1989 PPIS Grants
Region 1 (CT, ME, MA, NH, RI, VT)
Region 2 (NJ, NY, PR, VI)
Region 4 (AL, FL, GA, KY, MS, NC, SC, TN)
Region 5 (IL, IN, MI, MN, OH, WI)
Region 6 (AR, LA, NM, OK, TX)
Region 7 (IA, KS, MO, NE)
Region 10 (AK, ID, OR, WA)
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Management1989
(Total funding: $821,000)
Grant will expand existing technical assistance source reduction program, provide technical assistance coordinated with a multimedia regulatory inspection program, and provide for outreach to generators and other states. Pilot project includes: (1) training for interns and state inspectors, (2) workshops for industry, environmentalists, government representatives, (3) development of a financial feasibility model for company managers to determine cost effectiveness of source reduction and recycling alternatives, and (4) direct technical assistance. Focus on electroplaters, metal finishers, and machine tool and electronics manufacturers in central Massachusetts.
Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management1989
(Total funding: $763,000)
Strong technical assistance program, including in-plant audits (2 classesone general and the second more detailed), re-audits, documentation of case studies of the audits, establishment of database library of waste reduction technologies and procedures, development of training programs and seminars, and field test WRAS. Focus on electroplaters, industrial manufacturing and metal fabrication, printing, degreasing, and cleaning operations.
New England Waste Management Officials Association (NEWMOA)1989
(Total funding: $630,000)
A regional project with 3 major components: (1) establish centralized regional clearinghouse and database; (2) provide direct technical assistance to states (state training and industry workshops); and (3) develop options for source reduction for waste streams destined for resource recovery systems (identify toxic metals of principal concern, categories of generators of wastes containing these metals, and measures to encourage and affect source reduction). Proposal jointly submitted by NEWMOA and NESCAUM (Northeast States for Coordinated Air Use Management, with participation by NEIWPCC (New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission).
New Jersey Hazardous Waste Facilities Siting Commission1989
(Total funding: $640,000)
A strong technical assistance program, comprised of on-site assessments, implementation assistance, follow-up, training, and data gathering and analysis. Includes methods development research for targeting priority industries, and development of user-friendly software system for use o PC to track raw product and waste generation amounts, along with waste management processes and cost accounting for such processes. (This software package will be donated by an industry, and distributed free of charge to individual waste generators.)
New York Department of Environmental Conservation1989
(Total funding: $715,000)
This program seeks to hire additional staff, providing training for DEC personnel, conduct industry workshops, establish a technical information clearinghouse, provide contractual services, and conduct major pollution prevention conferences. These elements will serve to reduce the amount of waste discharged into all environmental media and eliminate several of the barriers to waste reduction faced by small- and medium-sized industries and businesses through the technical information clearinghouse and waste reduction database.
Kentucky Department of Environmental Protection1989
(Total funding: $633,000)
Program goals include compilation of a single, cross-media hazardous waste risk and release database for management decision-making; provision of cross-media technical advisory and environmental audit staff; further expansion of cross-media waste minimization programs; and reduction of volume/toxicity of hazardous waste generated in order to meet capacity requirements. Includes the participation of the University of Louisville, the DEP, and Kentucky Partners, a waste minimization, information dissemination, and technical assistance program begun at the cabinet level with the assistance of the University of Louisville and additional financing through a RITTA grant.
Mississippi Department of Natural Resources1989
(Total funding: $714,000)
Intends to serve primarily small- to medium-sized industries while stressing broad participation from regulatory agencies, industries, universities, and local governments. The five-phased program consists of planning/coordination, outreach, technical assistance, tracking documentation reporting, and a demonstration project.
North Carolina Department of Natural Resources & Community Development1989
(Total funding: $700,000)
Seeks to augment already extensive multi-media waste reduction program with the development of a waste reduction information management system. The overall goal is to integrate specific waste reduction information for planning, managing, and evaluating reductions in air emissions, water discharge, toxic releases, and generation to hazardous waste through the development and testing of the system. This project will serve as a demonstration project for other states.
Indiana Department of Environmental Management1989
(Total funding: $633,000)
Goal is to create an integrated technical assistance and enforcement program. This will be accomplished by: providing cross-media training for IDEM employees; creating a multi-media enforcement action reporting system for recording violations; identifying corporate representatives for waste reduction opportunity assessments; implementing an information and education program; conducting surveys of firms for which technical assistance is provided; and seeking corporate and legislative financial support for continuing this source reduction and recycling program.
Michigan Department of Natural Resources1989
(Total funding: $570,000)
"Source Reduction Intern Program" will provide strong direct technical assistance program including training interns as well as state and county staff, providing on-site technical analysis (identification of multimedia opportunities, design of implementation strategies, assistance in implementing strategies), and measuring volumes and toxicities of wastes reduced. Focus on small- and medium-sized electroplaters and automobile assembly and components parts plants. Cooperative effort between Michigan DNR and Department of Commerce. Graduate level, and superior senior level, students will be recruited from Michigan State, University of Michigan, and Michigan Tech.
Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality1989
(Total funding: $900,000)
Program consists of defining state's problems through research; targeting of industries; and establishing performance measures. In the long term, the focus will be on heavy polluters, and the development of regulatory incentives.
Texas Water Commission/Hazardous and Solid Waste Division1989
(Total funding: $633,000)
Will develop and implement a Waste Minimization and Recycling Program. Staff will provide consultative, evaluative, training, and developmental assistance. This will include needs assessments, training for state personnel, the provision of educational materials and technical assistance to the regulated community, the expansion of working relationships with the business community, identifying institutional and economic barriers, and serving as an internal consultant on waste minimization projects.
University of Nebraska--1989
Grant summary not available.
Alaska Department of Environmental Protection, Alaska Health Project1989
(Total funding: $427,000)
A two year cooperative project between ADEP and AHP includes the following components: establishment of an integrated pollution prevention program in the state, technical transfer and technical assistance, follow-up audits, curricula development for waste reduction at the university level, pilot waste reduction programs for rural Alaska (2 projects). State has unique environment from a "pollution perspective"large, rural, high transport and disposal costs, lack of TSDFs, dominance of oil industry.
Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, Division of Environmental Quality1989
(Total funding: $427,000)
This proposal establishes a state-sponsored, county-managed recycling program focusing on hazardous and non-hazardous industrial wastes. Counties can expand programs to encompass consumer and municipal wastes. Includes public and industry education to the national solid waste crisis and the advantages of source reduction and recycling. Will establish Waste Exchange Service. Environmental programs currently contain no source reduction or recycling components, so DEQ has undertaken small pollution prevention programs without legislative funding, such as workshops under the auspices of Boise State and through RITTA funding.