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Index of Cleared Science Reviews

Index for Orthophenylphenol (Pc Code 064103)

March 29, 1968. Data Summary. 5 Pages.
L.B. Dale. Toxicology Branch.
DSB Steran; Shield-Brite S-300. Tox Review 003166.

April 20, 1978. Memorandum. 3 Pages.
William Greear. Toxicology Branch.
Puritan #6790 - EPA File Symbol #541-EAL.
Caswell #507, 50, 658, 846, 887AA.
Shaughnessy #047501, 064101, 064103, 039107, 079020.
Tox Review 004005.

August 3, 1979. Review. 5 Pages.
Dorothy Portner. Antimicrobial Program Branch.
Data Accession 237837
Data For The File.

September 24, 1979. Review. 3 Pages.
Robert Hitch. Efficacy and Ecological Effects Branch.
EUP -Kiwi Lustr and Botran. EUP and Temporary Tolerance
for the Use of DCNA and OPP on Kiwi Fruit.

October 1, 1979. Memorandum. 4 Pages.
E. Zager. Residue Chemistry Branch.
PP #9G2255 and 9G2256. 2,6-Dichloro-4-nitroaniline and
O-phenylphenol in or on Kiwi Fruit. Evaluation of
Analytical Method and Residue Data.
Inert ingredient and manufacturing process information on
pages 1-2 are not included.

November 26, 1979. Memorandum. 5 Pages.
L. Bradley. Residue Chemistry Branch.
PP #9E2268 and 9E2269. 2,6-Dichloro-4-nitroaniline and
O-phenylphenol on Kiwi Fruit. Evaluation of Analytical
Method and Residue Data.
Inert ingredient and manufacturing process information on
pages 1-2 are not included.

November 21, 1980. Memorandum. 4 Pages.
Elizabeth Leovey. Residue Chemistry Branch.
PP #0F2368 and PP #0F2369. 2,6-Dichloro-4-nitroaniline and
O-phenylphenol in or on Kiwi Fruit. Evaluation of
Analytical Method and Residue Data.
Inert ingredient and manufacturing process information on
page 2 are not included.

March 9, 1981. Review. 5 Pages.
James Wilson. Disinfectants Branch.
EPA File Symbol 777-AN. Lysol Brand Pine Action.
New Product.

April 17, 1981. Memorandum. 4 Pages.
Sherell Sterling. Fungicide-Herbicide Branch.
Tomato Lustr 222 with Fungicide .
EPA Registration No. 4581-302. Tox Review 001184.

April 19, 1982. Memorandum. 19 Pages.
Winnie Teeters. Toxicology Branch.
Review of Published Teratology Study on Dowicide A
Antimicrobial (O-phenylphenol and its Sodium Salt).
EPA Reg. # 464-70, 464-78; Caswell #658, 658E.
Accession #244412. Tox Review 001819.

May 24, 1982. Memorandum. 4 Pages.
Irving Mauer. Toxicology Branch.
Orthophenylphenol (OPP) and SOPP Article: "Molecular
Mechanisms Involved in the Carcinogenicity of
Orthophenylphenol and its Sodium Salt," by R.H. Reitz,
T.R. Fox, J.F. Quast, E.A. Herman... Tox Review 001879.
Manufacturing process information on page 1 is not included.

May 24, 1982. Memorandum. 4 Pages.
Charles Frick. Toxicology Branch.
464-70 - Review of Study Titled: "Molecular Mechanisms
Involved in the Toxicity and Carcinogenicity of
Orthophenylphenol and its Sodium Salt." By R.H. Reitz et.
al. Toxicology Research Laboratory, Dow Chemical USA,
1803 Building, Midland, Michigan, December 10, 1981.

June 16, 1982. Memorandum. 3 Pages.
Carolyn Gregorio. Toxicology Branch.
Hiraga, K. and T. Fujii. 1981. Induction of Tumors of the
Urinary System in F344 Rats by Dietary Administration of
Sodium o-Phenylphenate. Food Cosmet. Toxica. 19:303-310.
Caswell File #623AA. Tox Review 001988.

May 27, 1983. Memorandum. 6 Pages.
Charles Frick. Toxicology Branch.
Follow-up Studies on the Effects of Orthophenylphenol
(Dowicide 1) and Sodium Orthophenylphenol (Dowicide A) on
the Urinary Tract of F344 Rats. Tox Review 002862.

July 11, 1984. Memorandum. 2 Pages.
Bertram Litt. Toxicology Branch.
Quantitative Risk Assessment for O-phenylphenol.
Tox Review 001170.

July 16, 1984. Memorandum. 4 Pages.
Edwin Budd. Toxicology Branch.
Quantitative Risk Assessment for O-Phenylphenol.

January 25, 1985. Memorandum. 9 Pages.
Jane Harris. Toxicology Branch.
A Review of Several Japanese Studies on
Sodium-o-phenylphenate (SOPP) Submitted by Dow Chemical Co.
(464-70) Caswell No. 787. Tox Review 004251.

September 12, 1985. Efficacy Review. 4 Pages.
anonymous. Disinfectants Branch.
EPA Reg. No 1043-OR & 1043-OE
Acc. No 259760, 259758.

December 20, 1985. Efficacy Review. 16 Pages.
Dennis Guse. Disinfectants Branch.
EPA Reg. No 1043-OR & 1043-OE
Acc. No 259760, 259758.
New product applications: Same formulation.

April 10, 1986. Review. 4 Pages.
James Wilson. Disinfectants Branch.
EPA File Symbol 11725-T. Tek-Trol Disinfectant Cleaner
Concentrate. New Application.

June 26, 1986. Efficacy Review. 2 Pages.
Dorothy Portner. Disinfectants Branch.
EPA Reg. No 1043-OR & 1043-OE
Acc. No. 262007 & 262008
Additional data/information to clarify
previous test reports.

October 2, 1986. Review. 5 Pages.
Dennis Guse. Antimicrobial Program Branch.
Alternate Formulations
EPA Reg. No. 777-32, -44, -53; 675-15, -43, -45
Resubmission of test protocol for evaluating
disinfectants against AIDS virus.

October 22, 1986. Memorandum. 7 Pages.
Pamela Hurley. Toxicology Branch.
464-70. Review of Oncogenicity Study on Orthophenylphenol
(Dowicide 1). Tox Review 005550.

March 17, 1987. Efficacy Review. 1 Page.
William Campbell. Disinfectants Branch.
EPA Reg. No 1043-OE & OR
Acc. No 40018401
New registrations/minor formula change.

April 14, 1987. Review. 3 Pages.
Akiva Abramovitch. Exposure Assessment Branch.
File #11725-T. Tek-Trol Disinfectant Cleaner Concentrate.
Review of Biodegradation Data of the Three Active
Ingredients in this Microbiocide.

April 18, 1988. Memorandum. 1 Page.
Pamela Hurley. Toxicology Branch.
464-70. o-Phenylphenol. Review of Oncogenicity Study.

October 26, 1988. Efficacy Review. 6 Pages.
Srinivas Gowda. Antimicrobial Program Branch.
Reg. No 1043-92
MRID 405219-01
Amendment to add virucidal claim against HIV-1
(AIDS virus) with efficacy data and labeling.

March 23, 1989. Review. 5 Pages.
Srinivas Gowda. Antimicrobial Program Branch.
Efficacy Evaluation
MRID 406219-01
Amendment to add virucidal claims against HIV-1
(AIDS virus) with efficacy data and labeling.

July 3, 1989. Review. 4 Pages.
Srinivas Gowda. Antimicrobial Program Branch.
Efficacy Evaluation
MRID 410894-01 to 410894-11.
Amendment to add aditional bacteriocidal, fungicidal
virucidal (including HIV-1), tuberculocidal... claims..

October 20, 1989. Review. 2 Pages.
Srinivas Gowda. Antimicrobial Program Branch.
Efficacy Evaluation
Resubmission in response to Agency letter
dated 07/26/89 with additional information*
and revised proposed label (attached).

March 26, 1990. Review. 1 Page.
Emily Mitchell. Antimicrobial Program Branch.
Confirmatory Data
Efficacy Evaluation
Amendment for two new alternate fragrances.

December 12, 1990. Review. 4 Pages.
Bruce Mann. Antimicrobial Program Branch.
Efficacy Evaluation
EPA Reg. No. # 777-53
MRID 416610-01, -02, -03, & -04
An amendment to the product label and add virucidal
claims and additional microorganisms.

May 28, 1991. Review. 4 Pages.
Arnold Layne. Antimicrobial Program Branch.
Review change is [sic] labeling.

December 30, 1992. Memorandum. 9 Pages.
Christina Cocciardo. Miles Inc.
ortho-Phenylphenol; Proposed Doses
for the 2-Year Combined Chronic Toxicity/
Oncogenicity Study in the Rat
Pages 3-4 removed-registrant data.

January 11, 1993. Data Eval. Rec. 18 Pages.
Stephen Dapson. Toxicology Branch II.
Chronic feeding in the rodent; Guideline 83-1a
Carcinogenicity-Mouse; Guideline 83-2b
MRID 00161577.

January 19, 1993. Data Eval. Rec. 26 Pages.
Stephen Dapson. Toxicology Branch II.
Chronic feeding/carcinogenicity in the rodent
Guideline 83-1a, 83-2a
MRID 407602-03
Pages 14-26 removed-registrant data.

January 19, 1993. Data Eval. Rec. 13 Pages.
Stephen Dapson. Toxicology Branch II.
Subchronic feeding - rodent; Guideline 82-1a
MRID 921540-35
Pages 10-13 removed-registrant data.

January 19, 1993. Data Eval. Rec. 15 Pages.
Stephen Dapson. Toxicology Branch II.
90-Day (Subchronic) Feeding - Rodent; Guideline 82-1a
MRID 921540-32 - reformat of 00091022 and 00145962
Registrant data on page 11 is not included.
Pages 14-15 removed-registrant data.

January 25, 1993. Data Eval. Rec. 16 Pages.
Stephen Dapson. Toxicology Branch II.
Subchronic feeding - rodent; Guideline 82-1a
MRID 921540-36 reformat of 407602-08
Pages 13-16 removed-registrant data.

January 25, 1993. Data Eval. Rec. 17 Pages.
Stephen Dapson. Toxicology Branch II.
Subchronic feeding - rodent; Guideline 82-1a
MRID 407602-06
Pages 13-17 removed-registrant data.

February 9, 1993. Memorandum. 9 Pages.
Stephen Dapson. Toxicology Branch II.
Orthophenylphenol and Sodium Orthophenylphenate - Review
of subchronic and chronic toxicity feeding studies in
rodents submitted in support of reregistration... MRID
#'s 91022, 407602-05, 407602-06, 407602-07, 407602-08,
161577, 164361, 407602-01, 407602-03, 149992, 141535..

February 10, 1993. Review. 1 Page.
Srinivas Gowda. Antimicrobial Program Branch.
Alternate Formulations
Four alternate formulations with different
scents with confirmatory efficacy data
MRID 426055-01 to -04.

June 7, 1993. Efficacy Review. 4 Pages.
Arnold Layne. Antimicrobial Program Branch.
Reg. No. 1043-92
MRID No 427594-01
FIFRA 6(a)(2) Submission.

July 7, 1993. Memorandum. 18 Pages.
Lucy Markarian. Registration Support Branch.
EPA File Symbol/EPA Reg. No.: 10145-3 and 10145-4
MRID 426200-04,426200-08, 426200-09
Inert ingredient information on pages 2,3,4 is not included.

July 30, 1993. Memorandum. 5 Pages.
Cynthia Giles-Parker. Fungicide-Herbicide Branch.
Request for Change of Signal Word
EPA Reg. Nos. 10145-3, 10145-4
Inert ingredient information on pages 1 and 4 not included.
Inert ingredient and non-responsive information on pages
2 and 3 not included.

November 1, 1993. Efficacy Review. 2 Pages.
Bruce Mann. Antimicrobial Program Branch.
EPA Reg. No. 1043-92
An amendment to review the chemist's comment
regarding the use of the product on equipment in food prep.
areas. A determination has to be made for this claim and
for adequate use directions for the product...

November 9, 1993. Memorandum. 2 Pages.
Thomas Ellwanger. Residue Science Branch.
PRS Explanation of 10145-3 Dermal Irritation Decision.

November 18, 1993. Memorandum. 2 Pages.
Cynthia Giles-Parker. Fungicide-Herbicide Branch.
Review of Request for Agency's Dermal Irritation
Vita-San 10
EPA Reg. No. 10145-3.

December 15, 1993. Memorandum. 95 Pages.
Esther Rinde. Health Effects Division.
Carcinogenicity Peer Review Meeting on O-PHENYL PHENOL.
Attachment(s) following:

January 19, 1993. Data Eval. Rec.
Stephen Dapson. Toxicology Branch.
Chronic feeding/carcinogenicity in the rodent
Guideline 83-1a, 83-2a
MRID No.: 407602-03
on page 17, Tox review 009997.

January 11, 1993. Data Eval. Rec.
Stephen Dapson. Toxicology Branch.
Chronic Feeding in the rodent; Guideline 83-1a
Carcinogenicity-Mouse; Guideline 83-2b
MRID No.: 00161577
page 52, Tox review 009997.

December 16, 1993. Memorandum.
Stephen Dapson. Toxicology Branch II.
Orthophenylphenol and Sodium Orthophenylphenate
Qualitative Risk Assessment Based on Charles River
F344/DuCrj Albino Rat Dietary Studies
see page 73.

*End of attachments*

February 23, 1994. Review. 2 Pages.
Bruce Mann. Antimicrobial Program Branch.
Efficacy Evaluation
MRID 429828-01, 429828-02, 429828-03, 430474,01
A submission with confirmatory data submitted
in support of the alternate formula changes.

March 2, 1994. Efficacy Review. 5 Pages.
Srinivas Gowda. Antimicrobial Program Branch.
EPA Reg. No. 1043-92
MRID 430618-01 to 430618-03
Resubmission in response to Agenct letter
dated Nov. 18, 1993 with additional data
against Ps. aeruginosa to refute... MRID No. 427594-01.

August 24, 1994. Memorandum. 35 Pages.
Esther Rinde. Science Analysis Branch.
Carcinogenicity Peer Review of Orthophenylphenol
(OPP) and Sodium Orthophenylphenol (SOPP).

July 30, 1996. Memorandum. 32 Pages.
Stephen Dapson. Toxicology Branch.
Orthophenylphenol - Review of a carcinogenicity study
in the rat, submitted under Section 6(a)(2) of FIFRA.
EPA DP Barcode D224668
MRID 43954301.

September 6, 1996. Efficacy Review. 5 Pages.
Michele Wingfield. Antimicrobial Program Branch.
Reg. No. 1043-92
Review of dilution data from NCDA
Constable Lab (sample # 042596F28950106B
Batch # 210322).

September 6, 1996. Efficacy Review. 5 Pages.
Michele Wingfield. Antimicrobial Program Branch.
Reg. No. 1043-92
Review of dilution data from NCDA
Constable Lab (sample # 042596F28950107B
Batch # 210323).

August 16, 1999. Memorandum. 3 Pages.
Timothy McMahon. Regulatory Management Branch AD.
Ortho-phenylphenol (O-PP) : review of a chronic toxicity /
carcinogenicity study in rats.
MRID 44832201, 44852701.

May 19, 2005. Memorandum. 10 Pages.
Lori Brunsman. Science Information Management Branch.
Orthophenylphenol: Qualitative Risk Assessment Based On
CDF(F-344)/BR Rat and B6C3F1 Albino Mouse Dietary Studies.
MRID 43545501, 43954301
Tox review 0053394.

October 12, 2005. Memorandum. 42 Pages.
Jessica Kidwell. Health Effects Division.
Ortho-phenylphenol and Sodium Ortho-phenylphenol:
Second Report of the Cancer Assessment Review Committee
PC Code: ... & 064104 (sodium ortho-phenylphenol)
TXR No.: 0053796.

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