Index of Cleared Science Reviews for Aspergillus flavus 36 colonized wheat (PC Code 006456)
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March 29, 1999. DER. 5 Pages.
Michael Watson. Microbial Pesticide Branch.
Analysis of Samples (151A-13) Certification of Ingredient Limits (151A-15)
[amendment No. 2 to MRID no. 437634-02]. MRID No.: 446261-01.
Document (PDF) (213 KB PDF).
June 23, 1999. DER. 5 Pages.
Doug Gurian-Sherman. Biopesticides and Pollution Prevention Division.
Simulated and Actual Field Testing - Mammals and Birds. Guideline No. 71-5.
MRID No.: 444526-15. Test material: Cotton Fields. Study No.: ECO 95-132,
Protocol No. 954-95-132.
Document (PDF) (182 KB PDF).
June 23, 1999. DER. 6 pages.
Doug Gurian-Sherman. Biopesticides and Pollution Prevention Division.
Non-target Organism Environmental Safety Requirements, Waiver Request for
Subdivision M, Guidelines: 154A-16-24. MRID No.: None. Study No.: IR-4 PR No. 52B.
Document (PDF) (259 KB PDF).
March 27, 2002. DER. 3 Pages.
Susan Chang. Oak Ridge National Labs.
Acute Pulmonary Toxicity/Pathogenicity - Rats (OPPTS 885.3150).
MRID No.: 457391-01. DP Barcode No.: D286705. Case No.: 062458. Submission No.: S624885.
Document (PDF) (97 KB PDF).
April 18, 2002. DER. 4 Pages.
Susan Chang. Oak Ridge National Labs.
Acute Pulmonary Toxicity/Pathogenicity - Rats (OPPTS 885.3150).
MRID No.: 457981-01. DP Barcode: D286705. Case No.: 062458. Submission No.: S624885.
Document (PDF) (166 KB PDF).
July 03, 2002. DER. 2 Pages.
Susan Chang. Oak Ridge National Labs.
Hypersensitivity Incidents (OPPTS 885.3400). MRID No.: 457391-04.
(MRID Nos.: 43972402, 43763404). DP Barcode No.: D286705. Case No.: 062458.
Submission No.: S624885. Project No.: IR-4 PR No. 52B.
Document (PDF) (54 KB PDF).
August 06, 2002. DER. 4 Pages.
Susan Chang. Oak Ridge National Labs.
Acute Pulmonary Toxicity/Pathogenicity - Rats (OPPTS 885.3150).
MRID No.: 457982-01. DP Barcode No.: D286705. Case No.: 062458.
Submission No.: S624885. Project No.: UAR/006.
Document (PDF) (156 KB PDF).
April 02, 2003. Memorandum. 3 Pages.
Carl Etsitty. Microbial Pesticides Branch.
BPPD Review of Acute Pulmonary and Pathogenicity to the Rat, and
Hypersensitivity Incidents - Human Data Submitted by Arizona Cotton
Research...(Submission No.: S624886, DP Barcode: 286705.
MRID Nos.: 457981-01, 457391-01, 457982-01, and 457391-04).
Document (PDF) (95 KB PDF).
April 22, 2003. DER. 3 Pages.
Anthony Q. Armsrong et. al. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, U.S. Dept. of Energy.
Assessment of Plover Biology and Ecology, Endangered Species Assessment.
MRID No.: 45739103. DP Barcode: D286708. Case No.: 062458. Submission No.: S624888.
Document (PDF) (106 KB PDF).
May 15, 2003. Memorandum. 9 Pages.
Gail Tomimatsu. Microbial Pesticides Branch.
BPPD Review of Soil and Air Monitoring Studies and Product Performance
Testing (Efficacy) Submitted by USDA Southern Regional Research Center...
(Submission #: S630862; DP Barcode D288777; ID# 071693-R)
[MRID #s 453072-01; 453072-02; 1 volume sans MRID].
Document (PDF) (407 KB PDF).
May 16, 2003. Memorandum. 13 Pages.
Gail Tomimatsu. Microbial Pesticides Branch.
Environmental Hazard Assessment for the Microbial Pesticide, Aspergillus
flavus AF36 for Conditional Registration...EPA Reg, No. 071693-R;
Barcode Nos. D288777; D288782; D286708. MRIDs: 43763403, 43763405,
45307201-45307202,45798102, 43972403, 45739102-03.
Document (PDF) (508 KB PDF).
May 22, 2003. Memorandum. 4 Pages.
Shanaz Bacchus. Microbial Pesticides Branch.
BPPD Review of Data Waiver Requests Submitted by IR-4 on behalf of the Arizona
Cotton and Research Council in support of the Health Effects of Aspergillus flavus
AF36 for use on cotton food/feed commodity (No MRID No.; EPA Reg. No. 071693-R).
Document (PDF) (177 KB PDF).
May 20, 2004. DER. 6 Pages.
Hanna Daoud. Department of Pesticide Regulation/State of California.
Product Name: Aspergillus flavus AF36. I.D. No: 205526-N. Applicant: Arizona Cotton
Research and Protection Council. EPA Reg. No.: 71693-1. Document No.: 52965 - 0001,
- 0002, - 0012. Use: For displacing aflatoxin-prodllcing-fungi on cotton.
Document (PDF) (229 KB PDF).
September 13, 2007. Memorandum. 23 Pages.
Annabel Waggoner. Microbial Pesticides Branch.
Review of Product Chemistry and Efficacy Data to satisfy Conditions of Registration
for Aspergillus flavus AF36 [EPA Reg. No. 71693-1]. DP Barcode: 330590.
MRID Nos.: 468595-01, 468595-02.
Document (PDF) (684 KB PDF).
August 26, 2010. Memorandum. 10 Pages.
Joel Gagliardi. Microbial Pesticides Branch.
Aspergillus flavus AF36 use on corn. Product Name: AF36. Company Name: Arizona Cotton
Research and Protection Council. EPA Reg. Nos.: 71693-EUP-2.
DP Barcode: 380006. MRID No.: 479351-01.
Document (PDF) (1025 KB PDF).
February 24, 2011. Memorandum. 13 Pages.
Joel Gagliardi. Microbial Pesticides Branch.
Aspergillus flavus AF36 use on corn. Product Name: AF36. Company Name: Arizona Cotton
Research and Protection Council. EPA Reg. Nos.: 71693-EUP-2.
DP Barcode: 385616. MRlD No.: 483301-01.
Document (PDF) (1382 KB PDF).