandum. 5 Pages.
Linda Propst. Residue Chemistry Branch.
EPA Reg. No. 45639-5. Ethofumesate (Nortron) on Sugarbeets.

April 9, 1987. Memorandum. 17 Pages.
Stephen Dapson. Toxicology Branch.
Developmental Toxicity (Teratology) Study with
Ethofumesate in Rabbits (Schering Study No. TX 85.055).
EPA Identification No. 45639-4. Acc. 261452.
Pages 11-17 not included, quality control procedure info.
Tox review 005830.

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