2005 PPIS Grants
- Region 1 (CT, ME, MA, NH, RI, VT)
- Region 2 (NJ, NY, PR, VI)
- Region 3 (DE, DC, MD, PA, VA, WV)
- Region 4 (AL, FL, GA, KY, MS, NC, SC, TN)
- Region 5 (IL, IN, MI, MN, OH, WI)
- Region 6 (AR, LA, NM, OK, TX)
- Region 7 (IA, KS, MO, NE)
- Region 8 (CO, MT, ND, SD, UT, WY)
- Region 9 (AZ, CA, HI, NV, AS, GU)
- Region 10 (AK, ID, OR, WA)
EPA Regional P2 Coordinator: Robert Guillemin (guillemin.robert@epa.gov) CONNECTICUT
Recipient: Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection (CT DEP)
EPA Funding: $75,000
The CT DEP P2 Grant proposal builds on past work with vehicle repair, garment cleaners, household hazardous waste coordinators, and CONNTAP to provide P2 technical assistance. CT DEP will continue to sponsor the Connecticut Hospital Environmental Roundtable (CHER), including two meetings that focus on environmental compliance, P2, and waste reduction. CT DEP will also continue to publish the quarterly newsletter "P2 View" to 1,800 readers. New efforts include work to promote organic land care at school and municipal athletic fields. Using the NEWMOA P2/CA Metrics Database, CT DEP will measure pounds of solid waste and hazardous cleaning materials reduced at hospitals, pounds of pesticides and fertilizers reduced on municipal athletic fields, and pounds of pollution reduced and energy saved at small businesses receiving technical assistance.
Recipient: Maine Department of Environmental Protection (ME DEP)
EPA Funding: $75,000
The P2 grant will fund 1 FTE to manage the state's P2 assistance office, including phone assistance, P2 presentations, and maintenance of P2 partnerships with Maine business and environmental organizations. Maine DEP will continue to provide technical assistance to small businesses, including boat building and repair facilities, metal products and wood products producers, and facilities that implement EMSs. The single new effort will be to launch a "green" certification program for Maine's lodging/hospitality sector. This will be accomplished by working in collaboration with Efficiency Maine, a program of the public utility commission, to provide free energy audits.
ME DEP will use the NEWMOA P2/CA Metric Database to track ongoing technical assistance efforts and results. Specifically, DEP will measure environmental compliance, performance, and behavioral change both before and after the successful hotel certifications are in place.
Recipient: New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NH DES)
EPA Funding: $80,000
DES will continue its work with healthcare facilities to reduce the use of mercury and improve compliance by encouraging participation in EPA's H2E program and coordinating the New Hampshire Hospitals for a Healthy Environment. To assist motor vehicle salvage facilities (MVSFs) with compliance and the voluntary collection of mercury switches, NH DES will offer workshops and a self-certification program based on the Environmental Results Program (ERP). NH DES will also revisit work conducted in 2001 and 2004 by conducting follow-up surveys to assess the impact of technical assistance for marinas. New work will includes an effort to "green" the state vehicle fleet, and implement a "Green Ski" program to improve efficiency and reduce pollution at ski resorts. An intern from UNH will also be hired to research cadmium and manage NEWMOA's P2/CA Metrics Database to measure a wide range of outcomes including pounds of pollution reduced, Kw of energy conserved, gallons of waste water reduced, and pounds of materials recycled.
Recipient: Rhode Island Narragansett Bay Commission (RI NBC)
EPA Funding: $35,000
The Narragansett Bay Commission is one of the largest consumers of electricity in the State of Rhode Island, with annual utility expenditures well over $1.5 million. In the next two years, the completion of an ultraviolet disinfection system and a combined sewer overflow abatement project will require a substantial increase in electrical use. To address this issue, RI NBC will conduct a detailed energy audit of its facilities and operations to identify energy saving opportunities and research the feasibility of renewable energy (i.e., wind, digester gas, and low impact hydraulic) on a large scale. The findings will be presented at a workshop for POTW operators in New England.
Recipient: University of Rhode Island (URI)
EPA Funding: $75,000
URI will conduct technical assistance efforts directed at small businesses to help reduce the use of hazardous materials, such as trichloroethylene (TCE), and minimize the generation of waste by-products. Typical industries include metal finishers, metal working, textiles, fish/food processing and autobody facilities. 5-10 new participants will receive on-site assessments and another 5-10 assessments will be given to companies with existing relationships. URI's second project is to continue to analyze the effectiveness of ERP self-certifications for the autobody industry in Rhode Island, including an assessment of P2 outcomes. The benefits of this effort will be reported with the NEWMOA P2/CA Metrics Database in the amounts of chemicals reduced and pollution prevented.
Recipient: Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation (VT DEC)
EPA Funding: $75,000
VT DEC will continue to support its partner, the Small Business Development Center (SBDC), in providing P2 assistance to business, including the Green Hotel program (5-10 new "Green Hotels" will be enlisted), administration of the Vermont Business Environmental Partnership (5-10 facilities enlisted into the program), 5-10 opportunity assessments for P2 and energy efficiency, and five P2 and compliance workshops for Conditionally Exempt Generators. Other sectors that will receive attention include POTWs (15 onsite assessments planned), microbreweries (a workshop and manual featuring BMPs) and vehicle service and repair facilities (re-publish guide and conduct 2-3 workshops). VT DEC will use the NEWMOA P2/CA Metric Database to track ongoing technical assistance efforts and results.
EPA Regional P2 Coordinator: Tristan Gillespie (gillespie.tristan@epa.gov) NEW JERSEY
Recipient: New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP)
Project Title: "Anti-Idling Challenge for Truck Stops and Locomotives"
EPA Funding: $20,000
This proposal will educate /challenge trucking and locomotive companies to eliminate unnecessary idling of diesel vehicles and locomotives, reduce the amount of fuel burned, and prevent harmful emissions from diesel engines. NJ DEP will build partnerships, develop educational materials, and conduct outreach/training regarding pollution prevention (P2)/anti-idling technologies, costs/energy savings, and health benefits associated with reducing idling. Training will identify negative health impacts associated with diesel exhaust, positive economic benefits from P2 techniques/technologies, and provide incentives for truck drivers and locomotive workers who implement best practices. The NJDEP will follow-up with counties and residents to determine if noticeable improvements in air quality and noise occurred.
Contact: Sharon Davis, email: sharon.davis@dep.state.nj.us
Recipient: New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP)
Project Title: "Investigation of Release, Fate and Transport of Lead from Automotive Wheel Weights, and Development and Evaluation of Best Management Approaches"
EPA Funding: $40,000
NJDEP will investigate the release of automotive lead wheel weights to the environment. In Phase I of this project, the quantity of lead from automotive wheel weights entering the New Jersey environment will be estimated, and its importance in the overall cycle of anthropogenic lead in the state will be assessed. If Phase I findings indicate that lead from this source has a significant impact, Phase II will be initiated. Phase II will develop management approaches and evaluate their effectiveness through a series of pilot projects.
Contact: Michael Aucott, email: michael.aucott@dep.state.nj.us
Recipient: Rowan University
Project Title: "Using Engineering Clinics to Advance Pollution Prevention in the Chemical Industry"
EPA Funding: $40,000
Through this project, Rowan University will assist chemical, pharmaceutical, petrochemical, specialty chemical, and agribusiness in New Jersey with source reduction, pollution prevention, and green engineering design through a unique partnership activity: "engineering clinics." Rowan will visit corporate sites to train practicing scientists and engineers from the chemical processing industry in the current state-of-the-art in green engineering fundamentals to design. They will develop a model program for partnerships between state universities and industry by providing pollution prevention services through an "engineering clinic" program. Through this project, Rowan expects to achieve significant reductions in pollution in terms waste reduced, energy conserved and dollars saved.
Contact: Dr. C. Stewart Slater, email: slater@rowan.edu
Recipient: Rutgers University, New Jersey EcoComplex
Project Title: "Providing Technical Assistance and Outreach to Achieve a Successful Food Waste and Organics Recycling System in New Jersey: A Model Program"
EPA Funding: $30,000
The Rutgers University, Solid Waste Policy Group (SWPG), and its partners seek to build on experience gathered through the last eight years in the area of food waste recycling to bring the State of New Jersey past a critical stage in the development of food waste recycling markets and systems in the state. The SWPG will draw on models from other states as well as its own observations in dissolving the considerable barriers to successful food waste recycling within the State. This project will deliver technical assistance to recycling operations, which, as in Massachusetts, may mean the difference between success and failure.
Contact: Priscilla Hayes, email: hayes@aesop.rutgers.edu
Recipient: Cornell University, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Project Title: "Facilitating Agricultural Plastic Film Recycling as a Means for Reducing Pollution from Open Burning"
EPA Funding: $60,000
Over the past several decades, plastics have become ubiquitous throughout agriculture. With few options for off-farm disposal, used plastics are often burned in open fires, releasing levels of dioxins, heavy metals and particulate matter that create serious health risks. In this project, Cornell University will facilitate the building of an infrastructure in New York State for collection and pollution-preventing disposal of agricultural films. Cornell will implement pilot recycling programs; use them as a "field laboratory" for testing and disseminating "Best Management" protocols; cultivate markets for reprocessed film; and lay groundwork for institutionalizing agricultural plastic film recycling throughout New York State and beyond.
Contact: Dr. Lois Levitan, email: lcl3@cornell.edu
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC)
Project Title: "Continuing to Educate Schools on How to be Mercury Free in New York State"
EPA Funding: $50,000
NYSDEC is continuing to promote the elimination of mercury in schools throughout New York State. Through this project, NYSDEC will continue its partnership with the Northeast Waste Management Official's Association (NEWMOA) as they share with schools in New York the valuable knowledge that they have learned through their experience of working with schools in Massachusetts. Over the past 5 years, NEWMOA has worked with over 100 Massachusetts schools to identify, collect and recycle elemental mercury and mercury-containing products. NEWMOA has removed over 850 pounds of mercury from Massachusetts schools, generally removing an average of 9-14 pounds per high school. Through their work, NEWMOA has educated hundreds of teachers, schools administrators, nurses and students about the health and environmental hazards of mercury and the importance of preventing future use of mercury in schools. Through this grant, workshops will be held to educate schools in New York City, Long Island, Syracuse and Buffalo on the methods, pros and cons, which have been learned over the past years by the NEWMOA staff.
Contact: Dennis J. Lucia, email: djlucia@gw.dec.state.ny.us
Recipient: New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC)
Project Title: "Mobile Outreach for Pollution Prevention"
EPA Funding: $30,000
NYSDEC proposes to take pollution prevention technology and expertise to small business communities in a specially designed mobile home. This project will be a cooperative effort between the NYSDEC, the New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation (NYSEFC), and the Iowa Waste Reduction Center (IWRC). The IWRC recently received their new mobile outreach for pollution prevention vehicle (MOPP) and staff from NYSDEC and NYSEFC has been in contact with IWRC regarding use of the vehicle to do pollution prevention outreach to small businesses in New York. The MOPP is a customized motor home that contains equipment intended to introduce pollution prevention ideas to small businesses. NYSDEC and NYSEFC propose to borrow/rent the vehicle from IWRC to initiate this pollution prevention outreach in New York. Demonstrations to small business owners will feature spray painting techniques, including a comparison of conventional spray guns and newly designed equipment to reduce waste generation. Other equipment training will include antifreeze recycling, solvent distillation, aqueous parts washing, an oil filter crusher, a used oil furnace and paint gun washers. Through the use of the MOPP, manufacturers, automotive service centers and auto body repair shops can learn about new pollution prevention techniques and equipment through a series of insightful demonstrations. The advantage of this type of outreach versus conventional outreach workshops is that it brings the training and equipment to the site of the business.
Contact: Dennis J. Lucia, email: djlucia@gw.dec.state.ny.us
Recipient: St. Regis Mohawk Tribe, Environment Division
Project Title: "Beneficial Use Action Plan for the Akwesasne Mohawk Casino"
EPA Funding: $31,938
In this project, the staff of the Akwesasne Mohawk Casino (AMC) will be trained on how to use Environmental Management System (EMS) approaches in doing business. An Environmental consultant will assist the St. Regis Mohawk Tribe (SRMT) in using an EMS for the AMC. This approach will focus on AMC's by-products (waste streams) and make recommendations for beneficial use projects that offer the latest environmental, technological, operational and economic solutions. A SRMT Pollution Prevention (P2) information sharing campaign will occur to share the project outcomes with regional and nationwide Tribes. This will be accomplished through the production of a fact sheet that summarizes the project methods and outcomes. This fact sheet will be placed on the SRMT Environment Division website and will be submitted to EPA's Tribal P2 website, and will be shared with other tribes at the Tribal Environmental meeting, which occurs twice per year.
Contact: Laura J. Weber, email: laura_weber@srmtenv.org
EPA Regional P2 Coordinator: Maryann Helferty (helferty.maryann@epa.gov) DELAWARE
Recipient: Delaware Department of Natural Resources
EPA Funding: $160,000
- Promote pollution prevention partnerships and outreach to businesses, industry, government and citizens
- Hold EMS workshops for schools and municipalities;
- Create a cost share program to promote voluntary P2 initiatives in schools and/or businesses
- Develop a "Clean Marina initiative" to assist marina workers/operators, and
- Develop a "Coast-A-Syst Initiative" to provide information on identifying pollution sources and health risks in the home and yard.
Contact: Crystal Nagyiski, email: crystal.nagyiski@state.de.us
Recipient: District of Columbia Department of Health
EPA Funding: $25,000 (supplemental grant)
The grant recipient will develop green gardening and green marinas initiatives.
Contact: William Kauffman, email: wkauffman@dchealth.com
Recipient: Maryland Department of Environmental Protection
EPA Funding: $179,440
Contact: Laura Armstrong, email: larmstrong@mde.state.md.us
Recipient: Wytheville Community College
EPA funding: $25,000
The grant recipient will provide on-site pollution prevention-technical assistance to Virginia businesses and manufacturers. The college will replicate the model of a Manufacturing Technology Center serving as a P2 center to other states.
Ms. Joanne Chance, email: wcchanj@wcc.vccs.edu
Recipient: Virginia Department of Environmental Quality
EPA Funding: $80,000
The grant recipient will perform the following: 1) Promote EMSs; 2) Reduce wastestream and toxics by becoming involved in the Hospitals for a Healthy Environment program; and 3) Develop a website on energy conservation.
Contact: Sharon Baxter, email: skbaxter@deq.state.va.us
Recipient: West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection
EPA Funding: $160,000
The grant recipient will perform the following: 1) Provide compliance assistance to businesses for reduction of toxic materials and pollutants at the source; 2) Provide regulatory flexibility while maintaining accountability that can also provide greater protection at a lower cost; 3) Provide training, outreach, and education; and 4) develop 10 internships that will provide on-site engineering technical assistance for pollution prevention to facilities, particularly those located in underserved areas of the state.
Contact: Greg Adolfson, email: gadolfson@wvdep.org
EPA Regional P2 Coordinator: Daphne Wilson (wilson.daphne@epa.gov) ALABAMA
Recipient: Alabama Department of Environmental Management (ADEM)
EPA Funding: $82,577
The grant activities are estimated to reduce or identify the following: non-hazardous materials (2,806,000lbs), hazardous materials (153,000lbs), hazardous waste (59,800lbs), air emissions (3,982,850lbs), non-hazardous solid waste (2,328,000lbs), energy (667,110Btu), water use (348,100,000gals), water pollution (24,000lbs); and save $2,240,000 in water pollution.
- Develop & implement an environmental stewardship program to enhance ADEM's ability to promote and encourage multimedia P2 efforts over a broader range of sectors.
- Establish an advisory committee composed primarily of industry & association representatives.
- Develop criteria for a PACE Program for regulated businesses and industries.
- Develop & implement a PACE Program targeted to children and the general public.
- Increase educational outreach activities related to the P2 Awards program.
- Participate in state and regional meetings of regulatory, P2 compliance assistance programs.
- Reduce pollutants entering AL's environment from agribusinesses with special emphasis on poultry and cattle farms, fertilizer manufacturing plants, co-ops, and fertilizer dealers.
- Assist agribusinesses to become more efficient, conserve resources, reduce non-compliance events, and improve their image with the public and with regulators.
Contact: Gary Ellis, phone: 334-394-4352
FLORIDARecipient: Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP)
EPA Funding: $86,456 (carryover grant from FY 2005)
Florida DEP will fund activities in expanding the H2E program in the State. It is estimated that hospitals will annually reduce 50 lbs of mercury, 15 tons biomedical waste, 450 tons of solid waste, 1M kWh of energy conserved and 10 million gallons of water conserved. Projects include:
- Creating "discovery gardens" that will serve as teaching gardens in Hillsborough County, offering courses in environmentally-friendly design and management techniques. It is estimated the 1/4 acre garden will conserve .4 million gallons of water, .8 million BTUs, and save about $3,500 over conventional techniques. Based on estimated visitors adopting these practices it is estimated that 28 million gallons will be saved in the community.
- Creating a "clean auto repair" project. Florida DEP will develop brochures on P2 for auto body and paint shops to supplement existing compliance assistance initiatives.
Contact: Ron Henricks, phone: 850-488-0300
GEORGIARecipient: Georgia Pollution Prevention Assistance Division (GPPAD)
EPA Funding: $62,900
The grant activities are estimated to reduce or identify the following : water use (160,246,497gals), wastewater (20,784gals), total energy usage (8,976,836kWh), CO2 equivalents (301tons), solid waste (335tons), hazardous waste (51tons), VOC emissions (14tons), NOx emissions (4tons); and save $400,615 in water usage, $406,651 in energy usage, $11,708 in solid waste.
GPPAD will perform the following:
- Focus on fostering environmental leadership in the State of Georgia through ongoing programmatic support for the P2AD Partnership Program and on demonstrating innovative pollution prevention (P2) technologies through the P2 Adoption Funds Program.
- Provide GA businesses and organizations the opportunity to join the effort to preserve the quality of life in GA, protect natural resources, & reap substantial business benefits. (also, lead to tangible environmental results); maintain & improve the P2AD Partnership Program; training to Partners; integrate into the program, state & national programs to align & participate in complementary missions, programs, & environmental savings.
- Provide upper level members of the P2AD Partnership Program with funding for these innovative P2 ideas
Contact: Bob Donaghue, phone: 404-651-5122
KENTUCKYRecipient: Environmental and Public Protection Cabinet
EPA Funding: $82,900
The grant activities are estimated to reduce or identify the following : solid & hazardous waste (4tons), mercury disposal (3lbs); and save $30,000 in waste disposal usage.
The recipient will perform the following:
- Provide EMS plus sustainability workshops for small businesses in three locations statewide.
- Encourage manufacturing facilities to go beyond compliance and implement waste minimization and promoting P2 through the Environmental Leadership (EL) Program,
- Develop workshop to bring back the 100 industries to discuss lessons learned and explain the EL Program, and future directions of EMS (sustainability). Also, provide educational workshop on the topic of purchasing environmentally preferable electronic equipment (targeted towards state and local governments and educational institutions)
- Work with existing KPPC to continue to promote P2 throughout the state.
- Work closely on reduction of mercury in sewersheds/watersheds in Jefferson County and municipalities statewide.
Contact: Aaron Keatley, phone: 502-564-0323
MISSISSIPPIRecipient: Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ)
EPA Funding: $62,900
The grant activities are estimated to reduce or identify the following : air pollutants (1ton), solid waste (2tons), hazardous waste (10tons), mercury switch (11lbs); and $26,000 total saved.
The recipient will perform the following:
- Finalize development of a swine CAFO EMS plan within state.
- Finalize development of a poultry CAFO EMS plan within state.
- Work with MDEQ small business ombudsman and all MDEQ regulatory programs with P2 technical assistance/technology transfer to enhance P2 program.
- Begin a voluntary mercury switch removal program to be instituted at scrap metal yards.
- Develop an education and waste reduction program for the wood treating industry in the state
Contact: Richard Harrell, phone: 601-961-5343
Recipient: North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR)
EPA Funding: $62,900
The grant activities are estimated to reduce or identify the following: water pollutants (500,000lbs), solid waste (50,000lbs), hazardous waste (10tons), water use (500million gals), VOCs reduced (50tons), toxic air emissions (150,000lbs), energy use (4,000MMBtu); and $500,000 total saved.
The recipient will perform the following:
Continue to provide lead support to the DNR Environmental Stewardship Initiative (ESI) by providing participants with technical assistance, development of EMS modules, improvements of application process and development of MOU with EPA Performance Track.
Contact: Sharon Johnson, phone: 919-715-6509
Recipient: South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC)
EPA Funding: $82,611
The grant activities are estimated to reduce or identify the following : hazardous waste (86,940lbs), solid waste (54,255,583), wastewater (8,436gals), energy usage (1,852,062,800Btu), water usage (25,060,000gal), air emissions (500,000lbs); and save $2,353,000 in waste management costs.
The recipient will support the following:
- The EQC and CWM staff will be provided EMS training & certification to develop effective strategies to work with external clients, especially through P2 waste assessment & compliance assistance visits.
- Through general education and outreach programs, the grantee will promote multi-media pollution prevention and continue partnerships with environmental and business assistance providers.
- The grantee will conduct general measurements to advance their state environmental goals by developing and implementing core performance measures for SCEEP to more accurately assess, evaluate, and report the P2 and environmental benefits of a facility's participation in the program; estimate expected pollution reduction; and demonstrate measurable environmental results.
Contact: Claire Prince, phone: 803-896-1132
TENNESSEERecipient: Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC)
EPA Funding: $62,900
The grant activities are estimated to reduce or identify the following: air emissions (500tons), solid waste reductions (500tons), hazardous materials (500tons), energy (5bBtu), water conserved (25Mgal); and $200,000 total saved.
The recipient will support the following:
- Administration and Implementation of Tennessee Pollution Prevention Partnership (TP3) and its Green School Awards Program and Clean out campaigns.
- Continue to promote the greening of State government activities by facilitating development and implementation of EMS at selected state parks
Contact: Karen Grubbs, phone: 615-532-0463
REGION 5 (IL, IN, MI, MN, OH, WI)EPA Regional P2 Coordinator: Phil Kaplan (kaplan.phil@epa.gov) ILLINOIS
Recipient: Illinois EPA (IEPA)
Project title: "Illinois Sustainable Schools Project"
EPA Funding: $91,000
Through a joint partnership, IEPA and the Illinois Waste Management and Research Center (WMRC) will continue, for a third year, development of a project to improve the environmental health and safety for students, faculty, and facility workers in Illinois schools. The project will promote environmentally healthy practices that can help schools lower facility cost, improve learning conditions and increase energy efficiency. Specifically, the project will: expand collaboration and information exchange among state agencies, academic professionals, organizations and the K-12 educational community; promote the use of sustainable environmental practices in standards based K-12 curricula; increase the safety of Illinois schools for students, teachers, administrative and facility staff, and the community; create a learning environment that sets an example for sustainable environmental behavior for K-12 students, and develop performance measures and track the progress of environmentally sustainable activities at schools. In the first year of the project a website was developed at http://www.greeningschools.org/
Contact: Kevin Greene, phone: 217-785-0833, email: kevin.greene@epa.state.il.us
Recipient: Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM)
Project title: "Maintaining and Improving IDEM's P2 Program through Regulatory Integration and P2 Outreach"
EPA Funding: $84,000
The primary objective of this two-year project is to enable IDEM to replicate and improve upon P2 regulatory integration projects and P2 outreach and to demonstrate measurable environmental impact of these projects. Providing a consistent and prominent P2 message from IDEM through promotional materials, continuous communication to customers, and additional partnerships will lead to increased voluntary pollution prevention implementation and measurement. A goal is to produce at least one project in the major IDEM offices: air, land, water and compliance /enforcement. Areas of focus include incorporating P2 opportunities into permits, regulation, inspection, enforcement proceedings, and general improvement in P2 training among IDEM staff.
Contact: Karen Teliha, phone: 317-233-5555, email: kteliha@dem.state.in.us
Recipient: Michigan Department. of Environmental Quality (MDEQ)
Project title: "Promoting Environmental Stewardship at Farms and Agribusiness"
EPA Funding: $81,011
The primary goal of this two-year project is to promote environmental stewardship in agribusiness through the implementation of best management practices (BMPs) and education outreach. To accomplish this mission, MDEQ's Environmental Science and Services Division (ESSD) will build additional value into its existing programs and assist in a coordinated effort by disseminating technical P2 and energy efficiency (E2) tools currently available, as well as developing additional P2 tools for the agricultural industry. Through this project, the ESSD will take a leadership role in the agricultural P2/E2 initiatives within the state, and facilitate an increased collaborative effort amongst industry peers and technical assistance providers. The project will also focus on informing the agricultural industry about sound alternatives to the use of bio-accumulative chemicals of concern and alternative fuels using fact sheets, web sites, list serves, and workshops. This includes providing information on BMPs for known environmental risks, such as pesticides handling/application and fuel storage. The project will provide assistance to farms, food processors, and other agricultural operations.
Contact: Robert Jackson, phone: 517-373-2731, email: jacksorc@michigan.gov
Recipient: Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA)
Project title: "P2 Program to Promote Use of Prevention Tools to Meet Environmental and Regulatory Goals"
EPA Funding: $90,000
MPCA will partner with the Minnesota Technical Assistance Program (MnTAP) and other organizations and agencies to address: water quality; regulatory integration; multimedia outreach; policy planning; and regional/national networking through the following projects:
- Nutrient, Mercury and other Pollutant Reduction at POTWs - Minnesota Technical Assistance Program (MnTAP) will target Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTWs) and their industrial users in strategic locations within the Mississippi and Minnesota River Basins to help implement phosphorus & other pollutant reduction plans.
- Preventing Road Salt Laden Runoff - Commercial road salt applicators operating in the vicinity of a chloride TMDL will be tapped to pilot new training that tackles the barriers to best management practices and adoption of alternate materials for de-icing.
- P2 Tools Initiative -- Applying Early Lessons Learned - As this suite of eight pilot projects moves into Year 2 of implementation, MPCA can address the early lessons learned about managing more effectively for project goals, results tracking and appropriate resource allocation.
- Professional Development, Networking, Communications and Documentation - Well-trained and networked personnel support and apply P2 results, leveraging the impact of the grant investment.
Contact: Cynthia Hilmoe, phone: 651-297-7783, email: cynthia.hilmoe@pca.state.mn.us
OHIORecipient: University of Toledo
Project title: "Coordinated Ohio State Environmental Network P2 Technical Assistance"
EPA Funding: $85,034
University of Toledo and members from the Ohio Statewide Environmental Network (OSEN) will work to supplement an existing pollution prevention grant by providing:
1) pollution prevention planning and implementation efforts statewide; 2) training in source reduction that will include a presentation of four OSEN seminars, one University workshop to provide outreach to Ohio Manufacturers, follow-up measurements on the effectiveness of the P2 seminars within the manufacturing sector; and 3) technical assistance to small and medium-size manufacturers, consisting of source reduction through pollution prevention, environmental management systems (EMSs), clean manufacturing, and energy consumption assessments with special attention being paid to persistent, bioaccumulative toxic (PBT) chemicals.
Contact: Ashok Kumar, phone: 419-530-8136, email: akumar@utnet.utoldeo.edu
Recipient: University of Wisconsin - SHWEC
Project title: "Demonstrating Pollution Prevention Impacts on Water Quality"
EPA Funding: $68,642
The University of Wisconsin Solid and Hazardous Waste Education Center (SHWEC) will carry out 2 projects to demonstrate pollution prevention (P2) improvements on water quality and reductions to other environmental media. 1) Business Storm Water Outreach Project - Developing P2 Self-Assessment Tool for Industrial/Commercial Storm Water Runoff, and 2) Minimizing Dental Mercury Discharges in Wisconsin.
Contact: Steve Brachman, phone: 414-227-3160, email: brachman@uwm.edu
EPA Regional P2 Coordinators: Javier Balli (balli.javier@epa.gov) ARKANSAS
Recipient: Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ)
EPA Funding: $52,500
ADEQ will perform the following:
- Continue ADEQ's P2 technical assistance and training to public and industry,
- Continue the development process of ADEQ's EMS,
- Complete development and initiate a secondary materials exchange website for Arkansas,
- Promote the H2E program through seminars and other public outreach in state,
- Establish a state-wide group purchase of hybrid vehicles by state agencies, and
- Continue promoting the conservation of energy and natural resources in the design of State building projects through the use of the Sustainable Building Rating System.
Contact: Audree Miller, phone: 501-682-0015, email: miller@adeq.state.ar.us
NEW MEXICORecipient: New Mexico Environment Department
Project Title: "Pollution Prevention and Green Zia"
EPA Funding: $57,820
The grant recipient will perform the following:
- Continue the successful Green Zia Environmental Excellence Program
- Conduct two P2 workshops (emphasis on small business)
- Provide technical assistance over the phone and on site to workshop participants
- Respond to public requests for technical assistance
- Conduct one regulatory integration forum with NMED employees, pretreatment program coordinators and other potential stakeholders
- Train inspectors to identify and encourage P2, to incorporate P2 into the permitting and enforcement process
- Develop worksheets to guide and facilitate incorporation of P2 into regulatory structure.
- Develop report with specific regulatory integration recommendations based on input from forum participants.
- Develop video containing P2 case studies and examples of BMP showcasing P2 techniques.
Contact: Michelle Vattano, phone: 505-827-0677, email: michelle_vattano@nmenv.state.nm.us
Recipient: New Mexico State University - WERC
EPA Funding: $57,295
WERC will perform the following:
- Continue WERC Pollution Prevention Technical Assistance and Training to New Mexico industries, small business owners, community planners and local government,
- Scale-up the healthcare and dental P2 programs,
- Continue their dental amalgam separator program at various clinics in Albuquerque, and
- Participate in national and regional P2 roundtables, organizing the 2006 International Conference on Environmental and Human Health.
Contact: Chris Campbell, phone: 505-843-4251, email: chrisc@werc.net
OKLAHOMARecipient: Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality (OK DEQ)
EPA Funding: $77,328
OK DEQ will perform the following:
- Provide training and technical assistance for small businesses and food handling facilities to implement pollution prevention practices through the Oklahoma Star Incentive Program (OKStar)
- Continue implementation and promote participation in the Oklahoma Environmental Performance and Recognition Program (EPRP)
- Promote participation in the H2E and the National Partnership for Environmental Priorities (NPEP) programs. (NPEP is a Resource Conservation Challenge program.)
- Provide training and technical assistance for communities to implement pollution prevention strategies
- Continue encouraging communities to minimize solid waste generation and reduce environmental threats within the community by implementing local clean-up and beautification programs and planting community gardens
- Cosponsor annual conferences with the Oklahoma Sustainability Network (OSN) and Keep Oklahoma Beautiful (KOB) as primary partners
- Work with business and local government to collect information and develop case studies in support of state and regional measurement objectives.
- Provide training to operators at publicly owned treatment works (POTW) for fats, oils and grease (FOG) management. Work with pretreatment coordinators to promote and recruit partners for OKStar and EPRP.
Contact: Dianne Wilkins, phone: 405-702-9128, email: Dianne.Wilkins@deq.state.ok.us
TEXASRecipient: Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ)
EPA Funding: $110,460
TCEQ will perform the following:
- Conduct at least four H2E/GSN marketing and recruitment events, presentations and/or workshops to increase the number of entities participating in the Clean Texas, Cleaner World (CTCW) Program.
- Conduct at least six P2 site assistance visits with a priority toward dH2E, GSN, small area sources, colleges/universities, pre-treatment programs, local governments, or priority CTCW sectors.
- Market the Green Chemistry Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Award and the Texas Excellence Awards
- Conduct at least two annual CTCW regional workshops with the H2E and/or GSN partners to implement P2 and EMS programs.
- Conduct at least four EMS training events (1, 3 or 5 days)j for TCEQ staff, CTCW program members, and/or targeted sectors such as the chemical and refining sector.
- Conduct eight quarterly Excessive Emissions (EE) meeting in the Houston and Beaumont regions to target HRVOC reductions in the Gulf Coast Region.
- Conduct at least four P2 site assistance visits in the Houston and Beaumont areas based on EE referrals from the Field Operations Division
- Conduct at least two binational "Clean Border 2012" H2E/GSn training and recruitment events along the TX/MX border in partnership with the Northeast Mexican P2 Roundtable, the CEC and the national H2E program
- Conduct an annual CTCW Performance Survey to collect data on hazardous waste source reduction, nonhazardous waste reduction, energy and water conservation.
- Establish a Pollution Prevention Advisory (PPAC) with membership from the Office of Chief Engineer, etc.
- PPAC will host a roundtable
- Partner with EPA's Furniture Flame Retardancy Partnership to establish a Texas Foam Mfg. Working Group to provide technical assistance and education efforts related to product substitution and improved work practices.
- Work group will host one statewide workshop
- Establish a CTCW "Childcare" Initiative to encourage sector to adopt BMPs and appropriate checklists.
- Childcare initiative will prepare appropriate technical assistance materials, videos, case studies and materials.
- Work with at least one school district on implementation of CTCS EMS, including providing training and training audits of facility operations.
- Distribute the EPA Design for the Environment best practices materials to the auto refinishing sector
- Conduct at least four regional office staff training workshops and/or annual inspector training events on CTCW, EMS audit protocols, and P2 compliance strategies.
- Conduct a training workshop on the P2 Inspections and the Environmental Results Program (ERP). Identify a sector to test it.
- Conduct at least two Environmentally Preferable Purchasing training events. Conduct marketing and outreach activities to increase use and awareness of the Internet tool. Work with EPA and P2Rx to market the tool.
- Promote EPP for bio-based products, renewable energy, and janitorial and cleaning supplies
- Develop "green meetings" contract language for TCEQ workshops and training events in partnership with the Texas Building and Procurement Commission, etc.
- Establish a CTCW Hospitality Sector Initiative.
Contact: Ken Zarker, phone: 512-239-3144, email: Kzarker@tceq.state.tx.us
Recipient: The University of TX at Arlington- TX Manufacturing Assistance Center
Project Title: "Facilitated Environmental Management Systems Implementation"
EPA Funding: $57,295
The grant recipient will perform the following:
- Update and modify training materials and the Texas EMS training templates.
- Develop marketing materials and market the workshop sessions with the help of the SNZW and TCEQ
- Review and verify delivery model and pricing strategy
- Deliver four workshops at four sites across EPA Region 6. Each workshop consists of five one-day sessions to be delivered over a five-month period.
- Workshop participants will train employees with assistance from TMAC staff
- Onsite assistance from each organization attending workshop
- Post results from organizations and case studies on SNZW website
- Conduct recognition program
Contact: Kurt Middelkoop, phone: 817-307-0613, email: kmiddelk@arrimail2.uta.edu
REGION 7 (IA, KS, MO, NE)EPA Regional P2 Coordinator: Gary Schlicht (schlicht.gary@epa.gov) IOWA
Recipient: Iowa Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) EPA Funding: $103,893 IDNR will perform the following:
- Assist in reducing PBT emissions. They are working on mercury reduction in Iowa H2E facilities. They are also working with the other three R7 states to reduce mercury use in hospitals.
- Ongoing outreach and technical assistance to food processing sector. They will conduct 4 workshops for food processors involving compliance assistance, P2 strategies and EMS concepts. They will conduct 1 workshop for Iowa inspectors and technical assistance providers. They will develop brochures and checklists.
- Target previous clients and audit results of previous recommendations and evaluate information gathered from audits. They will audit 60 previous clients and evaluate the effectiveness of their recommendations. In doing so, they will also market their services and attract new clients.
Contact: Brian Tormey, phone: 515-281-8927
KANSASRecipient: Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE)
EPA Funding: $140,000
KDHE will perform the following:
- P2 awareness and recognition. They will host an annual conference, publish a quarterly newsletter and offer pollution prevention awards.
- Provide multimedia P2 technical assistance, measuring P2 successes and promoting PBT reduction
- Rehab the Lab program. They will provide multimedia source reduction technical assistance, foster PBT and source reduction in KS colleges with teleconferences for lab staff/students and promote the program through e-mails, phone calls and newsletters.
- P2 internship program. They will research existing intern program methodology. They will identify and solicit partnering businesses. They will partner with universities to coordinate student selection and training. They will place students with businesses and the students will prepare a final report.
Contact: Bill Mondi, phone: 785-296-4049
MISSOURIRecipient: Missouri Department of Natural Resources (MDNR)
EPA Funding: $64,246
MDNR will perform the following:
- Maintain TRI data and make it more accessible, continue to develop environmental and economic outcomes and collect outcome measures from facilities as a measure of the effectiveness of work performed. It will include development of a Missouri TRI Webpage.
- Promote source reduction through outreach, presentations, workshops, and facilitated EMS training. Projects will include microscale chemistry courses, TRI presentations to libraries, TRI workshops for math and science teachers and a small farm pollution prevention project.
- Develop and nurture partnerships with service providers and encourage them to include multi-media pollution prevention in their activities. They will work with EPA on PrintStep and the St. Louis Strategic Goals project for metal finishers. They will also do pollution prevention assessments and energy evaluations.
Contact: Wayne Maresch, phone: 573-526-6627
NEBRASKARecipient: Nebraska Department of Natural Resources (NDEQ)
EPA Funding: $98,239
NDEQ will develop a "Partners in Pollution Prevention (P3)" program (internships). It is a partnership between NDEQ and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. They will use students and staff members to provide P2 technical assistance and education to NE businesses, focusing on the agricultural sector. It will include educational presentations to university students and business people, intensive training to university students before they are assigned to businesses and one-on-one targeted P2 education and technical assistance to clients. It is a continuation of a very successful intern program, which has been in place over the past several years.
Contact: Joe Francis, phone: 402-471-2186
REGION 8 (CO, MT, ND, SD, UT, WY)EPA Regional P2 Coordinator: Linda Walters (walters.linda@epa.gov) COLORADO
Recipient: Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
EPA Funding: $89,500
The grant recipient will perform the following:
- Reduction of mercury entering the environment through pollution prevention - Participate in mercury projects: switch, dental, thermostat, hospital, thermometer;
- Agriculture Project - Provide P2 technology/work practices ideas, EMS information, and alternative energy information;
- Integrate assistance and pollution prevention elements into the compliance assurance program, as measured by the number of compliance assistance/pollution prevention workshops and trainees, and measurable pollution prevention in settlements of enforcement actions;
- Increase and integrate the use of pollution prevention, EMSs and other cross media options in compliance assurance activities, including supplemental environmental projects;
- Identify, implement and measure the use of pollution prevention in cleanup programs, and the redevelopment and reuse of remediated properties;
- Implement Governor's Greening the Government Effort - Develop environmental policy and a baseline of environmental aspects and impacts, identify targets and objectives, provide education and training for state employees, and report on projects and efforts; and
- Demonstrate measurable compliance and environmental outcomes and/or outputs.
Contact: Jill Cooper, phone: 303-692-2007
MONTANARecipient: Montana State University Extension Service, Bozeman, MT
EPA Funding: $83,000
The grant recipient will perform the following:
- Develop a "P2 Pays...In Montana brochure." The brochure will be produced to create greater awareness of P2 opportunities to small businesses, highlight P2 businesses in Montana, and promote P2 services of the Montana P2 Program;
- Promote and use the Region VIII Green Parks Toolkit while conducting a workshop at the Montana Parks Conference and offer to conduct limited on-sites to selected state and city parks and fairground facilities;
- Continue the Tribal P2 Consortium effort to work closely with MT Tribes to assess their environmental needs and compliance issues and opportunities for implementing pollution prevention practices;
- Explore Hospitals for a Healthy Environment (H2E) Program and Partnership - The goal of the H2E effort will be to educate health care professionals about pollution prevention opportunities in hospitals and health care systems through the development of best practices, model plans for total waste management, resource directories, and case studies;
- Provide P2 information and resources to businesses, Tribes, consumers, and agencies;
- Participate in the EcoStar Recognition Program. The program recognizes small businesses for their "beyond the minimum required" waste minimization, resource conservation, and employee safety practices; and
- Promote the beneficial use of unneeded materials to schools and businesses in the construction industry and will be expanded to include the hospitality industry.
Contact: Dr. Michael Vogel, phone: 406-994-3451
NORTH DAKOTARecipient: North Dakota Department of Health
EPA Funding: $27,000
The grant recipient will perform the following:
- Assist high school chemistry and science facilities in initiating chemical clean-out efforts; and
- Assist North Dakota's auto scrap metal companies in adapting P2 practices that manage waste concerns associated with their industry.
Contact: Wayne Kern, phone: 701-328-5166
SOUTH DAKOTARecipient: South Dakota Department of Environment and Natural Resources
EPA Funding: $64,000
The grant recipient will perform the following:
- Provide the livestock industry with financial and technical assistance that reduces pollution originating at the source from livestock feeding and auction facilities. Financial assistance will be provided for animal waste management systems designs, site plan development, and nutrient management plans;
- Continue to promote the adoption of source reduction as the preferred environmental strategy in South Dakota through the use of information transfer and marketing activities. Development and use of the DENR P2 Program web site will promote regulatory integration, transfer of program success stories and create links between P2 providers and user groups;
- Provide coordination and assistance for the expanded integration of P2 into department activities by assisting media program staff in identifying P2 opportunities that can be integrated into the media programs; and
- Provide technical assistance to facilitate the adoption and implementation of source reduction practices by individuals, agencies, and business/industry through project planning/development partnerships, on-site technical assistance visits to project partners, oversight of subgrants, and presentations/updates to the SD Nonpoint Source Task Force Committee and the Board of Water and Natural Resources.
Contact: James Feeney, phone: 605-773-4254
UTAHRecipient: Utah Department of Environmental Quality
EPA Funding: $69,000
The grant recipient will perform the following:
- Promote and support Environmental Management Systems (EMSs) and Clean Utah Initiatives;
- Develop and support statewide partnership efforts to integrate P2 elements into a greater area and to leverage funds; and
- Encourage pollution prevention to Utah citizens through programs that target the reduction of special wastes, i.e., mercury and lead removal and proper disposal of used oil.
Contact: Sonja Wallace, phone: 801-536-4477
WYOMINGRecipient: Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality
EPA Funding: $83,878
The grant recipient will perform the following:
- Conduct P2 assessments to assist Wyoming small businesses in identifying and implementing pollution prevention practices;
- Provide assistance to teachers in four school labs on proper storage, handling, disposal, inventory management, environmentally preferable purchasing, and multimedia pollution prevention practices;
- A hybrid electric vehicle SUV will be added to the state motor pool fleet to test and promote pollution prevention practices; and
- Implement an Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP) education program.
Contact: Stephen Toalson, Jr., phone: 307-777-5933
REGION 9 (AZ, CA, HI, NV, Pacific Islands)EPA Regional P2 Coordinator: Jessica Counts (counts.jessica@epa.gov) ARIZONA
Recipient: Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ)
EPA Funding: $30,000
Project Title: "Green Schools Program"
ADEQ will develop statewide guidelines for High Performance Schools and implement a High Performance Schools Technical Assistance Campaign and assist with individual school project implementation. This grant is continuation of FY 2004 P2 Grant, with the first phase of the project completed, and the second and third phases in progress.
Recipient: Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD)
EPA Funding: $73,000
Project Title: "California Environmental Garment Care Demonstration Project"
BAAQMD will develop a demonstration project for professional wet cleaning and liquid CO2 dry cleaning in the San Francisco Bay Area and San Diego. This project is intended to "jump-start" the use of professional wet cleaning and liquid CO2 as substitute technologies for PCE dry cleaning by providing the marketplace experience that is essential for commercial development. BAAQMD will provide financial and technical assistance to dry cleaners interested in switching to professional wet cleaning or CO2, and who are willing to serve as demonstration sites from fellow dry cleaners and other stakeholders. Establishing these demonstration programs will in turn create the regional and statewide infrastructure necessary for the long-term diffusion of these technologies.
Recipient: California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC)
EPA Funding: $50,000
Project Title: "Safer Alternatives to Toxic and VOC Spotting Chemicals in Professional Garment Cleaning"
DTSC in partnership with the Institute for Research and Technical Assistance (IRTA) will characterize the spotting chemicals used today by the professional garment cleaning industry and to identify, test, demonstrate and develop alternatives to certain toxic and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) spotting chemicals. The project will involve assessing the level and extent to toxic and VOC spotting chemical use.
It would involve testing alternative low-VOC, low toxicity alternatives with five cleaning facilities using wet cleaning, icy water, and Green Jet, carbon dioxide and hydrocarbon technologies. This project will focus on developing alternative spotting agents that are based on water cleaners, soy cleaners and acetone which are low in toxicity and exempt for VOC regulations.
Recipient: California State University (CSU), East Bay
EPA Funding: $78,450
Project Title: "P2 and Salons"
CSU will conduct a pilot project to work with salons and cosmetology schools in California to determine the potential health and environmental impacts of products used in salons. The focus of this project will be on common toxic salon products and potential alternatives. They will collect information on current products, practices, costs and exposures. They will characterize the chemicals and other ingredients found in common salon products and assess the potential for health and/or environmental impacts. In addition, they will identify alternatives to key toxic chemicals and assess the barriers and opportunities with salons to adopt these alternatives and organize a stakeholder roundtable to disseminate information and determine next steps.
University of Nevada - Reno, Small Business Development Center
EPA Funding: $90,000
Project Title "Pollution Prevention Assistance Program (PPAP)"
The NV PPAP assists Nevada business by providing compliance and pollution prevention assistance. That assistance is via telephone, training workshops, on-site visits, web-site, newsletters and fact sheets. For this grant period, NV PPAP proposes conduct specific assistance activities with the mining sector, tourism, Dental sector and other future sectors TBD in consultation with EPA Grant PO. NV PPAP will provide quarterly reports, including the pollution prevention results of their assistance efforts. Partners include, Sierra Pacific Power Company, Nevada Power Company, UNLV, UNR. Federal money goes primarily to staff and travel.
University of Nevada - Reno
EPA Funding: $95,000
Project title: "Western Regional Pollution Prevention Network"
To enhance regional collaborators, support and improve communication between WRPPN members, and provide a forum for WRPPN members to network and learn about important issues at the annual WRPPN conference. Partners: SBDCs, C2P2C, SBAPs, not-for profit organizations, and local governments.
EPA Regional P2 Coordinator: Robert Drake (drake.robert@epa.gov) ALASKA
Recipient: University of Alaska - Anchorage
EPA Funding: $99,930
The University of Alaska will coordinate a technical assistance to business program. Components include an intern program, a waste exchange program, an energy conservation program and an awards effort.
Contact: Dr. Larry Foster, email: aflmf@uaa.alaska.edu
Recipient: Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (IDEQ)
EPA Funding: $96,550
IDEQ proposes to provide preventative technical assistance to businesses, schools and communities. Components include anti-idling work, school chemical clean-outs and community/business outreach efforts.
Contact: Patti Best, email: pbest@deq.state.id.us
Recipient: Oregon Economic & Community Development Department
EPA Funding: $100,000
The grant recipient will provide pollution prevention technical assistance to assist Oregon businesses to voluntarily and measurably reduce stormwater pollution. This project will build on earlier efforts. The recipient will also create and manage projects with automotive repair shops and with landscapers.
Contact: Glenn Montgomery, email: glenn.montgomery@state.or.us
Recipient: Washington Department of Ecology
EPA Funding: $110,775
The WA Department of Ecology will perform the following:
1) Provide training, and conduct and evaluate projects, with several manufacturers about "lean manufacturing" techniques; and 2) Will perform research to develop publications and conduct workshops regarding biodiesel production, regulation and use.