Fiscal Year 2009 Source Reduction Assistance Grant Summaries
Source Reduction Assistance Program Grant
FY 2010 SRAP RFP has been published (PDF) (41 pp, 372K, About PDF). Proposals due Thursday, February 4, 2010.
- Region 1 (CT, ME, MA, NH, RI, VT)
- Region 3 (DE, DC, MD, PA, VA, WV)
- Region 4 (AL, FL, GA, KY, MS, NC, SC, TN)
- Region 5 (IL, IN, MI, MN, OH, WI)
- Region 6 (AR, LA, NM, OK, TX)
- Region 7 (IA, KS, MO, NE)
- Region 9 (AZ, CA, HI, NV, AS, GU)
- Region 10 (AK, ID, OR, WA)
Region 1 (CT, ME, MA, NH, RI, VT)
Center for Economic and Environmental Partnerships (CEEP)
EPA grant: $23,649
CEEP will improve the environmental performance of hotel and lodging facilities in Connecticut and Rhode Island by providing technical assistance, including educational materials and workshops to improve energy efficiency, increase water conservation and reduce the use of toxic materials.
New Hampshire Lodging and Restaurant Association (NHLRA)
EPA grant: $18,000
NHRLA will assist New Hampshire lodging facilities to reduce the use of hazardous substances, improve energy efficiency, and conserve water through workshops and on-site audits conducted in partnership with the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services.
Region 3 (DE, DC, MD, PA, VA, WV)
Healthy Schools Network, Inc.
EPA grant: $15,000
Healthy Schools Network will develop training materials and organize conferences and workshops for schools, child care centers and related parents groups. The training materials and meetings will identify how to replace hazardous cleaning materials with environmentally safer alternatives.
Product Stewardship Institute (PSI)
EPA grant: $52,489
PSI will develop two remote-access education modules, one for nurse practitioners and one for a professional group yet to be determined. The modules will focus on reducing pharmaceuticals entering the waste stream and offer policy recommendations to stakeholders on pharmaceutical waste reduction.
Region 4 (AL, FL, GA, KY, MS, NC, SC, TN)
Kentucky Energy and Environment Protection Cabinet
EPA grant: $22,500
Kentucky's Excellence in Environmental Leadership in Green Hospitality project will use source reduction practices to assist the state's hospitality sector. The project's objective is to educate, assist and train hotel staff on the benefits of resource efficiency and substituting materials with more environmentally preferable products. The project will specifically target environmental improvements to housekeeping, maintenance, transportation, landscaping and inventory control.
North Carolina Division of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR)
EPA grant: $37,000
North Carolina DENR will develop simplified environmental management systems (EMSs) for two non-swine animal operations in North Carolina. The project will build on knowledge and tools developed from past EMS work with swine farms. North Carolina DENR will focus on two animal operations – one poultry, and one poultry/cattle to test how tools, forms, and guidance previously developed can aid other types of animal operations. The EMSs will measure and track environmental impacts on water, energy and pesticide use. North Carolina DENR will work with other technical assistance providers to reduce these impacts and draft a plan noting regulatory farm requirements and techniques to improve environmental performance.
South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC)
EPA grant: $48,000
South Carolina DHEC will work with the South Carolina Hospitality Association to develop workshops and best management practices to provide technical assistance; perform site visits; conduct technical assistance audits, and assist South Carolina's hospitality industry with implementing pollution prevention programs. In partnership with the South Carolina Hospitality Association, South Carolina DHEC developed a certification program for lodging and food service establishments to evaluate their everyday practices such as waste reduction, recycling, energy conservation, water efficiency and environmentally preferable purchasing.
Region 5 (IL, IN, MI, MN, OH, WI)
The City of Chicago
EPA grant: $45,548
The city will increase awareness on water conservation and stormwater management, train residents in rain harvesting technologies, and increase the availability of rain barrels throughout Chicago.
Lakeshore Technical College
EPA grant: $17,192
The grantee will conduct campus tours and provide outreach materials to promote energy efficient lighting practices. The information provided by the grantee will explain how to reduce energy use and increase one's cost savings through using pollution prevention and energy efficient practices. The objective is to help reduce waste including solid waste, and air emissions, while reducing energy use and greenhouse gas emissions.
University of Illinois
EPA grant: $35,000
The Illinois Sustainable Technology Center (ISTC), a non-regulatory affiliate of the University of Illinois, will develop and present workshops on how small and medium-sized businesses can "green" their business operations. ISTC will help facilities identify and implement energy efficiency and waste reduction opportunities. The project will enlist public school libraries and librarians to distribute outreach materials. ISTC will also distribute information through the Great Lakes Regional Pollution Prevention Roundtable network.
University of Minnesota – Minnesota Technical Assistance Program (MnTAP)
EPA grant: $32,260
MnTAP's Pollution Prevention and Energy Efficiency for Minnesota's Lodging Facilities project will identify, implement, and document pollution prevention opportunities in the hotel industry. The project's objective is to reduce waste at the source and establish a green hotel certification program in Minnesota. Through this project the MnTAP will assist the hospitality industry, particularly, lodging facilities, identify and implement pollution prevention technical assistance.
Region 6 (AR, LA, NM, OK, TX)
A Nurtured World
EPA grant: $64,500
A Nurtured World will provide pollution prevention technical assistance to two under-served communities in Louisiana with significant environmental challenges. The grantee will develop home efficiency programs for low-income housing properties; provide pollution prevention technical assessments for industrial facilities; provide consumer and organization pollution prevention workshops to address consumer and industrial impacts; and develop a community pollution prevention plan.
Louisiana Bucket Brigade
EPA grant: $64,500
The Louisiana Bucket Brigade will work to reduce the number of unplanned environmental incidents by 25% and reduce the amount of hazardous emissions emitted from 17 Louisiana refineries by 2011. The objectives for the projects include developing a Building Fence-line Neighbor program; providing information collection and environmental management and analysis, and developing collaborative partnerships and dialogue with industry.
Region 7 (IA, KS, MO, NE)
Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR)
EPA grant: $56,407
Iowa DNR will partner to promote source reduction at healthcare facilities.
Kansas State University
EPA grant: $55,882
The University will partner with states to promote source reduction in healthcare and lodging facilities.
Region 9 (AZ, CA, HI, NV, AS, GU)
Build It Green
EPA grant: $70,000
EPA Region 9 and Build It Green will partner under a cooperative agreement to conduct focus groups and survey homeowners in California to determine needs and preferences for undertaking home energy retrofits. The results from the focus groups and surveys will be used to develop an implementation and outreach plan. Local governments and others will use the plan to initiate home energy efficiency retrofit programs for homeowners in California.
San Francisco Department of the Environment (SF Environment)
EPA grant: $80,000 (EPA Region 9 $50,000 and EPA's ESTAR program $30,000)
SF Environment will partner with the Alameda County Waste Management Authority to assist nonprofit organizations and housing developers research and develop a standards protocol for Energy STAR multifamily high-rise residential and mixed-use buildings. SF Environment will also conduct an assessment of EPA's Indoor Air Plus standards for multifamily high-rise residential and mixed used buildings.
Region 10 (AK, ID, OR, WA)
Pacific Northwest Pollution Prevention Resource Center (PPRC)
EPA grant: $112,000
PPRC will support the West Coast's pollution prevention technical assistance provider network, and Oregon's EcoBiz certification program, expand PPRC's rapid research function to include environmentally preferable purchasing and climate change topics, provide spray coatings efficiency training and expand regional business use of lean and the environment practices.