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Index of Cleared Science Reviews for Pyraclostrobin (Pc Code 099100)

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October 25, 1999. DER. 21 Page(s).
Stephen Dapson. Registration Action Branch.
Prenatal Developmental Toxicity Study (Teratology); Species: Rat;
Guideline: Harmonized Guideline 870.3700; OPP 83-3a. MRID No. 45118325.
Document (PDF) (663 KB PDF).

October 25, 1999. DER. 27 Page(s).
Stephen Dapson. Registration Action Branch.
Prenatal Developmental Toxicity Study (Teratology); Species: Rabbit;
Guideline: Harmonized Guideline 870.3700; OPP 83-3b. MRID No. 45118326.
Document (PDF) (757 KB PDF).

November 29, 1999. DER. 48 Page(s).
Stephen Dapson. Registration Action Branch.
Multigeneration Reproductive Toxicity; Species: Rat. Guideline: Harmonized Guideline
870.3800; OPP 83-4. MRID No. 45118327.
Document (PDF) (1427 KB PDF).

November 08, 2000. Memorandum. 10 Pages.
Leung Cheng. Registration Action Branch 3 / HED.
PP# 0F06139. Pyraclostrobin (BAS 500F) in or on Various Crops.
Request for Tolerance Method Validation (TMV) Trial.
DP Barcode: D269850. MRID#: 45118505, 45118504, 45118509, 45118510,
45118501, 45118503, 45118507, 45118514.
Document (PDF) (359 KB PDF).

March 15, 2001. DER. 13 Page(s).
Ghazi Dannan. Registration Action Branch.
Pyraclostrobin (97.09% a.i.); Chronic Toxicity in Rats. Harmonized Guideline 870.4100.
MRID No. 45118329.
Document (PDF) (452 KB PDF).

March 16, 2001. DER. 21 Page(s).
Ghazi Dannan. Registration Action Branch.
Pyraclostrobin Technical (98.5% a.i.); Subchronic Oral Toxicity [feeding] -
mouse. MRID No. 45118320.
Document (PDF) (740 KB PDF).

April 01, 2001. DER. 14 Page(s).
Brenda MacDonald. Registration Action Branch.
Subchronic One-Year Feeding Toxicity Study in Dogs; Harmonized Guideline 870.4100;
OECD 452. MRID No. 45118328.
Document (PDF) (536 KB PDF).

April 27, 2001. Letter. 49 Page(s).
Cynthia Giles-Parker. Fungicide Branch.
Pyraclostrobin Joint Review Decision, Level C Deficiencies Review
(PMRA), and Scope of the Joint Review. BAS 500F MUP (Pyraclostrobin
Technical Fungicide), PMRA Sub. No. 2000-799; EPA File Symbol 7969-
RIL. (continued).
Document (PDF) (1518 KB PDF).
Attachment(s) Following:

April 27, 2001. Letter. Page(s).
Cynthia Giles Parker. Fungicide Branch.
Headline Fungicide PMRA Sub. No. 2000-799; EPA File Symbol 7969-
RIL. Cabrio EG; PMRA Sub. No. 2000-799; EPA File Symbol 7969-RIT.
Attached: PMRA Deficiency Review. Inert ingredient info on pages 44
and 45 not included.

*End of Attachments*

May 24, 2001. DER. 10 Page(s).
Robert Zendzian. Registration Action Branch.
Pyraclostrobin; Dermal Penetration - Rat. MRID No. 45118402.
Document (PDF) (337 KB PDF).

May 24, 2001. DER. 20 Page(s).
William Greear. Registration Action Branch.
Pyraclostrobin Technical (97.09% a.i.); Oncogenicity Study in Rats.
MRID No. 45118331. Registration Data info removed from pages 18-20.
Document (PDF) (706 KB PDF).

May 24, 2001. DER. 23 Page(s).
Ghazi Dannan. Registration Action Branch.
Pyraclostrobin Technical (98.5% a.i.); Subchronic Oral Toxicity [feeding] -
rat. MRID Nos. 45118321 & 45118322.
Document (PDF) (811 KB PDF).

June 01, 2001. DER. 7 Page(s).
Brenda MacDonald. Registration Action Branch.
Prenatal Developmental Study - Rat; Harmonized Guideline 870.3700 [83-3]; OECD 414.
MRID No, 45118332.
Document (PDF) (239 KB PDF).

June 14, 2001. DER. 12 Page(s).
Stanley Gross. Registration Action Branch.
Pyraclostrobin Technical (99% a.i.); 28-Day Repeated Dose Dermal
Toxicity Study - Rat. MRID No. 45118324.
Document (PDF) (410 KB PDF).

June 28, 2001. DER. 13 Page(s).
William Greear. Registration Action Branch.
Pyraclostrobin Technical (97.09% a.i.); Oncogenicity Study in Mice.
MRID No, 45118330.
Document (PDF) (469 KB PDF).

July 18, 2001. DER. 14 Page(s).
Meta Bonner. Registration Action Branch.
Pyraclostrobin; Acute Neurotoxicity - Rats; Harmonized Guideline 870.6100.
MRID No. 45118337.
Document (PDF) (490 KB PDF).

July 18, 2001. DER. 16 Page(s).
Meta Bonner. Registration Action Branch.
Pyraclostrobin; Subchronic Neurotoxicity - Rats; Harmonized Guideline 870.6200.
MRID No. 45118401.
Document (PDF) (696 KB PDF).

July 24, 2001. Memorandum. 26 Page(s).
John Redden. Technical Review Branch.
EPA Reg. No./ File Symbol: 7969-RIL; BAS 500-F MUP. DP Barcode:
D275781. Acute tox reviews. MRID 45118302, -05, -08, -11, -14, -17.
Document (PDF) (671 KB PDF).

July 30, 2001. Memorandum. 31 Page(s).
John Redden. Technical Review Branch.
EPA Reg. No./ File Symbol: 7969-RIA Headline EC Fungicide.
DP Barcode: D275784. Acute tox reviews. MRID 45118303, -06, -09, -12, -15, -18.
Document (PDF) (763 KB PDF).

July 31, 2001. Memorandum. 21 Page(s).
John Redden. Technical Review Branch.
EPA Reg. No./ File Symbol: 7969-RIT Cabrio EG Fungicide.
DP Barcode: D275787. Acute tox studues. MRIDs 45118304, -07, -10, -13, -16, -19.
Document (PDF) (528 KB PDF).

September 13, 2001. Memorandum. 27 Page(s).
Ghazi Dannan. Registration Action Branch 3.
Pyraclostrobin - Report of the Hazard Identification Assessment Review
Committee. MRID No. 45437001. Tox review 014669.
Document (PDF) (2049 KB PDF).

October 09, 2001. Memorandum. 18 Pages.
Leung Cheng. Registration Action Branch 3 / HED.
PP#0F06139. PC Code 099100. Pyraclostrobin. Outcome of the HED
Metabolism Assessment Review Committee (MARC) Meeting Held on
September 20,2001. DP Barcode: D278044.
Document (PDF) (368 KB PDF).

November 28, 2001. Memorandum. 2 Page(s).
William Wassell. Registration Action Branch HED.
PP#0F6139; Pyraclostrobin on various commodities. [data deficiencies.]
Tox review 050375.
Document (PDF) (146 KB PDF).

November 28, 2001. Memorandum. 375 Pages.
Leung Cheng. Registration Action Branch 3 / HED.
PP#0F06139. Pyraclostrobin on Various Crops: Bananas,...Review of
Analytical Methods and Residue Data. EPA File Symbols: 7969-RIT, 7969-
RIA. CAS # 175013-18-0. DP Barcodes: D269668, D272771, D272789,
D274095, D274192, D274471, D274957, D275843, D278429….
Document (PDF) (15323 KB PDF).
Attachment(s) Following:

November 28, 2001. Memorandum. 375 Pages.
Leung Cheng. Registration Action Branch 3 / HED.
(Continued)...MRID #s: 451184-28 thru -37, 451185-01 thru -37,
451186-01 thru -25, 451605-01, 452728-01, 452749-01,453211-01,
453675-01, 453994-01 (replaced 451184-28 with minor
corrections), 454299-01.

*End of Attachments*

July 29, 2002. Memorandum. 21 Pages.
Leung Cheng. Registration Action Branch 3 / HED.
Pyraclostrobin Acute and Chronic Dietary Exposure Assessments for
the Section 3 Registration on Various Crops. PP#0F6139.
PC code 099100. DP Barcode D284524. Pages 16-21 removed, internal
deliberative information.
Document (PDF) (494 KB PDF).

August 12, 2002. Memorandum. 7 Page(s).
Masih Hashim. Technical Review Branch.
EPA Reg. No: ID #0F06139 DP Barcode: D283002. Acute inhalation. Inert
ingredient info on page 3 not included. MRID 45455101.
Document (PDF) (168 KB PDF).

August 21, 2002. Memorandum. 20 Pages.
William D. Wassell et. al. Registration Action Branch 3.
PP#0F06139; HED Dietary Exposure Assessment: Human Dietary
Exposure Assessment for First Food Uses of Pyraclostrobin on Many
Crops. DP Barcode: D284496. EPA Reg. No.: 7969-RIT & 7969-RIA.
Document (PDF) (841 KB PDF).

September 18, 2002. Memorandum. 4 Page(s).
Byron Backus. Technical Review Branch.
Product Name: HEADLINE EC FUNGICIDE EPA File Symbol: 7969-RIA.
DP Barcode: D285393. "...review rebuttal of acute tox review" MRID
Document (PDF) (139 KB PDF).

March 30, 2004. Memorandum. 10 Page(s).
Sid Abel. Environmental Fate & Effects Division 1.
Section 18 Ecological Risk & Drinking Water Exposure Assessment for
the Control of Soybean Rust using: Boscolid... ..Pyraclostrobin
DP Barcode 296316.
Document (PDF) (659 KB PDF).

July 22, 2004. Review. 8 Pages.
Leung Cheng. Registration Action Branch 3 / HED.
DACO 7.4.1/Harmonized Guideline 860. 1500/OECD IIA 6.3.1, 6.3.2, 6.3.3 and IlIA
8.3.1,8.3.2,8.3.3 Crop Field Trial- Celery. MRID No. 46109102, Chen, H
(2002) BAS 516 (BAS 510 F Plus BAS 500 F): Magnitude of the Residue on
Celery: IR-4 PR No. 08091…DP Barcode D298178.
Document (PDF) (530 KB PDF).

July 22, 2004. Review. 8 Pages.
Leung Cheng. Registration Action Branch 3 / HED.
DACO 7.4.1/Harmonized Guideline 860. 1500/OECD IIA 6.3.1, 6.3.2, 6.3.3 and IlIA
8.3.1,8.3.2,8.3.3 Crop Field Trial- Spinach. MRID No. 46109101, Chen, H
(2002) BAS 516 (BAS 510 F Plus BAS 500 F): Magnitude of the Residue on
Spinach: IR-4 PR No. 08090…DP Barcode D298178.
Document (PDF) (494 KB PDF).

July 22, 2004. Review. 14 Pages.
Leung Cheng. Registration Action Branch 3 / HED.
DACO 7.4.1/Harmonized Guideline 860. 1500/OECD IIA 6.3.1, 6.3.2, 6.3.3 and IlIA
8.3.1,8.3.2,8.3.3 Crop Field Trial - Citrus Fruits Crop Group. 45903601
Jordan, J. (2002)...Residues in Citrus:…MRID No. 45903601.
DP Barcode D290369.
Document (PDF) (926 KB PDF).

February 10, 2005. DER. 24 Pages.
Lewis Brown. Environmental Risk Branch.
TEST § 72-4(c). BAS 500 F: A Flow-Through Life-Cycle Toxicity Test with
the Saltwater Mysid, Americamysis bahia. MRID No.: 46227601.
DP Barcode: D305150.
Document (PDF) (1658 KB PDF).

February 10, 2005. DER. 26 Pages.
Lewis Brown. Environmental Risk Branch.
Guideline (Harmonized Guideline 850.1790). Effects of BAS 500 F on the Development of
Sediment Dwelling Larvae of Chironomus riparius in a Water-Sediment
System. MRID No.: 45826705. DP Barcode: D290348.
Document (PDF) (1305 KB PDF).

February 10, 2005. DER. 7 Pages.
Lewis Brown. Environmental Risk Branch.
TEST Harmonized Guideline 850.6200. Effect of BAS 500-6 on the Mortality of the
Earthworm Eisenia foetida. MRID No.: 45826706. DP Barcode: D290348.
Document (PDF) (513 KB PDF).

January 25, 2007. Memorandum. 9 Page(s).
Kelly O'Rourke. Fungicide Branch RD.
Occupational and Residential Risk Assessment to Support Request for
Reduced Restricted Entry Interval (REI) for Corn Detasseling
DP Barcode D329421. EPA Reg# 7969-186. MRID 46788501, -02.
Document (PDF) (530 KB PDF).

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