Index of Cleared Science Reviews
Index for Maleic hydrazide, potassium salt (Pc Code 051503)
April 18, 1992. Review. 2 Page(s).
Michael Clifford.
EPA Reg No: 400-ULE
New "Me-Too" application; Product chemistry review
MRID 42169201, 42169202, 42169203 thru -05, -07, -08.
Inert ingredient information on page 1 not included.
May 11, 1992. Review. 1 Page(s).
Michael Clifford.
EPA Reg No. 400-ULE
Product chemistry (color, physical state, odor)
MRID 42211001, 42211002, 42211003.
February 8, 1993. Memorandum. 12 Page(s).
Lucy Markarian. Registration Support Branch.
EPA File Symbol/EPA Reg. No.:400-ULE
Acute toxicity tests
MRID 421692-09 thru -14.
Inert ingredient information on page 2 not included.
February 1, 1994. Memoarndum. 4 Page(s).
Lucy Markarian. Registration Support Branch.
Reg No 400-ULE
"The eye test is upgraded to core minimum..."
MRID 421692-12.
September 20, 1996. Memorandum. 2 Page(s).
Carol Glasgow. Reregsistration Support Branch.
EPA File Symbol/EPA Reg. Nos 400-452/ROYAL MH-30XTRA 8-Month
Reregistration Call-In.
June 4, 1997. Review. 5 Page(s).
Alfred Smith. Technical Review Branch.
Product Chemistry Review
REG./File Symbol No: 400-452
MRID 42169201, 42169202, 42169203C, 42169207, 42169208.