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2009 State Innovation Grant Competition Selections

Two Projects Selected Under the 2009 State Innovation Grant Competition

Twenty-six applicants responded to this year’s State Innovation Grant Competition representing seven EPA Regions.  Collectively, the pre-proposals totaled over $6.21 million.  The two selected pre-proposals request a total $565,000 in federal funds, with funding matches from these states totaling over $126,000.  They address the overall theme of the solicitation ("innovation in permitting") and the focus areas of Environmental Results Programs (ERP) and Lean Manufacturing.

The two projects proposed for funding from this year's competition are (alphabetically):

Washington (Lean) – The Washington Department of Ecology, in partnership with Washington Manufacturing Services (NIST), Washington State University, Pollution Prevention Resource Center, and others will develop and implement a lean manufacturing and environmental technical assistance program (called “Lean and Green Assistance”) to improve environmental and operational performance for industrial and commercial entities.  The goal is to build directly on three successful Lean and Environment Pilot Projects, Green Suppliers Network (GSN) “Lean and Clean” projects and other project experiences and create an on-going, self-sustaining “Lean and Green” service that produces measurable environmental and business-operational results.  Integrated lean and environmental technical assistance offers a compelling way to deliver significant, sustainable environmental results, improve operational efficiency, and foster a continual improvement culture focused on eliminating waste.  The project will use EPA-produced materials (such as Lean and Environment, and Lean and Energy Toolkits) and provide feedback on how to improve these documents.  The project will include 3-4 projects per year, or 9-12 total.  ($225K)

Wisconsin (ERP) - The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and the Wisconsin Small Business Clean Air Assistance Program (a SBEAP) will partner with other state SBEAPs in Region 5 and propose using ERP to implement the area source rule 40 CFR part 63 Subpart HHHHHH (subpart 6H) as it affects autobody refinishing shops and measure the changes in environmental performance that result.  This project addresses a national program priority, air toxics, with a focus in community and urban areas, and specifically contains an environmental justice compliance assistance component.  It supports a regional priority, and they have the endorsement and commitment to partner with five States.  This project targets sources recently affected by new area source NESHAP rules, and the template could potentially be transferable to many states.  While the primary focus of this project will be compliance with subpart 6H, the project will also provide education and collect data on best practices in energy efficiency and pollution prevention.  ($340K)

The EPA National Center for Environmental Innovation (NCEI) and EPA Regions will work with the selected applicants to ensure the successful completion of the states’ final award packages in July so that awards can be made before the end of the fiscal year.  NCEI will host a grants workshop in late April in Washington, DC for state project managers and EPA Regional project officers to equip applicants with information critical to completing a successful final work plan for each selected projects.

For further information, please contact the State Innovation Pilot Grants staff in the National Center for Environmental Innovation (walker.sherri@epa.gov; 202-566-2186, filbin.gerald@epa.gov; 202-566-2182).

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