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The 2007 State Innovation Grant Solicitation

We are very happy to announce the 2007 EPA State Innovation Grant competition.  The National Center for Environmental Innovation (NCEI) within the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) Office of Policy Economics and Innovation (OPEI) is requesting proposals for a fifth round of projects to be funded under its State Innovation Grant Program.  The State Innovation Grant Program is a primary means by which EPA seeks to strengthen its innovation partnership with states, a cornerstone element of the Agency's Innovation Strategy, ("Innovating for Better Environmental Results: A Strategy to Guide the Next Generation of Innovation at EPA," April, 2002).

This year's competition continues the theme of “Innovation in Permitting” (including alternatives to permitting) from the earlier rounds of competition.  Three particular areas of interest under this theme are pre-proposals for projects that: 1) support the development of State Environmental Results Programs (ERPs); 2) involve the application of Environmental Management Systems (EMS), including those that explore the relationship of EMS to permitting or otherwise promote the use of EMS to improve environmental performance beyond permit requirements; or 3) implement National Environmental Performance Track (PT) or similar performance-based programs by states, particularly including the development and implementation of incentives (see the solicitation for details).  EPA is interested in permitting innovations as they relate to one of the priority environmental issues targeted in the Innovation Strategy (i.e., reducing greenhouse gases or smog, improving water quality, reducing the cost of water or wastewater infrastructure), or other priorities established through joint state/EPA strategic planning.

EPA would like to support state permitting innovations that promote the testing of innovative approaches in state permitting programs that strive to create a performance-based regulatory system, promote environmental stewardship and beyond-compliance business operation, and/ or promote a culture of creative environmental problem solving.

The full solicitation is available online (PDF) (39 pp., 226K, About PDF) or a copy of the solicitation can be sent via fax at the request of a state agency (contact (202) 566-2186 or innovation_state_grants@epa.gov to request a copy).  States interested in applying for one of this year's grants will have until January 18, 2007 to respond with a pre-proposal and budget.  We hope to announce selections of projects for funding in March 2006.  We hope you will consider submitting a pre-proposal for this year's competition.

During the solicitation period, written questions concerning the proposal and grants process may be sent:

-- by email to:  innovation_state_grants@epa.gov;
-- by FAX to:  (202) 566-2220; or
-- by mail to:   State Innovation Grants Program
                     National Center for Environmental Innovation
                     Office of Policy Economics and Innovation
                     U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (1807T)
                     1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
                     Washington, DC 20460.

We look forward to seeing a pre-proposal from your state in this State Innovation Grant competition.
Full solicitation (PDF) (39 pp., 152K, About PDF)

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