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Index of Cleared Science Reviews for Chromic acid (Pc Code 021101)

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March 11, 1983. Memorandum. 36 Page(s).
Irving Mauer. Toxicology Branch.
Evaluation of Toxicology Studies, Caswell Nos. 56, 57, 59, 101, 221, 743, 744, 245,
253, 265, 501A. Accession Nos. 248738-248747. (10 Data Evaluation Records).
Document (PDF) (3101 KB PDF).

November 04, 2004. Memorandum. 23 Page(s).
Talia Milano. Risk Assessment & Science Support Branch.
Review of the effects of post treatment processing on leaching of metals from wood
following chromated copper arsenate (CCA) or acid copper chrome (ACC) treatment.
EPA File Symbol: 75832-R; DP#: 306150 MRID No.: 46282301.
Document (PDF)(1479 KB PDF).

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