Index of Cleared Science Reviews
Index for Dipropyl isocinchomeronate (MGK 326) (Pc Code 047201)
July 6, 1992. Memorandum. 57 Pages.
Whang Phang. Toxicology Branch II.
MGK Repellent 326: Review of a group of metabolism studies.
Caswell No. 400
MRID No. 422465-01, -02, -03, 423057-01.
Pages 14-25, 33-39, 47-56 removed, registrant data.
Tox review 009584.
March 5, 1993. Memorandum. 108 Pages.
Esther Rinde. Science Analysis & Coordination Branch.
Carcinogenicity Peer Review Meeting on MGK Repellant.
Attachment(s) following:
March 9, 1993. Memorandum.
Esther Rinde. Science Analysis & Coordination Branch.
Summaries of the Relevant Toxicological Data for
Carcinogenicity Peer Review.
December 23, 1991. Data Eval. Rec.
Whang Phang. Toxicology Branch.
24-month dietary chronic/oncogenicity study in the rat
MRID 420939-02
Tox review 009000 excerpt.
December 18, 1991. Data Eval. Rec.
Alberto Protzel. Toxicology Branch.
Oncogenicity; Mouse; EPA Guideline 83-2
MRID 421001-02
Tox review 009000 excerpt.
February 25, 1993. Memorandum.
Whang Phang. Toxicology Branch.
MGK Repellent 326: Qualitative Risk Assessment Based On
Charles River CD Rat Dietary Study
MRID 420939-02.
March 8, 1993. Memorandum.
Whang Phang. Toxicology Branch.
MGK Repellent 326: Qualitative Risk Assessment Based On
Charles River CD-1 Mouse Dietary Study
MRID 421001-02.
*End of attachments*
July 21, 1993. Memorandum. 27 Pages.
Whang Phang. Toxicology Branch.
Carcinogenicity Peer Review of MGK Repellent 326.