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Index of Cleared Science Reviews

Index for Pentac (Pc Code 027501)

December 15, 1981. Review. 3 Page(s).
Clayton Bushong. Ecological Effects Branch.
EPA Reg. No. 20954-106, 20954-108. Pentac. Submission of
Miscellaneous Fish and Wildlife Data.

December 28, 1981. Memorandum. 6 Page(s).
B.T. Backus. Insecticide-Rodenticide Branch.
EPA File Symbol 20954-RRE. Pentac Aqua-Flow Miticide.
Pages 4-6 removed, draft label.
Tox review 001312.

July 19, 1982. Memorandum. 30 Page(s).
Gary Burin. Toxicology Branch.
Review of Miscellaneous Toxicity Data for Pentac Technical
and Wettable Powder; Reg. No. 20954-108, Acc. Nos.246101,
246102, 246104 and 246105.
Tox review 002120.

October 6, 1983. Review. 20 Page(s).
Richard Moraski. Exposure Assessment Branch.
Reg. No. 20954-106. Pentac.
Review Data to Complete EAB Files.
Pages 9-20 are not included - registrant data.

November 30, 1983. Memorandum. 10 Page(s).
David Van Ormer. Toxicology Branch.
EPA Reg. No. 20954-106, Pentac (Dienochlor). Review of
Mutagenicity Studies, Metabolism Study, and 90-Day Mouse
Feeding Study. Inert ingredient info and quality control
procedure information on page 5 not included.
Tox review 003397.

December 14, 1983. One-Liner. 2 Page(s).
Exposure Assessment Branch.
Pesticide Environmental Fate One-Liner - Dienochlor.

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