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Index of Cleared Science Reviews

Index for Maleic hydrazide (Pc Code 051501)

Undated. Report. 7 Pages.
Toxicology Branch.
Chronic Toxicity Studies with Sodium Maleic Hydrazide.

April 29, 1968. Summary. 12 Pages.
Toxicology Branch.
Data Summary - Maleic Hydrazide 30%.
Inert ingredient information on page 10 is not included.
Tox review 000569.

March 17, 1976. Review. 1 Page.
Toxicology Branch.
FST-7 Maleic Hydrazide.
Inert ingredient information is not included.
Tox review 000570.

February 22, 1978. Memorandum. 2 Pages.
John Doherty. Toxicology Branch.
Registration No. 400-84
Tox review 000573.

May 22, 1978. Memorandum. 3 Pages.
John Doherty. Toxicology Branch.
Registration Number 400-84.

August 25, 1978. Memorandum. 3 Pages.
William Woodrow. Toxicology Branch.
14C Labeled Maleic Hydrazide: Evaluation of Study Designed
to Detect Placental or Milk Transfer of Radioactivity in
Rats. Acc. 232967.
Tox review 000572.

September 12, 1978. Memorandum. 4 Pages.
William Woodrow. Toxicology Branch.
Data Review. Mutagenic Potential of K+ Salt of Maleic
Hydrazide Determined by Sex-Linked Recessive Lethal Assay
in Drosophila. EPA Registration Nos. 400-84, and 400-94.

January 2, 1979. Memorandum. 3 Pages.
John Doherty. Toxicology Branch.
Registration No. 400-84. Mouse Bone Marrow Cytogenetic
Analysis and Mutagenesis Properties of Maleic Hydrazide.

April 4, 1979. Memorandum. 5 Pages.
Irving Mauer. Toxicology Branch.
Study Submitted by Uniroyal Chemical for Review: "Mutagenic
Evaluation of Maleic Hydrazide in the Mouse Bone Marrow
Cytogenetic Analysis (Test)," Dated 3/29/78.

April 17, 1979. Memorandum. 1 Page.
John Doherty. Toxicology Branch.
Registration No. 400-84. "Mutagenic Evaluation of Maleic
Hydrazide in the Mouse Bone Marrow Cytogenetic Analysis
(Test)" (Litton Bionetics, Inc., Proj. No. 20840).

July 1, 1982. Report. 33 Pages.
Dynamac Corporation.
Review, Evaluation, and Topical Discussion of Studies on
Lifetime Oncogenicity in Mice and Rats: Maleic Hydrazide.
Inert ingredient information on page 11 is not included.
Manufacturing process information on page 12 not included.
Tox review 004757.

August 1, 1982. Report. 33 Pages.
Dynamac Corporation.
Review, Evaluation, and Topical Discussion of Studies on
Lifetime Oncogenicity in Mice and Rats: Maleic Hydrazide.
Inert ingredient information on page 11 not included.
Manufacturing process information on page 12 not included.

February 5, 1985. Memorandum. 7 Pages.
Deloris Graham. Fungicide-Herbicide Branch.
EPA File Symbol 400-UEU; Slo-Gro
Pages 6-7 removed, draft label.
Acc. 253536. Acute oral, acute dermal...
Tox review 005256.

March 7, 1985. Memorandum. 21 Pages.
George Ghali. Toxicology Branch.
EPA Reg. Nos 400-84, -94, and -165; Maleic Hydrazide, K salt
Accession Nos. 250522 and 250523
Two generation reproduction (rat) and teratology (rabbit).
Tox review 004330.

November 7, 1985. Memorandum. 2 Pages.
Irving Mauer. Toxicology Branch.
Maleic Hydrazide (MH) Oncogenicity Studies
Tox review 004758.

June 30, 1987. Review. 3 Pages.
Irving Mauer. Toxicology Branch.
Review Label Amendment Requesting Repeat Application of
Product on Tobacco (to Control Suckering During the Growing
Season) Other than Flue-Cured Tobacco; Considering any
Tox Concerns.

November 2, 1987. Memorandum. 3 Pages.
Irving Mauer. Toxicology Branch.
Maleic Hydrazide - Possible 6(a)(2) Data
Submitted Under Accession No. 403201
EPA Registration No. 400-97
Tox review 006422.

January 26, 1989. Memorandum. 32 Pages.
Irving Mauer. Toxicology Branch.
Maleic Hydrazide - Company Response to Data Call-In
Notice and Request for Waiver, Submitted under MRID
Nos. 40874200, -01, and -02.
Tox review 007011.

March 22, 1989. Memorandum. 11 Pages.
Irving Mauer. Toxicology Branch.
Potassium Salt of Maleic Hydrazide (KMH) - Company
Response to Previous Agency Assessment of Rabbit
Teratology Submitted under MRID No. 40985311.
Tox review 007095.

October 13, 1989. Memorandum. 14 Pages.
Irving Mauer. Toxicology Branch.
Maleic Hydrazide (352)/Potassium Maleic Hydrazide
(352B) Submission of Toxicology Data in Response
to Data Call-In Notice (MRID Nos. 41055903 and 41144601).
Pages 9-12 removed, detailed registrant protocol.
Tox review 007540.

January 5, 1990. Memorandum. 30 Pages.
Irving Mauer. Toxicology Branch.
Potassium Salt of Maleic Hydrazide (KMH) - Toxicity
Data Submitted under MRID No. 411854-01.
Pages 8-30 removed, registrant data.
Tox review 007671.

July 2, 1990. Memorandum. 16 Pages.
Irving Mauer. Toxicology Branch.
Potassium Salt of Maleic Hydrazide (KMH) - Toxicology
Data Submitted under MRID No. 411490-01 [mutagenicity]
Pages 7-16 removed, registrant data.
Tox review 008017.

July 16, 1990. Memorandum. 29 Pages.
Irving Mauer. Toxicology Branch.
Potassium Salt of Maleic Hydrazide - Submission of
Toxicology Data Required by Registration Standard,
and Assigned MRID Nos. 412891-01 and 412891-02
(sensitization and dermal toxicity)
Tox review 008037.

August 21, 1990. Memorandum. 17 Pages.
Irving Mauer. Toxicology Branch.
Potassium Salt of Maleic Hydrazide - Toxicity Data Submitted
in Response to the Registration Standard.
Tox Review 008068.

October 23, 2001. Memorandum. 10 Pages.
Maria Rivera Piansay. Product Reregistration Branch.
EPA Reg. No: 19713-105/Leven-38 (Sucker Atak).
eye and skin irritation.
MRID 45517902, 45517903.

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