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1995 PPIS Grants

Information provided for informational purposes only

Note: This information is provided for reference purposes only. Although the information provided here was accurate and current when first created, it is now outdated.

Region 1 (CT, ME, MA, NH, RI, VT) Drop-down arrow
Region 2 (NJ, NY, PR, VI) Drop-down arrow
Region 3 (DE, DC, MD, PA, VA, WV) Drop-down arrow
Region 4 (AL, FL, GA, KY, MS, NC, SC, TN) Drop-down arrow
Region 5 (IL, IN, MI, MN, OH, WI) Drop-down arrow
Region 6 (AR, LA, NM, OK, TX) Drop-down arrow
Region 7 (IA, KS, MO, NE) Drop-down arrow
Region 8 (CO, MT, ND, SD, UT, WY) Drop-down arrow
Region 9 (AZ, CA, HI, NV, AS, GU) Drop-down arrow
Region 10 (AK, ID, OR, WA) Drop-down arrow


Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection—1995
(Total Funding: $50,000)

This project will develop and test a pollution prevention train-the-trainers curriculum for printers. The project proposes to utilize information gathered through ongoing site visits, a literature search and a Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) partnership with the printing industry to develop a training program for printers which will enable them to conduct their own pollution prevention site assessments and implementation strategies. The project will be a state complement to EPA's Common Sense Initiative (CSI) and the EPA New England Environmental Assistance Team printers partnership efforts.

Connecticut Technical Assistance Program—1995
(Total Funding: $65,000)

Connecticut Technical Assistance Program (ConnTAP) will strengthen its technical support to metal finishers through development of industry-specific guidance materials. ConnTAP will provide a forum to enable businesses to share information by sponsoring the development of a business roundtable. The proposed project will also allow ConnTAP to continue to provide its hotline, resource center, newsletter and outreach services at their present levels. ConnTAP will continue its efforts to promote "green industry" in the state and region.

Maine Department of Environmental Protection—1995
(Total Funding: $65,000)

This project will offer a broad range of opportunities to small to medium sized print shops. Project tasks will include the following: 1) conducting a survey on the pollution prevention and regulatory knowledge base of printers, 2) delivering half-day workshops on compliance and pollution prevention, 3) providing on-site pollution prevention assessments, 4) developing and distributing multi-media pollution prevention information for lithographic printers, 5) establishing criteria to identify and acknowledge "green" print shops, 6) setting up technology demonstration sites, and 7) helping to establish a pollution prevention outreach program for the Maine metal product industry.

Massachusetts Office of Technical Assistance—1995
(Total Funding $40,000)

This project will build expand the existing technical assistance efforts conducted by OTA, which provides toxics use reduction assistance to manufacturing facilities, to assist schools in low-income areas to implement pollution prevention activities and utilize pollution prevention technologies. This one-year project will not only inform school administrators, facility managers, and teachers of the financial benefits of pollution prevention, but it will also explain the health, safety and environmental benefits of the approach. The project will combine practical information concerning how a school can reduce pollution from its own facilities with curriculum development, classroom exercises, and teacher training intended to develop a sophisticated awareness of pollution prevention by students. The focus on low-income areas will benefit disadvantaged urban communities, which have a great need for assistance to develop local expertise.

New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services—1995
(Total Funding: $60,000)

This program is divided into two projects: 1) a municipal assistance project; and 2) a pollution prevention integration project. The municipal assistance project will assist the city of Somersworth, NH in overcoming its water quality problems by conducting a campaign to reduce phosphorous at the source. In addition, the project will develop and pilot a pollution prevention compliance and outreach program for municipalities. The pollution prevention integration project will integrate compliance assistance and regulatory reform for pollution prevention into the NH Department of Environmental Services regulatory programs. Under this second project, the Department of Environmental Services will also help to establish the University of New Hampshire's new Environmental Compliance and Pollution Prevention Center.

University of New Hampshire—1995
(Total Funding: $60,000)

This project will establish an Environmental Compliance and Pollution Prevention (P2) Center to target the metal finishing and electronics industry sectors in New Hampshire. This is a cooperative effort between the University of New Hampshire, EPA New England's Environmental Assistance Team, the New Hampshire Industrial Research Center, Public Service of New Hampshire, HADCO, the state Small Business Ombudsman, and the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services. The center will provide integrated compliance assistance to implement pollution prevention through training, student internships, and development of multi-media facility auditing manual. It will also attempt to reach small business in rural areas that have difficulty traveling to and attending technical assistance events by attempting to produce videotapes of model facilities, and developing financing options.

Rhode Island Narragansett Bay Commission—1995
(Total Funding: $60,000)

This project will train manufacturing and wastewater pretreatment staff in Rhode Island's small business community (primarily metal finishing), and POTW Industrial Pretreatment (IPT) regulatory personnel, in source reduction and pollution prevention techniques and technologies. The training program is designed to allow course participants to actually handle and work with pollution prevention and wastewater pretreatment equipment and instrumentation. Offering this unique hands on training to POTW IPT personnel will help to assist them in recognizing pollution prevention opportunities as part of their industrial inspection, wastewater discharge monitoring, and permitting activities. Training manufacturing operators in pollution prevention will result in less waste generation as well as increased compliance with local waste discharge and hazardous waste management regulations. A final goal of this program will be to establish a recognized and state certified industrial waste reduction and management program within the State of Rhode Island.

Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation—1995
(Total Funding: $60,000)

Grant funds for the Vermont DEC Pollution Prevention Program will serve six distinct activities. One funded activity will be the Retired Engineers and Professional (REAP) program that provides on-site pollution prevention assistance to small businesses. A second activity will be the development of a pilot project to explore ways in which hotels, motels, resorts and conference centers can promote pollution prevention in their lodging, dining, and conference facilities. Grant funds will also be used to help coordinate the development of a multi-media compliance assistance program in the Vermont DEC, and the creation of a pollution prevention outreach program. The final two activities to receive funding will be the Governor's Award Program for Environmental Excellence in Pollution Prevention and the establishment of a Clean State Program in which state government is a leader in pollution prevention and resource conservation.

Houlton Band of Maliseet (ME)—1995
(Total Funding: $20,000)

The Houlton Band of Maliseet Indians (HBMI) will use PPIS funds to achieve the following three objectives: 1) develop nonpoint source pollution prevention activities; 2) increase the awareness and understanding of the pollution prevention approach to environmental management; and 3) identify ways to mitigate indoor air pollutants. To achieve the first objective, the HBMI will sponsor a training session for tribal administrative and road crew personnel regarding best management practices to prevent erosion and stormwater runoff from road maintenance activities. The Tribe will also investigate the feasibility and efficacy of using organic soil amendments to reduce erosion and decrease nutrient leaching. To meet the second objective, the Tribe will send a number of personnel to the first National Tribal Pollution Prevention Conference. The final objective will be met by providing indoor air quality training to a tribal housing improvement director.

Mohegan Nation (CT)—1995
(Total Funding: $30,000)

Through grant funding, the Mohegan Nation will initiate the following activities: 1) develop a Comprehensive Mohegan Integrated Energy Management Plan; 2) hold a technical meeting to discuss the drafted Mohegan Pollution Prevention and Waste Reduction Plan; 3) develop and implement a pollution prevention training, testing, and certification program for all Mohegan staff, consultants, contractors, sub-contractors; and 4) track pollution prevention savings.

Northeast Waste Management Officials' Association—1995
(Total Funding: $30,000)

The objectives of this grant proposal are to support the ongoing efforts of the Northeast States Pollution Prevention Roundtable (NE Roundtable). Specifically, NEWMOA proposes to provide a forum for building consensus on policy issues, to facilitate information exchange between the state and local programs, and to train state and EPA staff in pollution prevention methods. Some of the proposed NE Roundtable pollution prevention activities for FY 1996 that will be supported under the grant include: 1) continuing efforts to facilitate interstate communications concerning state and local pollution prevention activities and programs, 2) continuing to support the pollution prevention Training Committee, 3) developing a regional report on progress in pollution prevention during the past five years, 4) holding a joint meeting of state pollution prevention programs, NIST Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) Centers, Small Business Development Centers (SBDC), DOE Energy Analysis and Diagnostic Centers (EADC), EPA and other business assistance providers in the Northeast in 1995.

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New Jersey Institute of Technology—1995
(Total Funding: $31,434)

The goal of this project is to prevent nonpoint pollution at the source of generation by reducing chemical inputs to turf and adopting techniques that reduce the movement of pollutants to ground and surface waters. The grantee plans to achieve this goal through the following activities: 1) a material flows analysis of pesticides used by sod farmers and homeowners in New Jersey; 2) the development and implementation of guidelines that will assist homeowners, school and recreation playing field maintenance people, condominium and office park landscapers, golf course superintendents, and municipal public works officials in maintaining high quality turf in an economically and environmentally sensitive manner; and 3) the education of consumers, local decision makers, and lawn care professionals about environmental alternatives to high maintenance lawns.

Rutgers University Environmental Law Clinic—1995
(Total Funding: $57,579)

This project aims to reduce motor vehicle emissions in a congested travel corridor in New Jersey through reductions both in vehicle miles traveled and in the number of automobile trips taken. At the request of the grantee, the New Jersey Departments of Transportation and Environmental Protection have formed a joint working group that will work collaboratively with other stakeholders. The group will identify, analyze, and implement a wide range of demand management and other control measures to help solve gridlock and mobile source and non-point source pollution in the Route 1 corridor of Middlesex County, NJ. The grantee seeks to develop strategies in the collaborative process, such as tailoring transit to serve retail malls and markets, teleshopping, and providing shuttle services for special events, to decrease congestion in the travel corridor. The measures examined in this project may eventually be promoted as part of State Implementation Plans for controlling mobile source pollution.

Rutgers University Environmental Law Clinic—1995
(Total Funding: $41,137)

This project aims to reduce motor vehicle emissions throughout New Jersey through reductions in per mile emissions of both trucks and buses. The grantee will encourage NJ Transit to convert its bus fleet to alternative fuels as quickly as practical, initially targeting vehicles used for routes in urban areas. It will participate in workshops and roundtables conducted by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection to develop an effective diesel inspection program. The grantee also plans to work with partners in New Jersey to generate public support for an effective pollution reduction program.

New York State Department of Environmental Conservation—1995
(Total Funding: $180,000)

The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation's Pollution Prevention Unit plans to evaluate the effectiveness of nonregulatory pollution prevention assistance in reducing the loading of toxic contaminants to the Great Lakes Watershed from combined sewer overflows. Through a local project team, the grantee proposes to demonstrate a model approach to reducing and/or eliminating loadings at a combined sewer overflow (CSO) by assisting industrial dischargers to prevent the generation of these contaminants at the source. Non-regulatory pollution prevention technical assistance, such as industry-specific group meetings and onsite facility assessments, for reducing the loadings of toxic contaminants at the overflow will be made available to industrial facilities in the project area. Participating facilities will be encouraged to adopt multi-media source reduction techniques for eliminating both direct discharges and stormwater discharges to the combined sewer from industry.

New York State Department of Environmental Conservation—1995
(Total Funding: $159,850)

This project seeks to 1) improve waste management at small and medium-sized businesses and industries in Suffolk County, NY by reducing pollution at the source; 2) assist approximately 4-8 small and medium-sized businesses in the county achieve reductions in emissions to all media by identifying pollution prevention measures available; and 3) train students to clearly understand, identify, and apply a multi-media pollution prevention approach to evaluating waste management at a facility. This will be accomplished through a partnership between the grantee, the Suffolk County Water Authority, and three local universities. Student interns, under the guidance of the other partners, will perform multi-media waste minimization audits at local companies and develop pollution prevention recommendations for the companies.

New York State Energy Research and Development Authority—1995
(Total Funding: $100,000)

This project will help up to 25 businesses develop, implement, and evaluate comprehensive source reduction programs. The targeted industry sectors are hospitals, airlines or airports, printing, retail, food, restaurants, wholesalers, manufacturers, and stadiums. The grantee will provide direct, on-site technical assistance to individual businesses and plans to develop seminars, guidebooks, and videos to disseminate project findings to businesses throughout the New York City. The grantee expects that the materials developed with PPIS funds will have broad applicability for business source reduction efforts outside of New York City.

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Region 3

Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental
Control—1995 (Total Funding: $86,000)

Delaware's Pollution Prevention Program (PPP) seeks to maintain and enhance its current pollution prevention activities. The PPP provides pollution prevention information and assistance to businesses, industrial facilities, the agricultural community, homeowners, and other government agencies. In addition to continuing these efforts, the program plans to design and exhibit pollution prevention displays targeted toward households and business and industry. The program will also reorganize its pollution prevention resource library into a user-friendly format and market its availability to Delaware industry.

Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments—1995
(Total Funding: $25,000)

This grant funds the planning and delivery of a multimedia urban pollution prevention conference for the metropolitan Washington region. The goal of the conference is to reduce nonpoint source and other pollution in the Metropolitan Washington portion of the Chesapeake Bay watershed. The principle objectives of the conference are 1) to educate and enhance communication and awareness regarding nonpoint source and other polluters (both public and private) in the region about opportunities and incentives for pollution prevention; 2) to empower environmental managers in the region with knowledge of pollution prevention opportunities in targeted industry sectors; and 3) promote the integration of pollution prevention into regulatory programs. The conference will target both private business and government operators of vehicle maintenance shops, garden and lawn care, and printing operations. It will also target local and state environmental managers working in air, water, and waste media. Expected attendance is 150.

Maryland Department of the Environment—1995
(Total Funding: $86,000)

The primary goal of this project is to prevent pollution through continuation and expansion of Maryland Department of the Environment's (MDE) efforts to promote innovative pollution prevention technologies to Maryland's small business community. MDE plans to use its model of small business technical assistance, which provides information on new pollution preventing technologies and financial assistance to small businesses, to help an additional industry, which will be identified during the grant period. The project also seeks to further strengthen an existing network of offices, institutions, and agencies in support of small business' efforts to protect the environment.

Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources—1995
(Total Funding: $85,871)

The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources (PADER) plans to expand its existing Source Reduction Pollution Prevention Program. Using past PPIS grant monies, PADER has begun to institutionalize the pollution prevention ethic internally through a staff training program and through the development of resource materials for PADER program staff and to implement a multimedia technical assistance program for Pennsylvania businesses. This grant will allow PADER to enhance its program and enable it to focus its training program and outreach efforts to small businesses. PPIS-funded initiatives will be targeted to the printing industry, POTW operators, and small businesses throughout Pennsylvania.

Old Dominion University Research Foundation—1995
(Total Funding: $38,700)

The Old Dominion University Research Foundation, in conjunction with a local sanitation department, plans to provide free technical assistance to small and medium-sized businesses in the Hampton Roads area of Virginia. Using TRI data, the grantee will identify the industry sector in the local area that would most benefit from technical assistance and provide five audits for businesses in this sector. The grantee will take a multimedia approach to the audits and expects that its status as a nonregulatory body will aid in the acceptance of pollution prevention as an environmental management priority by area businesses and industries.

Virginia Department of Environmental Quality—1995
(Total Funding: $86,000)

This grant continues funding the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) to provide multimedia technical assistance outreach to industry and to expand its efforts to identify opportunities for voluntary pollution prevention within agency regulatory programs. The primary goal of the grant is to continue efforts begun under a 1993 PPIS grant: 1) establishment of a statewide pollution prevention infrastructure involving all levels of government (i.e., regional planning committees, federal, state, and local governments), including identification of opportunities for voluntary pollution prevention into the activities of DEQ's regulatory programs, such as enforcement, inspections, and permitting; and 2) multimedia pollution prevention outreach for Virginia industries. The primary activities of the project will involve training, information transfer, and policy development related to pollution prevention and innovative technology.

West Virginia Department of Environmental Conservation—1995
(Total Funding: $86,000)

This grant will continue funding to support West Virginia's Pollution Prevention Services program, whose primary goal is to promote a multimedia approach to source reduction. With PPIS monies, the grantee will continue to produce the West Virginia Scorecard, an analysis of industrial releases to the environment which is overseen by the National Institute for Chemical Studies. In addition, the state will continue implementing a program of data quality assurance for all TRI data reported by manufacturers in West Virginia. The grantee also plans to conduct several workshops and seminars and continue publication of its pollution prevention newsletter.

The Schuylkill Center for Environmental Education—1995
(Total Funding: $24,129)

The Schuylkill Center has developed a pollution prevention component of its Regional Environmental Education Program (REEP) high school curriculum. The curriculum consists of five units, one each for teachers of biology, chemistry, physics/technology, environmental science and social studies. The Center seeks to train facilitators in the new curriculum in EPA Region III. These facilitators will then be prepared to conduct workshops for teachers, whose students may gain concrete strategies for personal implementation of actions to protect the environment by preventing pollution at its source.

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Alabama Department of Environmental Management—1995
(Total Funding: $80,000)

With this PPIS grant, Alabama Department of Environmental Management (ADEM) seeks to plan and develop expansion of the State Multimedia Pollution Prevention Program and its capabilities. To fulfill this goal, ADEM will undertake the following activities: 1) evaluate and prioritize development of new core PPIS program elements, including finalizing and developing an implementation plan for a departmental pollution prevention strategy; 2) expand multimedia pollution prevention efforts in a coordinated approach addressing prioritized needs internally and externally; 3) expand the multimedia pollution prevention capabilities of the State program through the development or acquisition of appropriate educational materials; and 4) continue program improvement through evaluation of and revisions to program elements, including addressing institutional barriers to pollution prevention.

Florida Department of Environmental Protection—1995
(Total Funding: $85,000)

Through this grant, the core staff of Florida's Pollution Prevention Program will obtain the expertise to hold statewide "train the trainer" sessions. These sessions will focus on training local government managers to start pollution prevention programs and to provide pollution prevention training to other local government personnel. The project will further Florida's goal of localizing pollution prevention. Media-specific inspectors trained to recognize pollution prevention in their individual areas of regulation will learn of the positive effects of pollution prevention on other media in which they are not involved (ultimately leading to a community of multimedia inspectors), and local government personnel will be provided with a basis to provide a variety of technical assistance to businesses in their county, including workshops, technical presentations, and site visits.

Georgia Pollution Prevention Assistance Division—1995
(Total Funding: $80,000)

With this grant the Georgia Pollution Prevention Assistance Division (P2AD) will design and implement a program to recognize businesses that have successfully demonstrated the economic and environmental benefits of pollution prevention, as well as the commitment necessary from employees and management to implement a program that meets their pollution prevention goals. The grantee will also conduct pollution prevention workshops for industry sectors generating chemicals of particular concern. In addition, P2AD plans to assess the level of interest and commitment of a number of local governments towards developing pollution prevention assistance programs within their county or city. P2AD will work with interested local governments to evaluate the feasibility of establishing programs that encourage a pollution prevention ethic in local industries and within their own county or city organizations.

Kentucky Department of Environmental Protection—1995
(Total Funding: $85,000)

This grant will be used to compliment the efforts of Kentucky's new Pollution Prevention Center. The Center's overall goal is to help Kentucky businesses achieve hazardous waste and toxic chemical reductions of 25 percent and 50 percent by 1997 and 2002, respectively. The Center's activities will include: 1) develop and deliver pollution prevention planning training programs and material for industry, state, and local regulatory personnel; 2) develop and distribute for voluntary implementation pollution prevention plans for the major classes of business and industry that generate hazardous waste or release toxic chemicals in the state; 3) continue to produce and distribute a quarterly newsletter; 4) provide onsite pollution prevention assistance in the form of assessments and pollution prevention plan development; and 5) sponsor, develop, and conduct conferences and individualized workshops on pollution prevention for specific classes of business or industry.

Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality—1995
(Total Funding: $80,000)

This grant will allow the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality to continue the technical assistance and technology transfer program for pollution prevention. Technical assistance will be provided to industries, businesses, municipalities, counties, state offices, and the general public in Mississippi. The grantee plans to conduct workshops for the state Small Business Development Centers Program staff to familiarize staff with pollution prevention; work with governmental and non-governmental institutions in the state to institutionalize multimedia pollution prevention as an environmental management priority; review state TRI data to determine industries who require the most pollution prevention assistance; and conduct on-site technical assistance visits for businesses and industries.

North Carolina Department of Health, Environment and Natural Resources—1995
(Total Funding: $80,000)

The North Carolina Office of Waste Reduction (OWR) plans to expand its pollution prevention education and outreach efforts. Specifically, OWR will develop workshops, outreach materials, and enhanced information-sharing systems, in coordination with state and local regulatory agencies, to help promote pollution prevention in businesses, industries, and local governments. Activities in these efforts will include 1) developing and duplicating outreach materials, publications, videos, and case studies; 2) conducting workshops and training sessions; 3) improving accessibility of pollution prevention information by interested parties; and 4) conducting demonstration projects. Industries targeted for outreach activities will include fiberglass boatbuilding, textile, wood furniture, and metal fabrication.

South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control—1995
(Total Funding: $50,000)

South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control's Center for Waste Minimization plans to use 1995 PPIS monies to enhance the Department's pollution prevention program. The Center will partner with nonregulatory organizations to provide free waste assessments to businesses and industries in South Carolina. The Center plans to develop a waste minimization report for each recipient of technical assistance, which will be used to target waste minimization efforts more effectively. The Center hopes that the nonregulatory nature of its assessments will encourage industry to accept technical assistance from the Center.

Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation—1995
(Total Funding: $80,000)

The Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation's Division of Pollution Prevention will continue its existing program and broaden its scope of work. It plans to further the work of the 2000 Initiative Committee, a group of technical representatives from the top releasers of toxic chemicals in the state gathered for education and pollution prevention goal setting, by 1) developing specific, measurable goals for toxics reduction through pollution prevention; 2) completing a report to chart industrial progress on meeting reduction goals; 3) sponsoring regional conferences; and 4) assisting companies in setting reduction targets and accomplishing their goals. In addition, the grantee will continue producing a pollution prevention newsletter, training pollution prevention division staff in technical assistance, and giving multimedia governor's awards to recognize industry efforts in pollution prevention.

Southface Energy Institute—1995
(Total Funding: $80,000)

The Southface Energy Institute intends to build on an initial Partners for a Clean Environment (PACE) Project in which the Institute developed publicity and technical assistance materials for PACE, and conducted a successful pilot program in which 15 companies elected to increase the efficiency of their use of resources and become PACE members. In this project, Southface will conduct a highly publicized, targeted campaign to sign up 100 companies as PACE members by the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta. The grantee plans to organize a press conference on Earth Day 1996 to announce the
companies that have joined PACE.

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Illinois Environmental Protection Agency—1995
(Total Funding: $111,666)

The Illinois EPA will use PPIS grant funds to continue the integration of pollution prevention into the following multi-media programs: 1) a hotline to provide answers for the typical compliance questions of industry representatives and sanitary districts, and promote solving discharge and emissions problems through pollution prevention; 2) on-site mutual assistance for businesses; 3) an annual pollution prevention conference; 4) community outreach workshops, and 5) pollution prevention training for IEPA personnel.

Indiana Department of Environmental Management—1995
(Total Funding: $114,166)

This project consists of three distinct projects that the Indiana Department of Environmental Management will manage: 1) a drycleaner recognition project that encourages drycleaners to accomplish significant environmental and pollution prevention goals; 2) a mercury pollution prevention program to identify potential sources of mercury in commerce and help companies become aware of mercury and its potential hazards; and 3) an ISO-14000 demonstration project to evaluate the effectiveness of the program to promote pollution prevention among businesses in Indiana. In addition, IDEM will provide $5000 in PPIS funding to the Solid and Hazardous Waste Education Center at the University of Wisconsin - Extension to help maintain and update two pollution prevention information databases entitled TECHINFO and VENDINFO.

Michigan Department of Natural Resources—1995
(Total Funding: $109,985)

The State of Michigan purposes to undertake three activities with FY 1995 Pollution Prevention Incentives for State (PPIS) grant funds: 1) Agricultural Pollution Prevention Project (AP2); 2) Michigan Great Printers Project (MGPP); and 3) Great Lakes Technical Resource Library (GLTRL). The AP2 Project will address the need to undertake efforts to reduce agricultural sources of pollution and engage in cooperative pollution prevention partnerships with agricultural organizations within the state. The MGPP Project, which is being proposed in conjunction with the regional Great Printers Project, will address pollutants used and released by the lithographic printing industry. The GLTRL is a regional computer-based library and database established by the Solid & Hazardous Waste Education Center at the University of Wisconsin to serve the Great Lakes states. The PPIS funds allocated to the GLTRL will be used to continue to build the database and to make the information more accessible.

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency—1995
(Total Funding: $111,666)

The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) will use the Pollution Prevention Incentives to States grant for financial assistance in support of the MPCA's efforts to integrate pollution prevention into all aspects of its regulatory activities. Specifically, the following objectives are to be implemented: 1) develop and implement training programs, including case studies and training plans for integrating pollution prevention into regulatory activities; 2) develop indicators to measure pollution prevention integration in media programs; 3) review Air Quality rules to identify impediments to implementation of pollution prevention strategies by regulated clients; and 4) develop guidelines for Supplemental Environmental Projects for incorporation into enforcement settlements.

Ohio Environmental Protection Agency—1995
(Total Funding: $109,870)

Ohio EPA's Pollution Prevention Incentives for States' proposal for 1995 focuses on four areas: 1) training for the Office of Pollution Prevention (OPP), and to increase the integration of pollution prevention into media-specific programs; 2) pollution prevention technical assistance; 3) financial incentives for pollution prevention; and 4) investigation of barriers to pollution prevention for voluntary program participants. These four program areas will complement existing pollution prevention activities and will be an integral part of the State of Ohio's overall pollution prevention program.

Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources—1995
(Total Funding: $112,000)

The Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Office of Pollution Prevention and the Hazardous Waste Minimization Program provide a variety of outreach assistance to business and industry in Wisconsin. This proposal will support expanded outreach to small business and development of a new voluntary incentives program that will be primarily targeted at large and medium sized businesses. In addition, the Waste Water program within the DNR will develop a model toxic reduction plan for mercury discharged into municipal wastewater treatment plants. The plan, to be subsequently implemented by local communities, will detail work with industrial, commercial, and academic facilities in order to reduce the amount of mercury released into sanitary sewer systems and thereby reduce the release of mercury to treatment plant receiving waters and land spread sludges.

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Lower Colorado River Authority—1995
(Total Funding: $84,087)

The Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) is committed to being an environmentally responsible company through stewardship of energy, land, air and water resources. As part of that commitment, LCRA has become one of the first electric utilities in the nation to sign a pledge with the US Department of Energy to reduce green house gas emissions. LCRA is proposing to develop a comprehensive electro-technology review program for its service area and to share with other utilities throughout the nation. The major tasks of this project include: 1) determine and screen technologies to be evaluated; 2) study the technical feasibility studies of top candidates; 3) design, install and operate pilot projects; 4) analyze and report pilot test project results; 5) develop follow-up programs, evaluate and measure success.

Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality—1995
(Total Funding: $65,000)

Grant funds will be used to continue and expand the Louisiana Environmental Leadership Pollution Prevention program (P2 Leadership Program) begun in 1993. During Phase II to be funded by this grant, the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality will: 1) continue to expand statewide the P2 Incentive for Industry Program to include more small industries; 2) initiate an activity within the Agency to train LDEQ personnel to incorporate pollution prevention principles into LDEQ's media offices; and 3) expand the current program with the U.S. Air Force to include other Federal agencies to promote pollution prevention at other Federal facilities within the state. Phase II will also take the P2 Leadership Program forward another step by establishing an alliance of private and public sector organizations aimed at developing and promoting voluntary waste reduction practices in Louisiana.

Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality—1995
(Total Funding: $60,000)

The mission of this project is to reduce volume and toxicity of industrial wastewaters discharged to publicly owned treatment works (POTWs) by significant industrial users. To carry out this mission, the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality will offer demonstration workshops for city officials, businesses, and POTW staff in the area of pollution prevention. To develop case studies for the 12 or more workshops, technical assessments are planned for 24 different types of businesses through contract with the Louisiana Technical Assistance Program (LaTAP).

Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality—1995
(Total Funding: $33,000)

The mission of this project is to reduce solid waste generation and promote recycling, and the use of recyclable materials by Louisiana's businesses. The strategy is to achieve this through Louisiana's Green Challenge and EPA's WasteWi$e voluntary programs for helping businesses reduce, reuse, and recycle through attaining pledges for establishing recycling programs, tracking progress, and recognition awards for exemplary projects. The goals and objectives of this program include the following: 1) development and implementation of a pilot program; 2) production of a promotional video; 3) coordination of program with local "Corporate Recycling Council"; 4) providing opportunities for LaTAP to conduct multi-media on-site assessments for waste reduction and recycling; 5) extending the basic program concept statewide; 6) conducting workshops.

Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality—1995
(Total Funding: $59,000)

This project plans to initiate development of an integrated database containing all waste and discharge rates. An integrated database will provide valuable guidance for pollution prevention activities and allow for quantitative comparison of information received. Community education programs can then be targeted to explain the reported information. The database will also define potential exposure to pollutants and prioritize impacts/threats to the environment. This information could be integrated with geographic information to compare pollutant discharges to specific land areas or communities. This comparison will allow for ranking and prioritizing of projects.

Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality—1995
(Total Funding: $70,000)

The goal of this project is to develop a long-range, state-wide pollution prevention strategy that coordinates resources and activities across agencies and media so that the end result is greater than the simple sum of individual parts. Specific objectives of the project include: 1) describing the current status of pollution prevention activities by state agencies in Oklahoma; 2) identifying lessons learned in other states concerning interagency strategic planning and coordination for pollution prevention; 3) assessing potential barriers and opportunities for coordination and integration in Oklahoma; 4) developing recommendations for interagency planning and activities; and 5) institutionalizing the interagency process through an ongoing mechanism.

Railroad Commission of Texas—1995
(Total Funding: $58,908)

The Commission will continue and expand its program to encourage pollution prevention in the oil field. This program will complement the Commission's existing and planned regulatory programs for preventing pollution from releases of oil and gas wastes. The program will: 1) deliver, in each of the two years, eight workshops for oil and gas exploration and production operations; 2) update and distribute the manual, "Waste Minimization in the Oil Field", to oil and gas E&P operators; 3) publish and distribute the program newsletter; 4) deliver pollution prevention information through the clearinghouse; 5) provide on-site assistance to oil and gas E&P operators; 6) train Commission staff, 7) deliver, in each of the two years, seven one-day workshops developed for specific areas of oil and gas exploration and production operations, and 8) install its technology transfer database on the Commission's electronic bulletin board.

Texas Natural Resources Conservation Commission—1995
(Total Funding: $90,005)

The projects in this proposal are designed to: 1) build on existing TNRCC programs, 2) transfer pollution prevention technology and information within regionalized industrial sectors and large to small businesses, and 3) educate the general public. To address the need for additional and structured emphasis on pollution prevention and technology transfer, the TNRCC proposes to use its Permanent Pollution Prevention Program (P4) as the foundation for developing mentorship programs. These programs will be developed between industry members and small business members, and vertically integrated between their suppliers and customers. The P4 program will also be used to further the pooling of knowledge and sharing of common issues. It will provide training in management strategies and solutions between facilities, with additional pollution prevention measurements and community outreach components aimed at improving small business response to pollution prevention.

University of Texas at Austin—1995
(Total Funding: $50,000)

This project will establish a Pollution Prevention Evaluation Team (PPET) which will evaluate pollution prevention management within four major pollution prevention programs initiated by Texas state, local and regional agencies. The PPET, to be composed of graduate students whose focus in graduate school is environmental policy or engineering, will work under the supervision of two professional staff members (a Project Coordinator and the Principal Investigator) and an external Supervisory Committee (SC). This PPET project will: 1) develop methods for evaluating the quantity, quality, cost, sustainability, and stability of pollution prevention program benefits; 2) provide an in-depth assessment of the four pollution prevention programs; 3) train fifteen graduate students in pollution prevention techniques and methods for evaluating environmental decision-making; 4) make recommendations regarding barriers and drivers to pollution prevention opportunities in the public sector.

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Iowa Department of Natural Resources—1995
(Total Funding: $100,000)

This grant provides funding for the Iowa Waste Reduction Assistance Program (WRAP) to continue and improve its function as a nonregulatory pollution prevention technical assistance program. Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR), which administers WRAP, plans to advance the integration of pollution prevention into regulatory enforcement programs in Iowa, and offer better follow-up support for clients by providing more pollution prevention training for WRAP personnel and allowing for more interaction with and support of other pollution prevention service providers. In addition, DNR will enhance technology and information transfer by facilitating cost-effective utilization of pollution prevention information from opportunity assessments previously performed by WRAP, and augment WRAP's staffing to support more follow-up with clients and interaction with other service providers.

Iowa Waste Reduction Center, University of Northern Iowa—1995
(Total Funding: $28,000)

The Iowa Waste Reduction Center's Toxicity Reduction Initiative for Pollution Prevention (TRIPP) project attempts to identify and reduce toxic industrial discharges to small, inadequate wastewater treatment systems. This PPIS grant will allow TRIPP to identify small communities (of 3,000 to 5,000) in Iowa with the potential for significant toxicity problems in their local aquatic resources due to simple wastewater treatment plants and no pretreatment programs for industrial wastes. Communities will be selected based on the results of annual toxicity tests and bioassessment studies conducted downstream from each community's outfall. These communities will be targeted for toxicity testing and pollution prevention technical assistance in later phases of the project.

Kansas Department of Health and Environment—1995
(Total Funding: $372,000)

Kansas Department of Health and Environment's (KDHE) goal is to expand and build upon existing state and local programs in order to form a comprehensive, multimedia pollution prevention program and support network that focuses on areas for significant risk reduction. Under this grant, a permanent Office of Pollution Prevention will be maintained within the management function of KDHE, a statewide pollution prevention conference will be conducted, and a recognition and awards program will be maintained. In addition, the grantee will support pollution prevention technical assistance and training programs in Kansas, and promote U.S. EPA voluntary programs such as 33/50 and WasteWi$e. KDHE also plans to establish programs to incorporate local government and industry environmental coordinators in a pollution prevention training network through the University of Kansas, and will develop curricula for integration into academic programs.

Midwest Research Institute—1995
(Total Funding: $30,000)

The Midwest Research Institute, a Missouri-based nonprofit research organization, plans to develop a "Regional Trends: Pollution Prevention and Sustainable Economic Development" presentation set that can be used by community leaders and economic development specialists to educate local residents and business concerns about the potential that pollution prevention strategies have to generate income and business opportunities for the community. The presentation will consist of a set of slides addressing sustainable economic development strategies and will be specifically targeted toward communities in EPA Region 7. Economic development professionals and community volunteers will be able to use the set to present to audiences in a holistic way the relationships between pollution prevention and sustainable economic development. The set can also be used as a model for other regions and will be suitable for use within high school or college level courses.

University of Missouri Household Hazardous Waste Program—1995
(Total Funding: $20,000)

University of Missouri's Household Hazardous Waste Program (HHWP) plans to use PPIS funds to establish a pilot waste reduction assistance program in southwest Missouri. The grant will enable HHWP to purchase equipment, reference materials, and educational resources, and support a part-time staff position to coordinate, report, and evaluate the program for expansion and as a model for other regions. HHWP will also coordinate three workshops during the grant period. One workshop will provide training in pollution prevention measures, including how to conduct waste audits of area businesses. Workshops will also be provided to two major industrial segments in the region: health care providers and automotive services.

University of Nebraska-Lincoln—1995
(Total Funding: $20,000)

The goal of this project is to transfer pollution prevention technology to farm operators, householders, and acreage owners. The specific objectives are to 1) help rural farm and household operators and acreage owners understand the nature of their waste stream; 2) suggest alternatives and possible consequences of existing pollution prevention techniques; 3) assist operators and acreage owners in making decisions about source reduction and the alternatives; and 4) build pollution prevention responsibility and commitment to long term change in practices. The grantee will complete resource materials for the targeted groups and provide them with an educational program through the existing education systems and other agencies, case study demonstration farm assessments, video tapes for participant involvement, "train the trainer" materials, and a satellite training for educators and other professionals to use the materials in their local areas.

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Colorado Department of Health—1995
(Total Funding: $91,900)

The mission of the Colorado Pollution Prevention Program is to instill the ethic of pollution prevention into Colorado citizens with a societal goal of eventual elimination of emissions and significant reductions of waste. The program promotes pollution prevention as the operating management tool of first choice of state and local governmental entities as well as businesses. The strategy of this program consists of the following goals: 1) integrate P2 philosophies into the activities, both regulatory and non-regulatory, of state and local government; 2) provide technical assistance and consumer information on pollution prevention; 3) continue outreach and expansion of P2 throughout Colorado; 4) achieve measurable reductions in pollution; 5) build an "infrastructure" for P2 to ensure long term state support for P2; 6) identify emerging issues in P2; and 7) establish regional cooperation. Some of the tasks that will be used to achieve these goals include implementing training programs for media staff, producing pollution prevention information packets for targeted sectors, managing the Governor's Challenge Program (program in which Colorado's largest hazardous waste generators and top TRI reporters are invited by the Governor to report use data on select chemicals and to voluntarily commit to pollution prevention goals), hosting a pollution prevention forum, and attending national roundtable meetings.

Montana State University Extension Service—1995
(Total Funding: $118,200)

The Montana State University Extension Service Pollution Prevention Program proposes the following goals, tasks and deliverables for FY95: 1) expand current small business pollution prevention education capabilities to serve the construction industry; 2) provide pollution prevention assistance to Montana educational facilities; 3) establish a permanent statewide Materials Exchange Program for small businesses, industrial generators, and agricultural operators; 4) create a regional pollution prevention information network (P2NET); 5) maintain and expand existing resource library and database capabilities; 6) continue pollution prevention education to Montana agricultural operations; and 7) maintain the Native American program component with Ft. Belknap Reservation and distribute the completed instructional module to other reservations and tribes in Region VIII.

North Dakota Department of Health and Consolidated Laboratories—1995

Through this grant funding, the Department of Health and Consolidated Laboratories plans to initiate the following activities: 1) development of a pollution prevention guidance document; 2) development of public information material for distribution to underground injection facilities and other point source pollution sources; 3) incorporation of P2 information in Update Environment Newsletter and Wellhead Protection Newsletter; 4) continue improving the wellhead protection program; 5) develop and implement pollution prevention and abatement in the state's "Watershed Management Strategy"; 6) serve as a State P2 clearinghouse for EPA and the Department; 7) attend pollution prevention seminars and training.

South Dakota Department of Environmental and Natural Resources—1995
(Total Funding: $91,904)

The goal of this project is to continue the development and institutionalization of a statewide, sustainable, multimedia pollution prevention program in South Dakota. The goal will be attained by tasks selected to reach the following three objectives: 1) continuing the development and implementation of DENR's multimedia capabilities by developing a pollution prevention vision statement and increasing the level of pollution prevention integration into media grant programs; 2) providing additional communities with the information and tools needed to implement community and regional P2 programs by developing a pollution prevention course for teachers and expanding the pollution prevention Rural Community Model; and 3) promoting the adoption of P2 practices in the private sector through the outreach activities targeting agriculture and small business.

Utah Department of Environmental Quality—1995
(Total Funding: $93,985)

The overall goal with this grant is to go beyond just promoting pollution prevention, and to begin to implement and realize more specific successes. To achieve this goal, the Utah pollution prevention program will implement projects with the following objectives: 1) integration of pollution prevention within all programs at DEQ; 2) integration of multi-media concepts within DEQ procedures; 3) restructuring current pollution prevention services to better meet the needs of both internal and external customers; 4) encouraging the continuation and autonomy of groups initiated under the pollution prevention program; 5) supporting good pollution prevention projects initiated by other organizations; 6) providing measurable accounts of pollution prevention in Utah. The projects will provide a forum for cooperative work between the DEQ, other governmental entities, and the regulated community to inspire efficient, long term environmental protection.

Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality—1995
(Total Funding: $91,900)

The Department of Environmental Quality has developed a framework to implement pollution prevention in Wyoming. In order to maintain this framework, it is essential for the state to continue support of a full time pollution prevention coordinator. The pollution prevention Coordinator is responsible for organizing state outreach activities such as the Wyoming Pollution Prevention Roundtable, the DEQ Committee, public education initiatives, Native American outreach, pilot projects and workshops and technical assistance for small businesses. The coordinator, in conjunction with the DEQ Director and environmental division administrators, is responsible for developing waste reduction agreements with large industry and initiating other types of industry partnerships. In addition, the Coordinator compiles minutes from meetings, workshop evaluations and reports on activities. The grant funding will support the pollution prevention coordinator position through June 30, 1997.

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California Air Resources Board—1995
(Total Funding: $75,000)

California Air Resources Board's goal is to improve California's environmental quality by promoting pollution prevention practices. The Board plans to provide California businesses, governments, and citizens with pollution prevention information; encourage these individuals to utilize multimedia pollution prevention alternatives in air quality improvement and other environmental activities; and train communities in incorporating pollution prevention practices into daily activities. Pollution prevention ideas will be incorporated into all aspects of California's Small Business Assistance Program, and the grantee will use existing outreach vehicles to disseminate information, assistance, and training. The grantee plans to develop a series of both general and industry-specific pollution prevention guides; an electronic bulletin board module; and a training program focusing on enforcement, compliance self-inspection, and compliance determination. Pollution prevention information and assistance will also be offered through a helpline.

California Department of Pesticide Regulation—1995
(Total Funding: $160,000)

California Department of Pesticide Regulation seeks to establish a voluntary program of site-specific management practices and reduced risk pest management practices to reduce pesticide leaching and off-site movement in the Tulare and Fresno counties of California. The principal goal of the program is to prevent groundwater pollution in the targeted counties. The program will be developed in conjunction with growers and local agricultural officials. Through education and outreach, growers will be encouraged to voluntarily adopt reduced risk pest management practices in lieu of regulatory restrictions. While transport to groundwater will receive particular emphasis, the practices the grantee is considering also have the potential to reduce transport to other media; therefore, the program will evaluate herbicide occurrence and transport in all media by monitoring demonstration plots for herbicide residues in air, water, and soil.

California State Water Resources Control Board—1995
(Total Funding: $120,790)

The goals of this project are to identify and implement strategies for working with local governments to reduce sediment runoff into the San Francisco Bay-Delta Estuary to achieve actual reductions in sediment runoff. The grantee will assess current regulations and practices pertaining to construction and landscaping activities which affect sediment generation in selected cities, and then negotiate with local governments the enactment of targeted changes in land use policies and general plans. The program will be conducted on a voluntary basis, thus changes in local policies and practices will be developed collaboratively with local staff and elected officials. The grantee may offer various incentives, such as an award to governments showing greatest progress, to encourage participation. The ultimate aim of the project is to develop a program of sediment reduction which will be expanded to the entire San Francisco Bay-Delta watershed. The process and strategies developed in this pilot project will serve as a model for outreach to other local governments in the San Francisco Bay Area, as well as in the state.

University of California—1995
(Total Funding: $160,000)

This project is targeted toward pest control advisers (PCAs) in California. The grantee plans to develop study materials and examination questions to set standards for a new generation of PCAs with solid grounding in environmental concepts, integrated pest management principles and methods, and alternatives to pesticides. The final products will be a general reference book on integrated pest management for field practitioners that can be used as a study guide and a reference for continuing education for pest control advisers, and a pool of examination questions for CA Department of Pesticide Regulation to use to evaluate licensee's understanding of the study materials. These materials would be directed at professionals working in agriculture, landscape, right-of-way, and turf situations. The grantee plans to hold an in-depth seminar showing how the new materials can be used in training. It is expected that other states and professional organizations nationwide will use the materials for their programs.

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Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation—1995
(Total Funding: $118,000)

Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) intends to use this PPIS grant to sustain its involvement in on-going pollution prevention activities in Alaska and to continue its efforts to develop systems to measure its progress quantitatively and qualitatively. DEC hopes to increase awareness of the benefits of pollution prevention among the business community and the public by meeting public and private sector demand for information in a timely manner and in coordination with other state technical assistance delivery systems. To this end, the grantee will maintain its pollution prevention technical assistance center, which responds to technical assistance requests. DEC also plans to achieve reductions in pollution and sustain visibility and support for environmental leadership among the small business community, schools, and government agencies by fostering statewide implementation of Green Star/Earth Star programs which encourage voluntary source reduction and resource conservation efforts. Finally, the grantee plans to conserve resources and divert solid and hazardous materials from land disposal and treatment systems by supporting and enhancing statewide participation in the Alaska Materials Exchange program.

Hawaii Department of Health—1995
(Total Funding: $54,000)

The Hawaii Department of Health plans to address the problems of restaurant waste in the state by developing and publishing a handbook of pollution prevention and resource efficiency guidelines for restaurants and several training sessions targeting each island in Hawaii. The handbook will discuss less toxic and non-hazardous options restaurants can use for cleaning and disinfecting their establishments, as well as alternatives for restaurant grease disposal. In addition, it will cover water conservation methods; reduction in pesticide use for landscaping; energy-efficient lighting, heating, and disposal; recycling options and composting; and restaurant procurement of recycled materials. The grantee also plans to identify at least one restaurant in Hawaii that would be willing to participate in a pilot project and change many of its current practices to pollution prevention practices. Baseline data will be collected on the amount of pollution the pilot restaurant currently produces and the reduction it achieves by changing its practices.

Oregon Department of Environmental Quality—1995
(Total Funding: $118,000)

Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) has maintained a pollution prevention program since 1987. DEQ plans to use this PPIS grant to conduct a number of projects which will enhance its capabilities to integrate pollution prevention into Oregon's regulatory programs. DEQ will develop a series of training classes for its staff which will include general pollution prevention tools, cross-media regulatory training, and sector-specific training for targeted focus areas. The grantee will also establish a pollution prevention clearinghouse and a video and manual on pollution prevention techniques which will be used to train DEQ staff and the regulated community how to solve pollution problems through pollution prevention. Working in partnership with local governments, DEQ intends to develop educational materials for target audiences such as small businesses and homeowners. DEQ will also conduct a demonstration and education project focused on best pollution prevention practices for shipyards.

Quileute Indian Tribe—1995
(Total Funding: $8,927)

The Quileute Indian Reservation in LaPush, Washington is an extremely poor community with extensive pollution problems. The Tribe intends to use PPIS funds to initiate a pollution prevention training program that will 1) develop a pollution prevention infrastructure for the Tribe and prepare a pollution prevention plan; 2) provide an employment opportunity for a Tribal member through on-the-job training with the Public Works Department that will include pollution prevention training, planning, and implementation components; and 3) educate the Quileute Tribal Council, Public Works Department, Environmental Program, and Utilities Commission about pollution prevention techniques and potential projects.

Spokane Tribe of Indians—1995
(Total Funding: $16,229)

This PPIS grant will enable the Spokane Tribe to conduct wastestream audits for commercial and residential waste sources authorized to use the Spokane Indian Reservation landfill. This will be the first step toward developing a pollution prevention program and educating the Spokane Reservation Community about source reduction as a means to prevent pollution from solid waste. The waste audits will be used to identify the types and quantities of materials being disposed in the Reservation's landfill so that the Tribe may design a targeted program for source reduction and pollution prevention.

Washington Department of Ecology—1995
(Total Funding: $118,000)

Washington Department of Ecology (Ecology) plans to use PPIS funds to implement a new strategy to improve Ecology's current pollution prevention efforts. The strategy entails emphasizing a multimedia approach to pollution prevention and broadening Ecology's pollution prevention efforts to all of the business functions of the agency. The grant will be used to provide seed money to various Ecology programs to implement specific projects consistent with the strategy and to address agency-wide needs that do not clearly fall to one program or division. Specific projects will include: 1) assessment of pollutant-based fees for NPDES permits; 2) development of multimedia pollution prevention permit conditions for the aluminum industry in Washington; 3) follow up to pollution prevention training for Ecology staff with industry-specific training sessions; and 4) outreach to reduce silver and mercury discharges to the POTW in Spokane, WA.

Jamestown S'Klallam Tribe—1995
(Total Funding: $25,000)

This project seeks to prevent further pollution of small streams in the Dungeness River Watershed and the Sequim Bay Watershed. Current stream degradation is due to uncontrolled livestock and previous channelization. The Tribe plans to treat each stream as a system within the watershed, assess problems, and identify and implement solutions which will prevent pollution. The grantee will conduct outreach in schools and will work with farmers and landowners to implement fencing and planting along stream corridors. The Tribe will develop an Adopt-A-Stream program in its school district, by which stream tours and workshops will be conducted and technical assistance will be provided. In addition, fencing, trees, and shrubs will be provided to landowners along 3000 feet of stream corridor. This will result in a large stream area from which livestock have been removed, thus greatly reducing or eliminating present and future pollution.

Port Gamble S'Klallam Tribe—1995
(Total Funding: $22,844)

This project seeks to address the problem of poor air quality on and near the Port Gamble S'Klallam Indian Reservation. A large part of the current air quality problem is the use of non-certified wood-burning stoves. There are currently 55 homes with non-certified wood-burning stoves within the boundaries of the Reservation, many of which are old, dilapidated, and inefficient. The goal of the project is to improve air quality in the area by eliminating seventeen of the non-certified wood-burning stoves on the Reservation. The Tribe will purchase and install new wood stoves in homes which now have non-certified stoves. Homeowners that receive new stoves will be required to participate in an in-home training program which will discuss the negative effects of wood burning on air quality and how to mitigate those effects. The Tribe will also initiate an educational campaign involving the entire community, which will utilize newsletter articles, pamphlets, and informational booths to teach Tribal members about pollution resulting from burning wood.

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