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Index of Cleared Science Reviews

Index for Castor oil (Pc Code 031608)

June 19, 1990. Review. 4 Page(s).
William Jacobs. Insecticide Rodenticide Branch.
IRB Branch Review - TSS
64439-R CORR. 16-817
Inert ingredient information on pages 1, 2, 3 not included.

April 30, 1991. Review. 7 Page(s).
William Jacobs. Insecticide Rodenticide Branch.
IRB Branch Review - TSS
Inert ingredient information on pages 1 and 2 not included.

February 25, 1992. Memorandum. 2 Page(s).
Robert Forrest. Insecticide Rodenticide Branch.
Classification of castor Oil (Active Ingredient Code 031608)
as a Conventional Chemical or as a Biochemical Pesticide
Product ingredient source infromation on pages 1 and 2
is not included.

February 5, 1993. Memorandum. 3 Page(s).
Anthony Maciorowski. Ecological Effects Branch.
Mole Med tm Castol Oil, EPA File Symbol 64439-R, Chem code
# 031608, Candidate Reduced Risk Pesticide for Reduced
Data Requirements.

February 5, 1993. Memorandum. 1 Page(s).
Anthony Maciorowski. Ecological Effects Branch.
Evaluate castor oil as candidate for reduced data
requirements & review data waiver requests.

February 5, 1993. Memorandum. 1 Page(s).
Anthony Maciorowski. Ecological Effects Branch.
Evaluate castor oil as candidate for reduced data
requirements & review data waiver requests.

February 25, 1993. Review. 8 Page(s).
William Jacobs. Insecticide Rodenticide Branch.
IRB Branch Review - TSS
Acc. 425489-01?
Inert information on page 1 and 2 in not included.

March 9, 1993. Memorandum. 3 Page(s).
J. Thomas McClintock. Science Analysis Branch.
Castor Oil (Shaughnessy No. 031608), the Active Ingredient
in Mole-Med (EPA File Symbol 64439-R): Request to Concur
with Recommendations for Reduced Data Requirements.

March 15, 1993. Memorandum. 2 Page(s).
Anthony Maciorowski. Ecological Effects Branch.
Mole Med TM Castor Oil, EPA File Symbol 64439-R, Chem Code
# 031608, Data Waiver Request of January 6, 1993.

April 28, 1993. Memorandum. 5 Page(s).
J. Thomas McClintock. Science Analysis Branch.
Registration of Castor Oil (Technical Grade): SAB Review
of Product Characterization Data and Toxicity Studies (DP
Barcode No.: D185680; Submission No.: S430158; I.D. No.:
064439-R Mole Med; MRID No.: 425489-00, -02 through -07).

July 1, 1993. Memorandum. 8 Page(s).
Robert Forrest. Insecticide Rodenticide Branch.
Mole Med
EPA File Symbol 64439-R
Your Submissions of october 1, November 4, 1992,
January 6, and February 9, 1993
Our letter of March 11, 1992.

May 3, 1994. Review. 9 Page(s).
William Jacobs. Insecticide Rodenticide Branch.
IRB Branch Review -TSS Oil (Technical Grade): SAB Review
Efficacy; registration support claims
Acc. 431216-04
Inert ingredient information on pages 1, 2 not included.

July 29, 1994. Memorandum. 5 Page(s).
Stephen Johnson. Registration Division.
Unconditional, One Year Registration of New Biochemical
and Reduced Data Active Ingredient, Castor Oil (USP
Grade), and End-Use Product.

January 9, 1995. Review. 6 Page(s).
William Jacobs. Insecticide Rodenticide Branch.
Acc. 434649-01
Support claims made for product
Inert ingredient info pages 1 and 2 not included.

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