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1993 PPIS Grants

Information provided for informational purposes only

Note: This information is provided for reference purposes only. Although the information provided here was accurate and current when first created, it is now outdated.

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Connecticut Technical Assistance Program—1993 (Total funding: $134,000)

Activities under this grant:

Maine Department of Environmental Protection—1993
(Total funding: $119,130)

Activities under this grant will allow DEP to facilitate and encourage interaction of water, air, land and waste programs. The project involves three key elements designed to involve all media and assists businesses with Pollution Prevention (P2) implementation. First, active coordination of technical staff representing DEP's water, land, air and waste bureaus; development of facility-specific Total Cost Assessment with 4-5 small mid-size companies to demonstrate financial impacts of P2 initiative; and third, pilot an engineering internship program in cooperation with the University of Maine.

Massachusetts Office of Technical Assistance—1993
(Total funding: $260,000)

Activities under this grant will result in the Office of Technical Assistance creating two programs.

Technical Assistance program which is an integrated multi-media, multi-disciplinary pollution prevention/resource conservation (P2/RC) audit team made up of specialists from various agencies and entities in the area toxic use reduction ("TUR"); energy and water use efficiency; solid waste source reduction/recycling; air pollution prevention; and environmental procurement practices.

Agency Planner Training, consists of an in-depth P2/RC curriculum and classroom instruction program with practical field experience components designed to provide all state agencies with long-term P2/RC expertise.

Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection—1993
(Total funding: $100,000)

Activities under this grant have two interrelated aspects. The first requires the largest users of toxic chemicals to submit annual toxic use reduction reports and develop biennial toxic use reduction plans. In addition, the law mandates DEP to shift the focus of its environmental regulatory programs from their existing single-media, treatment orientation to a multi-media, prevention orientation.

Assisted by Federal and state funds, projects have been support the design and building of a multi-media/pollution prevention focus into their traditional media programs. Projects include:

Completion of a pilot project that evaluated the feasibility and effectiveness of multi-media/pollution prevention biased compliance programs. DEP's initial inspections will be done in accordance with the methodology developed in the pilot.

DEP has designed and will implement a pilot project to evaluate ways to alter our permitting systems so that firms first explore the feasibility of "prevention" techniques rather than treatment to achieve environmental standards.

Finally, they have implemented a "Facility Master File (FMF)" a computerized database that includes basic information on each facilities status in each of the separate media program as well as its compliance and enforcement status in all programs.

DEP, through the development of a regulatory program that imposes pollution prevention planning and reporting requirements on the approximately 800 "Large Quantity Toxics User (LQTUs)," have now received its first toxics user reduction reports. With this compilation of reports received each year, DEP lacks the capacity to examine the information in their database in a meaningful way. This grant will:

Provide DEP with the ability to analyze its data, and to actually complete some analyses. To do this DEP would need to acquire and install Natural Language Software for FMF and the TURA subsystem. The advantage of this software is that it empowers researchers to do iterative reports. Because the nature of the information that is available to DEP is so new, the answers to one set of questions will probably generate another entire line of inquiry. This system will allow for that type of research to be feasible.

New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services—1993
(Total funding: $171,181)

Activities under this grant will result in:

Vermont Agency of Natural Resources—1993
(Total funding: $156,000)

Activities under this section of the grant will result in:

Passamaquoddy Tribe - Indian Township Reservation—1993
(Total funding: $27,268)

This project will identify present activities which contribute to multi-media environmental pollution and which may be modified to result in source reduction. These activities include:

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New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and Energy, Office of Pollution Prevention—1993
(Total funding: $533,837)

This project supports the development of a pollution prevention facility-wide permitting pilot project. Facility-wide permitting is defined as a single environmental permit for an industrial facility that combines the facility's air, water, and hazardous waste permits along with its Pollution Prevention Plan. New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and Energy (NJDEPE) will test the benefits and feasibility of facility-wide permitting with 12 volunteering companies. It is NJDEPE's intent to evaluate the facility-wide permit program and provide recommendations to the State legislative body regarding the environmental protection implications of facility-wide permitting as well as the potential for facility-wide permitting to streamline the permitting process and issue more comprehensive multi-media permits in less time than development of conventional permits.

New York Department of Environmental Conservation—1993
(Total funding: $400,001)

This project will enhance New York State's pollution prevention capabilities and will allow for a more rapid and extensive implementation of an integrated and comprehensive Multi-Media Pollution Prevention (M2P2) program. The goals and objectives include enhancing the capabilities of the Departmental Conservation in carrying out its M2P2 program by integrating pollution prevention expertise and experience; expanding the Department's hazardous waste reduction program by the integration of the air, water, and solid waste programs into the State's Pollution Prevention efforts, as well as expanding the Department's small business assistance program beyond the existing air focus. The project has three tasks: Pilot the M2P2 Program for small business, provide Multi-Media Pollution Technical Assistance, and develop Waste Prevention options for Grocery Stores.

Cornell University - Center for the Environment—1993
(Total funding: $40,586)

This project supports reduction of the amount of waste produced in New York State and Puerto Rico. It will decrease the cost and impacts relating to disposal and will reduce the multi-media point and non-point impacts associated with the whole lifecycle of the production, distribution and use of unnecessary products and packages. Activities under this grant will:

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DC Environmental Regulation Administration—1993
(Total funding: $94,276)

Activities under this grant will enhance the environmental quality through Institutionalizing Multi-Media Pollution Prevention as an Environmental Management Priority.

This will be achieved by providing education and training for District government policy, regulatory and environmental staff in order to promote and integrate the P2 ethic and cross media philosophy within government; develop a comprehensive pollution prevention strategic plan for the District of Columbia which will include providing direct technical assistance to businesses and the public, collecting and analyzing data to target outreach and technical assistance opportunities, conducting outreach activities, develop measures to determine and quantify progress in pollution prevention, identify regulatory and non-regulatory barriers and incentives to pollution prevention and develop plans to implement incentives.

Develop Multi-Media Pollution Prevention Activities by providing multi-media training for personnel in the automotive industry in order to facilitate waste minimization, pollution prevention and compliance; and to initiate the inventory of available resources and develop a P2 and waste reduction information management system (WRIMS).

Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection—1993
(Total funding: $293,094)

Activities under this grant include supporting PADER to establish an on-site multi-media source reduction assessment program for small- and medium-sized businesses; develop outreach, information exchange an a technology transfer program to disseminate current information on pollution prevention techniques; and to incorporate multi-media pollution prevention concepts into PADER's programs wherever and whenever possible.

Virginia Department of Environmental Quality—1993
(Total funding: $311,600)

This project will expand Virginia's multi-media pollution prevention activities. The project is designed to educate and then foster information sharing among organizations within Virginia (federal/state/local/governments and industry) to forward the concept of pollution prevention.

Activities will:

West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection—1993
(Total funding: $298,588)

In a joint effort with the National Institute for Chemical Studies (NICS), the WVDEP strive to increase awareness of P2 opportunities, share technological advances and ultimately cut wastes discharged to the state's environment.

Activities under this grant involve:

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Alabama Department of Environmental Management—1993
(Total funding: $122,500)

Activities under this grant involve the further development and institutionalization of a voluntary, multimedia pollution prevention program utilizing the combined expertise and resources of existing industrial, governmental and academic programs, to support and implement multimedia pollution prevention activities.

Activities will:

Florida Department of Environmental Regulation—1993
(Total funding: $116,250)

Activities under this grant involve:

Georgia Hazardous Waste Management Authority—1993
(Total funding: $112,500)

Activities under this grant seek to develop and sponsor a series of workshops to promote successful P2 programs in industry. Objectives include integrating the Authority's P2 philosophy into the industrial sector through workshops facilitated by representative industries across the state that have had significant success in implementing a P2 ethic into their organizations. Reducing not only the quantities of waste they are producing, but instilling a P2 culture into their company. The basic approach is to let "industry help industry."

Kentucky Department of Environmental Protection—1993
(Total funding: $112,500)

Activities under this grant involve the continuation of P2 site visit assessments for industries and businesses; publishing the quarterly newsletter "The Waste Line;" maintaining and expanding directory of companies serving the P2 market; convening four annual seminars on P2; conducting industry-specific workshops on P2; assisting the state in expanding program goals and objectives, including tracking 33/50 companies; and developing a Technical Assistance Plan for State government.

Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality—1993
(Total funding: $1,022,622)

Activities under this grant involve:

North Carolina Department of Environmental Health and Natural Resources—1993
(Total funding: $112,500)

Activities under this grant involve:

South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control—1993
(Total funding: $112,500)

Activities under this grant involve small- and medium-sized industries in the development of a Waste Minimization Program in their operation. This grant is important to small operation especially with the oncoming advent of the elimination of key ozone depleting solvents by 1996 as mandated by the Montreal Protocol and ex-President Bush. Small companies using such solvents are the most vulnerable to this mandate since in most cases they lack the personnel, expertise and capital to find and develop suitable substitutes and equipment to replace the banned solvents.

Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation—1993
(Total funding: $117,618)

Activities under this grant involve:

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Illinois Hazardous Waste Research Information Research Center—1993
(Total funding: $463,969)

In an effort to expand its pollution prevention efforts with small and medium businesses in Illinois, activities under this grant involve:

Indiana Department of Environmental Management—1993
(Total funding: $40,000)

The Office of Pollution Prevention and Technical Assistance (OPPTA) incorporates pollution prevention within other program offices, and unites the two geographically separated offices by working on a common project. The proposal includes development of a working relationship with the district waste management offices and facilities, and the IUs (Industrial Users) in those areas. It supports government partnerships from the local to federal level, and uses the existing network of industry database information to work together on pollution prevention initiatives. This proposal addresses a prime cause of this environmental problem by focusing on a list of critical toxic pollutants including mercury, lead, and copper, with the IUs and indirect discharger sources that need reduction or elimination in order to achieve local, State, and Federal toxic reduction goals. In addition, the OPPA is mandated to present pollution prevention as an alternative in department actions with efforts to reach these goals. The multimedia, interagency approach will pilot innovative approaches to toxic pollution prevention in the Lake Michigan ecosystem.

Activities will:

Ohio Department of Development—1993
(Total funding: $390,000)

The initiative under this grant involves motivating industry to eliminate Ozone Layer Depleting Substances (OLDS) and reduce VOCs through P2 techniques. With this in mind, activities under this grant include:

University of Wisconsin-Madison—1993
(Total funding: $89,500)

Activities under this grant include:

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Lower Colorado River Authority—1993
(Total funding: $232,672)

This project will result in:

Some options LCRA would propose to research, evaluate and, if feasible, to implement, may include: improved paint operations and applications; operational improvements to reduce air emissions; development of best management practices to minimize the volume of lead contaminated paints from painting operations; scrap tire recycling and/or reuse; alternative fuels for fleet vehicles; chemical substitution; anti-freeze, waste oil and oil energy efficient lighting retrofit for all LCRA facilities; elimination of chloroflourocarbons throughout LCRA operations; and stormwater runoff pollution prevention strategies and best management practices.

Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality—1993
(Total funding: $40,765)

Activities under this grant will result in:

All Indian Pueblo Council—1993 (Total funding: $130,000)

Activities under this grant involve creating a Pollution Prevention Resource Guide for the nineteen Pueblos. This guide will benefit other Indian Tribes within the Region. The guide will cover the following major aspects of a Pollution Prevention program, to include:

New Mexico Environment Department—1993 (Total funding: $116,045)

Activities under this grant will result in volume and toxicity reduction at the source—small/light industry and business through waste stream audits. The audits will attempt to:

Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality—1993
(Total funding: $220,000)

Activities under this grant involve:

Texas Water Commission—1993 (Total funding: $214,756)

This project will result in:

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Iowa Waste Reduction Center, University of Northern Iowa—1993
(Total funding: $49,378)

This project will involve:

Iowa Department of Natural Resources—1993
(Total funding: $200,000)

Activities under this grant involve:

University of Missouri—1993
(Total funding: $49,689)

Waste minimization has long been the strategy of choice for business and government. But dealing with the rising volumes and costs of hazardous waste, pollution prevention goes beyond the hazardous waste arena and recognizes the fact that multimedia contamination, resource conservation and the goal of sustainable development must address all aspect of environmental prevention.

This project involves developing a course titled "Pollution Prevention Technologies and Applications" that will make information relating to pollution prevention technology and applications available to generators and others who are addressing the problem. The course will include policy, regulations updates, economic factors, problem solving mechanisms and materials on available resources, and will address the reduction of pollutants across all environmental media. The goal is to acquire leadership, managerial and technical skills to successfully implement a cost-effective pollution prevention program in any size organization.

Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality—1993
(Total funding: $600,000)

Activities under this grant involve the development of an innovative, multifaceted pollution prevention outreach program that stimulates the transfer of multi-media based pollution prevention technology to a target audience that consists primarily of business and industry. The technology transfer program will be based on an educational foundation that takes advantage of knowledge related to:

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Colorado Department of Health—1993
(Total funding: $150,000)

In order to build and enhance Colorado's existing pollution prevention program, activities under this grant involve:

Montana State University—1993 (Total funding: $180,000)

Activities under this grant involve:

South Dakota Department of Environmental and Natural Resources—1993
(Total funding: $125,000)

Activities under this grant involve:

Utah Department of Environmental Quality—1993
(Total funding: $145,000)

Actively promoting pollution prevention is an integral part of the vision for the Utah Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). To operate as a customer service agency, the Governor said that DEQ must communicate the role of prevention in achieving environmental protection. The activities under this grant include:

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American Samoa Environmental Protection Agency—1993
(Total funding: $50,000)

This project addresses heavy metals contamination of Pago Pago Bay. It seeks to identify industrial and commercial sources of these contaminants and identify pollution prevention techniques for reducing or eliminating these pollutants. Funds will support on-site pollution prevention assessments at these facilities and will also support American Samoa's efforts to get companies to implement changes through regulatory and non-regulatory means. The project will also establish a Governor's awards program for pollution prevention.

California Trade and Commerce Agency—1993
(Total funding: $408,420)

This project will establish pollution prevention assistance programs at three California Small Business Development Centers (SBDCs) to provide direct assistance to small businesses in a non-regulatory setting. The Centers, located in Northern (Solano), Central (Merced) and Southern California (Riverside), will deliver pollution prevention materials to small businesses, operate telephone assistance services, provide training seminars, and conduct on-site pollution prevention assessments for small businesses. The project will also link in environmentally related technical assistance through the southern California Business Environment Assistance Center (BEAC). If successful, this project can be expanded to include the rest of the California SBDC system (29 centers total) and will further support current efforts by the Nevada SBDC to expand this concept to the SBDC system nationwide.

Northern Marina Islands Department of Public Health—1993
(Total funding: $20,000)

This project will provide CNMI DEQ with an export to conduct waste audits of targeted facilities, and provide information and advice to targeted industries. The expert will also provide training to CNMI DEQ staff on waste minimization and pollution prevention techniques. Based on this experience, CNMI DEQ will develop long-range plans for their pollution prevention efforts.

Navajo Environmental Protection Agency—1993
(Total funding: $406,790)

This project will create a pollution prevention/waste minimization program through the Navajo EPA, in conjunction with the Navajo Division of Economic Development, Mission Research Corporation, and the University of New Mexico. The program will deliver pollution prevention assistance to Navajo businesses. This will be one of the first multi-media pollution prevention programs created specifically for a single indian tribe. The program will:

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Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation—1993
(Total funding: $42,240)

This project involves designing a statewide Alaskan Materials Exchange that is accessible and of use to all industries and communities throughout Alaska. The plan is to build upon the ongoing cooperative efforts to develop a materials exchange for the oil and gas industry. The emphasis of the program will be on identifying the needs of other major Alaskan industries and communities for materials exchange, and designing and implementing a program that fits the culture, geography, and economic realities of Alaska.

Chugachmiut Tribe—1993
(Total funding: $24,549)

This project involves:

Oregon Department of Environmental Quality—1993
(Total funding: $361,198)

This project involve the following:

Washington Department of Ecology—1993
(Total funding: $300,000)

Jamestown S'Klallam Tribe—1993
(Total funding: $135,907)

This project results in establishing an outreach program designed to offer education and technical assistance to landowners, farmers, and businesses to prevention pollution and restor a healthy ecosystem (a pollution prevention field agent program). By providing pollution prevention field agents to work with groups in the community, this will enable them to build upon the other major planning efforts which were previously undertaken.

Kwethluk I.R.A. Council—1993
(Total funding: $60,000)

Activities under this grant involve preventing solid waste and sewage pollution of land and waterways, thus reducing environmental and human health risks; build tribal pollution prevention capabilities. The objective is to hire a part-time Local Utility Business Advisor to act as liaison between the public, local administrators and agencies and regional organizations to accomplish the goals of this program. This will be accomplished on three levels: interagency coordination and program development; community education and public relations; and personnel and administrative structuring and management.

Shoshone-Bannock Tribe—1993
(Total funding: $59,500)

Activities under this grant include:

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