1996 PPIS Grants
Note: EPA no longer updates this information, but it may be useful as a reference or resource.
Region 1 (CT, ME, MA, NH, RI, VT)
Region 2 (NJ, NY, PR, VI)
Region 3 (DE, DC, MD, PA, VA, WV)
Region 4 (AL, FL, GA, KY, MS, NC, SC, TN)
Region 5 (IL, IN, MI, MN, OH, WI)
Region 6 (AR, LA, NM, OK, TX)
Region 7 (IA, KS, MO, NE)
Region 8 (CO, MT, ND, SD, UT, WY)
Region 9 (AZ, CA, HI, NV, AS, GU)
Region 10 (AK, ID, OR, WA)
Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection
(EPA Funding: $30,000)
This project will build upon the Department of Environmental Protection's (DEP's) current work with the printing industry. The goal of the project is to reduce the generation of toxics including lead, hexavalent chromium, mercury, and cadmium in ink-associated wastes and discharges. An internal DEP Printing Workgroup, which has been assembled to develop multi-media pollution prevention training materials, has formed a Government/Business Partnership with the printing industry to explore the training needs of printers, eliminate barriers to pollution prevention, and provide pollution prevention assessment training. The project proposes to expand the partnership to include graphic design firms and industrial laundries. The workgroup will continue to meet with the Government/Business Partnership, expand the group to include the related industries, and analyze benefits of technical assistance.
Connecticut Technical Assistance Program
(EPA Funding: $50,000)
Serving primarily the metal-related industries, and concentrating on small- to medium-sized manufacturers, Connecticut Technical Assistance Program (ConnTAP) will continue to provide customized on-site assistance through its Site Visit Program. ConnTAP's project activities complement both EPA's New England Environmental Assistance (NEEA) Team and the Common Sense Initiative (CSI). ConnTAP's focus on the two water-related areas targeted as priorities - the Quinnipiac watershed and direct dischargers to Long Island Sound - includes a cooperative effort with local governments in these areas to improve the quality of both direct and pre-treated wastewater discharges.
Houlton Band of Maliseet Indians (ME)
(EPA Funding: $20,000)
The workplan proposed by the Houlton Band of Maliseet Indians (HBMI) is designed to complement both the PL 566 10-year restoration plan of the Southern Aroostook Soil and Water Conservation District (SASWCD) and Section 319 of the Clean Water Act. HBMI will offer technical assistance, combined with outreach and education, to all interested loggers for the implementation of Best Management Practices (BMPs) for preventing erosion and stormwater runoff from forestry-related activities. An indoor informational workshop will be offered several times during the year, along with an on-site field training session to give the participants more direct experience with the BMPs. Workshops will emphasize the environmental and economic benefits of forest harvesting practices that use non-point source pollution prevention BMPs.
Maine Department of Environmental Protection
(EPA Funding: $55,000)
The Maine Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) serves in a coordinating role for implementing environmental strategies throughout other state agencies to ensure that their operations maintain or go beyond environmental compliance with state and Federal regulations. On-site team assessments will be used where needed. To complement the introductory training presently provided, DEP will develop and implement a comprehensive P2 staff training program. To further expand the scope of this project, DEP will also work with the State Bureau of Purchases to establish a green purchasing policy and practices, and will coordinate up to eight EPA-New England initiatives, such as CSI, CLEAN P2, 3PC, or PROJECT XL.
Massachusetts Office of Technical Assistance for Toxics Use Reduction
(EPA Funding: $75,000)
With a focus on autobody shops, the Massachusetts Office of Technical Assistance (OTA) will enhance regulatory compliance through the adoption of P2 activities. OTA will provide technical assistance and create a "plain language" handbook for autobody facilities that will describe the primary environmental, health, and safety requirements, as well as suggested practices for eliminating the specific chemicals. The purpose of the handbook and its enclosed self-evaluation form is to encourage compliance by: (1) making requirements easier to understand; (2) providing guidance for using a preventive approach; and (3) minimizing noncompliance as a barrier to seeking help. OTA will pilot an outreach effort and encourage autobody shops and Native American businesses in selected urban/low income areas to accept P2 technical assistance. The proposal will also sponsor workshops and mentoring opportunities to help shops upgrade their environmental performance.
Narragansett Bay Commission
(EPA Funding: $35,000)
The project proposed by the Narragansett Bay Commission (NBC) will offer the industrial community assistance in addressing environmental regulatory issues through pollution prevention. The grantee will emphasize water conservation and reuse and the use of combined regulatory/P2 technical assistance audits. NBC's goal is to achieve a cleaner environment, safer industrial work conditions, reduced industrial operating costs, and reduced regulatory oversight costs by promoting improved environmental compliance. To accomplish this goal, NBC will amend burdensome regulatory requirements, promote the use of P2 approaches to solve environmental problems, and improve communications between industry and government regulatory agencies, complementing initiatives of EPA-NE. Participating companies will be offered limited relief from regulatory enforcement in exchange for their commitments to correct problems discovered during the audits by implementing P2 strategies.
New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services
(EPA Funding: $40,000)
Under the guidance of the Department's Multi-media P2 Task Force, the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NHDES) will continue to shift its environmental regulatory approach to place a greater emphasis on compliance through education, outreach, and technical assistance. NHDES' focus will be on the New England Environmental Assistance Team (NEEAT) industrial sectors - metal finishing/plating, electronics, computers, and printing. In order to motivate companies to undertake P2 activities, NHDES will pilot a new approach of targeting "borderline" facilities falling just above or below the regulatory threshold for hazardous waste generation, and/or air emissions. Facilities that also have a wastewater discharge will be selected in order to address multi-media concerns. Project activities include further refining the list of borderline facilities, developing outreach materials, soliciting facilities for on-site P2 and compliance assistance visits, and providing information to a broader group of borderline facilities as well. The project will take into consideration on-going work through the New Hampshire CLEAN project, which will help targeted companies prevent pollution and reduce their regulatory burden while avoiding inappropriate cross-media pollution shifts.
Northeast States Pollution Prevention Roundtable
(EPA Funding: $60,000)
The Northeast Waste Management Officials' Association (NEWMOA) will continue efforts to enhance regional P2 technology transfer by facilitating interstate communications and providing training for state and local P2 programs. Specifically, NEWMOA proposes to (1) organize meetings of state and local P2 staff; (2) train state and local EPA officials and others in P2 concepts and methods; (3) publish quarterly newsletters on state and local P2 activities; (4) manage a clearinghouse of P2 technical information; and (5) coordinate committee meetings to share P2 technical information, including basic manufacturing processes and state of the art technologies. In an effort to document P2 efforts and efficacy across the region, NEWMOA will also explore the possibility of developing, refining, and establishing common evaluation methods and metrics for assessing P2 program effectiveness across states.
Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management
(EPA Funding: $50,000)
This two-year project will provide research, evaluation, and technical assistance to Rhode Island companies participating in EPA-NE/HQ Common Sense Initiative (CSI Metal Finishing 2000), Environmental Leadership Project (ELP), and the Third Party Certification Project. This grant will enhance the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management's (RI DEM's) delivery of technical assistance, regulatory services, and P2 measurement via an integrated computer network that links databases of the media programs to the P2 technical assistance group. This computer network will enhance the ability of RI DEM to identify CSI Tier I companies and other companies wishing to move up the "performance tier" ladder; identify potential ELP mentoring groups for future EPA-NE/RI DEM joint initiatives; and measure progress toward pre-defined goals.
University of New Hampshire
(EPA Funding: $35,000)
This project will establish a University of New Hampshire (UNH)-based partnership to encourage the State's metal-finishing sector to go beyond compliance by implementing P2 initiatives. The partnership will provide on-site technical assistance to small businesses to illustrate the benefits of source reduction as an approach to environmental compliance, and will develop an all-encompassing assistance program to address multi-media P2, regulatory compliance, self-auditing, energy usage reduction, and economic issues. UNH will train student interns to assist in technology transfer and information dissemination to metal finishers, particularly targeting the small businesses for whom lack of resources and information are hindering source reduction.
Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation
(EPA Funding: $60,000)
The Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), in collaboration with the Vermont Small Business Development Center (SBDC), will continue to support efforts to integrate pollution prevention into small business training and assistance. In joint efforts with project partners, Vermont DEC will sponsor environmental leadership projects aimed at disseminating information and developing training for state permit writers, industry, and business. Working towards economic and environmental benefits through P2, the DEC will also support its partner's XL project, which seeks regulatory flexibility for alternative handling of RCRA hazardous waste through on-site biological treatment. A third task will be to help SBDC market assistance programs and provide on-site P2 assistance to small businesses through the Retired Engineers Assistance Program. Additional activities that the DEC will support under this grant will be the Clean State Initiative for source reduction, reduced toxics use, and improved purchasing and procurement practices in state agencies, and a pilot business recognition/ certification program for printers and vehicle service facilities.
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Environmental Quality Board
(EPA Funding: $93,431)
The Commonwealth of Puerto Rico's Environmental Quality Board (EQB), in collaboration with representatives from government, university, and environmental associations, will perform P2 assessments for businesses and industry, demonstrate measurable pollution prevention reduction and cost savings, and raise public awareness of P2 concepts through promotional campaigns. In order to encourage businesses that are not in compliance with environmental laws or regulations to come into compliance, EQB will allow such businesses to forgo penalties by implementing P2 techniques. To further its effectiveness in achieving these goals, EQB plans to change from a compliance-based policy to a prevention strategy, and to develop EQB P2 training assessment capabilities as well.
New Jersey Department of Agriculture
(EPA Funding: $284,471)
The goal of this project is to reduce the agricultural non-point source contamination to the Upper Delaware and Raritan River Watersheds. The first step toward this goal will be the expansion of the Integrated Crop Management Technical Advisory Group to facilitate the delivery of technical and financial assistance to farms throughout the northern half of New Jersey. At the same time, an Integrated Crop Management Plan will be developed that will improve water quality through pollution prevention activities. The New Jersey Department of Agriculture will conduct outreach activities for farmers and agri-industry members demonstrating the economic and environmental benefits accrued through the adoption of pollution prevention activities. Finally, the project will promote the use of high-level Integrated Pest Management/Integrated Crop Management in fruit production by identifying, evaluating, and ranking growing techniques, with the aim of reducing the level of pesticide use.
Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, Environmental Law Clinic
(EPA Funding: $102,098)
The Environmental Law Clinic of Rutgers University will be awarded two complementary PPIS grants for emissions reduction.
- Truck emission reductions through expanded goods movement options across the NY harbor. The first project will focus on increasing intermodal connections (alternative modes of transportation) across the New York harbor, thereby lessening the reliance on trucking as a means for transporting goods, and effectively reducing particulate emissions in the harbor area. The Rutgers Environmental Law Clinic will serve as the liaison for coordinating information between the environmental community and the transportation, development, and port authorities/agencies. The three key tasks of the project will be to ensure that freight rail access is provided to Howland Hook Marine Terminal (Staten Island); to make significant progress in converting the former military terminal at Bayonne to an intermodal port/rail facility; and to preserve the southern areas of Brooklyn waterfront for intermodal uses.
- Mobile source emission reductions through improved train station access. In the second project, the Environmental Law Clinic aims to demonstrate that by facilitating alternative modes of transportation for commuters, it can significantly increase the percentage of train riders who reach the station via modes other than the single-occupant vehicle, with a corresponding reduction in vehicular emissions. The Clinic will collaborate with participating towns to plan and implement programs to boost the number of train riders who walk, bicycle, or take transit to the station. The Clinic will educate officials/planners in towns on the Morris and Essex Line about measures necessary to achieve this increase, and about the benefits of a successful program for air quality, congestion relief, and downtown vitality. Meanwhile, the Clinic will advise town officials in developing plans to maximize the use of alternative modes of transportation, and then document the efforts of communities that have launched promising programs.
Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control
(EPA Funding: $86,000)
The Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) will continue work on the Pollution Prevention Industry Roundtable and the Green Industries Initiative, and will cooperate with the Delaware Manufacturing Alliance to offer on-site P2 technical assistance through seminars,workshops, and publication development. The P2 program will work with the media programs to further integrate pollution prevention. In conjunction with the Hazardous Waste Branch, the P2 program will provide on-site pollution prevention assistance and hazardous waste compliance inspections. Working with the Air Quality Management Section and the NPDES Program, DNREC will also help implement and update both the Air-Pollution Prevention Strategy and the NPDES-Pollution Prevention Strategy.
Maryland Department of the Environment
(EPA Funding: $86,000)
The Maryland Department of the Environment's (MDE's) P2 program will incorporate pollution prevention into MDE's regular activities and regulatory programs by offering training, funding, and support for special projects for the regulatory programs. MDE will also encourage businesses to adopt alternative (less-polluting) means of production, which will further the previous efforts of both the P2 Program and Section 507 of the Clean Air Act Small Business Assistance Program. In order to encourage business participation in the program, MDE is developing an awards program to recognize small and large businesses for voluntary environmental excellence. Specifically, MDE will create a mechanism for voluntary technology and information transfer by organizing a business-to-business mentoring network. MDE will also promote research and development of new, performance-enhancing technologies by awarding special recognition to qualifying businesses, and by providing regulatory relief to companies that request flexibility in order to attain environmental excellence through technological innovation. In order to increase communication, cooperation, and support of all interested parties, MDE will organize a formal workgroup of members from the government, small and large businesses, environmental interest groups, and the community at large, and will market the campaign to educate consumers about the environmental impact of their purchases.
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection
(EPA Funding: $86,000)
The Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has recently created the Office of Pollution Prevention and Compliance Assistance (OPPCA) with the following mission: to facilitate, communicate, and demonstrate the environmental value and economic benefits of pollution prevention to state businesses and regulatory agencies. OPPCA's primary task will be to conduct a dual training program. One segment will target DEP staff for retraining to shift their regulatory framework to a proactive, prevention-based approach and fully integrate P2 concepts into all agency programs. The second segment will focus on not only on DEP staff but also business leaders, organizations, and individuals associated with technical assistance delivery. Its purpose will be to educate participants about how P2 activities can be encouraged and implemented effectively in the framework of an environmental management system. In addition, OPPCA will serve as an information clearinghouse to provide one-stop assistance to the regulatory agencies via toll-free help lines, computerized bulletin boards, a World Wide Web site, and other non-traditional mechanisms in order to help them comply with all state environmental programs. DEP will also use funding to support attendance at the Region 3 and the National Pollution Prevention Roundtables by OPPCA staff.
Pennsylvania State University
(EPA Funding: $50,000)
In this project, the Pennsylvania Technical Assistance Program of Penn State University (PENNTAP) will promote the prevention or minimization of pollution within the framework of sustainable development. Specifically, PENNTAP will recruit and select companies for voluntary participation in feasibility demonstrations in which the grantee will evaluate and identify industry-specific P2 opportunities. PENNTAP will develop a multi-media workbook for use in implementation of pollution prevention/source reduction, and will have participants document P2 opportunities and quantify pollution reduced due to P2 activities. PENNTAP will also encourage companies to develop environmental management systems by creating a greater awareness of P2 efforts and associated EPA voluntary programs. The grantee plans to present the results of the studies at a national or international conference.
Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Environmental Quality
(EPA Funding: $86,000)
The Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) will support the Chesapeake Bay Pollution Prevention Program by promoting P2 education and technical assistance programs within all levels of government throughout the Chesapeake Bay watershed. DEQ will also aid commercial and industrial establishments in incorporating P2 activities into their daily business routines, and will actively promote voluntary participation in the program. To further encourage implementation of P2 strategies, DEQ will establish a Pollution Prevention Awards Program - designed to complement other environmental awards programs - to reward outstanding P2 programs within both the private and public sectors. Finally, DEQ will undertake joint pollution prevention/compliance assistance outreach efforts, including not only developing and distributing materials such as factsheets, short handbooks, and compliance calendars, but also conducting a limited number of workshops and follow-up surveys.
West Virginia Division of Environmental Protection, Office of Water Resources
(EPA Funding: $86,000)
The Pollution Prevention Services (PPS) program, located within the West Virginia Division of Environmental Protection's Office of Water Resources (OWR), is a multi-media technical assistance program designed to give regulatory and source reduction guidance to industry, municipalities, and individuals. In addition to developing P2 educational information, PPS will coordinate on-site assessments in area industries within the states of Kentucky and Ohio through participation in the Tri-State Geographic Initiative. In conjunction with the Waste Reduction Resource Center, PPS will recruit one of these industry facilities to participate in a pilot comprehensive evaluation project for assessing multi-media pollution prevented.
Alabama Department of Environmental Management
(EPA Funding: $72,500)
Alabama Department of Environmental Management (ADEM) will expand P2 capabilities through new P2 initiatives and refinement of existing program efforts. The P2 Unit of ADEM will develop and adopt an Action Plan for implementing the Department P2 Policy over a multi-year period. ADEM will initiate program expansion with the implementation of the first-year priorities identified in the Action Plan, including (1) continued support of the Waste Reduction and Technology Transfer (WRATT) Foundation; (2) supplemental training in pollution prevention for personnel; (3) participation in local, regional, and national P2 initiatives; (4) expansion of multi-media P2 capabilities through the development or acquisition of appropriate educational materials; and (5) identification of opportunities to partner with other organizations that promote P2 throughout the state, region, and nation. ADEM will encourage its media offices to develop and adopt similar Action Plans.
Florida Department of Environmental Protection
(EPA Funding: $72,500)
Florida's Department of Environmental Protection's P2 Program provides several forms of technical assistance, including on-site assistance, presentations, mailouts, phone consultations, training for county officials and companies, and display booth expositions for conferences and/or trade shows. DEP plans to train department regulatory staff on P2 activities and enforcement, conduct multi-media assessments of P2 opportunities in DEP and non-department facilities, and educate industrial facilities on P2 opportunities during the permitting process. In addition, DEP will integrate P2 into single-media permits as well as a multi-media permit program. The DEP will also increase public awareness by upgrading its existing promotional brochure and by publishing a new newsletter, which will provide pollution prevention news to state and local governments, industries, businesses, and Florida citizens.
Georgia Pollution Prevention Division
(EPA Funding: $72,500)
The project proposed by the Georgia Department of Natural Resources Pollution Prevention Assistance Division (P2AD) has three major objectives. First, P2AD seeks to promote community pollution prevention efforts by establishing an industry-led model for a Community P2 Outreach Program. To do so, P2AD plans to draw on existing industry-led outreach programs as examples and develop a pilot study in Atlanta. P2AD will also encourage pollution prevention through Regional Environmental Networks. These networks will be established through the Georgia Tech Economic Development Institute to promote information exchange, problem-solving, and mentoring among neighbor facilities. P2AD will establish additional incentive for Georgia businesses and industry to practice pollution prevention through a certification program called Pollution Prevention Partners (P3). P3 will publicly recognize and reward continuous multi-media programs that demonstrate the economic and environmental benefits of pollution prevention, as well as employee and management commitment to the program.
Kentucky Natural Resources & Environmental Protection Cabinet
(EPA Funding: $72,500)
Through the Kentucky Pollution Prevention Center (KPPC), the Kentucky Natural Resources & Environmental Protection Cabinet (KNREPC) will use this grant to expand upon and refine existing pollution prevention outreach activities. These activities include developing and delivering P2 training and materials for industry, business, and state and local regulatory personnel and providing on-site P2 technical assistance in the form of assessments and P2 plan development. To assist companies in establishing program priorities and evaluating progress, KPPC will also develop the necessary data collection programs. In addition, KPPC will continue to facilitate client access to information and publications via both its quarterly newsletter and the KPPC homepage. To further ensure KNREPC's ability to integrate P2 into both the public and private sectors, KPPC will participate in existing P2 networks and identify governmental and nongovernmental impediments to P2.
Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality
(EPA Funding: $72,500)
In conjunction with the Mississippi Technical Assistance Program (MISSTAP), the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) will continue the technology transfer program it currently provides to industries, businesses, municipalities, counties, state offices, and the general public. Specifically, MDEQ will coordinate with both governmental and non-governmental entities in the State to institutionalize multi-media pollution prevention as an environmental management priority. MDEQ will provide technical assistance services consisting of several distinct activities to target opportunities for outreach and technical assistance. MDEQ will first analyze company data. The Department will also conduct on-site visits to analyze P2 methods and assess potential opportunities for pollution prevention. Later, MDEQ will conduct follow-up meetings with participating businesses to continue assistance in the formation of P2 teams and/or programs, and to determine P2 methodologies implemented and their impacts in reducing pollution. To encourage businesses to excel in implementing P2 strategies, MDEQ will establish both a challenge grant program and an awards program. MDEQ will also coordinate several opportunities for networking and information dissemination, including developing an information exchange system, with a waste exchange component, sponsoring a regional P2 conference, and publishing a monthly newsletter that describes P2 strategies, legislation, case studies, and conferences.
North Carolina Office of Waste Reduction
(EPA Funding: $72,500)
The Office of Waste Reduction (OWR) of the North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources (DEHNR) proposes to increase its emphasis on outreach and training efforts in order to reach more businesses and manufacturing operations with multi-media pollution prevention information. Training courses on multi-media pollution prevention concepts, techniques, and technologies for new DEHNR personnel will be offered on a quarterly or semi-annual basis to help attendees find ways to integrate pollution prevention into their work activities. In addition, OWR staff will visit each of DEHNR's regional offices to obtain input from field staff on the development of materials for P2 promotion. OWR will also use this grant to offer workshops to businesses to help them either achieve or move beyond compliance. The workshops will promote environmental management systems as conceived in ISO 14000 as a means to increase P2 implementation.
South Carolina Department of Health & Environmental Control
(EPA Funding: $72,500)
The Center for Waste Minimization (CWM) in South Carolina's Department of Health & Environmental Control (DHEC) will use grant funding to reduce the environmental and health risks associated with the generation of waste in South Carolina by developing a program to provide pollution prevention assistance to a targeted industry (yet to be determined), and by marketing CWM's P2 services. CWM will cooperate with the Institute of Public Affairs to educate the Small Business Development Center (SBDC) of South Carolina in P2 issues and approaches, and to provide technical assistance to small manufacturing enterprises identified by SBDC. To foster the broader application of pollution prevention strategies, CWM will work with DHEC personnel to integrate P2 into state regulatory programs, and will encourage waste generators to go beyond compliance.
Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation
(EPA Funding: $72,500)
The Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation's Division of Pollution Prevention/ Environmental Awareness (DPP) will use the PPIS grant to continue and expand its existing program. DPP's new initiatives will include training "pollution prevention advocates" within each regulatory division of the Department on pollution prevention, assisting companies in setting and working toward their P2 goals, and furthering the work of the 2000 Initiative Committee by developing specific measurable goals for toxics reduction through pollution prevention. In continuation of past efforts, DPP will also sponsor regional pollution prevention conferences for networking/information exchange and technology transfer between Tennessee industries; contribute to the P2 section of the quarterly newsletter produced by the University of Tennessee Center for Industrial Services; and sponsor multi-media Governor's Awards and the Environmental Awards program for Local Civic Voluntary Effort, K-12 Environmental Awareness, and Higher Education Environmental Stewardship. As a part of the latter award, the grantee will produce a report to chart industrial progress in toxics reduction and to publicize accomplishments.
Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA Funding: $100,000)
The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency's (IEPA's) Office of Pollution Prevention (OPP) will use grant funding to integrate P2 concepts into the regulatory functions of IEPA to reduce waste generation by Illinois businesses. OPP will develop industry-specific workshops - including electroplating, printing, agricultural chemicals, electronics, metal fabrication and industrial and commercial equipment - to assist media program personnel to use P2 in their daily activities. To help incorporate P2 into compliance and enforcement actions, OPP will conduct pilot projects aimed at multi-media permitting and inspections. IEPA will also coordinate with other government agencies to identify services that will assist companies in priority industries to utilize pollution prevention strategies to achieve compliance. In addition, OPP will cooperate with IEPA's Small Business Assistance program to develop and communicate P2 techniques for compliance for small businesses. Specific efforts will include building upon a training program for CPAs and supporting the agency's Clean Break Amnesty Program.
University of Illinois, Hazardous Waste Research and Information Center
(EPA Funding: $50,000)
The Hazardous Waste Research and Information Center's Great Lakes Regional Pollution Prevention Roundtable (GLRPPR) plans to coordinate the exchange of information about pollution prevention activities throughout the Great Lakes area. This technology transfer will be achieved primarily by completing the following tasks: (1) conducting two annual meetings; (2) holding conference calls with members of various GLRPPR committees; (3) disseminating meeting and conference call materials; and (4) preparing and distributing the GLRPPR newsletter.
Michigan Department of Environmental Quality
(EPA Funding: $89,999)
The Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) has developed a pollution prevention strategy to provide guidance to its Environmental Assistance Division in working with stakeholders to identify and implement pollution prevention activities and incorporate P2 into all DEQ programs. To expand the current level of P2 implementation statewide, DEQ will heighten educational outreach to build awareness of P2 opportunities, promote and strengthen cooperative approaches to achieve pollution prevention, and encourage the voluntary adoption/implementation of P2 principles among stakeholder and governmental agencies by removing regulatory barriers. DEQ will also investigate methods for measuring both changes in pollution levels and program effectiveness to improve its capabilities to generate, collect, and analyze data to determine P2 progress, and to establish an effective feedback mechanism for stakeholder participation. Furthermore, to expand the use of P2 strategies in the private sector, MDEQ proposes to establish the Michigan Pollution Prevention Business Partnership (MPPBP), a voluntary program that will encourage businesses to initiate or expand P2 programs (with an emphasis on source reduction), identify role models to demonstrate the benefits of pollution prevention, and provide incentives to participate through a recognition program.
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
(EPA Funding: $90,000)
The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) will continue to focus on P2 regulatory uintegration. Specific areas of concentration include review of rules to identify specific barriers to pollution prevention, development of guidelines for Supplemental Environmental Projects (SEPs), incorporation of pollution prevention into the permitting process, and the provision of technical assistance to clients through the Air Quality Small Business Compliance Assistance Program. MPCA will also emphasize P2 strategies in training materials to aid the development of the inspection, compliance, and enforcement processes under the scope of pollution prevention. In addition to the regulatory integration initiatives already mentioned, MPCA plans to develop measures of pollution prevention-related progress, and to expand multi-media compliance via P2 inspections, which are tentatively expected to focus on the automotive service, printing, and metal finishing sectors.
Ohio Environmental Protection Agency - Office of Pollution Prevention
(EPA Funding: $90,000)
Focusing primarily on Ohio's manufacturing community, the Ohio Office of Pollution Prevention (OPP) will help companies modify their processes, materials, and practices to generate less pollution in a cost-effective and technically feasible manner. OPP will continue efforts in on-site P2 training and technical assistance/technology transfer, evaluating and revising multi-media P2-based inspections, educational outreach, and information dissemination, particularly through the small business networks. OPP will also encourage small business participation through financial incentives under the Pollution Prevention Loan Program, which provides low-interest capital improvement loans for the construction and/or purchase of equipment designed to complete P2 activities. In a new effort, OPP will also undertake to facilitate the incorporation of P2 into the operations of the State government, including the Ohio EPA's regulatory framework, through training sessions targeting appropriate management personnel.
Purdue University, Indiana Pollution Prevention and Safe Materials Institute
(EPA Funding: $90,000)
Through the organization of steering committees, work groups, and round tables, the Indiana Pollution Prevention and Safe Materials Institute will investigate "materials usage" and "production unit" measurement. Tasks include forming recommendations for standardization and facilitating discussions among Indiana's manufacturers to promote adoption of its P2 progress measurement algorithm. Success of the algorithm depends on accuracy, consistency, full disclosure of the sources, and derivation of the data to the manufacturing sectors. The Institute will field trials of the algorithm in production operations at wood product, plastic, metal coating/plating, and automotive part manufacturing establishments. The Institute will also investigate the incorporation of other variables in the algorithm, determine the hazard values of chemicals commonly used in manufacturing, survey members of the four priority sectors to determine if common "materials usage" and "production unit" measures can be adopted, and finalize the development of computer software for distribution.
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
(EPA Funding: $90,000)
Wisconsin identified three discrete projects under this grant.
- Municipal mercury reduction. The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) Bureau of Wastewater Management will assess the competency of the new Mercury Reduction Strategy to cut mercury releases to sanitary sewer systems. Specifically, the Bureau will evaluate and refine community reduction plans; develop a 1996 Mercury Reduction Sourcebook for Municipalities, which will include sector-based fact sheets; and further develop the database of current projects and publications about mercury.
- Pollution prevention initiatives coordination. On a pilot basis, the Bureau of Wastewater Management will coordinate P2 activities in the Lake Superior basin through the following activities: 1) target medical/dental professionals for mercury outreach; 2) mentor with the WLSSD and WWTP; 3) establish legislative roundtables; and 4) initiate product education and collection programs. In addition, the Bureau will encourage staff to incorporate P2 techniques into their daily regulatory activities (such as permitting, enforcement, and new policy development). Specifically, the Bureau will develop company case studies, provide guidance in reviewing regulatory materials, participate in policy development teams, and educate municipalities through workshops and outreach materials.
- Targeted P2 effort in Milwaukee's near south side. The University of Wisconsin's Solid and Hazardous Waste Education Center (SHWEC) will launch a pollution prevention educational program targeting local schools, residents, and businesses in a low-income, minority community. The creation of this educational program will entail SHWEC's development of a "train the trainer" program to build upon the expertise of the training organization in pollution prevention techniques and technical solutions. The program will also require SHWEC to identify potential businesses for waste reduction assessments and design an outreach and assessment implementation strategy. In addition, SHWEC will develop a model shop program to serve as a demonstrative tool for waste reduction in auto shops and metal fabricating industries.
Arkansas Industrial Development Commission
(EPA Funding: $57,000)
The Arkansas Industrial Development Commission (AIDC) will complete two tasks under this grant: pollution prevention training for the Arkansas Manufacturing Extension Network (AMEN), and P2 opportunity assessments and case studies. AIDC's intent in educating and training AMEN service providers in pollution prevention is to encourage them to include P2 assistance in the many technical assistance and technology transfer activities that they provide to manufacturing facilities. Following training, AMEN will solicit certain manufacturers to apply for free pollution prevention opportunity assessments, which AMEN will conduct and document as pilot projects. Subsequently, AIDC will follow up with a visit to each of the participating manufacturers to determine the level of success for P2 techniques/activities identified during the assessments. The results of these visits will be submitted in a final project report, and also made available to Arkansas' manufacturing community.
Gulf Coast Hazardous Substance Research Center
(EPA Funding: $55,500)
The Gulf Coast Hazardous Substance Research Center (GCHSRC) at Lamar University proposes to educate businesses by promoting available source reduction techniques on-line. GCHSRC will make pollution prevention and other environmental information available via its Internet homepage, as well as the Gulf Coast Environmental Library (GCEL) homepage, which will serve as a clearinghouse of technical assistance material. The homepages will also provide referrals to other resources. In order to ensure that businesses can effectively access the information, GCHSRC will offer routine training sessions on the Internet both on-site and at Lamar University. GCHSRC plans to develop and implement a pilot project to demonstrate the availability of information on the Internet and provide training on how to access such information. The ultimate goal of the program is to reduce the release of hazardous substances by increasing the use and awareness of source reduction techniques.
Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality
(EPA Funding: $45,000)
The Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) will establish a program that will use the state's existing infrastructure to facilitate the adoption of EPA's Environmental Leadership Program Guidelines by the DEQ and Louisiana facilities. To achieve this goal, the DEQ will help participating facilities incorporate into ongoing programs the following recommended elements for qualification as a Leadership Facility:
- Environmental management systems
- Multi-media compliance assurance
- Third-party verification
- Self-certification
- Public accountability
- Community/employee involvement
- Mentoring.
DEQ will hold workshops to educate agency staff in how to introduce Leadership Facility elements into regulatory functions. In addition, DEQ will establish a system for certifying Leadership Facilities so that they may enjoy less oversight by the DEQ, and will hold industry workshops to publicize the new certification program.
Lower Colorado River Authority
(EPA Funding: $ 162,162)
This grant will facilitate the effective transfer of technical information to assist wholesale electric utility customers and suppliers to develop or expand pollution prevention activities across all environmental media. Supported by its partnerships with other participating agencies, the Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) will implement this program in four phases: (1) a half-day workshop presenting the Texas Natural Resources Conservation Commission's Permanent Pollution Prevention Program (P4) to local organizations and industry leaders, giving an overview of the on-site assistance provided, reinforced by case studies; (2) a full-day workshop to train staff selected as members of facility P2 teams in how to implement P2 at their own facilities; (3) on-site evaluations to help teams identify target areas for P2 activities, implement these projects, and measure the results; (4) continuation of the process and further promotion of P2 to LCRA suppliers and end users. By serving as a mentor to its suppliers, customers, and contractors, LCRA hopes to help both large and small businesses meet Texas' goal of 50 percent reduction by the year 2000 in hazardous waste, toxic release inventory (TRI) discharges, and solid waste.
New Mexico Environment Department
(EPA Funding: $150,000)
New Mexico Environment Department (NMED) is proposing to use this grant to develop the Green Zia Pollution Prevention Initiative to achieve measurable results across all media in critical environmental, energy, and economic areas. NMED will significantly reduce pollutants by developing a reward/incentive program that will encourage both public and private organizations to move beyond regulatory compliance through creative implementation of P2 programs. NMED will also establish a user-friendly resource center to coordinate access to data on P2 and other waste reduction issues, and to provide training, educational materials, and referrals to resources and mentors. To facilitate its ability to measure progress, NMED will place priority on standardization and implementation of measurement and evaluation methodologies. The Green Zia Initiative supports the efforts of the Small Business Development Center/EPA partnership for P2.
Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission
(EPA Funding: $152,346)
A primary goal of the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (TNRCC) is to reduce solid, toxic, and hazardous waste in Texas by 50 percent by the year 2000. The proposed PPIS project will help facilitate the achievement of this goal by enabling TNRCC to conduct P2 site assistance visits to promote and assess improvements across all environmental media. In selecting industrial facilities to receive on-site technical assistance, TNRCC will give preference to those that have the potential, through the implementation of P2 practices, to reduce the applicability of regulatory or reporting programs in the areas of hazardous waste generator status, emission inventory reporting, Title 5 permitting, or TRI reporting. The project will also build regulatory integration partnerships within the TNRCC for identifying and removing regulatory barriers to pollution prevention, and will establish partnerships with Texas municipalities for providing technical assistance. In addition, TNRCC will provide training to environmental managers in the Department of Defense for developing an effective P2 program, and will offer technical assistance at military installations upon request.
Iowa Department of Natural Resources
(EPA Funding: $160,000)
The Department of Natural Resources' (DNR's) project will improve the quality and availability of technical assistance for generators and integrate P2 into regulatory programs, and thereby effectively promote P2-based decision-making by businesses. To achieve improved technical assistance, DNR will undertake many training activities, including:
- Improving the by-product and waste search service (BAWSS) database and training representatives for enhanced access technical assistance information;
- Training Waste Reduction Assistance Program (WRAP) senior engineers in pollution prevention to help industry identify cost-effective P2 measures;
- Training WRAP seniors in report writing and presentation for documenting on-site facility waste assessments and recommendations made;
- Training the compliance assistance and permit (CAPT) team in P2 to integrate P2 practices into enforcement procedures; and
- Training Environmental Protection Division permit writers and inspection staff in P2 processes.
In addition, DNR will enhance technical assistance by maintaining a P2 technologies and processes information clearinghouse; a pollution prevention and technical assistance homepage; and an Environmental Services Guide for referrals to service providers, vendors, and compliance and technical assistance sources. To further P2 integration, DNR will carry out projects in each of the six regulatory field offices.
Iowa Waste Reduction Center
(EPA Funding: $70,000)
The University of Northern Iowa's Waste Reduction Center will implement its "Best Available P2 Technology Evaluations: Parts Washer Pollution Prevention Technologies" project proposal. The project will attempt to increase the implementation of its P2 recommendations to small businesses via three different avenues. In one approach, the project will directly educate small businesses by installing advanced technology parts washers and assisting with data collection. This project will demonstrate the cost-effective, environmental, and safety-related benefits of washer technology. Another approach will be to provide unbiased case studies on parts washer P2 conducted at peer facilities. Finally, the program will encourage evaluation of the best technology. In addition to looking at solid waste reductions, the program will also consider worker safety factors, fire protection, and other criteria.
Kansas State University Pollution Prevention Institute
(EPA Funding: $50,000)
Kansas State University's Pollution Prevention Institute (PPI) proposes to undertake two outreach activities with funding from this grant. First, PPI will produce a newsletter, which will be published five times a year for distribution to pollution prevention professionals, industry, and state regulatory bodies in EPA Region 7. PPI will be responsible for designing the style of the newsletter, editing articles from EPA and state P2 programs to be included in the newsletter, and maintaining the mailing list. The grantee will also make all information prepared for the newsletter available through various electronic and other print media. The second activity will be the facilitation of a semiannual regional roundtable. Tasks include providing registration services; distributing roundtable announcements, confirmation letters, agendas, and meeting minutes to members; and working with the sponsoring agency to make arrangements for conference facilities and accommodations.
Kansas State University Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
(EPA Funding: $52,091)
Kansas State University's PPIS project will demonstrate the pollution prevention benefits of two emerging technologies - grid-connected photovoltaic-power (PV) systems and electric vehicles (EVs) - with the ultimate goal of stimulating growth in commercial applications of these technologies. By investigating the application of these technologies, Kansas State's Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering will (1) demonstrate the advantages and feasibility of rooftop PV systems and EV transportation systems in a park environment; (2) determine the level of pollution prevented (such as power plant emissions reductions) by monitoring energy use; and (3) develop engineering models to characterize the performance of PV and EV systems based on data collected, to be used as design tools in parks nationwide.
Missouri Highway and Transportation Department
(EPA Funding: $25,000)
The Missouri Highway and Transportation Department (MHTD) will implement voluntary programs designed to improve air quality in the region and avoid relevant public health effects. Acting with cooperative associations from the academic, professional, legal, industrial, public and municipal/state sectors, MHTD will facilitate public educational forums and workshops targeting particular audiences, including state and local road maintenance workers, business and industrial Clean Air Coordinators, and high school drivers' education classes. These sessions will focus on specific behavioral responses on Ozone Action Days, such as use of water-based solvents and coatings, and alteration of daily travel/work schedules, and will be accompanied by educational materials developed by the grantee and partners relevant to congestion mitigation. Additional technical assistance will continue throughout the ozone season, providing immediate communication of ozone forecast information.
Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality
(EPA Funding: $100,000)
Nebraska's goal in this PPIS project is to provide P2 technical/compliance assistance and training to small businesses and industry in the state through an internship program for college and graduate level engineering students. The grantee will train interns to deliver technical assistance to participating organizations as needed. Training will be based on a general pollution prevention and compliance curriculum and will combine coursework and fieldwork. In the selection of organizations and industries to receive assistance, Nebraska will give preference to those small businesses that are classified as conditionally exempt and small quantity generators of hazardous waste, and to those industries that generate hazardous waste and are interested in pursuing P2 programs.
Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment
(EPA Funding: $86,000)
The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) will use this grant to continue coordinating P2 activities in the state. One project goal is to integrate P2 philosophies into the regulatory and non-regulatory activities of state and local governments such that P2 is stressed as a top priority in the development of the Department (e.g., designing a department-wide P2 strategy, holding training workshops for compliance and enforcement staff). By actively participating in the development of performance measures for the Performance Partnership Agreement, the grantee will ensure that each media division include pollution prevention methods in the selection of environmental indicators. In addition, CDPHE will provide technical assistance and consumer information targeting high-priority industry sectors and households. The state will also expand P2 outreach efforts to local governments, the not-for-profit community, businesses, and the public, and will build an infrastructure for P2 in the form of a loan program and tax credit for environmental leaders.
Three Affiliated Tribes, Fort Berthold Indian Reservation
(EPA Funding: $45,565)
The Fort Berthold Indian Reservation's pollution prevention program stresses reduction of current and future amounts of waste generated on the Reservation through heightened education and involvement. To accomplish this task, the P2 program will present seminars to reservation schools to provide hands-on instruction to both students and teachers, and will concentrate efforts on developing alternative curriculums to science to generate innovative ideas. The P2 program will also work with a community college to implement a college-level environmental program. Further assistance in waste reduction methods will be provided through the P2 program to businesses that handle hazardous wastes.
Montana State University
(EPA Funding: $86,000)
Montana State University (MSU) will respond to the needs of its current P2 program through the implementation of three main tasks. First, the university will conduct a thorough program evaluation to assess the success of P2 outreach efforts in achieving waste reduction by the target audiences/participants. MSU will also evaluate the program's current tracking methods and recommend improvements. In addition, MSU will implement a pollution prevention media campaign to provide a greater level of P2 outreach, with a focus on Native American tribes and small businesses. Sub-tasks within this campaign include producing promotional articles and public service announcements, distributing press releases, and sponsoring a toll-free telephone line for P2 information. Finally, to ensure the environmentally sound development of the wood furniture finishing industry, the grantee will develop an educational P2 module specific to the industry. This module will contain a self-assessment checklist, factsheets, and vendor listings. MSU will provide additional technical assistance in the form of workshops, direct consultation, library resources, and educational materials.
South Dakota Department of Environment and Natural Resources
(EPA Funding: $85,000)
The goal of South Dakota's Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) is to continue assisting state residents with the development and implementation of cost-effective P2 strategies that address local and industry-specific needs. The DENR will offer a P2 training course for secondary school teachers to facilitate the adoption of P2 practices in schools and thus increase youth's understanding of environmental issues. The grantee will also undertake an on-site education project for installers and owners of septic systems, provide financial and technical assistance to establish and maintain wellhead protection areas, and demonstrate precision farming via global positioning system (GPS) technology as a cost-effective tool for groundwater protection.
Utah Department of Environmental Quality
(EPA Funding: $86,000)
Through this grant, Utah's Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) will measure the effectiveness of P2 activities and integrate P2 initiatives throughout the department. Specific activities will include: (1) integrating P2 within regulatory and non-regulatory DEQ programs, with attention given to multi-media concepts; (2) restructuring P2 services to better meet the needs of customers; (3) training DEQ staff in P2 outreach; and (4) researching and adopting best practices from other P2 programs. In addition, the pollution prevention program will develop partnerships with the Utah Comparative Risk Project and the Division of Air Quality's permitting program workgroup. Additional projects include technical information transfer and on-site assistance, development of a P2 awards program, and contribution to a program to help students identify household energy consumption and related environmental costs through computerized audits.
Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality
(EPA Funding: $86,000)
Wyoming's Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) will address the major sources of pollution in the state by continuing outreach to major industries and by providing technical assistance to small businesses in remote areas. The Department will also integrate pollution prevention into the routine activities of the regulatory staff. DEQ hopes to achieve P2 results by encouraging businesses to sign voluntary waste reduction agreements with site-specific goals. Participating industries will be supported by public recognition through Governor's Awards for P2. DEQ will also facilitate technical assistance to small businesses by developing industry-specific workshops and by setting up a network of Small Business Development Centers (SBDCs) to serve as sites for P2 demonstration and technology transfer in remote communities. DEQ's goal of regulatory integration will be achieved through the development of a department-wide P2 strategy, followed by the training of regulatory staff in P2 concepts. In addition to these main initiatives, DEQ will promote public education through training workshops for school teachers, tribes, and state community colleges.
Arizona Department of Environmental Quality
(EPA Funding: $255,300)
The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) has developed a comprehensive P2 plan, called the Arizona Pollution Prevention Leadership Enhancement Program (APPLE III). The plan builds upon past activities in the mining, manufacturing, and service industries and targets new initiatives in the transportation, agriculture, and hospitality industry sectors. For the latter three industries, ADEQ will add a new section in the P2 information clearinghouse, hold industry-specific workshops, and recognize accomplishments through APPLE awards. In addition, ADEQ plans to further expand the state's transportation P2 activities by adding a transportation section to the P2 newsletter, continuing technology transfer through the Partnership for Pollution Prevention (P3) teams for managers of business and government automotive fleets, publishing at least one fact sheet, and supporting programs that promote transportation alternatives. ADEQ will implement similar outreach and training activities for the mining, manufacturing, and service industries. Staff will also assist tribes, municipalities, and parks in the hospitality industry to implement P2 through on-site or phone assistance.
California Department of Pesticide Regulation
(EPA Funding: $100,000)
The California Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) will create a "coordinated, pro-active planning and on-farm demonstration program for commodity groups seeking to replace methyl bromide soil treatments" with environmentally and economically sound integrated pest management (IPM) methods. With a focus on the California grape industry, DPR plans to develop a commodity-wide strategy for identifying, evaluating, and facilitating the implementation of alternatives to methyl bromide. Once potential alternatives have been identified, DPR will recruit a core group of growers willing to implement on-farm trials and communicate the results of those trials for technology transfer throughout the target group. The grantee will perform on-site demonstrations at cooperating growers' farms, organize grower technical assistance workshops, and disseminate educational materials about potential alternatives. In addition, DPR will design, implement, and monitor on-farm comparative trials testing the effectiveness of alternative methods and share information on successful alternative technologies through educational materials and field days at cooperating farms.
California Department of Water Resources
(EPA Funding: 50,000)
Focusing on the San Diego County's Rainbow Creek watershed, the California Department of Water Resources (CDWR) will implement a comprehensive ecosystem resource management project. The ECOLABS project will reduce sedimentation, nitrogen, and pesticide runoff into streams, in addition to pesticide-derived air pollution and green waste going into landfills. To assess non-point source pollution, aerial images of the watershed will be used to inventory land ownership and identify cropping patterns and major land uses. Furthermore, in cooperation with the Mission Resource Conservation District, CDWR will assemble a task force to identify major stakeholders in the watershed, assess agricultural and urban sources of water pollution, and develop short- and long-term solutions to watershed problems. The partnership will also develop P2 educational materials on watersheds for grades K-8, hold a seminar on the implementation of ecosystem resource management practices, and provide ECOLAB services, including evaluations of irrigation systems. If the project succeeds, the program will expand to include seven other mobile labs for ecosystem resource management in California.
California Energy Commission
(EPA Funding: $30,000)
The goal of the California Energy Commission's (CEC's) project is to reduce pollution from agricultural pesticides by training farmers in agro-ecosystem management. The program will attempt to reduce pest pressure and increase naturally occurring biological control of pests through the use of pest break strips. CEC will train farmers and pest control advisors on pest strip use and explain how to eliminate pests without chemicals. The grantee will also conduct a 10-month series of on-farm consulting and training activities using a team who will recruit farm and student trainees, assess training needs, develop an implementation strategy and curriculum, and evaluate project performance.
California State Water Resources Control Board
(EPA Funding: $63,743)
In an effort to prevent groundwater contamination, the California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) and its municipal and regional partners will encourage reductions in the use and storage of chlorinated solvents in and around groundwater protection areas. Using performance initiatives to foster aggressive community-based P2, the program will provide local businesses with the resources, information and technical assistance necessary to implement economically and environmentally sound P2 initiatives. Specifically, the SWRCB will identify businesses storing and/or using chlorine and establish priorities for "high-risk" businesses. Based on business performance, SWRCB will then implement technical assistance for chlorinated solvent reduction while coordinating management for groundwater protection among Orange County agencies. Furthermore, SWRCB will disseminate information and provide technical assistance to autobody and paint shops to encourage electrotechnology use.
The University of Hawaii at Manoa
(EPA Funding: $15,000)
The University of Hawaii's (UHI's) Green House in Honolulu Project will create a mobile educational demonstration model that exhibits healthy, environmentally sound principles of energy and resource-efficient design and materials. Divided into three phases, the project will encourage both the diversion of materials from landfills and the production and use of native and recycled-content building materials. UHI will develop an informational brochure, video, and workshop highlighting research results on efficient and low/non-toxic building materials and techniques, energy-efficient design, water conservation, and waste reduction techniques in construction and demolition activities.
University of Nevada, Reno
(EPA Funding: $145,877)
The Business Environmental Program (BEP) of the Nevada Small Business Center at the University of Nevada will assist Nevada's small businesses in reducing pollution through the completion of multiple tasks, including technical assistance, information dissemination, and demonstration seminars. BEP will provide technical assistance in pollution prevention and hazardous waste management to clients by operating a P2 and hazardous waste assistance line, providing on-site P2 consultation, assisting small businesses to develop environmental management systems, and providing hazardous waste management and waste minimization assistance to businesses under the umbrella of Nevada's Department of Environmental Protection. For additional education and guidance, BEP will distribute P2 information and materials, including the BEP newsletter, maintain Nevada's P2 information and resource center, create P2 fact sheets and training materials, and provide P2 teleconference downlinks for businesses to access. BEP will make further and more specialized training available to small businesses by conducting various seminars, including agricultural ecosystem management seminars, business-specific P2 training seminars, and P2-oriented seminars on compliance.
Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation
(EPA Funding: $100,000)
Alaska's Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) will initiate sector-based pollution prevention initiatives in priority industries. DEC will undertake outreach, technical assistance, and coordinating activities towards the completion of the following objectives:
- Increase public and private awareness of the benefits of P2 by providing timely assistance and coordinating with other state technical assistance delivery systems.
- Achieve reductions in pollution and sustain support for environmental leadership among the small business community, schools, and government agencies by fostering statewide implementation of the Green Star/Earth Star programs.
- Conserve resources and divert solid and hazardous waste from land disposal/treatment systems by enhancing statewide participation in the Alaska Materials Exchange program.
- Foster state and federal government leadership in P2 by facilitating implementation of the Interagency Initiative on Pollution Prevention.
- Maximize the use of P2 practices within the oil and gas industry by sustaining the efforts of the Oil & Gas Pollution Prevention Work Group, and by assisting with the development and implementation of the Arctic Green Star program voluntary P2 initiative for oil field service companies.
Confederated Tribes of the Chehalis Reservation
(EPA Funding: $20,000)
The goal of the Chehalis Wellhead Protection Project is to protect the drinking water quality of the three public drinking water systems on the Chehalis Reservation. The Chehalis Tribe will undertake two tasks towards this goal. First, the Tribe will coordinate with the media directors to develop a Tribal Wellhead Protection Ordinance that will regulate high-risk activities on the Chehalis Reservation, thereby protecting the aquifer from groundwater pollution. The Tribe's second task will be to implement community-wide educational outreach. Outreach activities include sponsoring two workshops, open to both tribal and non-tribal residents; disseminating informational brochures and pamphlets on wellhead protection throughout the business and residential communities; conducting educational visits to community residences; and installing road signs denoting wellhead protection areas.
Idaho Division of Environmental Quality
(EPA Funding: $100,000)
The Idaho Division of Environmental Quality (DEQ) will strive to integrate P2 into DEQ programs and activities and private practices. To facilitate the incorporation of pollution prevention into the infrastructure of the DEQ and other state agencies, the grantee will first institutionalize P2 into DEQ programs through internal training, coordination, and technical assistance. DEQ will then form a partnership with other state agencies to provide technical support for P2 implementation as needed. DEQ will establish P2 as an integral part of public and private sector operations by expanding current outreach efforts, including the operation of the DEQ Pollution Prevention Resource Center. In addition, DEQ will coordinate a roundtable discussion on existing P2 practices, barriers, and needs with the Pacific Northwest Pollution Prevention Research Center. Finally, by networking throughout the region, state, and country, DEQ will identify new P2 ideas and opportunities.
Oregon Department of Environmental Quality
(EPA Funding: $100,000)
Oregon Department of Environmental Quality's (DEQ's) proposed project has four components:
- Pollution prevention integration strategy. DEQ will use the newly formed Pollution Prevention Core Committee to identify current P2 activities, develop measures of performance, identify specific opportunities and potential problem areas, and help communicate P2 principles throughout the agency.
- Environmental innovation. DEQ will accomplish the second program component - fostering environmental innovation as a means to go beyond compliance - by convening a task force of stakeholders to explore opportunities for innovative approaches to environmental management. Members will select P2 initiatives to be run as pilot projects to test the feasibility for going beyond compliance.
- Pacific Rivers Council stream care stewardship program. The stream care component of DEQ's program will establish stewardship incentives for the adoption of stream ecosystem conservation plans for non-federal agricultural lands in Oregon. By educating the marketplace in the benefits of conservation and restoration of stream ecosystems, DEQ will allow consumers to directly reward producers that utilize stream conservation measures.
- Multimedia pollution prevention in shipyards. DEQ's Shipyard Phase II project will expand the scope and outreach efforts of Phase I via a task force comprised of coastal port and repair facility representatives, placing program emphasis on packing resources, outreach to coastal shipyards, and inter-program coordination of regulatory factors. Following an initial survey of coastal shipyards and repair facilities, the task force will conduct workshops and distribute materials demonstrating measures to reduce or prevent releases of spent grit, and on potential tax credits related to P2 options.
Washington State Department of Ecology
(EPA Funding: $132,000)
Washington State Department of Ecology's P2 program will incorporate eight discrete projects to address specific challenges and encourage prevention-based initiatives. In summary, the projects are:
- Development of a cross-media compliance, best management practice, and P2 reference manual for chemical formulators and blenders.
- Pilot comprehensive materials tracking assessment for volunteer facilities.
- Training for small businesses in total cost accounting techniques.
- Multi-media/P2 inspection training and support for a targeted industry sector.
- Training to develop facility environmental management systems that incorporate pollution prevention.
- Increased awareness and use of integrated pest management for golf courses.
- Increased awareness and use of integrated pest management for schools.
- P2 technical assistance for drinking water well drillers.
Specific activities include conducting technical assistance site visits and workshops, and developing project- or industry-specific checklists for self-evaluation and recommendations for improvement.