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Index of Cleared Science Reviews

Index for Pirimiphos-methyl (Pc Code 108102)

Undated. Memorandum. 3 Pages.
Steven Schatzow. Office of Pesticide Programs.
Briefing on Pirimiphos-methyl (Actellic).

Undated. Note. 1 Page.
Douglas Campt. Registration Division.
Note to Steven Schatzow. Re: Actellic on Stored Grains.

January 20, 1984. Memorandum. 20 Pages.
John Onley. Residue Chemistry Branch.
PP #3F2897 and FAP #3H5399. (Accession No. 071619).
Pirimiphos-methyl on Stored Grains (Corn, Wheat, Rice and
Grain Sorghum). Evaluation of Analytical Method and
Residue Data. Confidential business information on pages 2,
6 (MP information also), 7-12, and 14-18 is not included.

February 8, 1984. Memorandum. 16 Pages.
John Doherty. Toxicology Branch.
EPA Reg. No. 10182-TO, PP #3F2897, and FAP #3H5399: Request
to Establish Tolerances for Pirimiphos-methyl on/in Corn,
Rice, Grain Sorghum and Wheat and in Rice Hulls and Milling
Fractions and Wheat Milling Fractions and Wheat Gluten.
Product impurity info on page 8 not included. Tox Rev 003582.

August 7, 1984. Review. 17 Pages.
Michael Firestone. Residue Chemistry Branch.
PP #3F2896/FAP #3H5398 and PP #3F2897/FAP #3H5399.
Pirimiphos-methyl on Stored Peanuts and Grains (Corn, Rice,
Sorghum and Wheat). Amendment of May 22, 1984. (Accession
No. 072648). Confidential business information on pages
3-6, and 11 is not included.

August 14, 1985. Memorandum. 18 Pages.
Michael Firestone. Residue Chemistry Branch.
PP #3F2897/FAP #3H5399 [RCB #s 1209 and 1210].
Pirimiphos-methyl on Stored Grains (Corn, Rice, Sorghum and
Wheat). Amendment of July 3, 1985. (Accession No. 073668).
Confidential business information on pages 9-10 is not
included. Attachment 2 (page 18) is not included - inerts.

September 26, 1985. Memorandum. 2 Pages.
Michael Firestone. Residue Chemistry Branch.
PP #3F2897/FAP #3H5399 [RCB Nos. 1468 and 1469].
Pirimiphos-methyl on Stored Grains. Evaluation of Amendment
Dated August 29, 1985. (Accession No. 073820).

November 1, 1985. Memorandum. 12 Pages.
Michael Firestone. Residue Chemistry Branch.
PP #3F2897/FAP #3H5399 [RCB Nos. 1442 and 1443].
Pirimiphos-methyl on Stored Grains. (Corn, Rice, Sorghum and
Wheat). Amendment of September 6, 1985.
(Accession No. 073816).
Attachment 2 (page 12) is not included - inert information.

December 3, 1985. Memorandum. 9 Pages.
Michael Firestone. Residue Chemistry Branch.
PP #3F2897/FAP #3H5399 [RCB Numbers 179, 180 and 181].
Pirimiphos-methyl (Actellic) on Stored Grains (Corn, Rice,
Sorghum and Wheat). Evaluation of Amendment Dated
October 29, 1985. (Accession No. 073998).

December 6, 1985. Memorandum. 3 Pages.
John Doherty. Toxicology Branch.
EPA File Symbol 10182-TO, PP #3F2897 and FAP #3H5399.
Review of Rat Teratology Study with Pirimiphos-methyl.
Tox Review 004828.

January 3, 1986. Memorandum. 2 Pages.
Douglas Campt. Registration Division.
Request for an Expedited Review of Actellic Tolerance
Petition #3F2897.

January 10, 1986. Memorandum. 3 Pages.
Michael Firestone. Residue Chemistry Branch.
PP #3F2897/FAP #3H5399 [RCB Numbers 322, 323, and 324].
Pirimiphos-methyl (Actellic) on Stored Grains (Corn, Rice,
Sorghum, and Wheat). Evaluation of Amendment Dated
December 19, 1985. (No Accession Number).

April 29, 1986. Memorandum. 3 Pages.
Rich Levy. Toxicology Branch.
Pirimiphos-methyl: Exploratory Data Analysis to Determine
Significant Contrasts and Evaluate Sample Size for
Desired Sensitivity.

May 2, 1986. Memorandum. 1 Page.
Douglas Campt. Registration Division.
Request for an Expedited Review of Actellic Tolerance
Petitions 3F2897 and 3H5399. EPA File Symbol 10182-TO.

May 5, 1986. Memorandum. 6 Pages.
Reto Engler. Toxicology Branch.
Reevaluation of ChE NOEL for Pirimiphos-methyl.

May 7, 1986. Memorandum. 6 Pages.
Michael Firestone. Residue Chemistry Branch.
PP #3F2897/FAP #3H5399 (RCB #s 898, 902, 903, and 904) -
Pirimiphos-methyl (Actellic) on Stored Grains - Evaluation
of Amendments Dated April 16, 1986 and May 5, 1986
(No Accession Number).
Attachment 2 (page 6) is not included - inert information.

May 14, 1986. Memorandum. 10 Pages.
Michael Firestone. Residue Chemistry Branch.
PP #3F2897/FAP #3H5399 - Pirimiphos-methyl on Stored Grains
(Corn, Rice, Sorghum, and Wheat) - Amendment of April 7,
1986. Evaluation of Method Trial (RCB Nos. 696, 697, 782,
and 783 - No Accession Number).

May 22, 1986. Memorandum. 2 Pages.
Reto Engler. Toxicology Branch.
Reevaluation of Uncertainty Factor Used for Establishing
an ADI on Pirimiphos-methyl.

June 23, 1986. Memorandum. 6 Pages.
Michael Firestone. Residue Chemistry Branch.
PP #3F2897/FAP #3H5399 (RCB Nos. 1080 and 1081).
Pirimiphos-methyl (Actellic) on Stored Grains - Evaluation
of Letter Dated June 12, 1986. (No Accession Number).
Confidential business information on pages 4 and 5
is not included.

July 2, 1986. Memorandum. 2 Pages.
Michael Firestone. Residue Chemistry Branch.
PP #3F2897/FAP #3H5399 - Pirimiphos-methyl (Actellic) on
Stored Grains - Estimation of Anticipated Residue Values
for Use in a Tolerance Assessment System (TAS). Analysis of
the Proposed Use (No RCB Number). Confidential business
information on pages 1 and 2 is not included.

June 16, 1987. Memorandum. 5 Pages.
John Doherty. Toxicology Branch.
EPA File No. 59-ERI. Pirimiphos-methyl - Review of a
Proposed New Product Bullet Insecticide Ear Tag for Use in
Controlling Insect Pests of Cattle. Inert ingredient,
commercial/financial, and manufacturing process information
on pages 1, 2, 4, and 5 are not included.

July 13, 1987. Memorandum. 2 Pages.
Richard Loranger. Residue Chemistry Branch.
EPA File No. 59-ERI. Pirimiphos-methyl Ear Tags.
[RCB No. 2319].
Commercial/financial information on page 1 is not included.

October 29, 1987. Review. 5 Pages.
Phil Hutton. Insecticide-Rodenticide Branch.
Technical Support Section Product Performance Review -
Bullet Ear Tag.
Commercial/financial information on pages 1-2 is
not included.

February 22, 1988. Review. 3 Pages.
Dona Williams. Insecticide-Rodenticide Branch.
Insecticide-Rodenticide/Technical Support Section
Precautionary Label Review - Bullet Insecticide Ear Tag
(Tomahawk Insecticide Ear Tag).
Inert ingredient information on page 2 is not included.

May 31, 1989. Memorandum. 7 Pages.
Robert Tomerlin. Tolerance Assessment System Staff.
Dietary Exposure Analysis for the Presence of
Pirimiphos-methyl in Imported Pasta.

February 28, 1990. Memorandum. 11 Pages.
Stephanie Willett. Dietary Exposure Branch.
FAP No. 0H5593. Pirimiphos-methyl on Imported Wheat Flour
Processed Products. Evaluation of Residue Data and
Analytical Methodology. DEB No. 6190. MRID No. 413433-00.
RD Record No. 257452. HED Project No. 0-0427A.

March 6, 1990. Memorandum. 2 Pages.
Debra Edwards. Dietary Exposure Branch.
FAP No. 0H5593. Pirimiphos-methyl on Imported Wheat Flour
Processed Products. Anticipated Residue Data for Pasta.

March 15, 1990. Letter. 1 Page.
Dennis Edwards. Insecticide-Rodenticide Branch.
Import Tolerance for Residues of Pirimiphos-methyl on
Wheat Flour. EPA Pesticide Petition No. 0H5593.
Your Submission of December 19, 1989.

March 16, 1990. Memorandum. 18 Pages.
Laura Salmen Smith, et al. Planning and Evaluation Staff.
Wheat Import and Actellic Usage Information.
Commercial/financial information on pages 4 and 18 is not

March 23, 1990. Memorandum. 5 Pages.
Stephanie Willett. Dietary Exposure Branch.
FAP No. 0H5593. Anticipated Residues of Pirimiphos-methyl
in RACs and Processed Commodities. No DEB Number.
No MRID Number.

March 28, 1990. Memorandum. 2 Pages.
Stephanie Willett. Dietary Exposure Branch.
FAP #0H5593. Pirimiphos-methyl on Imported Wheat Flour.
Revised Section F. HED Project Number 0-0886A.
DEB Number 6480. No MRID Number. RD Record Number 261207.

April 3, 1990. Memorandum. 2 Pages.
Debra Edwards. Dietary Exposure Branch.
Pirimiphos-methyl. Anticipated Residues in Corn Process
Fractions. No DEB Number. No MRID Number.

April 8, 1990. Memorandum. 8 Pages.
Richard Griffin. Dietary Risk Evaluation System Staff.
Chronic and Acute Dietary Exposure Analyses for
Pirimiphos-methyl on Imported Wheat Flour Products,
PP #0H5593.

April 18, 1990. Memorandum. 2 Pages.
John Doherty. Toxicology Branch.
PP #0H5593. Pirimiphos-methyl on Imported Wheat.
Revised Section F Changing the Request for a Tolerance to
8 ppm.

January 29, 1998. Memorandum. 14 Pages.
Jess Rowland. Health Effects Division.
Pirimiphos-methyl - Report of the Hazard Identification
Assessment Review Committee.
Tox review 012465.

April 9, 1998. Memorandum. 27 Pages.
Jeff Dawson. Health Effects Division.
PIRIMIPHOS METHYL: The ORE aspects of the HED Chapter of the
Reregistration Eligibility Decision Document (RED).
The Occupational and Residential [Exposure] aspects...

April 24, 1998. Memorandum. 16 Pages.
Laura Parsons. Fate & Monitoring Branch.
RED Chapter for Pirimiphos-methyl.

May 15, 1998. Memorandum. 2 Pages.
Jerry Stokes. Chemistry and Exposure Branch.
Pirimiphos-methyl. Conclusions of the Metabolism Assessment
Review Committee at Meeting of 11/04/97. Chemical 108102. DP

May 18, 1998. Memorandum. 22 Pages.
Sanju Diwan. Toxicology Branch I.
PIRIMIPHOS-METHYL: Toxicology Chapter of the Registration
Eligibility Document.
Tox review 012554.

June 1, 1998. Memorandum. 34 Pages.
Christina Swartz. Health Effects Division.
Pirimiphos-methyl (List B, Case No. 2535/Chemical ID 108102)
Product and Residue Chemistry Chapters of the HED RED.
No MRID #. DP Barcode No. D240744.

July 21, 1998. Memorandum. 15 Pages.
Christina Swartz. Health Effects Division.
Pirimiphos-methyl (Chemical ID No 108102/List B...Case 2535)
Acute and Chronic Dietary Risk Analyses. No MRID #.
DP Barcode No. D245961.

October 23, 1998. Memorandum. 14 Pages.
Christina Swartz. Health Effects Division.
Pirimiphos-methyl. (Chemical ID No. 108102/List B
Reregistration Case No. 2535). HED Human Health Risk
Assessment and Supporting Documentation for
the Reregistration Eligibility Decision Document (RED)...
Tox review 012916.

December 23, 1998. Letter. 1 Page.
Lorilyn McKay. SRRD.
Re: Pirimiphos-methyl Case No. 2535
Thank you for your letter... commenting on errors... related
to the EFED and HED preliminary risk assessment chapters...

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