Index of Cleared Science Reviews
Index for Triallate (Pc Code 078802)
Undated. NDEB DATA SHEET. 1 Page.
None. Toxicology Branch.
Usage Patterns: herbicide for control of wild oats.
September 20, 1971. Review. 8 Pages.
Joseph Svirbely. Toxicology Branch.
PP No. 0F0 944
Tox.Review 002710.
July 8, 1975. Review. 13 Pages.
Ronald Ney. Chemistry Branch.
Submission Purpose: Environmental Chemistry Data.
February 17, 1977. Review. 2 Pages.
David Severn. Chemistry Branch.
Validation of Monsanto Report # 524-124 on Triallate.
March 15, 1977. Report. 23 Pages.
Roy Albert. Carcinogen Assessment Group.
The Carcinogen Assessment Group Preliminary Review of
Oncogenicity of Avadex (Diallate, Triallate).
September 14, 1977. Memorandum. 24 Pages.
Elizabeth Anderson. Carcinogen Assessment Group.
Triallate (Avadex-BW): Review of Histopathology from the
Industrial Bio-Test Laboratory's Two-Year Chronic Oral
Toxicity Study.
May 16, 1978. Review. 3 Pages.
None. Toxicology Branch.
Triallate - Submission of Mutagenicity Data
EPA Reg. No. 524-124, 145, 292. Caswell 870A
Tox Review 008486.
May 7, 1979. Report. 66 Pages.
Roy Albert. Carcinogen Assessment Group.
The Carcinogen Assessment Group's Risk Assessment of
Avadex (Diallate and Triallate).
August 2, 1979. Data Eval. Rec. 4 Pages.
Ann Rosenfranz. Ecological Effects Branch.
Test Type: Cold Water Fish Acute 96-h TLm.
August 23, 1979. Review. 11 Pages.
Ann Rosenkranz. Ecological Effects Branch.
Submission Purpose: Addition of Sugar beets to the label.
May 15, 1980. Review. 3 Pages.
Mary Gessner. Ecological Effects Branch.
Test Type: Acute 48 hr. aquatic invertebrate.
May 15, 1980. Review. 3 Pages.
Mary Gessner. Ecological Effects Branch.
Test Type: Fish 96-hour acute toxicity study (coldwater).
May 15, 1980. Review. 3 Pages.
Mary Gessner. Ecological Effects Branch.
Test Type: Fish 96 hr. Acute toxicity study (warmwater).
May 21, 1980. Review. 5 Pages.
Deloris Graham. Fungicide Herbicide Branch.
EPA Registration Number: 524-292
Far-Go (Granular) : Caswell # 870A
Acute oral, acute dermal, eye irritation and skin irritation
Acc No. 241271.
May 21, 1980. Memorandum. 9 Pages.
Deloris Graham. Fungicide and Herbicide Branch.
EPA Registration No. 524-145
Fargo Selective Herbicide (AVADEX BW. 4 lb/gal)
Acc No. 241271.
May 21, 1980. Review. 6 Pages.
Deloris Graham. Fungicide and Herbicide Branch.
EPA Registration Number: 524-307
Avadex BW Technical: Caswell 870A Acc No. 241271
Tox Review 002676.
January 21, 1981. Review. 2 Pages.
Mary Gessner. Ecological Effects Branch.
File or Reg. No. 524-124, -145, -292, -307
Registrant's response to Agency's (EEB's) data
validations of Avadex products.
March 11, 1981. Review. 7 Pages.
Mary Gessner. Ecological Effects Branch.
Reg. No. 524-145. Proposed conditional registration of
March 30, 1981. Memorandum. 1 Page.
Deloris Graham. Fungicide Herbicide Branch.
EPA Registration Number: 524-292
Re: Acute Inhalation Study.
March 31, 1981. Review. 4 Pages.
John Tice. Ecological Effects Branch.
File or Reg. No. 524-307
Additional wildlife data for review.
Accession No. 244201.
June 8, 1981. Review. 2 Pages.
Russel Farringer. Ecological Effects Branch.
Review of Toxicological data - coldwater and warmwater fish.
September 24, 1981. Memorandum. 4 Pages.
Sherell Sterling. Fungicide and Herbicide Branch.
Far-go FL; EPA File Symbol 524-EUP-LT
Acute oral, acute dermal...
Tox review 001179.
May 27, 1983. Review. 14 Pages.
Robert Taylor. Herbicide Branch.
Review of miscellaneous data, 6 acutes and 2
mutagenicity studies on Triallate. Acc No. 071283.
Tox review 002864.
June 15, 1983. Memorandum. 20 Pages.
Henry Spencer. Toxicology Branch.
Submission and Review of Toxicology Studies to Replace IBT
data on Triallate; Avadex BW or Far-go herbicides.
Acc. 248295, 248293, 248294.
Tox review 002996.
February 27, 1984. Memorandum. 1 Page.
Henry Spencer. Toxicology Branch.
Comments on Additional Information Concerning Rabbit and
Rat Teratology Study. Acc 251753
Tox review 003651.
June 28, 1985. Review. 1 Page.
Henry Spencer. Toxicology Branch.
Triallate, EPA Reg. No. 524-307 Avadex BW EC.
Company Response to Toxicology Branch Request
for Statement of Purity. Acc No. 071283.
Tox reiew 004519.
December 10, 1985. Memorandum. 6 Pages.
Henry Spencer. Toxicology Branch.
Triallate - Miscellaneous Data and the Company
Response on Reviews of Several Studies. Acc. No. 253729.
Tox review 004843.
December 13, 1985. Memorandum. 3 Pages.
Deloris Graham. Fungicide-Herbicide Branch.
EPA Registration No. 524-145(1)
Far-go Selective Herbicide
Acc. 255805. Dermal sensitization.
Tox review 006436.
February 14, 1986. Memorandum. 116 Pages.
Henry Spencer. Toxicology Branch.
Review of Replacement Toxicology Data to Support
Tolerances for the Herbicide, Triallate.
Pages 64-77 removed, registration data.
Tox review 004942.
June 4, 1986. Review. 7 Pages.
Samuel Creeger. Exposure Assessment Branch.
Submission Purpose: GWDCI.
September 30, 1986. Memorandum. 16 Pages.
Karen Hamernik. Toxicology Branch.
PP No. 8F2128 & 1F2460: Review of Two-Year Chronic Oral
Toxicity Study of Triallate Technical in Beagle Dogs
(EPA ID No. 524-307) Accession No. 242057
Tox. Review 005525.
September 21, 1987. Memorandum. 8 Pages.
K. Clark Swentzel. Toxicology Branch.
EPA No. 524-307, 8F2128, 1F2460, 6F3346--Triallate: Study
Amendments. Caswell No.870A. Acc. 251840, 252188.
Tox Review 006464.
October 29, 1987. EFGWB Review. 4 Pages.
Patrick Holden. Exposure Assessment Branch.
Submission Purpose: Ground-Water-Data-Call-In.
December 5, 1987. Review. 13 Pages.
Patrick Holden. Exposure Assessment Branch.
Submission Purpose: Response to Ground-Water Data Call In.
August 8, 1988. Memorandum. 37 Pages.
K.Clark Swentzel. Toxicology Branch.
Triallate: Chronic Toxicity/Oncogenicity Study in Rats.
MRID 403847-01. Pages 29-37 removed, registration data.
Tox review 006840.
January 11, 1989. Memorandum. 4 Pages.
K. Clark Swentzel. Toxicology Branch.
Triallate: Toxicity Study Amendments
Tox review 006996.
February 17, 1989. Memorandum. 14 Pages.
K. Clark Swentzel. Toxicology Branch.
Triallate: One-Year Study in Dogs and a UDS Test
in Rat Hepatocytes. MRID 407306-01, -04.
Page 5 removed, registrant data.
Tox review 007034.
June 29, 1989. Memorandum. 3 Pages.
K. Clark Swentzel. Toxicology Branch.
Triallate: Meeting between Representatives of EPA and
Monsanto Co.
Tox Review 007279.
August 10, 1989. Review. 3 Pages.
J. Hannan. Environmental Fate & Groundwater.
Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch
Pesticide Environmental Fate One Line Summary.
March 6, 1990. Review. 9 Pages.
Curtis Laird. Ecological Effects Branch.
Submission Purpose: Submission of avian toxicity in
response to comprehensive DCI notice.
MRID 407306-03.
March 6, 1990. SRRD/GCSB SHEET. 3 Pages.
Laura Morris. Occupational and Exposure Branch.
Chemical: Triallate; Submitter: Monsanto
SRRD/GCSB Transmittal Sheet for Parts B/C/D.
June 1, 1990. Memorandum. 7 Pages.
K. Clark Swentzel. Toxicology Branch.
Triallate-proposed regional tolerances for barley, peas and
wheat; request waiver for a 21-day dermal toxicity study;
responses to TB evaluations of a chronic tox/onco study
in rats and an onco study in mice. Page 7 removed, reg. data
Tox review 007952.
January 15, 1991. Memorandum. 8 Pages.
E. Brinson Conerly. Environmental Fate & Groundwater.
Review of Phase IV Package for Triallate.
January 22, 1991. Memorandum. 4 Pages.
Amy Rispin. Ecological Effects Branch.
Transmittal of EFED List B Review for Triallate (case #2695).
January 30, 1991. OREB Review. 4 Pages.
Laura Morris. Occupational and Exposure Branch.
Case No.: 2695 Chemical No.: 078802
OREB Transmittal Sheet for Phase IV Reviews.
February 12, 1991. Review. 13 Pages.
David S. Liem. Toxicology Branch.
Review of a 21-day dermal Toxicity Study in Rats
with Technical Triallate. MRID 414870-01.
Pages 14-23 removed, registrant data.
Tox review 008260.
September 10, 1991. Data Eval. Rec. 10 Pages.
Louis Rifici. KBN for Ecological Effects Branch.
Daphnid Flow-Through Life-Cycle Chronic
Toxicity Test. Species Tested: Daphnia magna.
Pages 6-9 removed, registrant data.
MRID 418956-01.
November 5, 1991. Review. 19 Pages.
Doug Urban. Ecological Effects Branch.
Generic Data Submission
MRID 418956-01 (Chronic toxicity to Daphnia magna...).
April 28, 1992. Memorandum. 5 Pages.
Jess Rowland. Toxicology Branch.
Triallate: Phase 3 Data Call-In Study for Guideline 81-2.
MRID 421920-01. Acute dermal toxicity, rat.
Tox review 009472.
July 15, 1992. Memorandum. 4 Pages.
Esther Rinde. Health Effects Division.
Post SAP Carcinogenicity Peer Review Meeting on
Dimethoate, Bromoxynil and Triallate
Re-consideration of the Classification of Aliette and
August 4, 1992. Review. 7 Pages.
Douglas Urban. Ecological Effects Branch.
Purpose: Submission of study summaries under 6(a)(2).
October 6, 1992. Review. 48 Pages.
Akiva Abramovitch. Environmental Fate & Groundwater.
Purpose: submission of hydrolysis and soil photolysis
studies. Pages 10-17 and 21-42 removed, registration data.
MRID 420859-01, 418923-01.
December 9, 1992. EEB Review. 9 Pages.
Anthony Maciorowski. Ecological Effects Branch.
Purpose: Submission of honey bee acute study, 141-1
MRID No. 42304301.
December 16, 1992. Memorandum. 27 Pages.
Jess Rowland. Toxicology Branch.
Triallate: Screening of Chemicals with Potential Problems
Concerning Developmental Toxicity [Review of Developmental
Toxicity Studies in Rats and Rabbits]. Acc 248293.
Tox review 009900.
May 26, 1993. Memorandum. 17 Pages.
Jess Rowland. Toxicology Branch.
Triallate: Evaluation of Mutagenicity Studies Submitted for
Guidelines 84-2 and 84-4. MRID 000886-24, 410910-07.
Tox review 010283.
September 9, 1993. Review. 19 Pages.
Mark Mossler. KBN for Ecological Effects Branch.
Study Type: 123-1. Non-Target Plants: Seed Germination/
Seedling Emergence Phytotoxicity Test - Tier 2. Species
Tested: soybean, lettuce, radish, tomato, cucumber, cabbage,
oat, ryegrass, corn, and onion. Pages 11-13 removed, RD.
MRID 424718-01.
September 9, 1993. Data Eval. Rec. 16 Pages.
Mark Mossler. KBN for Ecological Effects Branch.
Study Type: 123-1. Non-Target Plants: Vegetative Vigor
Phytotoxicity Test - Tier 2. Species Tested: soybean,
lettuce, radish, tomato, cucumber, cabbage, oat, ryegrass,
corn, and onion. Pages 9-10 removed, registration data.
MRID 424717-01.
September 13, 1993. EEB Review. 3 Pages.
Anthony Maciorowski. Ecological Effects Branch.
Purpose: Submission of Tier 2 nontarget plant phytotoxicity
studies in support of List B. Case No. 2695. (Note:
misrouted to EFGWB first; into EEB 07/08.)
MRID 424718-01, 424717-01.
September 21, 1993. EEB Review. 1 Page.
Jay Ellenberger. Accelerated Reregistration Branch.
Guidelines 123-1(a) and 123-1(b) for triallate.
October 1, 1993. EEB Review. 12 Pages.
Anthony Maciorowski. Ecological Effects Branch.
Purpose: Submission of acute Daphnia magna study in support
of reregistration of List B, Case No. 2695.
Pages 9-10 removed, registration data.
MRID 418956-01.
October 18, 1993. Review. 55 Pages.
Akiva Abramovitch. Environmental Fate & Groundwater.
Purpose: submission of data on photodegradation water,
volatility, fish bioaccumulation. Pages 10-26 and 30-48
removed, registration data.
MRID 415413-01, 426511-01, 418415-01.
October 27, 1993. EEB Review. 1 Page.
Jay Ellenberger. Accelerated Reregistration Branch.
Review of data for guideline 72-2(b) for triallate.
May 10, 1994. Memorandum. 30 Pages.
Robert Fricke. Toxicology Branch.
Triallate: Subchronic Neurotoxicity Study in Rats.
MRID 430216-01. Pages 19-30 removed, registrant data.
Tox review 010955.
June 24, 1996. Memorandum. 16 Pages.
Tracy Keigwin. Occupation and Exposure Branch.
Occupational Exposure Assessment for the Use of Triallate
Prior to Sugar Beet Planting.