Index of Cleared Science Reviews
Index for TBTO (Pc Code 083001)
August 17, 1976. Review. 4 Pages.
anonymous. Ecological Effects Branch.
Avian Subacute Dietary LC50, Bobwhite quail
Avian Dietary Study, Mallard Duck
Acc. 226129.
October 1, 1976. Review. 1 Page.
anonymous. Ecological Effects Branch.
96-Hour static fish acute toxicity, Bluegill sunfish
Acc. 226948.
October 14, 1977. Review. 16 Pages.
Robert Hitch. Efficacy & Environmental Effects Branch.
Reg. No. 5204-1
Acute toxicity of TBTO to channel catfish, freshwater clam..
Acc. 227596, 227576, 226129.
February 7, 1978. Review. 1 Page.
FSB. Ecological Effects Branch.
Aquatic Invertebrate Acute Toxicity, Daphnia magna
Acc. 226129
LC50=1.67 (1.01-2.51) ppb 'OK as is'.
May 13, 1978. Review. 2 Pages.
Anonymous. Ecological Effects Branch.
Toxicity of tributyltin oxide to embryos of eastern
May 13, 1978. Review. 2 Pages.
Anonymous. Ecological Effects Branch.
Toxicity of tributyltin oxide to fiddler crabs...
May 16, 1978. Review. 2 Pages.
Anonymous. Ecological Effects Branch.
Toxicity of tributyltin oxide to pink shrimp.....
May 16, 1978. Review. 8 Pages.
Richard Balcomb. Efficacy & Environmental Effects Branch.
Reg. No. 5204-1, Data Review
Acc. 232248
Toxicity of TBTO to fiddler crabs, pink shrimp, embryos
of eastern oysters.
January 18, 1980. DER. 4 Pages.
Stephen Hopkins. Ecological Effects Branch.
Acute toxicity to Estuarine (static) fish.
Species tested: Sheepshead minnow.
Acc. No. 238794.
January 18, 1980. DER. 4 Pages.
Stephen Hopkins. Ecological Effects Branch.
Avian acute oral LD50.
Species tested: Mallard duck
Acc. No. 241152.
August 15, 1980. Memorandum. 4 Pages.
Sherell Sterling. Fungicide-Herbicide Branch.
EPA File Symbol 518-AO.
Cuprinol Stain and Wood Preservative.
Inert ingredient information on page 2 is not included
Tox review 000441.
May 11, 1981. Memorandum. 4 Pages.
Deloris Graham. Fungicide-Herbicide Branch.
EPA File Symbol: 43222-G. Exterior Wood Finish by Minwax.
Tox Review 000798.
January 5, 1982. Memorandum. 3 Pages.
Deloris Graham. Fungicide-Herbicide Branch.
EPA Registration Number 5204-1. Biomet TBTO.
Tox Review 003135.
Page 3 is not included - draft label.
January 7, 1982. Memorandum. 12 Pages.
Deloris Graham. Fungicide-Herbicide Branch.
EPA File Symbol 10250-EUP-E. Hempel's Antifouling Nautic.
EPA File Symbol 10250-RU. Hempel's Antifouling Nautic.
EPA File Symbol 10250-RG. Hempel's Antifouling Nautic.
Pages 11-2 removed, draft label.
Tox review 003150.
March 11, 1983. Memorandum. 36 Pages.
Irving Mauer. Toxicology Branch.
Evaluation of Toxicology Studies, Caswell Nos. 56, 57, 59,
101, 221, 743, 744, 245, 253, 265, 501A. Accession Nos.
248738-248747 (10 Data Evaluation Records).
Tox review 002581.
June 6, 1983. Memorandum. 14 Pages.
William Woodrow. Toxicology Branch.
EPA #3876-34; Amended Application for Slimicide J-12
(Quaternary Ammonium Plus Bis [Tributyltin] Oxide) for Use
in Air Washers to Control Microbial Fouling. Caswell Nos.
16C and 101. Inert ingredient info on page 3 not included.
Tox review 002913.
December 21, 1983. Memorandum. 8 Pages.
Herman Gibb. Carcinogen Assessment Group.
Review of the Gilbert et al. Study of Wood Treaters in
Attachment(s) following:
September 16, 1983. Memorandum.
Charles Ris. Carcinogen Assessment Group.
1981 Hawaii Epidemiology Study Submitted to the Office of
Solid Waste by Reichhold and Vulcan Companies for Section
3001 Dioxin Docket.
September 16, 1983. Memorandum.
David Bayliss. Carcinogen Assessment Group.
1981 Hawaii Epidemiology Study, July 1983 (Effects of
Chemical Preservatives on the Health of Wood Treating
Workers in Hawaii, 1981).
*End of attachments*
August 27, 1984. Memorandum. 5 Pages.
George Robinson. Toxicology Branch.
ID #5204-1. Tributyltin Oxide, New Teratology Study in
Rats. Accession No. 252178.
Tox review 003914.
September 11, 1984. Memorandum. 6 Pages.
Deloris Graham. Fungicide-Herbicide Branch.
EPA File Symbol 516-TR. Cuprinol Stain and Wood
Preservative. Pages 4-6 removed, draft label.
Tox review 005475.
November 21, 1984. Memorandum. 14 Pages.
Deloris Graham. Fungicide-Herbicide Branch.
EPA File Symbol: 6557-G. Coronado Semi-Transparent Wood
Stain and Preservative. Pages 5-7 removed, draft label.
Pages 8-14 removed, reviews product with active ingredient
other than TBTO.
Tox review 006478.
September 26, 1985. Memorandum. 1 Page.
George Robinson. Toxicology Branch.
ID #5204-1. Biomet Tributyltin Oxide, Rat Teratology Study
(as Amended). Tox Review 004691.
October 24, 1985. Memorandum. 8 Pages.
Deloris Graham. Fungicide-Herbicide Branch.
EPA File Symbol: 748-ELR.
Rez Stain and Wood Preservative - Other Oil.
Inert ingredient information on pages 2-4 is not included.
Acc 254918, 255204.
Tox review 006453.
October 28, 1985. Memorandum. 8 Pages.
Deloris Graham. Fungicide-Herbicide Branch.
EPA File Symbol: 748-EUO. Rez Stain and Wood Preservative
Solid Color Oil. Acc. 254916, 255202.
Inert ingredient information on pages 2 and 3 not included.
Pages 6-8 removed, draft label.
Tox review 006439.
November 13, 1985. Memorandum. 9 Pages.
Deloris Graham. Fungicide-Herbicide Branch.
EPA File Symbol: 748-ELN. Rez Stain and Wood Preservative
Semi-Transparent Oil. Acc. No 254417, 255203.
Inert ingredient information on pages 2-4 is not included.
Tox review 006438.
May 16, 1986. Memorandum. 6 Pages.
Deloris Graham. Fungicide-Herbicide Branch.
EPA File Symbol: 39702-G. Muralo Lumber Jacket Stain &
Muralo Lumber Jacket Stain & Wood Preservative.
Acc. 259664, 259668. Pages 5-6 removed, draft label.
Tox review 006057.
August 6, 1987. Review. 4 Pages.
Michael Firestone. Exposure Assessment Branch.
Release Rate and Product Chemistry Studies
Reg./File#: 2693: 55, 67, 68, 69, 71, 76, 77, 79, 85, 87, 88
100, 104, 109, 112, 115, 1222, 123, 127, 128,
130, and 133.
August 6, 1987. Review. 4 Pages.
Michael Firestone. Exposure Assessment Branch.
Release Rate and Product Chemistry Studies
Reg./File# 2693: 76, 79, 115, 123, 127, 128 and 130.
August 6, 1987. Review. 4 Pages.
Michael Firestone. Exposure Assessment Branch.
Release Rate and Product Chemistry Studies for TBT
Antifoulant Paints
Reg./File#: 48302: 1, 6.
August 6, 1987. Review. 4 Pages.
Michael Firestone. Exposure Assessment Branch.
Release Rate and Product Chemistry Studies
Reg./File#: 39492: 13, 14, 35, 39, and 44.
August 20, 1987. Memorandum. 45 Pages.
John Doherty. Toxicology Branch.
Notes of a Meeting with the Office of Toxic Substances to
Discuss Toxicity Studies with Tributyltin Chemicals.
January 20, 1988. Review. 2 Pages.
Michael Firestone. Exposure Assessment Branch/HED.
Review release note data
Reg./File#: 10250-UN & 10250-UR
Hempel Coating (USA), Inc.
January 20, 1988. Review. 2 Pages.
Michael Firestone. Exposure Assessment Branch/HED.
Review TBT release rate data
Reg./File#: 48302-1, 48302-6
Chugoku Marine paints (USA), Inc.
May 23, 1988. Review. 6 Pages.
Michael Firestone. Exposure Assessment Branch/HED.
Review of TBT Release Rate Data
Reg./File#: 44891-1, 44891-6.
June 9, 1988. Review. 4 Pages.
Michael Firestone. Exposure Assessment Branch/HED.
Review of TBT Release Rate Data
Reg./File#: 39492-13, -14, -35, -39, -44.
June 9, 1988. Review. 5 Pages.
Michael Firestone. Exposure Assessment Branch/HED.
Review of TBT Release Rate Data
Reg./File#: 39492-14, -44, -39.
June 9, 1988. Review. 4 Pages.
Michael Firestone. Exposure Assessment Branch/HED.
Review of TBT Release Rate Data
Reg./File#: 48302-1, -6.
June 9, 1988. Review. 4 Pages.
Michael Firestone. Exposure Assessment Branch/HED.
Review of TBT Release Rate Data
Reg./File#: 10250-UN, 10250-UR.
June 28, 1988. Review. 4 Pages.
Michael Firestone. Exposure Assessment Branch/HED.
Review of TBT Release Rate Data
Reg./File#: 11350-EL.
August 3, 1988. Review. 4 Pages.
Michael Firestone. Exposure Assessment Branch/HED.
Review of TBT Release Rate Data.
Inert information on page 4 was deleted.
Reg./File#: 10250-UN, 10250-OR.
October 11, 1988. Review. 23 Pages.
Emil Regelman. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
Review additional data submitted in response to the 8/13/87
letter concerning the data required by the DCI.
Reg./File#: 2693-128, 127, 123, 115, 130, 79
Pages 5-23 removed, registrant data.
November 1, 1988. Review. 3 Pages.
Emil Regelman. Environmental fate & Ground Water Branch.
Reg./File# 39492-14, 39, 44
Devoe Coatings Company
Review company response to August 12, 1988 letter
requiring additional release rate data.
November 23, 1988. Review. 5 Pages.
Emil Regelman. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
Reg./File # 48302-1, -6
Chugoku Marine paints (USA)
Review company response to August 12, 1988 letter
requiring additional release rate data.
December 14, 1988. Review. 4 Pages.
Emil regelman. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
Reg./File 44891-1, 6
Nautical Coatings, Inc.
Review release rate data submitted in response to
the august 12, 1988 Agency letter.
December 14, 1988. Review. 4 Pages.
Emil Regelman. Environmental fate & Ground Water Branch.
Reg./File 8120-48, 49
Ameron; Review release rate data submitted in response to
the August 12, 1988 Agency letter.
December 14, 1988. Review. 4 Pages.
Emil Regelman. Environmental fate & Ground Water Branch.
Reg./File # 5204-68,64,16,31,60,TA,IG, 8120-40,49,11,48,
44891-1, 6.
Review release rate data submitted in response to
the August 12, 1988 Agency letter.
December 19, 1988. Review. 3 Pages.
Emil Regelman. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
Review company letter concerning the use of "Instant Ocean"
synthetic sea water in place of ASTM Std. D1141
Reg./File 2693-127,128,123,115,130,79,87,55,65,68,71,76,77
February 9, 1989. Review. 4 Pages.
Emil Regelman. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
Review release rate data submitted in support of
registration of 11350-EL and continued registration
of 11350-23, 9. Reg./File#: 11350-EL, -23, -9.
March 28, 1989. Review. 8 Pages.
Emil Regelman. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
Review release rate data submitted in response to
the July 29, 1986 Tributyltin Data Call-In.
Pages 5-8 removed, registration data.
Reg./File#: 39492-14, 39, 44.
April 17, 1989. Review. 3 Pages.
Emil Regelman. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
Review release rate data submitted in response to
the July 29, 1986 Tributyltin Data Call-In.
Reg./File#: 39492-13, 35.
April 26, 1989. Review. 6 Pages.
Emil Regelman. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
Review release rate data submitted in response to
the 1986 Tributyltin Data Call-In.
Pages 5-6 removed, registration data.
Reg./File#: 8120-49.
May 2, 1989. Review. 6 Pages.
Emil Regelman. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
Review release rate data submitted in response to
the 1986 Tributyltin Data Call-In.
Pages 5-6 removed, registration data.
Reg./File#: 44891-6.
May 9, 1989. Review. 6 Pages.
Emil Regelman. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
Review release rate data submitted in response to
the 1986 Tributyltin Data Call-In.
Inert ingredient info page 2 is not included. Pages 5-6
removed, registration data.
Reg./File#: 10250-UN, UR.
June 20, 1989. Review. 6 Pages.
Emil Regelman. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
Review release rate data submitted in response to
the 1986 Tributyltin Data Call-In. Pages 5-6 not included,
registration data.
Reg./File#: 55363-L.
July 5, 1989. Review. 6 Pages.
Emil Regelman. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
Review release rate data submitted in response to the 1986
Tributyltin Data Call-In. Pages 5-6 are not included-
Registration Data. MRID 411389-01.
Reg./File#: 55363-A.
October 13, 1989. Review. 5 Pages.
Emil Regelman. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
Review release rate data. Pages 4-5 are not included-
registration data. MRID 412483-01.
Reg./File#: 39492-35.
October 13, 1989. Review. 5 Pages.
Emil Regelman. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
Review release rate data. Pages 4-5 are not included-
registration data. MRID 412483-02.
Reg./File#: 39492-13.
November 2, 1989. Memorandum. 3 Pages.
John Doherty. Toxicology Branch.
EPA ID #52041. Tributyltin Oxide: Review of a Protocol
for a Chronic (One-Year) Dog Study.
March 5, 1990. Review. 7 Pages.
Emil Regelman. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
Review release rate data. Pages 5-7 are not included-
registration data. MRID 412845-01.
Reg./File#: 8177-IN.
March 6, 1990. Review. 5 Pages.
Emil Regelman. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
Release Rate Data. MRID 411800-03, 411801-03.
Reg./File#: 48302-O, 48302-RN.
March 6, 1990. Review. 9 Pages.
Emil Regelman. Environmental Fate & Groundwater Branch.
Reg./File # 7995-LU (7995-54)
Release Rate data
Pages 5-9 removed, registrant data.
MRID 413258-01.
November 7, 1990. Review. 5 Pages.
Em. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
Review release rate data. Pages 4-5 are not included--
Registration Data. MRID 41284501.
Reg./File#: 8120-LU.
November 7, 1990. Review. 9 Pages.
Emil Regelman. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
Review release rate data. Pages 7-9 are not included--
Registration Data. MRID 41338301
Reg./File#: 8177-IN.
November 7, 1990. Review. 6 Pages.
Emil Regelman. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
Review release rate data. Pages 5-6 are not included--
Registration Data. MRID 41789401
Reg./File#: 8177-TI.
May 31, 1991. EEB Review. 17 Pages.
Michael Rexrode. Ecological Effects Branch.
Mollusc 48-hour embryo larvae study.
Species tested: Pacific oyster.
Pages 11,12 removed, registration data.
MRID 414038-01.
June 28, 1991. Review. 6 Pages.
Emil Regelman. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
Review release rate data. Pages 4-6 are not included--
Registration Data.
Reg./File#: 010250-00040.
February 23, 1993. EEB Review. 14 Pages.
Daniel Rieder. Ecological Effects Branch.
Mollusc 96-Hour Flow-Through Shell Deposition Study.
Species tested: Eastern oyster.
Pages 9-11 removed, registration data.
MRID 414607-01.
February 23, 1993. DER. 20 Pages.
Daniel Rieder. Ecological Effects Branch.
Mollusc Embryo Larvae Study. Species tested: Bay mussel.
Pages 14-15 removed, registration data.
MRID 414038-02.
February 23, 1993. DER. 69 Pages.
Daniel Reider. Ecological Effects Branch.
Mollusc Chronic Toxicity Study
Species tested: Pacific oyster
Pages 9-17 removed, registration data.
MRID 418347-01.
February 25, 1993. DER. 52 Pages.
Henry Craven. Ecological Effects Branch.
Fish Life-cycle Toxicity Test
Species tested: Sheepshead minnow
Pages 11-24 removed, registration data.
MRID 418139-01.