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P2 Advisory Group Participants

Note: EPA no longer updates this information, but it may be useful as a reference or resource.

Forum on State and Tribal Toxics Action (FOSTTA) P2 Project

FOSTTA Project Participants

Israel Anderson, Director
Small Business and Environmental Assistance Division
Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission

Robert Barkanic, Deputy Secretary
Department of Environmental Protection
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection

Ron Dyer, Director
Innovation and Assistance Office
Maine Department of Environmental Protection

Harry Gregori, Director
Pollution Prevention and Compliance Assistance Division
Virginia Department of Environmental Quality

Gary Hunt, Director
Office of Waste Reduction
NC Department of Environment, Health, & Natural Resources

John Sandoval, Assistant Administrator
Planning and Support Services
Idaho Department of Environmental Quality

Kim Wilhelm, Supervising Hazardous Substance Engineer II
Office of Pollution Prevention & Technology Development
California Department of Toxic Substances Control

EPA Regional Contact
John Larson
U.S. EPA, Region VIII
P2, Pesticides and Toxics Division

EPA Headquarters Contacts
Lena Hann Ferris
Pollution Prevention Division
Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics - U.S. EPA
Phone: 202 260-2237
E-mail: ferris.lena@epa.gov

NCSL Contact
George Hagevik
Program Principal for Toxics and Pollution Prevention
National Conference of State Legislatures

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