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Index of Cleared Science Reviews

Index for Cycloheximide (Pc Code 043401)

August 6, 1974. Outline. 2 Page(s).
Ronald E. Ney. Efficacy & Ecological Effects Branch.
Outline for environmental chemistry review for Actidone,
Petiiton # 4G1422, Reg. No. 1023-52, The Upjohn Company.

May 13, 1977. Review. 107 Page(s).
Nancy Dodd. Environmental Chemistry Section/EEEB.
Phase 2 chemical review package for Cycloheximide
Pages 10-23 are not included - Inert ingredient information.

June 16, 1977. Data. 1 Page(s).
Nancy Dodd. Environmental Chemistry Section/EEEB.
Re-entry data for reregistration of Cycloheximide.

July 28, 1978. Review. 9 Page(s).
R.W. Cook. Environmental Fate Branch.
Enviromental fate review of Cycloheximide, Upjohn Company,
Data submission.

October 9, 1981. Report. 130 Page(s).
Enviro Control, Inc.
Cycloheximide, Task 1: Review and Evaluation of Individual
Studies, Final Report.

October 22, 1981. Report. 32 Page(s).
None given. Enviro Control, Inc.
Cycloheximide, Task 2: Topical Discussions.

October 26, 1981. Report. 9 Page(s).
None given. Enviro Control, Inc.
Cycloheximide, Task 3: Environmental Fate Proifle,
Final Report.

October 29, 1981. Report. 4 Page(s).
Enviro Control, Inc.
Cycloheximide, Task 4: Exposure Profile, Final Report.

May 10, 1983. Review. 9 Page(s).
L.A. Richardson, Ph.D. Exposure Assessment Branch.
EAB review of Cycloheximide, Re./File No. 1023-55, Upjohn
Compnay, Request waiver of data for RS chemical.

May 13, 1986. Review. 2 Page(s).
Samuel M. Creeger. Exposure Assessment Branch.
Environmental fate review of Cycloheximide, Nor-Am, Mention
of difficulties in preparing radiolabeled Cycloheximide.

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