Index of Cleared Science Reviews for Ethoprop (Pc Code 041101)
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Undated. Review. 10 Page(s).
Dynamac Corporation.
Ethoprop: Addendum to Dynamac's Review of a Three-Generation Reproduction
Study in Rats. Pages 4-10 are not included - registrant test methods
Tox review 005741.
Document (PDF) (1265 KB PDF).
Attachment(s) Following:
April 26, 1985. Data Eval. Rec. 34 Page(s).
Cecil Felkner. Dynamac Corporation.
Ethoprop Technical - Three-Generation Reproduction Study in Rats.
Pages 15, 17-19, 21-23, 25, and 30-34 are not included - registrant test methods.
*End of Attachments*
Undated. Review. 3 Page(s).
Dynamac Corporation.
Ethoprop: Addendum to Dynamac's Review of Chronic Toxicity and Oncogenic
Potential in Rats.
Document (PDF) (1017 KB PDF).
Attachment(s) Following:
February 25, 1985. Data Eval. Rec. 29 Page(s).
Cecil Felkner. Dynamac Corporation.
Ethoprop - Chronic Toxicity/Oncogenicity Study in Rats.
Pages 19-25 and 27-29 are not included - product quality control procedures.
*End of Attachments*
Undated. Review. 7 Page(s).
Mitre Corporation.
Addendum I and II to Mitre's Review. Chronic Oncogenic Evaluation of Ethoprop
with B6C3F1 Mice. (78 Weeks).
Document (PDF) (1120 KB PDF).
Attachment(s) Following:
September 25, 1984. Review. 18 Page(s).
Mitre Corporation.
Chronic Oncogenic Evaluation in Mice.
Accession Nos. 263797, 263798, 263799, 263800. Tox Review 005741.
*End of Attachments*
February 01, 1983. Review. 3 Page(s).
Allen Vaughan. Ecological Effects Branch.
Ethoprop Bee toxicity (Apis mellifera) MRID 44262001.
Document (PDF) (147 KB PDF).
May 08, 1985. Data Eval. Rec. 15 Page(s).
Cecil Felkner. Dynamac Corporation.
Ethoprop - Teratogenicity Study in Rabbits. Pages 11-15 are not included
- product quality control procedures.
Document (PDF) (543 KB PDF).
February 26, 1987. Memorandum. 6 Page(s).
Karen Hamernik. Toxicology Branch.
Ethoprop: Review of Chronic Toxicity/Oncogenicity, Reproduction
and Teratology Studies. EPA Identification No. 359-694.
Document (PDF) (454 KB PDF).
June 02, 1987. Review. 10 Page(s).
Ann Stavola. Ecological Effects Branch.
File No. 34704-EUP-O. UAP 101 or Clean Crop Holdem 10-10G. Proposed EUP
for New End-Product Containing Ethoprop and Phorate for Use on Potatoes.
Page 10 is not included - confidential statement of formula.
Document (PDF) (718 KB PDF).
Attachment(s) Following:
July 02, 1987. Letter. 2 Page(s).
Herbert Harrison. Insecticide-Rodenticide Branch.
Clean Crop Holdem 10-10G. EPA Experimental Use Permit File Symbol 34704-EUP-O.
Your Application Dated December 4, 1986 and Amendments of December 30, 1986 and March 31, 1987.
*End of Attachments*
September 09, 1987. Letter. 11 Page(s).
Wally Steuche. Fish & Wildlife Service.
Formal Endangered Species Act Consultation on the Use of Ethoprop (Mocap) on
Grapes and Brussel Sprouts (Case No. 1-1-86-F-48).
Document (PDF) (693 KB PDF).
November 16, 1987. Memorandum. 6 Page(s).
Padma Datta. Exposure Assessment Branch.
Ethoprop - EAB Science Chapter for Registration.
Document (PDF) (277 KB PDF).
November 19, 1987. Transmittal. 1 Page(s).
R. Perfetti. Residue Chemistry Branch.
Review of Draft SIS Cover Memo for Ethoprop.
Document (PDF) (587 KB PDF).
Attachment(s) Following:
Undated. Draft Memo. 9 Page(s).
Amy Rispin. Science Integration Staff.
HED Cover Memorandum for the Ethoprop (FRSTR) Registration Standard.
*End of Attachments*
December 01, 1987. Letter. 3 Page(s).
Henry Craven. Ecological Effects Branch.
Request for Fish and Wildlife Service Hazard Assessment Concurrence.
Document (PDF) (130 KB PDF).
February 22, 1988. Review. 6 Page(s).
Michael Camardese. Ecological Effects Branch.
File No. 34704-EUP-O. Clean Crop Holdem (Phorate & Ethoprop).
Revision of Proposed EUP Submitted on 12-30-86 for Use on Potatoes.
Document (PDF) (519 KB PDF).
Attachment(s) Following:
September 03, 1987. Letter. 4 Page(s).
Diana Williams. Platte Chemical Company.
Clean Crop Holdem 10-10G. EPA Experimental Use Permit File Symbol 34704-EUP-O.
*End of Attachments*
February 14, 1989. Meeting Notes. 2 Page(s).
Dennis McLane. Ecological Effects Branch.
Ethoprop - Field Study Meeting on February 14, 1989.
Document (PDF) (102 KB PDF).
April 13, 1989. Review. 6 Page(s).
James Akerman. Ecological Effects Branch.
Submission of Further Data to Enable EEB to Finalize Review of Level
1 Terrestrial Field Study.
Document (PDF) (317 KB PDF).
June 09, 1989. Review. 9 Page(s).
James Akerman. Ecological Effects Branch.
Submission of Rationale and Protocol for Testing Mocap EC in Potatoes
Rather than Pineapples (TFS Level 1).
Document (PDF) (564 KB PDF).
July 20, 1989. Memo to File. 2 Page(s).
Dan Rieder. Ecological Effects Branch.
Meeting with Rhone-Poulenc and Wildlife International to Discuss Mocap
Field Study Protocol.
Document (PDF) (252 KB PDF).
Attachment(s) Following:
June 07, 1989. Memorandum. 2 Page(s).
James Hobson. Rhone-Poulenc.
Meeting with the EEB to Discuss the Ethoprop Level I Avian Field Programs.
*End of Attachments*
March 15, 1996. DER. 9 Page(s).
Regina Hirsch. Ecological Effects Branch.
Ethoprop technical - Acute Toxicity to Mysids (Mysiopsis bahia) Under
Flow-Through Conditions. MRID No. 436863-03. End of July 1999.
Document (PDF) (568 KB PDF).
March 15, 1996. Memorandum. 10 Page(s).
Anthony Maciorowski. Ecological Effects Branch.
Reregistraion, Data Evaluation of three Acute Estuarine Studies,
Ethoprop (041101), D218402, REREG Case #0106. MRID No. 436863-01.
Document (PDF) (614 KB PDF).
March 18, 1996. DER. 10 Page(s).
Regina Hirsch. Ecological Effects Branch.
Ethoprop technical, Batch No. 307289119; Acute Toxicity to Eastern Oyster
(Crassostrea virginica) Under Flow-Through Conditions. MRID No. 436863-02.
Document (PDF) (598 KB PDF).
December 19, 1996. Memorandum. 24 Page(s).
S. Knizner. Residue Chemistry Analysis Branch.
ID# 97OR0002. Section 18 Exemption for Use of Ethoprop on Hops in
the State of Oregon. TAS page 16.
Document (PDF) (1930 KB PDF).
February 11, 1997. DER. 24 Pages.
Bill Evans. EPA/OECD/PMRA.
- The Chronic Toxicity to Daphnia magna Under Flow-Through Conditions.
MRID No.: 438774-01. DP Barcode: D222853 and D226794.
Document (PDF) (992 KB PDF).
March 01, 1997. Memorandum. 27 Page(s).
William Evans. Ecological Effects Branch.
Request to Review Aquatic Invertebrate Chronic Study for Ethoprop.
MRID No. 438774-01. Registration Data information removed from page 27.
Document (PDF) (1842 KB PDF).
September 25, 1997. Report. 33 Page(s).
Kit Farwell. Toxicology Branch.
Cancer Assessment Document; Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Potential
of Ethoprop (Final Report). Tox Review No. 012564.
Document (PDF) (1949 KB PDF).
October 02, 1997. Memorandum. 35 Page(s).
Jess Rowland. Health Effects Division.
Ethoprop - Report of the Cancer Assessment Review Committee.
Document (PDF) (1966 KB PDF).
October 31, 1997. DER. 7 Pages.
N. E. Federoff. OPP/EPA.
Toxicity of Ethoprop Telchnical to Fathead Minnow (Pimephales promelas)
Embryos and Larvae. MRID No. 406501-02. DP Barcode: D206907.
Document (PDF) (790 KB PDF).
November 10, 1997. Memorandum. 6 Page(s).
Jess Rowland. Science Analysis & Coordination Branch.
Ethoprop - FQPA Requirement - Report of the Hazard Identification Assessment
Review Committee Tox review 012401.
Document (PDF) (384 KB PDF).
January 13, 1998. DER. 15 Page(s).
Dana Spatz. ERB-IV/EFED/OPP.
Acid (Ethorop Metabolite) Adsorption/ Desorption Study. MRID No. 437786-01.
Registration Data information removed from pages 4-15.
Document (PDF) (203 KB PDF).
January 13, 1998. DER. 18 Page(s).
Dana Spatz. ERB-IV/EFED/OPP.
Photodegradation of 14C Ethoprop in pH 7 Buffered Solution - Supplemental Study.
MRID No. 438335-02. Registration Data information removed from pages 4-18.
Document (PDF) (223 KB PDF).
January 13, 1998. DER. 9 Page(s).
Dana Spatz. ERB-IV/EFED/OPP.
Determination of the Photolysis Rate of [14C] Ethoprop on the Surface of Soil -
Supplemental Study. MRID No. 438335-01. Registration Data information removed from pages 4-9.
Document (PDF) (213 KB PDF).
January 15, 1998. Memorandum. 1 Page(s).
Hugh Pettigrew. Science Analysis Branch/HED.
Ethoprop, Quantitative Risk Assessment Based on the Male Sprague-Dawley Rat.
Document (PDF) (71 KB PDF).
March 09, 1998. Memorandum. 9 Page(s).
Jerome Blondell. Chemistry & Exposure Branch 2.
Review of Ethoprop Incident Reports.
Document (PDF) (631 KB PDF).
March 20, 1998. DER. 14 Pages.
N. E. Federoff. OPP/EPA.
Early Life-Stage Toxicity Test with Sheepshead Minnow (Cyprinodon variegatus).
MRID No.: 444721-01. DP Barcode: D242881.
Document (PDF) (1243 KB PDF).
March 20, 1998. DER. 23 pages.
N. E. Federoff. OPP/EPA.
Chronic Toxicity to Mysids (Mysidopsis bahia) Under Flow-Through Conditions.
MRID No. 444575-01. DP Barcode: D242881.
Document (PDF) (1990 KB PDF).
March 27, 1998. Memorandum. 52 Page(s).
John Abbotts. Chemistry & Exposure Branch 1.
Ethoprop (041101), Reregistration Case No. 0106. Product and Residue Chemistry Chapters
for the Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED). DP Barcode No. D239294, No MRID.
Document (PDF) (3116 KB PDF).
April 02, 1998. Memorandum. 53 Page(s).
Kathryn Boyle. Health Effects Division.
Occupational and Residential Exposure Assessment and Recommendations for the
Reregistration Eligibility Decision Document for Ethoprop.
Document (PDF) (3085 KB PDF).
April 17, 1998. Memorandum. 20 Page(s).
Kit Farwell. Health Effects Division.
Toxicology Chapter for the Reregistration Eligibility Document for Ethoprop (Chemical 041101).
Document (PDF) (1622 KB PDF).
April 23, 1998. Memorandum. 8 Page(s).
Sheila Piper. Chemistry & Exposure Branch 1.
Ethoprop (041101). Anticipated Residues for Acute and Chronic Non-Cancer Dietary Exposure.
Document (PDF) (472 KB PDF).
April 29, 1998. Addendum Memo. 9 Page(s).
Sheila Piper. Chemistry & Exposure Branch 1.
Ethoprop (041101). Anticipated Residues for Chronic (Cancer) Dietary Exposure.
Document (PDF) (479 KB PDF).
May 05, 1998. Memorandum. 21 Page(s).
Christina Swartz. Health Effects Division.
Ethoprop (Ethoprophos). List A Reregistration Case No. 0106. Acute and Chronic
Dietary Risk Analyses for the HED RED Chapter. No MRID #. DP Barcode No. D245749.
Document (PDF) (1537 KB PDF).
May 21, 1998. Memorandum. 7 Page(s).
Kit Farwell. Health Effects Division.
Document (PDF) (499 KB PDF).
October 07, 1998. Memorandum. 16 Page(s).
Jess Rowland. Health Effects Division.
ETHOPROP: Review of Registrant's rebuttal to HED's Cancer Classification. Tox review 012890.
Document (PDF) (2090 KB PDF).
November 18, 1998. Memorandum. 69 Page(s).
N. E. Federoff. Environmental Risk Branch.
Errata Sheet for EFED's Ethoprop RED Chapter Dated 10/5/98.
Document (PDF) (3728 KB PDF).
February 02, 1999. Table. 3 Page(s).
John Faulkner. Economic Assessment Branch.
Ethoprop, EPA's Quantitative Usage Analysis Pineapples added 02-Feb-99.
Document (PDF) (211 KB PDF).
August 30, 1999. Memorandum. 79 Page(s).
N. E. Federoff. Environmental Risk Branch.
Errata for endangered species, ecological incident summary and risk characterization
sections of the RED Chapter for Ethoprop.
Document (PDF) (4159 KB PDF).
September 02, 1999. Memorandum. 12 Page(s).
Kathryn Boyle. SRRD.
Response to Public Comments on the Preliminary Risk Assessments for the Organophosphate Ethoprop.
Document (PDF) (1085 KB PDF).
September 02, 1999. Memorandum. 182 Page(s).
Kit Farwell. Health Effects Division.
Human Health Risk Assessment, Ethoprop.
Document (PDF) (12343 KB PDF).
September 09, 2002. Memorandum. 4 Pages.
Susan Makris. Toxicology Branch.
D281364: Ethoprop (PC Code 041101) Comparative Cholinesterase Study Protocol. TXR 0050536.
Document (PDF) (175 KB PDF).
April 17, 2007. Memorandum. 40 Pages.
Kit Farwell. Reregistration Branch 1, HED.
ETHOPROP (Ethoprophos). Review of Developmental Neurotoxicity Study. DP Barcode: D309294.
TXR # 0052894. (MRID 46364801 and 46364802).
Document (PDF) (1599 KB PDF).
October 07, 2008. Memorandum. 14 Pages.
Kit Farwell. Reregistration Branch 1, HED.
ETHOPROP. Human Health Assessment Scoping Document in Support of Registration Review.
DP Barcode: D353382. TXR No.: N/A. MRID No.: N/A.
Document (PDF) (1041 KB PDF).