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Index of Cleared Science Reviews for Amitraz (PC Code 106201)

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Undated. DER. 5 Page(s).
Byron Backus. Technical Review Branch.
Pharmacokinetics Following Dermal Application [Canine] Nonguideline. TXR#: 0053824.
DP BARCODE: D322975. MRID No. 46672101.
Document (PDF) (105 KB PDF).

February 19, 1975. Review. 14 Page(s).
Robert Jaeger. Toxicology Branch.
Pesticide Petition No. 5G1558. Request for temporary tolerances for
combined residues of N - (2,4-dimethylphenyl) -N-[[(2,4-Dimethylphenyl)
imino] methyl]-N-methylmethanimi- damide and its metabolites in or on
apples and pears at 1.0 ppm.
Document (PDF) (1802 KB PDF).

June 19, 1975. Memorandum. 1 Page(s).
Robert Jaeger. Toxicology Branch.
PP #5G1558. Amendment to TB Review dated 2/19/75.
Document (PDF) (61 KB PDF).

August 29, 1984. Memorandum. 7 Page(s).
Allen Vaughan. Ecological Effects Branch.
Registration Standard for Amitraz - Nontarget Insect Studies.
Document (PDF) (237 KB PDF).

September 19, 1984. Report. 12 Page(s).
Dynamac Corporation.
Amitraz. Task 2: Environmental Fate and Exposure Assessment.
Contract No. 68-01-6679. Final Report.
Document (PDF) (687 KB PDF).

September 27, 1984. Memorandum. 6 Page(s).
Ray Landolt. Toxicology Branch.
Amitraz (Baam) N-(2,4-dimethylphenyl)-N-[[(2,4-dimethylphenyl) imino]
methyl]-N-methyl methanimidamide. TOX CHEM 374A Tox review 004017.
Inert ingredient info page 2 is not included.
Document (PDF) (211 KB PDF).

November 27, 1984. Memorandum. 18 Page(s).
Daniel Rieder. Ecological Effects Branch.
Amended Registration Standard for Amitraz.
Document (PDF) (1171 KB PDF).

February 01, 1985. Memorandum. 50 Page(s).
Ray Landolt. Toxicology Branch.
Amitraz (Baam). Tox Chem #374A. The toxicology chapter to the
registration standard for Amitraz.
Document (PDF) (4217 KB PDF).

September 06, 1985. Memorandum. 4 Page(s).
Nancy Dodd. Residue Chemistry Branch.
PP #4F2968 (RCB #1346). Amitraz on Cattle. Amendment Dated July 18,
1985. (No Accession Number). Inert ingredient information on pages 1
and 2 is not included.
Document (PDF) (201 KB PDF).

November 20, 1985. Memorandum. 3 Page(s).
Nancy Dodd. Residue Chemistry Branch.
PP #4F2968 (RCB #174). Amitraz on Cattle. Amendment Dated 10/23/85.
(Record Number 162120).
Document (PDF) (170 KB PDF).

November 26, 1985. Memorandum. 6 Page(s).
W. T. Chin. Residue Chemistry Branch.
PP #5G3185/45639-EUP-ET (RCB #121, #122) (Acc. #259626). Amitraz
(Mitac) in or on Cottonseed. Amendment of 10/7/85.
Document (PDF) (309 KB PDF).

December 19, 1985. Memorandum. 6 Page(s).
Francis Griffith. Residue Chemistry Branch.
Protocol for Amitraz (Baam) on Hog Skin. Evaluation of October 14, 1985
Submission (No Accession Number) (RCB #97).
Document (PDF) (356 KB PDF).

June 23, 1986. Memorandum. 7 Page(s).
Francis Griffith. Residue Chemistry Branch.
PP #4F3081 Amitraz in the Meat, Fat, and Meat Byproducts of Hogs.
Evaluation of the November 25, 1985 Amendment (No Accession Number) (RCB #278).
Document (PDF) (425 KB PDF).

September 16, 1986. Memorandum. 2 Page(s).
James Akerman. Registration Division.
Request for Expedited Review of Residue Data to Support a Proposed
Tolerance on Amitraz.
Document (PDF) (85 KB PDF).

October 15, 1986. Memorandum. 16 Page(s).
Francis Griffith. Residue Chemistry Branch.
PP #4F3081. Amitraz in the Meat, Fat, and Meat Byproducts of Hogs.
Evaluation of the July 9, 1986 Amendment (Accession Number 263864) (RCB #1241).
Document (PDF) (1072 KB PDF).

November 02, 1986. Memorandum. 4 Page(s).
Francis Griffith. Residue Chemistry Branch.
PP #4F3081. Amitraz on Hog Meat, Fat and Meat Byproducts. Method Trial Request.
Document (PDF) (125 KB PDF).

November 26, 1986. Memorandum. 4 Page(s).
Francis Griffith. Residue Chemistry Branch.
PP #4F3081 Amitraz in Meat, Fat, and Meat Byproducts of Hogs.
Evaluation of the October 13, 1986 Amendment (Revised Section F).
(No Accession Number) (RCB #1590).
Document (PDF) (213 KB PDF).

December 16, 1986. Memorandum. 4 Page(s).
Francis Griffith. Residue Chemistry Branch.
PP #4F3081 Amitraz on Hog Meat, Fat, and Meat Byproducts.
Evaluation of Method Tryout Report.
Document (PDF) (186 KB PDF).

June 17, 1987. Memorandum. 2 Page(s).
Linda Propst. Residue Chemistry Branch.
EPA Reg. No. 45639-70. Proposed Protocol to Generate Residue Data to Support
the Dermal Use of Amitraz on Sheep and Goats. No MRID Number. RCB No. 2281.
Document (PDF) (83 KB PDF).

August 12, 1987. Memorandum. 9 Page(s).
Francis Suhre. Residue Chemistry Branch.
PP #7G3547; 45639-EUP-GL; Mitac EC (Amitraz) for Use on Cotton.
Accession Nos. 402593-01, -02, -03. RCB Nos. 2571 and 2572.
Document (PDF) (533 KB PDF).

October 26, 1987. Review. 2 Page(s).
Therese Dougherty. Exposure Assessment Branch.
EPA Reg./File No. 45639-EUP-27. Amitraz. Mitac EC. EUP for use on Cotton.
Document (PDF) (93 KB PDF).

December 31, 1987. Memorandum. 2 Page(s).
Daniel Rieder. Ecological Effects Branch.
Proposed Waiver of Requirement for Aquatic Residue Monitoring;
Reg. No. 45639-EUP-GL; Record No. 209990.
Document (PDF) (172 KB PDF).

May 11, 1988. Memorandum. 3 Page(s).
Francis Suhre. Residue Chemistry Branch.
PP #7G3547; 45639-EUP-YY; Amitraz for Use on Cotton.
MRID No. 405908-01; RCB No. 3737.
Document (PDF) (168 KB PDF).

May 11, 1988. Memorandum. 7 Page(s).
Francis Suhre. Residue Chemistry Branch.
PP #7G3547; 45639-EUP-27; Amitraz for Use on Cotton; Revised Section G.
No MRID Number; RCB Nos. 3402 and 3403. Manufacturing process and ingredient
source information on page 2 are not included.
Document (PDF) (385 KB PDF).

May 16, 1988. Memorandum. 6 Page(s).
Susan Stanton. Residue Chemistry Branch.
PP #7G3547. Amitraz on Cotton - TAS Dietary Exposure Analysis.
Document (PDF) (304 KB PDF).

July 21, 1988. Memorandum. 15 Page(s).
H. Fonouni. Residue Chemistry Branch.
Amitraz Registration Standard. ID No. 45639-51. RCB No. 3975.
MRID Nos. 406507-00 to -07. Pages 8-15 are not included - manufacturing
process, quality control procedure, and inert ingredient information.
Document (PDF) (312 KB PDF).

December 22, 1988. Review. 57 Page(s).
Jim Ackerman. Ecological Effects Branch.
EPA Reg./File No. 45639-EUP-27. Amitraz. Nor-Am Chemical Company.
Submission of Toxicity Data in Reponse to Registration Standard.
Document (PDF) (3206 KB PDF).

January 05, 1989. Memorandum. 22 Page(s).
Jim Ackerman. Ecological Effects Branch.
Amitraz Registration Standard; Avian Reproduction Data Requirement;
Study Submission Dated 45639-51; EPA Accession No. 408403-01 and -02.
Document (PDF) (1191 KB PDF).

January 27, 1989. Report. 54 Page(s).
Dynamac Corporation.
Amitraz Addendum. Task 1: Review and Evaluation of Individual Studies.
Task 2: Environmental Fate Assessment. Final Report. Contract No. 68-02-4250.
Document (PDF) (2497 KB PDF).

February 16, 1989. Memorandum. 13 Page(s).
Ray Landolt. Toxicology Branch II.
California Department of Food and Agriculture - EPA Toxicology Review for Amitraz.
Tox Chem No. 374A.
Document (PDF) (942 KB PDF).

February 24, 1989. Review. 24 Page(s).
James W. Akerman. Ecological Effects Branch.
EPA Reg. No. 45639-51. Amitraz. Nor-Am Chemical Company.
Submission of Acute and Chronic Fish Data in Response to Amitraz Registration Standard.
Document (PDF) (1366 KB PDF).

July 19, 1989. Memorandum. 3 Page(s).
Herbert Manning. Environmental Fate & Effects Branch.
Addendum to the Amitraz Review of June 28, 1989.
Document (PDF) (930 KB PDF).
Attachment(s) Following:

June 28, 1989. Review. 12 Page(s).
Paul Mastradone. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
EPA Reg./File No. 45639-EUP-27...Amitraz. Nor-Am Chemical Company.
Review Request for EUPs on Cotton/Citrus, for Registration on Citrus,
and Studies Submitted in Response to Standard.

*End of Attachments*

August 14, 1989. Review. 2 Page(s).
Jim Ackerman. Ecological Effects Branch.
Amitraz Registration Standard. Nor-Am Chemical Company.
Registrant Response Concerning Avian Reproduction Study.
Document (PDF) (127 KB PDF).

August 30, 1989. One-Liner. 5 Page(s).
J. Hannan. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
Pesticide Environmental Fate One-Line Summary - Amitraz.
Document (PDF) (146 KB PDF).

August 31, 1989. Memorandum. 3 Page(s).
Jim Ackerman. Ecological Effects Branch.
Amitraz Registration Standard; Nor-Am Chemical Company's
Submission Dated 6/19/89.
Document (PDF) (146 KB PDF).

December 06, 1989. Review. 29 Page(s).
Paul Mastradone. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
Amitraz. Review Data Submitted to Support Registration of Use
on Cotton and for Experimental Use Permit on Apples.
Document (PDF) (1787 KB PDF).

February 14, 1990. Review. 36 Page(s).
James Akerman. Ecological Effects Branch.
Review of Toxicity Data for Amitraz (Ovasyn) in Support of
Registration of Amitraz on Cotton.
Document (PDF) (1854 KB PDF).

July 06, 1990. Memorandum. 40 Page(s).
R. B. Perfetti. Chemistry Branch II, Health Effects Div.
Reregistration of Amitraz: Product and Residue Chemistry Considerations.
Document (PDF) (2232 KB PDF).

July 23, 1990. Review. 5 Page(s).
James Akerman. Ecological Effects Branch.
EPA File or Reg. No. 45639-RUA. Ovasyn (Amitraz). Nor-Am Chemical
Company. Review of Supplementary Data Concerning Avian Reproduction
in Support of Cotton Use.
Document (PDF) (259 KB PDF).

August 15, 1990. Review. 6 Page(s).
James Akerman. Ecological Effects Branch.
EPA File or Reg. No. 45639-RUH. Ovasyn. Nor-Am.
Review of Supplemental Data for Upgrading Previous Studies.
Document (PDF) (355 KB PDF).

January 03, 1991. Memorandum. 26 Page(s).
Ray Landolt. Toxicology Branch.
Peer Review of Amitraz (BAAM).
Manufacturing process information on pages 5 and 24 is not included.
Document (PDF) (1388 KB PDF).

January 10, 1991. Memorandum. 3 Page(s).
James Akerman. Ecological Effects Branch.
Status of Data Requirement 72-3 with Technical Amitraz.
Document (PDF) (176 KB PDF).

January 10, 1991. Memorandum. 4 Page(s).
James Akerman. Ecological Effects Branch.
Status of Data Requirement 72-3 with Technical Amitraz. With attachment
dated 1/30/91: Letter to Mr. Jacob J. Vukich of Nor-Am Chemical Company
Concerning an Estuarine Acute LC50 Waiver Request.
Document (PDF) (211 KB PDF).

February 19, 1991. Memorandum. 5 Page(s).
Douglas Urban. Ecological Effects Branch.
Review Studies Conducted Amitraz Degradates DP. Barcode 163178.
ID No. 045659-RUA.
Document (PDF) (251 KB PDF).

June 24, 1991. Memorandum. 16 Page(s).
Ray Landolt. Toxicology Branch II.
Amitraz. Chromosomal Aberration Study (84-2b). HED Proj. No. 0-1570.
Tox. Chem. No. 374A. Pages 13-16 are not included - registration data.
Document (PDF) (618 KB PDF).

July 01, 1991. Memorandum. 37 Page(s).
Douglas Urban. Ecological Effects Branch.
Review Studies Conducted Amitraz Degradates DP. Barcode 163178.
ID No. 04569-RUA.
Document (PDF) (1561 KB PDF).

September 10, 1991. Review. 20 Page(s).
Paul Mastradone. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
EPA Reg./File No. 45639-RUA. Amitraz. Nor-Am Chemical Company.
Review of Aerobic Aquatic Metabolism Study, Fish Accumulation Study,
Supplemental Soil Photolysis Data, Foliar Dissipation Study...and Data
Requirements for Indoor...Plant Use Category.
Document (PDF) (1633 KB PDF).

January 31, 1992. Memorandum. 8 Page(s).
Ray Landolt. Toxicology Branch II.
Response to the Peer Review of Amitraz. EPA Reg. No. 45639-51.
Project No. 1-1729. Tox. Chem. No. 374A. Manufacturing process
information on page 7 is not included.
Document (PDF) (534 KB PDF).

February 18, 1992. Memorandum. 1 Page(s).
James Hetrick. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
Environmental Fate Data for BTS 27271.
Document (PDF) (41 KB PDF).

March 08, 1992. Data Eval. Rec. 5 Page(s).
Mark Mossler. KBN Engineering & Applied Sciences Inc.
Amitraz. Hakin, B. and A.J. Johnson. 1991. W138 Amitraz: Technical BTS
27271.HC1: Subacute Dietary Toxicity (LC50) to Mallard Duck. Lab.
Proj. ID No. TOX 90558. MRID No. 421246-06.
Document (PDF) (304 KB PDF).

March 08, 1992. Data Eval. Rec. 6 Page(s).
Mark Mossler. KBN Engineering & Applied Sciences Inc.
Amitraz. Hakin, B. and A.J. Johnson. 1991. W137 Amitraz: Technical BTS
27271.HC1: Subacute Dietary Toxicity (LC50) to Bobwhite Quail. Lab.
Proj. ID No. TOX 90554. MRID No. 421246-04.
Document (PDF) (362 KB PDF).

March 08, 1992. Data Eval. Rec. 8 Page(s).
Rosemary Graham Mora. KBN Engineering & Applied Sciences Inc.
Amitraz. Ward, G.S. 1991. BTS 27271: Acute Toxicity to the Sheepshead
Minnow, Cyprinodon Variegatus, Under Flow-Through Test Conditions.
NOR-AM Study No. 516L. MRID No. 421246-08.
Document (PDF) (474 KB PDF).

March 08, 1992. Data Eval. Rec. 9 Page(s).
Mark Mossler. KBN Engineering & Applied Sciences Inc.
Amitraz. Hakin, B. and A.J. Johnson. 1991. W144 Amitraz: Technical BTS
27271.HC1: Acute Oral Toxicity LD50 to Bobwhite Quail. Lab. Proj. ID No.
Tox 90553. MRID No. 421246-02.
Document (PDF) (476 KB PDF).

March 09, 1992. Data Eval. Rec. 11 Page(s).
Rosemary Graham Mora. KBN Engineering & Applied Sciences Inc.
Amitraz. K.A. Carr and G.S. Ward. 1991. BTS 27271: Acute Effect on New
Shell Growth of the Eastern Oyster, Crassostrea virginica. Lab. Proj. ID
No. J9011002g. MRID No. 421246-10.
Document (PDF) (641 KB PDF).

March 09, 1992. Data Eval. Rec. 13 Page(s).
Rosemary Graham Mora. KBN Engineering & Applied Sciences Inc.
Amitraz. K.A. Carr and G.S. Ward. 1991. BTS 27919: Acute Effect on New
Shell Growth of the Eastern Oyster, Crassostrea virginica. Lab. Proj. ID
No. J9008022b. MRID No. 421246-11.
Document (PDF) (676 KB PDF).

March 09, 1992. Data Eval. Rec. 8 Page(s).
Louis Rifici. KBN Engineering & Applied Sciences Inc.
Amitraz. Schupner, J.K. and B.J. Stachura. 1991. The Static Acute Toxicity
of BTS 27919 to the Mysid Shrimp, Mysidopsis bahia. Lab. Proj. ID 503L.
MRID No. 421246-13.
Document (PDF) (405 KB PDF).

March 09, 1992. Data Eval. Rec. 8 Page(s).
Louis Rifici. KBN Engineering & Applied Sciences Inc.
Amitraz. Ward, G.S. 1991. BTS 27271: Acute Toxicity to the Mysid,
Mysidopsis bahia, Under Flow-Through Test Conditions. Lab. Proj. ID
J9011002e. NOR-AM Study No. 514L. MRID No. 421246-12.
Document (PDF) (444 KB PDF).

March 09, 1992. Data Eval. Rec. 8 Page(s).
Mark Mossler. KBN Engineering & Applied Sciences Inc.
Amitraz. Hakin, B. and M. Rodgers. 1991. W140 Amitraz: Technical BTS
27919: Subacute Dietary Toxicity (LC50) to Mallard Duck. Lab. Proj. ID
No. TOX/91/179-198. MRID No. 421246-07.
Document (PDF) (422 KB PDF).

March 09, 1992. Data Eval. Rec. 8 Page(s).
Mark Mossler. KBN Engineering & Applied Sciences Inc.
Amitraz. Hakin, B. and M. Rodgers. 1991. W141 Amitraz: Technical BTS
27919: Subacute Dietary Toxicity (LC50) to Bobwhite Quail. Lab. Proj. ID
No. TOX/91/179-199. MRID No. 421246-05.
Document (PDF) (414 KB PDF).

March 09, 1992. Data Eval. Rec. 8 Page(s).
Mark Mossler. KBN Engineering & Applied Sciences Inc.
Amitraz. Hakin, B. and M. Rodgers. 1991. W142 Amitraz: Technical BTS
27919: Acute Oral Toxicity (LD50) to Bobwhite Quail. Lab. Proj. ID No.
Tox/91/179-200. MRID No. 421246-03.
Document (PDF) (372 KB PDF).

March 09, 1992. Data Eval. Rec. 8 Page(s).
Rosemary Graham Mora. KBN Engineering & Applied Sciences Inc.
Amitraz. Schupner, J.K. and B.J. Stachura. 1991. The Static Acute
Toxicity of BTS 27919 Technical to the Sheepshead Minnow, Cyprinodon
variegatus. Lab. Proj. No. 508L. MRID No. 421246-09.
Document (PDF) (449 KB PDF).

March 17, 1992. Review. 31 Page(s).
Paul Mastradone. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
EPA Reg./File No. 106201/045639-RUA Ovasyn. Amitraz. Review of Environmental Fate
Assessment on Amitraz and its Degradates, Hydrolysis Studies, Aquatic Metabolism
Study,... to Support a Conditional Registration to Use Amitraz on Cotton.
Document (PDF) (2654 KB PDF).

March 27, 1992. Memorandum. 14 Page(s).
Douglas Urban. Ecological Effects Branch.
Conditional Registration of Amitraz on Cotton.
Document (PDF) (854 KB PDF).

April 06, 1992. Memorandum. 6 Page(s).
Christina B. Swartz. Chemistry Branch II.
Amitraz. ID No. 106201. List A Reregistration Case No. 0234. MRID No. 421335-01.
CBRS No. 9371. DP Barcode No. D173972.
Document (PDF) (104 KB PDF).

April 30, 1992. Review. 39 Page(s).
Douglas Urban. Ecological Effects Branch.
Amitraz. NOR-AM Chemical Company. Response to Waiver Request for 72-5 and 72-6.
Document (PDF) (1900 KB PDF).

May 05, 1992. Memorandum. 1 Page(s).
Douglas Urban. Ecological Effects Branch.
Data Requirements for the Minor Degradates (i.e. BTS 24868) of Amitraz.
Document (PDF) (48 KB PDF).

June 24, 1992. Review. 9 Page(s).
Douglas Urban. Ecological Effects Branch.
EPA Reg./File No. 045639-RUA. Amitraz. Nor-Am Chemical Company.
Nor-Am's Response to EEB's Review of the Proposed Conditional Registration on Cotton.
Document (PDF) (537 KB PDF).

July 20, 1992. Memorandum. 2 Page(s).
Christina Swartz. Chemistry Branch II.
Amitraz. List A Reregistration Case No. 0234. Outcome of the 7/15/92
Meeting of the HED Metabolism Committee.
Document (PDF) (89 KB PDF).

September 17, 1992. Review. 31 Page(s).
Douglas Urban. Ecological Effects Branch.
EPA Reg./File No. 045639-RUA. Amitraz. Nor-Am Chemical Company.
Review of Avian Reproduction Studies and Supplemental Data to Upgrade
Avian Dietary Studies Conducted on the Two Amitraz Metabolites.
Document (PDF) (2084 KB PDF).

November 04, 1992. Memorandum. 4 Page(s).
James Hetrick. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
Review of Environmental Fate Data Requirements for Amitraz Degradates.
Document (PDF) (321 KB PDF).

December 21, 1992. Memorandum. 4 Page(s).
James Hetrick. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
Review of Additional Information on the Fish Accumulation Study (MRID 41444206)
and Clarification on the Status of Confined Rotational Crop and Field Volatility
Data Requirements for Amitraz.
Document (PDF) (210 KB PDF).

December 22, 1992. Memorandum. 5 Page(s).
Freshteh Toghrol. Chemistry Branch II.
Amitraz Reregistration: a List A Chemical. NOR-AM: Response to the
Amitraz Product Chemistry Update. MRID No. 424960-01 Manufacturing
process information on page 2 is not included.
Document (PDF) (446 KB PDF).

March 18, 1993. Draft. 2 Page(s).
EPA Office of Pesticide Programs.
Environmental Fate Assessment for Amitraz.
Document (PDF) (176 KB PDF).

September 30, 1993. Memorandum. 80 Page(s).
Ray Landolt. Toxicology Branch.
Amitraz; RfD & Developmental Toxicity Assessment. Tox Review 010608.
Pages 19-23, 48-51, 57, & 74-75 deleted - registration data.
Document (PDF) (3252 KB PDF).

November 09, 1993. Efficacy Review. 1 Page(s).
Vern McFarland. Insecticide Rodenticide Branch.
File or Reg. No. 2382-104. Product Name: Preventic Tick Collar for Dogs.
Provide performance data demonstrating need for reducing 4-month
effectiveness claim to 3 months based on release rate data for new plasticizer.
Acc. No. 426773-01; D189078; S436574.
Document (PDF) (62 KB PDF).

June 16, 1994. Memorandum. 7 Page(s).
Jeff Evans. Occupational & Residential Exposure Br.
Occupational Exposure to the Acute Central Nervous System (CNS)
Effects of Amitraz.
Document (PDF) (361 KB PDF).

January 12, 1995. Memorandum. 4 Page(s).
Francis D. Griffith. Chemistry Branch I.
PP#4F4349 - Amitraz (Mitac) on Hops. Evaluation of the 11/28/94 Amendment.
Document (PDF) (252 KB PDF).

August 12, 1998. Memorandum. 1 Page(s).
Virginia Dobozy. Reregistration Branch.
Amitraz - Animal Incident Referred from Region 10.
Document (PDF) (60 KB PDF).

April 13, 2004. Memorandum. 15 Page(s).
Eugenia McAndrew. Technical Review Branch.
Name of Pesticide Product: Amitraz Solid. Reg. No. /File Symbol: 80490-R.
DP Barcode: D300993. Decision No: 341573. PC Code: 106201.
MRID Nos.: 46210204 through 46210209.
Document (PDF) (1170 KB PDF).

December 29, 2004. Memorandum. 17 Page(s).
Eugenia McAndrew. Technical Review Branch.
Name of Pesticide Product: Promeris Spot On for Dogs.
EPA Reg. No. /File Symbol: 80490-E. DP Barcode: D311471.
Decision No: 351841 PC Codes: 106201, 281251/281250.
MRID Nos. 463958-05 through -10.
Document (PDF) (651 KB PDF).

January 25, 2005. DER. 6 Page(s).
Pamela Hurley. Toxicology Branch.
Nonguideline. Study Type: Human Tolerance - Dermal MRID 44639401.
Document (PDF) (265 KB PDF).

May 27, 2005. Memorandum. 72 Page(s).
Byron Backus. Technical Review Branch.
EPA File Symbol: 80490-E Promeris Spot-On for Dogs DP Barcode: D311482
two companion animal safety studies MRID 46401003, 46401004.
Document (PDF) (4658 KB PDF).

September 16, 2005. Memorandum. 41 Page(s).
Byron Backus. Technical Review Branch.
EPA File Symbol: 80490-E Promeris Spot-On for Dogs DP Barcode: D319379
The registrant has responded to a previous TRB review (dated 27 May 2005, D311482).
Pages 24-27 removed, registrant data. MRID 46401003, -04.
Document (PDF) (1607 KB PDF).

April 19, 2006. Efficacy Review. 10 Page(s).
John Hebert. Registration Division.
File Symbol: PROMERIS SPOT ON FOR DOGS. EPA File Symbol 80490-E.
DP BARCODE: D311483. Purpose: Provide efficacy data to support
product registration of a spot-on for control of fleas and ticks
on dogs and puppies over eight weeks of age.
Document (PDF) (448 KB PDF).
Attachment(s) Following:

April 19, 2006. Efficacy Review. 10 Page(s).
John Hebert. Registration Division.
(Continued)…MRID Nos. 463965813, 46395814, 46395815,
46395816, 46395817, 46395818, 46395819, 46395820.

*End of Attachments*

July 27, 2006. Memorandum. 8 Page(s).
Wade Britton. Reregistration Branch 3.
Revisions for "Amendment to "Amitraz: Revised Residential Exposure Assessment
for the Reregistration Eligibility Decision (11/19/2004, D310631)": (D318939)"
DP Barcode: 310229, PC Code: 106201.
Document (PDF) (315 KB PDF).

August 21, 2006. Memorandum. 3 Page(s).
Byron Backus. Technical Review Branch.
Name of Pesticide Product: Promeris Spot-On for Dogs
EPA Reg. No./File Symbol: 80490-E DP Barcode: D331545 summary data;
Australia's review of Promeris (MRID 46401004).
Document (PDF) (227 KB PDF).

August 21, 2006. Memorandum. 52 Page(s).
Byron Backus. Technical Review Branch.
Name of Pesticide Product: Promeris Spot-On for Dogs
EPA Reg. No./File Symbol: 80490-E DP Barcode: D327884 additional
dog studies to address toxicity concerns MRID 46672102, -03, -04.
Document (PDF) (2667 KB PDF).

August 21, 2006. Memorandum. 8 Page(s).
Byron Backus. Technical Review Branch.
Name of Pesticide Product: Promeris Spot-On for Dogs
EPA Reg. No./File Symbol: 80490-E DP Barcode: D327883
pharmacokinetic study in dog. MRID 46672101.
Document (PDF) (732 KB PDF).

November 30, 2006. Memorandum. 3 Page(s).
Byron Backus. Technical Review Branch.
Name of Pesticide Product: Promeris Spot-On for Dogs
EPA Reg. No./File Symbol: 80490-E DP Barcode: D332930 Fort Dodge's
response (submitted 7/6/05; reference EPA letter dated 27 May 2005...).
Document (PDF) (168 KB PDF).

February 20, 2007. Memorandum. 8 Page(s).
Rosalind Gross. Technical Review Branch.
Examine data for 8 CRP tests (test data for 4 pipette sizes) to ascertain
if CRP is acceptable...EPA Reg. No. 80490-E...DP Barcode 332603.
MRID Nos. 469217-00,469217-03 to 09.
Document (PDF) (409 KB PDF).

July 25, 2007. Memorandum. 23 Page(s).
Wade Britton. Reregistration Branch 3.
Amitraz: Review of "Haircoat Distribution of R-28153 and Amitraz
after a Single Topical Application to Dogs (MRID 468783-01)".
Document (PDF) (2097 KB PDF).

March 31, 2008. Memorandum. 34 Page(s).
Byron Backus. Technical Review Branch.
Name of Pesticide Product: PROMERIS SPOT ON FOR DOGS.
EPA Reg. No. /File Symbol: 80490-2. DP Barcode: D348052.
MRID Nos. 47303301-47295301.
Document (PDF) (1713 KB PDF).

December 02, 2008. Efficacy Review. 10 Pages.
Kable Bo Davis. EPA/OPP.
DB BARCODE: D357599. DECISION: 400894. Review data to determine if it supports
claims for (1) that the kill...as an alternative applications site.
MRID Nos. 475693-01 thru -05, 47557806.
Document (PDF) (543 KB PDF).

December 17, 2008. Efficacy Review. 2 Pages.
Kable Bo Davis. EPA/OPP.
DB BARCODE: D359470. DECISION: 400894. To respond to rebuttal of Agency review
dated December 2, 2008 (D357599). MRID Nos. 475693-01 thru -05, 47557806.
Document (PDF) (53 KB PDF).

September 22, 2010. Memorandum. 28 Page(s).
Byron Backus. Technical Review Branch.
Name of Pesticide Product: CERTIFECT FOR DOGS.
EPA Reg. No. /File Symbol: 65331-T. DP Barcode: DP 372058.
Decision No.: 423378. Action Code: R320.
MRID No.: 47914235.
Document (PDF) (666 KB PDF).

October 05, 2010. Memorandum. 12 Page(s).
Byron Backus. Technical Review Branch.
Name of Pesticide Product: CERTIFECT FOR DOGS.
EPA Reg. No. /File Symbol: 65331-T. DP Barcode: DP 375363.
Decision No.: 423378. Action Code: R320.
MRID No.: 47914238.
Document (PDF) (486 KB PDF).

October 05, 2010. Memorandum. 16 Page(s).
Byron Backus. Technical Review Branch.
Name of Pesticide Product: CERTIFECT FOR DOGS.
EPA Reg. No. /File Symbol: 65331-T. DP Barcode: DP 377589.
Decision No.: 423378. Action Code: R320.
MRID No.: 47914237.
Document (PDF) (252 KB PDF).

October 05, 2010. Memorandum. 23 Page(s).
Byron Backus. Technical Review Branch.
Name of Pesticide Product: CERTIFECT FOR DOGS.
EPA Reg. No. /File Symbol: 65331-T. DP Barcode: DP 377588.
Decision No.: 423378. Action Code: R320.
MRID No.: 47914236.
Document (PDF) (355 KB PDF).

October 13, 2010. Memorandum. 43 Page(s).
Ana Rivera-Lupianez. Risk Assessment Branch V.
Review of "A Study to Determine the Haircoat Distribution of a Single Topical
Treatment with a Combination of ML-2,095,988 509T and ML-3,948,906 in Dogs"
(MRID 47914240). DP Barcode: D372054.
Document (PDF) (3083 KB PDF).

November 03, 2010. Efficacy Review. 24 Pages.
Autumn Metzger.
Product: CERTIFECT. File Symbol: 65331-T. DP Barcode: 372045.
Purpose: To determine efficacy for registration of new spot-on
combination product for dogs. MRIDs: 47914207 thru 47914228.
Document (PDF) (476 KB PDF).

January 04, 2011. Memorandum. 8 Page(s).
Byron Backus. Technical Review Branch.
Acute Toxicity, Response to Second Rebuttal for Dermal Sensitization.
Name of Pesticide Product: CERTIFECT FOR DOGS. EPA Reg. No. /File Symbol: 65331-T.
DP Barcode: DP 384819. MRID No.: 48321001.
Document (PDF) (105 KB PDF).

February 01, 2011. Efficacy Review. 6 Page(s).
Autumn Metzger..
To determine efficacy for the label claim "Effective after exposure to sunlight"
on a new registration for a spot-on combination product for dogs.
MRIDs: 48342901, 48342902.
Document (PDF) (210 KB PDF).

February 10, 2011. Memorandum. 13 Page(s).
Byron Backus. Technical Review Branch.
Companion Animal Safety, Response to Rebuttal from Merial.
Name of Pesticide Product: CERTIFECT FOR DOGS.EPA Reg. No. /File Symbol: 65331-T.
DP Barcode: DP 384668. Decision No.: 423378. Action Code: R320.
MRIDs 47914235, 47914236, and 47914237.
Document (PDF) (400 KB PDF).

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