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Index of Cleared Science Reviews for Naled (Pc Code 034401)

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Undated. Review. 6 Page(s).
Naled Registration Standard - Nontarget Insects.
Document (PDF) (231 KB PDF).

June 24, 1970. Letter. 7 Page(s).
Chemicals Evaluation Staff..
Pesticide Petition Number 0F0975 Requesting Tolerances for Naled...
Submitted by Chevron Chemical Company and Filed May 5, 1970.
Document (PDF) (369 KB PDF).

February 02, 1971. Review. 1 Page(s).
R. E. Ney. OPP EPA.
Evaluation of Environmental Fate Data for Naled in Response to PR
Notice 70-15. Submitted by Chevron Chemical Company Letter November 25, 1970.
Document (PDF) (31 KB PDF).

September 28, 1971. Evaluation. 2 Page(s).
National Chemsearch Corp...
Evaluation of Naled for Registration No. 1769-LR.
Document (PDF) (91 KB PDF).

December 13, 1971. Review. 3 Page(s).
F. T. Sanders, et. Al..
Preliminary Evaluation of Naled for Registration. PP No. 1F1078,
Reg. No. 239-1281. Submitted by Chevron Chemical Co., Filed January 20, 1971.
Document (PDF) (143 KB PDF).

June 26, 1972. Review. 2 Page(s).
R. E. Ney. OPP EPA.
Reevaluation No. 1 for Dibrom (Naled). PP No. 0f0975. Reg. No. 239-1281.
Chevron. Revised July 1, 1971, March 31, 1972, and April 24, 1972.
Document (PDF) (91 KB PDF).

September 11, 1974. Review. 3 Page(s).
J. W. Akerman. Ecological Effects Branch.
Dibrom; Naled; Petition: 1F1078. Registration 239-1281.
Environmental Safety Review Summary.
Document (PDF) (170 KB PDF).

November 07, 1974. Review. 2 Page(s).
Ronald E. Ney, et. al. Ecological Effects Branch.
Environmental Chemistry Review for Naled; 1,2-Dibromo-2,2- Dichloroethyl Dimethyl
Phosphate [Dibrom]. PP# 0F0975. Reg. No. 239-1281. Chevron Chemical Co.
Document (PDF) (161 KB PDF).

November 11, 1974. Report. 1 Page(s).
W. R. Teeters. Chemical & Biological Investigations Branch.
Biological Laboratories Report EPA Reg # 5011-71, Carmel Formula MU-17 Acute
oral toxicity, rat.
Document (PDF) (55 KB PDF).

March 21, 1975. Review. 4 Page(s).
Robert D. Coberly. Toxicology Branch.
EPA Reg. No. 239-1721-AA Inert ingredient information on page 2 is not included.
Document (PDF) (298 KB PDF).

March 24, 1975. Review. 2 Page(s).
Laurence Chitlik. Toxicology Branch.
Label safety review for registration of the insecticide PureGro Dibrom 8 Emulsive
(Naled). Inert ingredient information on page 1 is not included.
Document (PDF) (166 KB PDF).

April 24, 1975. Memorandum. 5 Page(s).
Robert Coberly. Toxicology Branch.
Registration No. 239-1466. Product Name: Ortho Fly Killer. Inert ingredient
information on page 2 is not inlcuded.
Document (PDF) (301 KB PDF).

April 24, 1975. Review. 5 Page(s).
Robert Coberly. Toxicology Branch.
Ortho Fly Killer D Inert ingredient information on page 2 is not included.
Tox review 003288.
Document (PDF) (730 KB PDF).

April 28, 1975. Memorandum. 3 Page(s).
Robert D. Coberly. Toxicology Branch.
Naled (1,2-dibromo-2,2-dichloroethyl dimethyl phosphate).
Document (PDF) (206 KB PDF).

May 29, 1975. Review. 2 Page(s).
Ronald E. Ney. Efficacy & Ecological Effects Branch.
Ortho Dibrom 8 Emulsive. New Use.
Document (PDF) (73 KB PDF).

February 10, 1976. Memorandum. 1 Page(s).
Diana M. Reisa. Toxicology Branch.
Sargeant's Long-Lasting Household Insecticide
Inert ingredient information on page 1 is not included.
Document (PDF) (84 KB PDF).

August 11, 1976. Review. 14 Page(s).
Norman Cook. Ecological Effects Branch.
Dibrom. LGP Environmental Safety.
Document (PDF) (690 KB PDF).

May 25, 1977. Memorandum. 2 Page(s).
Roland A. Gessert. Toxicology Branch.
File Symbol 778-GI. Sentry Solid Long Lasting Household Insecticide.
Document (PDF) (223 KB PDF).

June 10, 1977. Review. 5 Page(s).
P. Critchlow. Efficacy & Ecological Effects Branch.
Dibrom 14 Concentrate. 24 (c) Registration (State of Florida).
Document (PDF) (273 KB PDF).

June 21, 1977. Memorandum. 11 Page(s).
Roland A. Gessert. Toxicology Branch.
EPA Reg. No. 778-36. Sergeant's Sentry IV Cat Collar.
Pages 2-11 not included - registrant data.
Document (PDF) (98 KB PDF).

August 10, 1977. Memorandum. 3 Page(s).
William Greear. Toxicology Branch.
Sergeant's Sentry IV Flea & Tick Collar for Cats Reg. No. 778-UE.
Document (PDF) (205 KB PDF).

October 31, 1977. Memorandum. 2 Page(s).
William Greear. Toxicology Branch.
Sergeant's Sentry IV Flea & Tick Collar for Cats (Dogs)
Addendum to Review of 9/10/77.
Document (PDF) (131 KB PDF).

December 06, 1977. Review. 6 Page(s).
Jack E. Housenger. Efficacy & Ecological Effects Branch.
Fish and Wildlife Section Response to Florida 24C Special Local
Need Registration for Dibrom Aerial Thermal Fogging.
Document (PDF) (349 KB PDF).

February 06, 1978. Memorandum. 5 Page(s).
William Dykstra. Toxicology Branch.
Chevron Naled Technical. EPA Reg. No. 239-1633.
Document (PDF) (369 KB PDF).

February 10, 1978. Memorandum. 1 Page(s).
J. Doherty. Toxicology Branch.
Registration Number 1769-203: Amended pesticide registration for added uses.
Document (PDF) (55 KB PDF).

April 15, 1978. Review. 1 Page(s).
Richard Balcomb..
Fiah and Wildlife Toxicology Report, 1960... Oyster Larvae. Bioassay.
Document (PDF) (65 KB PDF).

May 09, 1978. Review. 38 Page(s).
Richard Balcomb. Efficacy & Ecological Effects Branch.
Skychoda. National Chemsearch. Added Uses. Inert ingredient information
on page 11 is not included.
Document (PDF) (1810 KB PDF).

June 02, 1978. Review. 1 Page(s).
Larry Turner..
Technical Naled (Dibrom). Avia Dietary LC50. Bobwhite Quail.
Document (PDF) (37 KB PDF).

June 02, 1978. Review. 1 Page(s).
Larry Turner.
Technical Naled (Dibrom). Avian Dietary LC50. Mallard Duck.
Document (PDF) (30 KB PDF).

June 03, 1978. Review. 8 Page(s).
Larry Turner. Efficacy & Ecological Effects Branch.
The Current Submission is for a Data Review of Avian Dietary Studies
and a Filed Study on Effects to Non-target Organisms.
Document (PDF) (324 KB PDF).

July 05, 1978. Review. 1 Page(s).
Ronald Ney, et. al. Efficacy & Ecological Effects Branch.
Add House Flies, Mosquitoes, Gnats, Fruit Flies, Roaches, a.e. Brown Dog Ticks.
Document (PDF) (43 KB PDF).

August 07, 1978. Review. 24 Page(s).
Fred Betz. Ecological Effects Branch.
Ecological Effects Branch Comments on Florida's 24C Registration for Dibrom
Aerial Thermal Fogging.
Document (PDF) (1407 KB PDF).

August 15, 1978. Memorandum. 2 Page(s).
Roland Gessert. Toxicology Branch.
Toxicity of Dog and Cat Flea Collars on Exposed Animals and Humans;
Inquiry from Florida Student.
Document (PDF) (94 KB PDF).

October 31, 1978. Memorandum. 7 Page(s).
William Dykstra. Toxicology Branch.
Sergeant's Flea and Tick Collar for Cats; Sergeant's Sentry IV Flea & Tick Collar
for Dogs. Caswell Nos. 586 & 508. EPA Reg Nos. 778-UE, 778-UR Tox review 003691.
Document (PDF) (630 KB PDF).

January 17, 1979. Memorandum. 3 Page(s).
William Dykstra. Toxicology Branch.
Sergent's Flea and Tick Collar for Cats: Sergeant's Flea and Tick Collar for Dogs.
EPA Registration #778-UE. #778-UR Caswell #586, 508 Tox review 003285.
Document (PDF) (175 KB PDF).

April 23, 1979. Memorandum. 2 Page(s).
B. T. Backus. Insecticide Rodenticide Branch.
EPA Reg. No. 778-GI, Sergeant's Long-Lasting Household Insecticide
(Naled Insecticide Strip).
Document (PDF) (182 KB PDF).

September 21, 1979. Review. 2 Page(s).
48 Hour Acute Static Toxicity of Naled (SX820) to 1st Stage Nymph
Water Fleas (Daphnia magna Straus).
Document (PDF) (97 KB PDF).

September 21, 1979. Review. 6 Page(s).
Carol Natella, et. al. Efficacy & Ecological Effects Branch.
Reg. No. 239-1721/239-1633. Dibrom-14C (conc.)/Naled (Tech.).
Document (PDF) (327 KB PDF).

October 01, 1979. Data Eval. Rec. 5 Page(s).
Richard M. Lee. Ecological Effects Branch.
Johansen, C.A. (1972) Toxicity of Field-Weathered Insecticide Residues
to Four Kinds of Bees.
Document (PDF) (227 KB PDF).

November 16, 1979. Data Eval. Rec. 11 Page(s).
Ecological Effects Branch..
Sanders, H.O. (1969) Toxicity of Pesticides to the Crustacean Gammarus lacustris.
Document (PDF) (565 KB PDF).

November 05, 1980. Data Eval. Rec. 4 Page(s).
Allen Vaughan. Ecological Effects Branch.
Harris, C.V. Laboratory Studies on the Contact Toxicity of Some
Insecticides to Honeybees.
Document (PDF) (114 KB PDF).

December 17, 1980. Data Eval. Rec. 2 Page(s).
Allen Vaughan. Ecological Effects Branch.
Todd, F.E.; Reed, C.B. (1969) Pollen Gathering of Honey Bees
Reduced by Pesticide Sprays.
Document (PDF) (53 KB PDF).

February 10, 1981. Review. 5 Page(s).
Willa Garner. Environmental Fate Branch.
Data Submission. Chevron Chemical Co. has Submitted Soil Mobility Data
for Naled and Dichlorvos (DDVP).
Document (PDF) (133 KB PDF).

March 20, 1981. Final Report. 2 Page(s).
Enviro Control, Inc..
Task 5. Development of Chemical/Physical Profile: Naled.
Contract No. 68-01-5830. Final Report.
Document (PDF) (49 KB PDF).

June 04, 1981. Memorandum. 3 Page(s).
Gary J. Burin. Toxicology Branch.
239-1721: Review of Published Rat Teratology Study on Naled (Dibrom).
Caswell #586 Tox review 003284.
Document (PDF) (155 KB PDF).

January 29, 1982. Memorandum. 4 Page(s).
Roger Gardner. Toxicology Branch.
Review of a Four-Week Study of Naled in Rats. Action No. 239-1633.
EPA Accession No. 246496. Caswell No. 586 Tox review 001460.
Document (PDF) (258 KB PDF).

February 18, 1982. Review. 10 Page(s).
Willa Garner. Environmental Fate Branch.
Reg. No. 239-1633. Review of Soil Metabolism Study.
Document (PDF) (326 KB PDF).

February 22, 1982. Memorandum. 4 Page(s).
Roger Gardner. Toxicology Branch.
Review of a four-week study of Naled in rats. Acc. No. 246496.
Document (PDF) (318 KB PDF).

July 28, 1982. Data Eval. Rec. 2 Page(s).
Richard Balcomb. Ecological Effects Branch.
Dibrom Technical (96.1%). Haskins, Harold and R.G. Haines.
Fish and Wildlife Toxicity Report.
Document (PDF) (102 KB PDF).

August 09, 1982. Data Eval. Rec. 4 Page(s).
Kyle Barbehenn. Ecological Effects Branch.
Zimmerman, J.H. (1969). Toxicity of Paris Green Methoxychlor and New
Organophosphate Insecticides to Salt Marsh Killfish and Crustaceans.
Document (PDF) (189 KB PDF).

August 09, 1982. Data Eval. Rec. 5 Page(s).
Richard Stevens. Ecological Effects Branch.
Sasaki, R.K. (1974) Organophosphorous Insecticides and the Fertilization and Early
Embryonic Development of Crassostrea Viginica Gmelin: an Ultrastructural Analysis.
Document (PDF) (177 KB PDF).

August 10, 1982. Final Report. 23 Page(s).
Dynamac Corporation.
Task 2: Topical Discussions.
Document (PDF) (758 KB PDF).

August 10, 1982. Final Report. 28 Page(s).
Dynamac Corporation.
Task 1: Review and Evaluation of Individual Studies.
Document (PDF) (1104 KB PDF).

August 10, 1982. Final Report. 5 Page(s).
Dynamac Corporation.
Task 3: Environmental Fate Profile.
Document (PDF) (217 KB PDF).

August 11, 1982. Data Eval. Rec. 3 Page(s).
Allen Vaughan. Ecological Effects Branch.
Bee poisoning investigations, 1961... MRID 00037799.
Document (PDF) (103 KB PDF).

August 11, 1982. Data Eval. Rec. 3 Page(s).
Allen Vaughan. Ecological Effects Branch.
Bee poisoning investigations, 1965... MRID 00060628.
Document (PDF) (104 KB PDF).

August 11, 1982. Data Eval. Rec. 9 Page(s).
Allen Vaughan. Ecological Effects Branch.
Toxicity of Pesticides and Other Agricutural Chemicals to Honey Bees.
MRID 00036935.
Document (PDF) (462 KB PDF).

August 12, 1982. Final Report. 5 Page(s).
Dynamac Corporation.
Naled. Task 4: Exposure Profile.
Document (PDF) (210 KB PDF).

September 08, 1982. Data Eval. Rec. 2 Page(s).
Charles Bowen. Ecological Effects Branch.
Freshwater Acute LC50 for Fish and Aquatic Invertebrate.
Test Species: Gambusia affinis holbrooki; Culex pipiens.
Document (PDF) (94 KB PDF).

September 08, 1982. Data Eval. Rec. 2 Page(s).
Kyle Barbehenn. Ecological Effects Branch.
Avian Acute Oral. Mallard LD50; Canada Goose LD50; Sharp-tailed Grouse LD50.
Document (PDF) (63 KB PDF).

September 08, 1982. Data Eval. Rec. 2 Page(s).
Kyle Barbehenn. Ecological Effects Branch.
Fish Acute Toxicity: Pumpkinseed Sunfish.
Document (PDF) (84 KB PDF).

September 08, 1982. Data Eval. Rec. 2 Page(s).
Kyle Barbehenn. Ecological Effects Branch.
Fish Toxicity.
Document (PDF) (462 KB PDF).

September 08, 1982. Data Eval. Rec. 2 Page(s).
Kyle Barbehenn. Ecological Effects Branch.
Simulated Field Study.
Document (PDF) (114 KB PDF).

September 08, 1982. Data Eval. Rec. 3 Page(s).
Kyle Barbehenn. Ecological Effects Branch.
Aquatic Invertebrate LC50. Daphnia magna 48 hr. LC50.
Document (PDF) (79 KB PDF).

September 08, 1982. Data Eval. Rec. 3 Page(s).
Kyle Barbehenn. Ecological Effects Branch.
Avian Dietary LC50. Mallard Duck and (page 3) Bobwhite quail.
Document (PDF) (125 KB PDF).

September 08, 1982. Data Eval. Rec. 3 Page(s).
Kyle Barbehenn. Ecological Effects Branch.
Dibrom. Avian Toxicity.
Document (PDF) (132 KB PDF).

September 08, 1982. Data Eval. Rec. 3 Page(s).
Kyle Barbehenn. Ecological Effects Branch.
Simulated Field Test.
Document (PDF) (139 KB PDF).

September 21, 1982. Data Eval. Rec. 4 Page(s).
Kyle Barbehenn, Anne Stavola. Ecological Effects Branch.
Shoenig, G. (1966) Report to Chevron Chemical Company, Ortho Division;
Four-Day Fish Toxicity Studies...
Document (PDF) (175 KB PDF).

September 23, 1982. Data Eval. Rec. 3 Page(s).
Kyle Barbehenn. Ecological Effects Branch.
Aquatic Invertebrate Acute Static 26 Hr. LC50.
Document (PDF) (86 KB PDF).

September 23, 1982. Data Eval. Rec. 3 Page(s).
Kyle Barbehenn. Ecological Effects Branch.
Simulated Aquatic Field Test.
Document (PDF) (126 KB PDF).

September 23, 1982. Data Eval. Rec. 4 Page(s).
Kyle Barbehenn. Ecological Effects Branch.
Static Acute LC50: Rainbow Trout.
Document (PDF) (168 KB PDF).

September 23, 1982. Data Eval. Rec. 5 Page(s).
Kyle Barbehenn. Ecological Effects Branch.
Aquatic Acute LC50 96-Hr. (Estuarine).
Test Species: Striped Bass Morone saxatilis.
Document (PDF) (219 KB PDF).

September 23, 1982. Data Eval. Rec. 8 Page(s).
Kyle Barbehenn. Ecological Effects Branch.
Fish Toxicity Laboratory Report.
Document (PDF) (373 KB PDF).

September 24, 1982. Data Eval. Rec. 3 Page(s).
Kyle Barbehenn. Ecological Effects Branch.
Simulated Aquatic and Terrestrial Field Tests.
Document (PDF) (104 KB PDF).

September 28, 1982. Data Eval. Rec. 3 Page(s).
Kyle Barbehenn. Ecological Effects Branch.
Aquatic Field Study.
Document (PDF) (126 KB PDF).

September 29, 1982. Data Eval. Rec. 3 Page(s).
Kyle Barbehenn. Ecological Effects Branch.
Field Study.
Document (PDF) (134 KB PDF).

October 13, 1982. Review. 8 Page(s).
Samuel Creeger. Environmental Fate Branch.
Review Photolysis Data - not Associated with a Specific Use.
Document (PDF) (407 KB PDF).

October 19, 1982. Summary. 18 Page(s).
[Naled] Ecological Effects; Topical Summaries.
Document (PDF) (892 KB PDF).

October 25, 1982. Review. 9 Page(s).
Dynamac Corporation.
Naled Product Chemistry Task 2: Topical Discussions. Commercial/financial
information on page 4 and quality control procedure information on page 5 is not included.
Document (PDF) (343 KB PDF).

October 29, 1982. Review. 13 Page(s).
Dynamac Corporation.
Naled Product Chemistry Task 1: Review and Evaluations of Individual Studies.
Quality control procedure information on pages 4 and 8 is not included.
Document (PDF) (520 KB PDF).

December 22, 1982. Science Chapter. 35 Page(s).
Irving Mauer. Toxicology Branch.
Naled Registration Standard: Toxicology Chapter. Tox Review 003289.
Manufacturing process information on page 15 not included.
Document (PDF) (2145 KB PDF).

April 12, 1983. Review. 3 Page(s).
R. Moraski. Exposure Assessment Branch.
Response to Data Gap.
Document (PDF) (110 KB PDF).

June 21, 1983. Review. 22 Page(s).
Richard Balcomb, et. al. Ecological Effects Branch.
Proposed Conditional Registration of Various Uses and Label Amendments.
Pages 9-17 removed, draft label.
Document (PDF) (1263 KB PDF).

June 23, 1983. Review. 17 Page(s).
Richard Moraski. Exposure Assessment Branch.
Reg. No.: 5481-165. Label Amendment Pages 4-12 removed, draft label.
Document (PDF) (1069 KB PDF).

October 04, 1983. Review Sheet. 1 Page(s).
Irving Mauer..
Registration No.: 1448-75. 6(a)(2) data (Code 405).
Document (PDF) (66 KB PDF).

October 24, 1983. Memorandum. 4 Page(s).
Irving Mauer. Toxicology Branch.
Naled - Receipt of 1-Year Interim Chronic Oral Toxicity Report in Rats (2 Volumes).
Acc. #250501 Tox review 002997.
Document (PDF) (197 KB PDF).

May 22, 1984. Memorandum. 10 Page(s).
Irving Mauer. Toxicology Branch.
Naled RS - Rat Terata Study; Accession #252451. EPA Reg. No. 239-1633.
Pages 6-10 removed, registrant data. Tox review 003815.
Document (PDF) (290 KB PDF).

August 08, 1984. Profile. 9 Page(s).
Elizabeth E. Zucker. Ecological Effects Branch.
EEB Chemical Profile. Naled.
Document (PDF) (362 KB PDF).

August 27, 1984. Review. 8 Page(s).
Elizabeth Zucker. Ecological Effects Branch.
EEB Comments on Data Submitted by Registrant (Chevron Chemical Co.)
to Support the Registration Requirements for Naled Technical (239-1633)
and Dibrom Technical (239-2297).
Document (PDF) (417 KB PDF).

August 28, 1984. Data Eval. Rec. 6 Page(s).
Elizabeth Zucker. Ecological Effects Branch.
Tuskes, P.M. An Investigation into Effects of Dibrom 14 Concentrate on
Adult Brine Shrimp (Artemia salina).
Document (PDF) (259 KB PDF).

September 12, 1984. Data Eval. Rec. 3 Page(s).
Elizabeth Zucker. Ecological Effects Branch.
Dean, H.J. and J.R. Colquhoun. January 1977. Effects of Naled (Dibrom-14 on Non-
target Organisms in the Horseheads Swamp Area of Catherine Creek.
Document (PDF) (203 KB PDF).

October 22, 1984. Addendum. 12 Page(s).
Dynamac Corporation.
Reg. No. 239-2297, 239-1633. Registration Standard Naled Addendum
Task 1: Review and Evaluation of Individual Studies.
Document (PDF) (408 KB PDF).

December 12, 1984. Memorandum. 37 Page(s).
Irving Mauer. Toxicology Branch.
Naled RS - Company Response August 1, 1984 to DCI, under Accession Nos. 254215
through 254228 (14 Volumes). EPA #239-1633. Pages 6-10 removed, registrant data.
Tox review 004128.
Document (PDF) (1914 KB PDF).

December 14, 1984. Memorandum. 54 Page(s).
Irving Mauer. Toxicology Branch.
Naled RS - Company data submitted under Acc. #253453 (Tox Data) - 10 Reports and
Acc. #253454 (Purity...) Pages 8-9, 13-15, 19-21, 24-26, 33-39, 41-54 removed,
registrant data. Page 3 removed, internal deliberative info. Tox review 004170.
Document (PDF) (1969 KB PDF).

June 28, 1985. Memorandum. 9 Page(s).
Irving Mauer. Toxicology Branch.
Naled (Dibrom) - Appraisal of Company Response to EPA Reviews of Rat (S-1802)
and Mouse (S-1664) Chronic Studies, Originally Submitted under Acc. Nos. 254217
through 254224 and 254225 through 254228, Respectively. EPA Reg No 239-1633
Tox Review 004521.
Document (PDF) (572 KB PDF).

July 18, 1985. Memorandum. 4 Page(s).
Irving Mauer. Toxicology Branch.
Naled RS - Data Submitted May 9, 1985, in Response to DCI (21-Day Rat Inhalation)
under Accession No. 257963. EPA Registration No. 239-1633. Tox review 004580.
Document (PDF) (196 KB PDF).

November 15, 1985. Memorandum. 6 Page(s).
Irving Mauer. Toxicology Branch.
Naled - PP#5E3179, Revise J Section F (Submitted 6/28/85) proposing a tolerance
for residues in/on boysenberries at 0.5 ppm (IR-4). EPA Reg. No. 239-1633.
Tox Review 004765.
Document (PDF) (562 KB PDF).

November 19, 1985. Review. 4 Page(s).
Emil Regelman. Exposure Assessment Branch.
Protocol Review; Leaching Studies for Registration Standard.
Document (PDF) (150 KB PDF).

December 03, 1985. Memorandum. 43 Page(s).
Irving Mauer. Toxicology Branch.
Naled - Data Submitted under Accession Numbers 257455 through 257464. EPA I.D. #239-1633.
Pages 9-11, 17-20, 29-43 removed, registrant data. tox review 004838.
Document (PDF) (2794 KB PDF).

February 05, 1986. Memorandum. 3 Page(s).
Irving Mauer. Toxicology Branch.
Naled - Company Response Dated October 4, 1985 to Evaluation of Previously
Submitted Data. Tox review 004924.
Document (PDF) (199 KB PDF).

March 20, 1986. Memorandum. 65 Page(s).
Irving Mauer. Toxicology Branch.
Naled - Review of Data Submitted in Response to Data Call-In. Accession Nos. 257455,
257458, 257459, 257460, 257461, 257462, and 257463. Pages 14-20, 38-51, 54-65 removed,
registrant data. Tox review 005000.
Document (PDF) (4193 KB PDF).

June 12, 1986. Review. 3 Page(s).
Thomas M. Armitage. Ecological Effects Branch.
Response to Questions Submitted by the Adirondack Park Agency Concerning the
Insecticide Naled.
Document (PDF) (138 KB PDF).

June 24, 1986. Memorandum. 1 Page(s).
Irving Mauer. Toxicology Branch.
Chevron Naled Technical -- Acute Inhalation Study: re-classification of Toxicity
Category Tox Review 005217.
Document (PDF) (81 KB PDF).

June 26, 1986. Final Report. 18 Page(s).
Dynamac Corporation.
Naled Addendum. Final Report. Task 1: Review and Evaluation of Individual Studies.
Document (PDF) (702 KB PDF).

July 22, 1986. Review. 3 Page(s).
George Ghali. Health Effects Division.
Reference Doses (RfDs) For Oral Exposure.
Document (PDF) (154 KB PDF).

August 05, 1986. Review. 8 Page(s).
Emil Regelman. Exposure Assessment Branch.
Registrants Response to Registration Standard, and Requests for Data Waivers.
Document (PDF) (374 KB PDF).

August 06, 1986. Memorandum. 5 Page(s).
Irving Mauer. Toxicology Branch.
Naled - Company Response to Evaluation of Previously Submitted Toxicology
Study, Submitted under Accession No. 262551. EPA ID #239-1633. Tox Review 005332.
Document (PDF) (306 KB PDF).

December 10, 1986. Review. 6 Page(s).
Candy Brassard. Ecological Effects Branch.
Proposed Section 18 for Use of Lure Baits to Control Oriental Fruit Flies in California.
Document (PDF) (283 KB PDF).

March 12, 1987. Memorandum. 45 Page(s).
Irving Mauer. Toxicology Branch.
Naled - Review of Studies Submitted under Accession Nos. 263583 and 263584.
EPA ID #239-1633. Tox review 005774.
Document (PDF) (2242 KB PDF).

March 19, 1987. Memorandum. 19 Page(s).
Irving Mauer. Toxicology Branch.
Naled - Review of 90-Day Inhalation Data Submitted under under Accession Nos. 265678,
265679 and 265680. EPA ID #239-1633. Pages 10-19 removed, regstrant data.
Tox review 005784.
Document (PDF) (533 KB PDF).

September 17, 1987. Review. 9 Page(s).
Emil Regelman. Exposure Assessment Branch.
Review of Laboratory Volatility Study Required for Reregistration of Naled.
Document (PDF) (379 KB PDF).

February 16, 1988. Memorandum. 1 Page(s).
Francis Suhre. Residue Chemistry Branch.
DDVP/Naled/Trichlorfon; Request for Updated Market Share Data; No MRID No.;
No RCB No.
Document (PDF) (50 KB PDF).

May 03, 1988. Memorandum. 4 Page(s).
Francis Suhre. Residue Chemistry Branch.
DDVP Dietary Exposure Assessment; Availability of Residue Chemistry Data;
No MRID No., RCB Nos. 3718, 3719, and 3720.
Document (PDF) (228 KB PDF).

May 05, 1988. Memorandum. 1 Page(s).
Judith Hauswirth. Toxicology Branch.
Incidence Report on the Use of Naled. Private Citizen Response.
Submitted October 30, 1987. Dibrom-14 aerial spraying.
Document (PDF) (29 KB PDF).

May 12, 1988. Data Eval. Rec. 6 Page(s).
Kimberly D. Rhodes. Ecological Effects Branch.
Acute Toxicity of Naled Technical to Grass Shrimp (Paleamonetes (sp) vulgaris)
Under Flow Through Conditions.
Document (PDF) (347 KB PDF).

May 12, 1988. Memorandum. 16 Page(s).
Irving Mauer. Toxicology Branch.
Naled - Three-Week Inhalation Study, Final Report Submitted under Accession No. 400872-01.
EPA Registration No. 239-1633. Manufacturing process information on page 9 is not included.
Tox review 006709.
Document (PDF) (822 KB PDF).

May 19, 1988. Memorandum. 4 Page(s).
Irving Mauer. Toxicology Branch.
Naled - Addendum to the Rat Chronic Study S-1802, Submitted under Accession No.404189-01.
EPA Registration No. 239-1633. Manufacturing process info on page 2 not included.
Tox review 006711.
Document (PDF) (203 KB PDF).

May 19, 1988. Review. 15 Page(s).
Emil Regelman. Exposure Assessment Branch.
Review of Studies (Concern for Contribution of Naled to DDVP Formation); Request
by Company to Use Data from Aquatic Field Dissipation to Fulfill Data for
Accumulation - Irrigation Crops.
Document (PDF) (778 KB PDF).

May 19, 1988. Review. 202 Page(s).
S. C. Termes, et. Al. Exposure Assessment Branch.
Discussion of Individual Studies. (DERS). Pages 8-10, 21-24, 26-28, 36-39, 41-42,
54-57, 70-74, 76-78, 93-97, 99-102, 123-126, 136-138, 155-168, 173-179, 181-182,
and 196-200 removed, registrant data.
Document (PDF) (3509 KB PDF).

July 18, 1988. Data Eval. Rec. 3 Page(s).
John Noles. Ecological Effects Branch.
Acute freshwater Fish, Flow-through Bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus) MRID 263580.
Document (PDF) (211 KB PDF).

July 18, 1988. Data Eval. Rec. 3 Page(s).
John Noles. Ecological Effects Branch.
Acute Freshwater Fish, Flow-Through Rainbow Trout (Salmo gairdneri) MRID 263580.
Document (PDF) (207 KB PDF).

July 18, 1988. Data Eval. Rec. 5 Page(s).
John Noles. Ecological Effects Branch.
Acute Freshwater Fish, Flow-through Rainbow Trout (Salmo gairdneri) MRID 263580.
Document (PDF) (290 KB PDF).

July 18, 1988. Data Eval. Rec. 5 Page(s).
John Noles. Ecological Effects Branch.
Acute Freshwater invertebrate, Flow-through Species Daphnia magna MRID 263580.
Document (PDF) (244 KB PDF).

July 18, 1988. Data Eval. Rec. 5 Page(s).
John Noles. Ecological Effects Branch.
Mollusc 96-hour Flow-through Shell Deposition Study Eastern Oyster MRID 263581.
Document (PDF) (370 KB PDF).

July 18, 1988. Data Eval. Rec. 6 Page(s).
John Noles. Ecological Effects Branch.
Acute Estuarine fish, Flow-through Cyprinodon variegatus MRID 263581.
Document (PDF) (346 KB PDF).

July 18, 1988. Data Eval. Rec. 7 Page(s).
John Noles. Ecological Effects Branch.
Daphnia magna 48-Hour Flow-Through Test Daphnia magna MRID 263578.
Document (PDF) (445 KB PDF).

July 18, 1988. Data Eval. Rec. 7 Page(s).
John Noles. Ecological Effects Branch.
Daphnia magna 48-Hour Flow-Through Test. Daphnia magna MRID 263579.
Document (PDF) (434 KB PDF).

July 18, 1988. Data Eval. Rec. 8 Page(s).
John Noles. Ecological Effects Branch.
Freshwater Fish 96-Hour Flow-Through Test Lepomis macrochirus MRID 263578.
Document (PDF) (461 KB PDF).

July 18, 1988. Data Eval. Rec. 8 Page(s).
John Noles. Ecological Effects Branch.
Freshwater Fish 96-Hour Flow-Through Test Lepomis macrochirus MRID 263579.
Document (PDF) (455 KB PDF).

July 18, 1988. Data Eval. Rec. 8 Page(s).
John Noles. Ecological Effects Branch.
Freshwater Fish 96-Hour Flow-Through Test Salmo gairdneri MRID 263579.
Document (PDF) (539 KB PDF).

July 27, 1988. Review. 4 Page(s).
Jim Ackerman. Ecological Effects Branch.
Naled Registration Standard; Aquatic Organism Toxicity Studies;
EPA Accession Number 263578, -79, -80, and -81.
Document (PDF) (192 KB PDF).

September 22, 1988. Memorandum. 30 Page(s).
Francis Suhre. Dietary Exposure Branch.
Dietary Exposure Assessment for 2,2 dichlorovinyl dimethylphosphate (DDVP) from
Registered Uses of Naled and Trichlorfon (PHIs < 7 Days); No MRID No.;
DEB Nos. 3727 and 4056.
Document (PDF) (1374 KB PDF).

July 19, 1989. Memorandum. 6 Page(s).
Michael Metzger. Dietary Exposure Branch.
WA-890019. 24(C) Special Local Needs Registration for Use of Naled on Alfalfa
Grown for Seed. No Accession Number / No MRID Number, DEB #5529.
Document (PDF) (449 KB PDF).

November 17, 1989. Memorandum. 3 Page(s).
Irving Mauer. Toxicology Branch.
Naled (Dibrom) - Laboratory Data Audit. EPA ID No. 239-1633. Tox review 007621.
Document (PDF) (118 KB PDF).

January 04, 1990. Memorandum. 4 Page(s).
Irving Mauer. Toxicology Branch.
Naled - Section 18 Request by USDA for Control of Oriental Fruit Fly in California.
EPA ID No. 90-DA-25.
Document (PDF) (234 KB PDF).

January 10, 1990. Memorandum. 4 Page(s).
Elizabeth Haeberer. Dietary Exposure Branch.
Follow-up to the Naled Registration Standard; Review of Method Validation Report
for Chevron Chemical Co.'s Method RM-3G-4 with Addendum (Determination of
Naled and DDVP Residues in Crops, MRID No. 405064-01), 12/1/89.
Document (PDF) (218 KB PDF).

February 23, 1990. Review. 4 Page(s).
Harry Winnik. Ecological Effects Branch.
List A Indepth Review.
Document (PDF) (215 KB PDF).

April 10, 1990. Memorandum. 4 Page(s).
Leung Cheng. Dietary Exposure Branch.
EPA # 239-1633. Naled & Trichlorfon. Special Review Data Call-In Requirements.
No MRID #. DEB #6254.
Document (PDF) (233 KB PDF).

June 08, 1990. Review. 80 Page(s).
Richard Schmitt. Dietary Exposure Branch.
Naled Product Chemistry and Residue Chemistry Registration Standard Updates.
Quality control proceedure information on page 8 is not included.
Pages 21 to 31 removed - confidential appendices.
Document (PDF) (3723 KB PDF).
Attachment(s) Following:

June 08, 1990. Review.
Dynamac Corporation.
Naled Task 4: Residue Chemistry Registration Standard Update.

*End of Attachments*

July 18, 1990. Memorandum. 3 Page(s).
Jane Smith. Dietary Exposure Branch.
EPA Reg. No. 59639-15 (Formerly 239-1281). Naled. Determination of the Need for
Processing Studies for Citrus Fruits and the Establishment of Meat/Milk Tolerances.
Accession #263593 / MRID #403766-01. DEB #6802.
Document (PDF) (187 KB PDF).

August 22, 1990. Memorandum. 14 Page(s).
Irving Mauer. Toxicology Branch.
Naled (Dibrom-14) - Potential 6(a)(2) Data ID Nos. 16-819/16-830
Privacy Act information on pages 2, 3, 4, 5 not included
Pages 10-12 not included - manufacturing process.
Document (PDF) (453 KB PDF).

August 29, 1990. Review. 15 Page(s).
Emil Regelman. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
Review of Submitted Studies for Reregistration of Naled; Review Supplemental Data
Requested in EFGWB Review Dated 5/19/88; Indicate Status of Data Requirements for Naled.
Document (PDF) (764 KB PDF).

April 05, 1991. Memorandum. 16 Page(s).
Irving Mauer. Toxicology Branch.
Naled - Acute Neurotoxicity Data, Submitted under MRID No. 416307-01.
EPA Registration Nos. 62499-14 and 59639-43. Pages 10-16 removed, registrant data.
Tox review 008325.
Document (PDF) (375 KB PDF).

February 18, 1992. Memorandum. 13 Page(s).
Stephen Schaible. Science Analysis & Coordination Branch.
RfD Exceeders Project: DRES Analyses Using Percent Crop Treated Data for
Endosulfan, Methyl Parathion, Naled, and Parathion.
Document (PDF) (867 KB PDF).

March 12, 1992. Memorandum. 10 Page(s).
Stephen A. Schaible. Dietary Exposure Section.
RfD Exceeders Project: Dietary Exposure Analysis of Naled Using Anticipated Residues.
Document (PDF) (787 KB PDF).

July 13, 1992. Memorandum. 5 Page(s).
Irving Mauer. Toxicology Branch.
Naled (Dibrom) - Waivers and Protocols (Neurotoxicity Testing) in response to DCI.
Tox Review 009594.
Document (PDF) (327 KB PDF).

August 02, 1992. Memorandum. 2 Page(s).
Irving Mauer. Toxicology Branch.
Naled--Section 18 Emergency Exemption/Swiss Chard Id No. 92CA0028.
Document (PDF) (120 KB PDF).

July 30, 1993. DER. 32 Page(s).
Henry T. Craven. Ecological Effects Branch.
72-4. Freshwater Fish, Early-Life Stage, Flow-Through Toxicity Test.
Species Test: Fathead Minnow (Pimephales promelas). MRID No. 426022-01.
Document (PDF) (1980 KB PDF).

September 03, 1993. Memorandum. 2 Page(s).
Irving Mauer. Toxicology Branch.
Naled - Toxicology Studies Submitted Under MRID Nos. 00085409 and 000885410
to satisfy metabolism requirements. Tox Review 010542.
Document (PDF) (85 KB PDF).

July 15, 1994. DER. 37 Page(s).
James J. Goodyear. Ecological Effects Branch.
72-4. Freshwater Invertebrate Life-Cycle Test.
Species Tested: Daphnia magna. MRID No. 429088-01.
Document (PDF) (2406 KB PDF).

August 31, 1994. Memorandum. 5 Page(s).
Geroge Z. Ghali. RfD/Quality Assurance Peer Review.
RfD/Peer Review Report of Naled Tox review 011199.
Document (PDF) (354 KB PDF).

September 22, 1994. Memorandum. 16 Page(s).
Irving Mauer. Toxicology Branch.
Naled - Tox Data Submitted under MRID 431489601 and 42861301.
Tox Review 11228.
Document (PDF) (805 KB PDF).

January 06, 1995. Memorandum. 19 Page(s).
Irving Mauer. Toxicology Branch.
Naled - Tox Data Submitted under MRID 43223901, -02 and -03. Tox review 011374.
Document (PDF) (887 KB PDF).

February 09, 1995. Memorandum. 34 Page(s).
Mary Frankenberry. Environmental Fate & Effects Division.
Transmittal of EFED List A Summary Report for Naled... 1. EFGWB Science
Chapter 2. EEB Science chapter 3. SACS Reregistration Summary Report.
Document (PDF) (1997 KB PDF).

February 15, 1995. Review. 5 Page(s).
David Ritter. Registration Support Branch.
EPA Reg. #: 59639-ON; Trumpet Insecticide. PRS has no objection to waiving the
acute toxicity data requirements for this product. Inert ingredient info on page 5 not included.
Document (PDF) (273 KB PDF).

April 07, 1995. Memorandum. 79 Page(s).
Stephen Schaible. Science Analysis Branch.
Dietary Exposure Analyses for Naled in Support of the Reregistration Eligibility
Decision Document.
Document (PDF) (5931 KB PDF).

May 19, 1995. Memorandum. 30 Pages.
Peg Perreault. Occupational & Residential Exposure Br.
DOCUMENT FOR NALED. DP Barcode: D199395. MRID Nos.: 432239-04,
432239-05, 432239-06, 432239-07.
Document (PDF) (1375 KB PDF).

March 19, 1997. Letter. 2 Page(s).
Lawrence Schnaubelt. SRRD.
To: Brent Solomon. Naled Risk Mitigation Measures.
Document (PDF) (78 KB PDF).

September 18, 1997. Memorandum. 5 Page(s).
Jess Rowland. Science Analysis Branch.
Naled - FQPA Requirement Report of the Hazard Identification Assessment Review
Committee Tox review 012316.
Document (PDF) (306 KB PDF).

September 23, 1997. Letter. 1 Page(s).
Kathy Monk. SRRD.
To: Brent Solomon. NALED - Request for Submission of Monte Carlo Dietary Assessment.
Document (PDF) (48 KB PDF).

October 21, 1997. Memorandum. 11 Page(s).
Jon Peckenpaugh. Fate & Monitoring branch.
Drinking Water Assessment for Naled.
Document (PDF) (916 KB PDF).

November 14, 1997. Memorandum. 41 Page(s).
Jon Peckenpaugh. Fate & Monitoring branch.
EFED's Reregistration Chapter C for Naled.
Document (PDF) (2127 KB PDF).

January 20, 1998. Report. 4 Page(s).
John Faulkner. EPA.
NALED, EPA's Quantitative Usage Analysis, Data Years 1987-96.
Document (PDF) (231 KB PDF).

February 12, 1998. Memorandum. 4 Page(s).
Jess Rowland. Science Analysis Branch HED.
Naled - Addendum - FQPA Requirement - Report of the Hazard Identification
Assessment Review Committee. Tox review 012479.
Document (PDF) (258 KB PDF).

May 27, 1998. Letter. 5 Page(s).
Kathy Monk. SRRD.
To: Brent Solomon, Valent USA Corp. NALED: Review of an Acute Dietary
Exposure Analysis and Risk Assessment for Naled Residues in Foods, MRID 44485101.
Document (PDF) (261 KB PDF).
Attachment(s) Following:

Undated. Memorandum.
Brian Steinwand. Chemistry Exposure Branch 1.
Review of an Acute Dietary Exposure Analysis and Risk Assessment for Naled
Residues in Foods (Valent Report MRID No. 44485101) submitted in support of
the reregistration of Naled.

May 06, 1998. Memorandum. Page(s).
Susan Hummel. Chemistry and Exposure Branch 2.
Naled (034401) Reregistration Case No. 0092 Monte Carlo Assessment
submitted by the Registrant MRID No. 44485101.

*End of Attachments*

July 17, 1998. Letter. 2 Page(s).
Kathy Monk. SRRD.
To: Brent Solomon, Valent USA Corp. NALED: Draft Environmental Fate and
Ecological Effects Chapter, November 14, 1997.
Document (PDF) (74 KB PDF).

July 21, 1998. Letter. 56 Page(s).
Kathy Monk. SRRD.
NALED: The HED Chapter of the Reregistartion Eligibility Decision Document
(RED) for naled (Case 0092) 'The Agency is in the process of revising the
Human Health Assessment chapter...'.
Document (PDF) (3168 KB PDF).
Attachment(s) Following:

July 13, 1995. Memorandum.
Mary Clock. Risk Characterization & Analysis Branch.
The HED Chapter of the Reregistration Eligibility Decision Document (RED)
for Naled (case 0092).

*End of Attachments*

August 05, 1998. Letter. 1 Page(s).
Kathy Monk. SRRD.
To: Brent Solomon, Valent USA Corp. NALED: Drinking Water Assessment.
Document (PDF) (55 KB PDF).

October 02, 1998. Memorandum. 1 Page(s).
Jon Peckenpaugh. Fate & Monitoring branch.
Valent's Comments Pertaining to Water Fate Issues in the Naled Draft Environmental
Fate and Ecological Effects Chapter, November 14, 1997 (RED).
Document (PDF) (64 KB PDF).

October 06, 1998. Letter. 1 Page(s).
Kathy Monk. SRRD.
To: Brent Solomon, Valent USA Corp. NALED: Response to Valent's comments on
the Environmental Fate and Ecological Effects Chapter, dated November 14, 1997.
Document (PDF) (47 KB PDF).

March 17, 1999. Memorandum. 15 Page(s).
Jon Peckenpaugh. Fate & Monitoring branch.
Naled: Addendum to EFED's Registration Chapter. DP Barcode: D254041.
Document (PDF) (990 KB PDF).

September 16, 1999. Memorandum. 14 Page(s).
Tim Leighton. Health Effects Division.
Revised Naled Mosquito Control Use Bystander Exposure Assessment for
ground-based and Aerial Applications. DP Barcode: D258431.
Document (PDF) (846 KB PDF).

October 05, 1999. Memorandum. 20 Page(s).
Tom Myers. SRRD.
Response to Public Comments on the Preliminary Risk Assessment for the
Organophosphate Naled.
Document (PDF) (1532 KB PDF).

October 12, 1999. Risk Assessment. 96 Page(s).
Susan Hummel. Health Effects Division.
NALED. Revised HED Risk Assessment for RED. PC Code 034401. DP Barcode D260129.
Document (PDF) (4779 KB PDF).

August 29, 2000. DER. 23 Page(s).
Curtis Laird. USEPA.
Aquatic Invertebrate Life Cycle Test Guideline 72-4 (B).
Naled-The Chronic Toxicity to Mysid (Mysidopsis bahia) under Flow-Through Conditions.
MRID No. 450317-01. DP Barcode: D265866.
Document (PDF) (2536 KB PDF).

July 17, 2002. Memorandum. 4 Pages.
William Sette. Toxicology Branch.
Naled: Review of Acute and Repeated Exposure Comparative Cholinesterase Study
Protocols. DP Barcode: D282374. TXR #: 0050668.
Document (PDF) (151 KB PDF).

September 11, 2002. Memorandum. 6 Page(s).
Ray Kent. Reregistration Branch 4 HED.
Naled; Chemical No. 034401. Revised Assessment of Risk from Use of Naled in Pet Collars.
DP Barcode D285053.
Document (PDF) (191 KB PDF).

August 31, 2005. Memorandum. 35 Pages.
Jessica Kidwell. Science Information Management Branch.
NALED: Data Evaluation Record of a Developmental Neurotoxicity Study.
(MRID Nos. 46153101 and 46153102). TXR No. 0052378. DP Barcode: D298945.
Document (PDF) (1701 KB PDF).

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