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Index of Cleared Science Reviews

Index for Metaldehyde (Pc Code 053001)

September 14, 1992. Memorandum. 14 Pages.
R.B. Perfetti. Chemistry Branch II.
Response to the Metaldehyde Reregistration
Standard: Residue Data ( MRID # 42092701,
CBRS # 9200, Barcode No. D172616 ).

May 18, 1994. Memorandum. 24 Pages.
Henry Spencer. Toxicology Branch.
Transmittal of the review of the pharmokenetic
study of Metaldehyde in the rat (MRID 42300901)
Pages 16 and 19-24 removed, registrant data.
Tox review 010988.

July 2, 1996. Memorandum. 13 Pages.
Susan Hummel. Chemistry Branch.
Metaldehyde (053001) Rerregistration Case No. 0576
Lettuce & Sugar Beet Metabolism
[MRID Nos 43923301, 43923303; CB 17085; DP BARCODE: D224844].

April 13, 2005. DER. 8 Pages.
Joseph Deluzio. Reregistration Branch 1/HED.
Metaldehyde: Magnitude of the Residue on Caneberry
(Raspberry). MRID 45826402.

April 13, 2005. DER. 10 Pages.
Joseph Deluzio. Reregistration Branch 1/HED.
Magnitude of the Residue of Metaldehyde in Lemon Raw
Agricultural Commodities.
MRID 46010504.

April 13, 2005. DER. 8 Pages.
Joseph Deluzio. Reregistration Branch 1/HED.
Magnitude of the Residue of Metaldehyde in Orange Raw
Agricultural and Processed Commodities.
MRID 46010505. (8 pages).

April 13, 2005. DER. 11 Pages.
Joseph Deluzio. Reregistration Branch 1/HED.
Magnitude of the Residue of Metaldehyde in Orange Raw
Agricultural and Processed Commodities.
MRID 46010505. (11 pages).

April 13, 2005. DER. 10 Pages.
Joseph Deluzio. Reregistration Branch 1/HED.
Magnitude of the Residue of Metaldehyde in Grapefruit Raw
Agricultural Commodities.
MRID 46010506.

April 13, 2005. DER. 11 Pages.
Joseph Deluzio. Reregistration Branch 1/HED.
Magnitude of the Residue of Metaldehyde in Strawberry Raw
Agricultural Commodities.
MRID 46010509.

April 18, 2005. DER. 8 Pages.
Joseph Deluzio. Reregistration Branch 1/HED.
Metaldehyde: Magnitude of the Residue on Blueberry.
MRID 45826401.

April 18, 2005. DER. 10 Pages.
Joseph Deluzio. Reregistration Branch 1/HED.
Magnitude of the Residue of Metaldehyde in Broccoli Raw
Agricultural Commodities.
MRID 46010501.

April 18, 2005. DER. 11 Pages.
Joseph Deluzio. Reregistration Branch 1/HED.
Magnitude of the Residue of Metaldehyde in Cabbage Raw
Agricultural Commodities.
MRID 46010502.

April 18, 2005. DER. 10 Pages.
Joseph Deluzio. Reregistration Branch 1/HED.
Magnitude of the Residue of Metaldehyde in Mustard Greens
Raw Agricultural Commodities.
MRID 46010503.

April 18, 2005. DER. 12 Pages.
Joseph Deluzio. Reregistration Branch 1/HED.
Magnitude of the Residue of Metaldehyde in Tomato Raw
Agricultural Commodities.
MRID 46010508.

July 7, 2005. DER. 27 Pages.
Linda Taylor. Reregistration Branch.
Subchronic Neurotoxicity - rat [diet]
Harmonized Guideline 870.6200b/OECD 424
MRID 46223401, 46406301.

July 14, 2005. Memorandum. 19 Pages.
Linda Taylor. Reregistration Branch.
METALDEHYDE: Data Evaluation Record for 52-Week Chronic
Toxicity Study in Dogs. DP Barcode D314534.
MRID 46378401.
Tox review 0053264.

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