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Summary of State Use of PPIS Funds: Region 5


Region 5 states used all three approaches to PPIS service delivery. State approaches to grant funding were divided among centralized, decentralized, and partnership delivery programs. Most state programs focused upon expanding technical assistance and regulatory programs.


Illinois promoted its PPIS program primarily through centralized delivery service from the Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA), which received six out of the eight total grants. From the outset of PPIS funding, IEPA pursued full regulatory integration of pollution prevention in the state. IEPA later supported its regulatory program through educational outreach and technical assistance services.


EPA Funding


$ 299,600


$ 200,000


$ 100,000


$ 111,666


$ 100,000


$ 92,000


$ 903,266

Major Activities:

Education and Outreach: conferences/meetings, curricula, factsheets/brochures/publications, general education and outreach, intern program, presentations/workshops, report, research

Infrastructure Development: advisory committee/workgroup

Pilot and Demonstration Projects: educational demonstration project, general pilot and demonstration projects

Regulatory Integration: permits - general, multimedia permits, pollution prevention and compliance assistance, training of regulatory staff

Technical Assistance and Training: hotline, general technical assistance and training, pollution prevention assessments

In 1990, IEPA used its grant to fund regulatory activities such as compliance assistance, training, and permitting to support the Clean Air Act and Pollution Prevention Act of 1990. In 1992, IEPA furthered its regulatory efforts by providing training on pollution prevention to agency personnel and managers. In 1994 and 1995, IEPA continued regulatory program activities and expanded services through a hotline, onsite technical assistance, regulatory proposal assistance, educational outreach, and workshops. In 1996, IEPA concentrated its assistance by offering workshops and technical assistance to the electroplating, printing, agricultural chemicals, electronics, and metal fabrication industries. In 1997, IEPA promoted pollution prevention regulatory assistance to small- and medium-sized businesses.


EPA Funding


$ 195,000


$ 50,000


$ 245,000

Major Activities:

Data Collection and Analysis: general data collection and analysis

Education and Outreach: case studies, conferences/meetings, factsheets/brochures/publications, newsletter, report

Pilot and Demonstration Projects: ecosystem/geography-based initiative, new technology development

Technical Assistance and Training: clearinghouse/library, general technical assistance and training

In 1993, the University of Illinois helped to provide pollution prevention technical assistance to small- and medium-size businesses in Illinois by investigating technologies designed to reduce or eliminate the use of solvents, particularly those targeted by the Clean Air Act and Pollution Prevention Act of 1990. In 1996, the university helped sponsor activities of the Great Lakes Regional Pollution Prevention Roundtable, which initiated the exchange of information about pollution prevention activities throughout the Great Lakes area.

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Indiana chose to implement its PPIS program through decentralized delivery service from both the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) and Purdue University. Both IDEM and Purdue used grants to fund various projects that furthered pollution prevention through partnerships, direct technical assistance, pilot projects, outreach to businesses, and regulatory integration.


EPA Funding


$ 300,000


$ 20,000


$ 114,166


$ 92,000


$ 526,166

Major Activities:

Awards and Recognition: general awards and recognition

Data Collection and Analysis: database design, general data collection and analysis, surveys/studies

Education and Outreach: factsheets/brochures/publications, general education and outreach, presentations/workshops, report, research, video

Infrastructure Development: advisory committee/workgroup, funding mechanism, legislation, strategy/policy

Regulatory Integration: general regulatory integration, SEPs/enforcement actions, training of regulatory staff

Technical Assistance and Training: general technical assistance and training, pollution prevention assessments

In 1989, IDEM used its grant to begin integration of its pollution prevention technical assistance and enforcement program. In 1993, IDEM developed partnerships with government agencies and selected businesses to set up pollution prevention initiatives. The initiatives addressed the reduction of critical toxic pollutants including mercury, lead, and copper. In 1995, IDEM managed three distinct projects: (1) a recognition program for drycleaners that have made significant environmental and pollution prevention achievements; (2) a mercury pollution prevention program that helped companies become aware of potential sources of mercury and its possible hazards; and (3) an ISO-14000 demonstration project that evaluated the program' effectiveness in promoting pollution prevention to Indiana businesses. In 1997, IDEM developed and managed three new projects: (1) a pledge program for the trade association of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning contractors and their customers to recondition and reuse thermostats and recover the mercury from thermostats; (2) a pollution prevention program for foam manufacturers of Elkhart county to develop alternatives to foam use; (3) a series of workshops to ensure that companies complete Toxics Release Inventory Form R correctly so IDEM can accurately track toxic releases to the environment.


EPA Funding


$ 300,300


$ 100,000


$ 90,000


$ 490,300

Major Activities:

Data Collection and Analysis: general data collection and analysis, surveys/studies

Education and Outreach: conferences/meetings, curricula, factsheets/brochures/publications, guidance documents, newsletter, presentations/workshops, report

Infrastructure Development: advisory committee/workgroup, strategy/policy

Measurement: general measurement

Technical Assistance and Training: general technical assistance and training, hotline, pollution prevention assessments, training

In 1990, Purdue University focused on point source agricultural pollution prevention by providing training to Cooperative Extension Service agricultural agents on identification, analysis, and resolution of potential pollution problems. Purdue also compiled an inventory of current pollution prevention practices, technologies, and programs applicable to the agricultural industry and published a comprehensive manual on this information. In 1994, Purdue University developed reliable pollution prevention measurement methods for several industry sectors to use, including the plastics, metal coatings and plating, and wood products sectors. In 1996, Purdue organized steering committees, work groups and round tables to develop and test 'materials usage' and 'production unit' methods of measurement.

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Michigan provided decentralized delivery of pollution prevention assistance and divided its PPIS grants among several organizations, most of which focused upon enhancing nonregulatory technical assistance and educational outreach to businesses in the state.


EPA Funding


$ 100,000

Major Activities:

Data Collection and Analysis: general data collection and analysis

Education and Outreach: conferences/meetings, research

Technical Assistance and Training: grant/loans

The Michigan Department of Commerce' one-time grant supported nonregulatory, direct technical assistance to the pulp and paper industry. The department developed a formal agreement between its agency and the pulp and paper trade association to establish the voluntary technical assistance program, identified compounds to be targeted for the duration of the program, and developed a mechanism to track and report reductions in releases of targeted compounds.


EPA Funding


$ 125,163

Major Activities:

Education and Outreach: factsheets/brochures/publications, guidance documents, report, video

Technical Assistance and Training: training

The Michigan Department of Education used its one-time grant to support multimedia pollution prevention at educational facilities. The department offered training program for staff at educational facilities as well as provided them with guidance and other educational materials on pollution prevention.


EPA Funding


$ 89,999


$ 92,000


$ 181,999

Major Activities:

Awards and Recognition: general awards and recognition

Data Collection and Analysis: general data collection and analysis

Education and Outreach: case studies, computer software, conferences/meetings, factsheets/brochures/publications, general education and outreach, report

Infrastructure Development: advisory committee/workgroup, strategy/policy

Measurement: general measurement

Pilot and Demonstration Projects: educational demonstration project

Regulatory Integration: permits - general

Technical Assistance and Training: general technical assistance and training, grant/loans, pollution prevention assessments, training

In 1996, the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) focused upon expanding its level of statewide pollution prevention implementation. MDEQ heightened its educational outreach to build awareness of pollution prevention opportunities, promoted and strengthened cooperative approaches to achieving pollution prevention, and encouraged the voluntary adoption and implementation of pollution prevention among stakeholders and governmental agencies by removing regulatory barriers. MDEQ also investigated new methods for measuring and tracking pollution prevention and evaluated the success of the program at the end of the year. In 1997, MDEQ set up a pollution prevention providers network, and the service providers listed in the inventory developed a strategy for improving coordination of technical assistance, building technical assistance capabilities, reducing the duplication of efforts, and improving outreach to the business community. MDEQ held a kickoff meeting for the core group of providers to assess business needs, identify gaps in services, and improve access to publications and electronic resources.


EPA Funding


$ 240,050


$ 109,985


$ 350,035

Major Activities:

Data Collection and Analysis: database design

Education and Outreach: intern program

Infrastructure Development: strategy/policy

Measurement: general measurement

Pilot and Demonstration Projects: general pilot and demonstration projects

Regulatory Integration: training of regulatory staff

Technical Assistance and Training: clearinghouse/library, general technical assistance and training, pollution prevention assessments

In 1989, the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) formed a partnership with the Department of Commerce to provide direct technical assistance to small- and medium-sized electroplaters and automobile assembly and components parts plants. The departments trained interns and county staff members to provide pollution prevention assessments and onsite technical assistance to these industries. In 1995, MDNR used its grant for three separate projects: (1) an agricultural pollution prevention project to reduce agricultural sources of pollution and establish partnerships with state agricultural organizations; (2) a technical assistance program for printers focused on pollutants used and released by the lithographic printing industry; and (3) additional resources for the Great Lakes technical resource library, a regional computer-based library and database established by the Solid & Hazardous Waste Education Center at the University of Wisconsin to serve the Great Lakes states.


EPA Funding


$ 250,359

Major Activities:

Data Collection and Analysis: general data collection and analysis

Education and Outreach: research

Technical Assistance and Training: grant/loans

Michigan State University used its one-time grant to develop a waste assessment training course. The course consisted of 100 hours of intensive, applied training for waste assessors, providing them with skills to evaluate waste management practices in many types of businesses and recommend waste reduction alternatives.

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Minnesota implemented its PPIS program primarily through a partnership program. Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) received four out of five total grants and worked in partnership with the Minnesota Technical Assistance Program (MnTAP) to deliver pollution prevention programs. MPCA pursued full regulatory integration by incorporating pollution prevention into permitting, compliance, enforcement, and regulation development.


EPA Funding


$ 299,634

Major Activities:

Data Collection and Analysis: general data collection and analysis

Education and Outreach: general education and outreach

Pilot and Demonstration Projects: general pilot and demonstration projects

Technical Assistance and Training: general technical assistance and training

The Minnesota Office of Waste Management used its one-time grant to support a cooperative project between the Minnesota Technical Assistance Program MnTAP and MPCA. The partnership developed and evaluated a risk screening and priority ranking method for hazardous air emissions that was adapted to multimedia facility emissions data. The results contributed to the development of demonstration projects targeted for the reduction of hazardous air emissions.


EPA Funding


$ 100,000


$ 111,666


$ 90,000


$ 92,000


$ 393,666

Major Activities:

Education and Outreach: case studies, guidance documents, report

Measurement: general measurement

Regulatory Integration: multimedia inspections, permits - general, pollution prevention and compliance assistance, pollution prevention in regulations, SEPs/enforcement actions

Technical Assistance and Training: general technical assistance and training, pollution prevention assessments

In 1994, MPCA used its PPIS grant to begin integration of pollution prevention into its regulatory activities. MPCA developed training programs, created educational materials, designed indicators to measure pollution prevention, and developed guidelines for supplemental environmental projects. MPCA also established a partnership with MnTAP to conduct nonregulatory reviews and provide technical assistance. MPCA' 1995 and 1996 grants supported the continuation of these activities. In 1996, MPCA also funded additional compliance inspections to automotive service, printing, and metal finishing sectors. The 1997 grant supported new initiatives, as MPCA focused primarily upon building new partnerships with business assistance providers to coordinate technical assistance programs. MPCA also began promoting pollution prevention in the state environmental performance partnership agreement.

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The Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (Ohio EPA) provided centralized service delivery in Ohio and received four out of the six grants. Ohio EPA primarily supported the expansion of its regulatory program through direct technical assistance and training programs.


EPA Funding


$ 195,000

Major Activities:

Education and Outreach: factsheets/brochures/publications, general education and outreach, presentations/workshops

Technical Assistance and Training: general technical assistance and training, pollution prevention assessments

The Ohio Department of Development used its one-time grant to develop programs assisting businesses in eliminating ozone layer depleting substances. The department provided technical assistance, developed educational materials, and conducted an outreach program on pollution prevention techniques to eliminate these substances.


EPA Funding


$ 100,000


$ 109,870


$ 90,000


$ 91,000


$ 390,870

Major Activities:

Data Collection and Analysis: database design, general data collection and analysis, surveys/studies

Education and Outreach: general education and outreach, report, research

Infrastructure Development: strategy/policy

Measurement: general measurement

Pilot and Demonstration Projects: general pilot and demonstration projects

Regulatory Integration: general regulatory integration, pollution prevention and compliance assistance, training of regulatory staff

Technical Assistance and Training: general technical assistance and training, grants/loans, pollution prevention assessments, training

In 1994 and 1995, the Ohio EPA used PPIS grant funds to augment existing pollution prevention activities through training programs, technical assistance, and financial incentives. Ohio EPA also used survey work, literature reviews, and other activities to identify and evaluate the barriers to, and incentives for, pollution prevention. In 1996, Ohio EPA focused outreach on the manufacturing industry and helped manufacturers modify their processes, materials, and practices to generate less pollution in a cost-effective and technically feasible manner. In 1997, Ohio EPA used its grant to expand its program to include the following services: pollution prevention assessments; a database of vendors providing technical assistance and equipment; strategy development for specific industry sectors; and a statewide environmental network of resources for small- and medium-sized manufacturers.


EPA Funding


$ 20,000

Major Activities:

Awards and Recognition: governor' awards program

Education and Outreach: conferences/meetings, general education and outreach, guidance documents, presentations/workshops, report, video

Infrastructure Development: advisory committee/workgroup

The University of Cincinnati achieved the following results with 1992 funding: established pollution prevention policies; developed methods to educate local business and industry leaders on pollution prevention concepts and applications; provided technical assistance to small businesses implementing pollution prevention programs; and established a model pollution prevention program for city governments.

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Wisconsin implemented its PPIS program primarily through centralized delivery service through Department of Natural Resources (DNR), which received five out of the six total grants. DNR used a combination of approaches to pollution prevention, including regulatory integration, pilot and demonstration projects, and educational outreach to businesses and communities.


EPA Funding


$ 300,000


$ 100,000


$ 112,000


$ 90,000


$ 92,000


$ 694,000

Major Activities:

Data Collection and Analysis: database design, surveys/studies

Education and Outreach: case studies, conferences/meetings, curricula, factsheets/brochures/publications, general education and outreach, guidance documents, presentations/workshops, report, research

Measurement: general measurement, overall program evaluation, quantitative evaluation

Pilot and Demonstration Projects: ecosystem/geography-based initiative, educational demonstration project, general pilot and demonstration projects

Regulatory Integration: permits - general, multimedia inspections, pollution prevention and compliance assistance, pollution prevention in regulations, training of regulatory staff, water permits

Technical Assistance and Training: general technical assistance and training, pollution prevention assessments

In 1991, DNR began regulatory integration of pollution prevention by establishing guidelines for pollution prevention in Wisconsin's toxic air regulations and training regulatory staff on incorporating pollution prevention compliance, inspections, and permits. In 1994, DNR provided onsite assessments and training on pollution prevention opportunities, practices, and technologies to businesses that had limited pollution prevention information. In 1995 and 1996, DNR' Wastewater program developed a model toxic reduction plan for mercury discharged into municipal wastewater treatment plants. Several designated Wisconsin communities used the plan to help reduce the amount of mercury released into sanitary sewer systems, thereby reducing the release of mercury to treatment plants receiving waters and land spread sludges. Once the pilot was completed, DNR assessed the effectiveness of the mercury reduction strategy. In 1996, DNR also coordinated pollution prevention programs in the Lake Superior basin by targeting medical and dental professionals for outreach on mercury handling, establishing legislative round tables, and launching an educational program targeting local schools, residents, and businesses in a specific low-income, minority community. In 1997, DNR continued to support its outreach program to the selected community, raising its level of environmental awareness in the areas of waste reduction, regulatory education, and technical assistance.


EPA Funding


$ 40,000

Major Activities:

Data Collection and Analysis: general data collection and analysis

Education and Outreach: research

Measurement: overall program evaluation

Pilot and Demonstration Projects: general pilot and demonstration projects, new technology development

The University of Wisconsin - Madison chose three local areas in Wisconsin to pilot test a strategy for reducing contamination risks associated with farm petroleum storage and handling. The university conducted pilot projects to evaluate the effectiveness of the strategy and determine the feasibility of this initiative in serving as a model for use in other states.

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