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Index of Cleared Science Reviews

Index for Dicamba, dimethylamine salt (Pc Code 029802)

March 18, 1974. Review. 3 Pages.
J.W. Akerman. Ecological Effects Branch.
Banvel, Velsicol Chemical Corp
Petition 1F1131, Registration 876-25
In-cutting harvest application for weed control
in asparagus - Calif, Ore, and Wash.

August 9, 1974. Review. 2 Pages.
John Shaughnessy. Chemistry Branch.
New use; Mixture of dicamba + alachlor postemergence
on field corn. (876-25) Submitted 4-11-74; Received
in CB 8-1-74.

April 17, 1975. Review. 3 Pages.
J.W. Akerman. Ecological Effects Branch.
Review Summary; Brush Buster III Herbicide (Banvel 320)
Velsicol Chemical Corp
fence rows, highway rights of way, wasteland & similar
non-cropland; Environmental Safety re birds.

March 12, 1976. Review. 4 Pages.
Ronald Ney. Efficacy and Ecological Effects Branch.
Reg. No. 876-25
New uses with tank mixture.

April 16, 1976. Review. 2 Pages.
W. Greene. Toxicology Branch.
oral toxicity of the mixture (Banvel + Bromoxynil + MCPA)
fall into Category II; hence the signal word "Warning"...

May 21, 1976. Review. 5 Pages.
William LeCroy. Efficacy and Ecological Effects Branch.
Reg. No. 876-25
New uses and label changes on field corn.

June 10, 1976. Review. 4 Pages.
R.W. Felthousen. Efficacy and Ecological Effects Branch.
Reg. No. 876-25
Amended Reg. Substantive.

July 2, 1976. Review. 3 Pages.
Richard Petrie. Efficacy and Ecological Effects Branch.
Addition of asparagus to the label - Banvel alone and
Banvel 2,4-D tank mix.

September 22, 1976. Review. 2 Pages.
Ronald Ney. Efficacy & Ecological Effects Branch.
Reg. No 876-203
Use in additional states and on new weeds.

August 29, 1979. Review. 16 Pages.
Ronald Cook. Environmental Fate Branch.
Reg. No. 876-25
Label Revision
field and silage corn.

January 21, 1980. Memorandum. 9 Pages.
Sherell Sterling. Fungicide-Herbicide Branch.
Bermuda and Bentgrass Broadleaf Lawn Herbicide;
EPA Registration No. 2217-597
Acute oral, acute dermal, primary dermal, eye irritation
These data were submitted under section 6(A)(2)
Acc. 241708.

March 17, 1980. Memorandum. 5 Pages.
Deloris Graham. Fungicide-Herbicide Branch.
EPA Registration No. 2217-516
Trimec Dandy Lawn Weed Killer
Acute Oral, Acute Dermal, Dermal Irritation, Eye Irritation.
Accession number 241523.

May 22, 1980. Memorandum. 5 Pages.
Sherell Sterling. Fungicide-Herbicide Branch.
EPA Registration No. 2217-543
Trimec Herbicide
Acute Oral, Acute Dermal, Acute Inhalation, Eye and Skin
Irritation. Studies conducted by Stillmeadow.
No accession number.

June 9, 1980. Memorandum. 5 Pages.
Sherell Sterling. Fungicide-Herbicide Branch.
Professional Turf Herbicide
EPA Registration No. 2217-624
amendment for change in formulation
Accession 240898 (acute tox studies).

June 10, 1980. Memorandum. 9 Pages.
Sherell Sterling. Fungicide-Herbicide Branch.
Gordon's Brush Killer
EPA File Symbol 2217-AGO
Acute oral and other tox studies
Accession Numbers 241331-241334.

September 9, 1980. Memorandum. 2 Pages.
Willa Garner. Environmental Fate Branch.
Reg. No. 17058-E, 2217-624
Submission Purpose: Nitrosamine (data).

February 17, 1981. Memorandum. 8 Pages.
Sherell Sterling. Fungicide-Herbicide Branch.
Banvel CST
EPA File Symbol: 876-UUR
Acute oral and other tox studies. Acc. 243810.

March 26, 1981. Memorandum. 5 Pages.
Deloris Graham. Fungicide-Herbicide Branch.
EPA Registration number: 34704-84
Clean Crop Four-Power Plus
Acute oral and other tox studies. Acc. 244163.

November 30, 1981. Review. 4 Pages.
Miachel Rexrode. Ecological Effects Branch.
Reg. No 876-25; Petition 1F2569, 1H5321
Banvel Herbicide, Proposed Conditional Registration of
Sugarcane Use.

August 6, 1982. Review. 2 Pages.
J. Tice. Ecological Effects Branch.
Reg. No 876-25
Proposed Conditional Registration of
Soybeans Between Cropping Applications.

January 6, 1983. Data Eval. Rec. 3 Pages.
L. W. Touart. Ecological Effects Branch.
Data Evaluation Record for Dimethylamine Dicamba.
Acute Toxicity of Banvel Herbicide to Daphnia Magna.
MRID 00028283.

January 10, 1983. Data Eval. Rec. 3 Pages.
L. W. Touart. Ecological Effects Branch.
Data Evaluation Record for Dimethylamine Dicamba.
Acute Oral LD50--Mallard Duck.
MRID 00073275.

January 10, 1983. Data Eval. Rec. 3 Pages.
L. W. Touart. Ecological Effects Branch.
Data Evaluation Record for Dimethylamine Dicamba.
Acute Toxicity of Banvel CST/Stumpbuster to Rainbow Trout.
MRID 00046184.

January 10, 1983. Data Eval. Rec. 3 Pages.
L. W. Touart. Ecological Effects Branch.
Data Evaluation Record for Dimethylamine Dicamba.
Acute Toxicity of Banvel CST/Stumpbuster to Bluegill Sunfish
MRID 00046183.

January 11, 1983. Data Eval. Rec. 3 Pages.
L. W. Touart. Ecological Effects Branch.
Data Evaluation Record for Dimethylamine Dicamba.
Acute Oral LD50 - Mallard Duck.
MRID 00046180.

January 12, 1983. Data Eval. Rec. 3 Pages.
L. W. Touart. Ecological Effects Branch.
Data Evaluation Record for Dimethylamine Dicamba.
Eight-Day Dietary LC50 - Bobwhite Quail.
MRID No. 00046182.

January 12, 1983. Data Eval. Rec. 3 Pages.
L. W. Touart. Ecological Effects Branch.
Data Evaluation Record for Dimethylamine Dicamba.
Acute Toxicity of Five Velsicol Pesticides to the Bluegill.
MRID 00022530.

January 26, 1983. Review. 8 Pages.
James Felkel. Ecological Effects Branch.
Reg. No. 876-25; Petition 3F2794
Addition of cotton as a rotational crop under "Between
Cropping Applications" (Conditional Registration)
Acc. 071261.

March 2, 1983. Review. 2 Pages.
Stephanie April. Toxicology Branch.
Registration No(s). 876-25; Petition No(s). 3F2794
Acceptable Daily Intake.

March 3, 1983. Data Eval. Rec. 3 Pages.
L. W. Touart. Ecological Effects Branch.
Data Evaluation Record for Dimethylamine Dicamba.
Eight-Day Dietary LC50 - Mallard Duck.
MRID 00046181.

March 18, 1983. DER. 39 Pages.
Les Touart. Ecological Effects Branch.
Eight-Day Dietary LC50 -- Bobwhite Quail (and 28 other DERs,
one DER each page. all DERs say 'irrelevant' or 'secondary'
or 'tertiary' data)
MRID 22496, 22504... 77275.

March 22, 1983. DER. 2 Pages.
Les Touart. Ecological Effects Branch.
Eight-Day Dietary LC50 -- Mallard Ducks
MRID 00022527.

March 22, 1983. DER. 2 Pages.
Les Touart. Ecological Effects Branch.
Eight-Day Dietary LC50 -- Bobwhite Quail
MRID 00034693.

December 2, 1987. DER. 4 Pages.
Isabel Johnson. KBN for Ecological Effects Branch.
Acute Toxicity Test for Coldwater Fish
Species: Rainbow trout
MRID 263000.

November 17, 1989. Memoarndum. 1 Page.
J. Robert Tomerlin. Science Analysis and Coordination Branch.
Dietary Exposure Analysis and Carcinogenic Risk Assessment
for the Proposed Use of Dicamba in Cotton.

March 2, 1995. Letter. 39 Pages.
Esther Saito. SRRD.
To: Jonathan Bryant, Sandoz Agro, Inc.
Subject: Product Chemistry Review for Organic and Inorganic
Salts of Dicamba Dated February 15, 1995.
Pages 31-39 removed, manufacturing process and quality
control information.
Attachment(s) following:

February 15, 1995. Memorandum.
Leung Cheng. Chemistry Branch.
Dicamba. Case 0065. Product Chemistry Data For
Organic and Inorganic Salts of Dicamba. MRID No.
43354301-43354331, 43361501-43361505, 43381301, 43425801,
and 43425802.

*End of attachments*

May 4, 1995. Memorandum. 11 Pages.
Jess Rowland. Toxicology Branch.
DICAMBA: Data Call-In Submission - Bridging Data for Amine
Salts. MRID 432880-02.
Pages 10-11 removed, registrant data.
Tox review 011535 excerpt.

June 6, 1995. Letter. 16 Pages.
Judith Coombs. SRRD.
To: Jonathan Bryant, Sandoz Agro, Inc.
May 4, 1995 Review of Physiological Dissociation Study
With Dicamba in Rats (MRID 43288002)
Pages 11-12 removed, registrant data.
Attachment(s) following:

May 4, 1995. Memorandum.
Jess Rowland. Toxicology Branch.
DICAMBA: Data Call-In Submission - Bridging Data for Amine

*End of attachments*

November 22, 1995. Memorandum. 17 Pages.
Leung Cheng. Chemistry Branch.
Dicamba. Case 0065. Product Chemistry Data for GLN 61,
62 & 63 Series. MRID 43560801, 43579001, 43643801-
43643828, 43651401-43651404 & 43758501-43758508.
Pages 11-17 removed, manufacturing process and quality
control information.

May 2, 1996. Memorandum. 20 Pages.
Francis Griffith. Chemistry Branch.
PP# 6F4604 - Dicamba (Banvel) on Cotton, Asparagus, Grass
Forage and Hay, and Wheat Forage and Hay.
MRID #s 428832-01, 438140-01, 432745-01, 433707-01.

June 17, 1996. Memorandum. 24 Pages.
Dan Reider. Environmental Risk Characterization Br.
Proposed Label Changes for Dicamba... Submission of
Avian Reproduction Studies (MRIDs 43814003 and 43814004).

July 26, 1996. Memorandum. 76 Pages.
Jess Rowland. Toxicology Branch.
DICAMBA: Review of Mutagenicity Studies with the
Dimethylamine (DMA), Diglycoamine (DGA) and Isopropylamine
(IPA) Salts of Dicamba.
MRIDs 43310301 thru 43310306.
Tox review 012000 excerpt.
Attachment(s) following:

July 26, 1996. Memorandum.
Jess Rowland. Toxicology Branch.
(continued) Pages 12-13, 22, 24, 26, 28, 36-37, 46, 48,
50, 52, 60-61, 70, 72, 74 and 76 removed, registrant data.

*End of attachments*

August 12, 1997. Memorandum. 35 Pages.
Jess Rowland. Toxicology Branch.
DICAMBA: Review of Mutagenicity Studies with the
Dimethylamine (DMA), Diglycoamine (DGA) and Isopropylamine
(IPA) Salts of Dicamba. MRIDs 43354332, 43354333, 43354334.
Pages 12, 14, 23, 25, 33, 35 removed, registrant data.
Tox review 012293 excerpt.

December 7, 1998. Review. 6 Pages.
Shyam Mathur. Technical Review Branch RD.
Product Chemistry Review of EP[X]
DP Barcode No.: D249076 REG./File Symbol No.: 228-GUU.
Product Name:Riverdale Millennium Ultra Granular Weed Killer
Product ingredient source info on pages 1 & 4 not included.

January 20, 1999. Memorandum. 7 Pages.
Byron Backus. Technical Review Branch RD.
DP Barcode: D249083.
eye irritation.
MRID 44521501.

August 26, 1999. Memorandum. 3 Pages.
John Redden. Technical Review Branch RD.
Label Amendment: EPA Reg. No. 228-344.
DP Barcode: D255969.
requesting TRB extrapolate toxicity categories.

October 9, 2001. Review. 2 Pages.
Shyam Mathur. Technical Review Branch RD.
Product Chemistry Review of EP[X]
DP Barcode No.: D276343 REG./File Symbol No.: 228-GUU.
Product Name:Riverdale Millennium Ultra Granular Weed Killer
MRID 45376201.

January 22, 2004. Memorandum. 3 Pages.
Masih Hashim. Technical Review Branch RD.
Name of Pesticide Product: Riverdale Veteran 3010 Herbicide.
EPA Reg. No./File Symbol: 228-URU.
DP Barcode: D293940.
Acute toxicity/ data can be bridged.

February 5, 2004. Review. 1 Page.
Sami Malak. Technical Review Branch RD.
Product Chemistry Review of an End-Use Product.
DP Barcode: D293938 ... File Symbol/REG: 228-URU.
Product Name: Riverdale Veteran 3010 Herbicide...
Product ingredient source info on page 1 not included.
MRID 45564501 to -03.

May 18, 2004. Review. 1 Page.
Sami Malak. Technical Review Branch RD.
Product Chemistry Review of an End-Use Product.
DP Barcode: D301796 ... File Symbol/REG: 228-414.
Product Name: Riverdale Veteran 3010 Herbicide...
Product ingredient source info on page 1 not included.
MRID.: None.

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