Quick Resources
Chemical Review Manager: Kelly Ballard (ballard.kelly@epa.gov), 703-305-8126
Docket Information
- Documents related to EPA's review of this pesticide can be found in the following docket(s):
- Visit Regulations.gov for information about other pesticide registration review chemicals.
Case Status:
- Docket Opening:
- Dimethoate Summary Document - March 6, 2009
- Registration Review; Pesticide Dockets Opened for Review and Comment, [March 18, 2009] - comments accepted through May 18, 2009
- Case Development: Underway
- Import Tolerances; Order Denying ABC's Petition to Revoke Import Tolerances for Various Pesticides - August 10, 2011
- Final Work Plan for Dimethoate - August 2009
- Petition to Revoke Tolerances for 13 Pesticides; Notice of Availability [September 1, 2009] - comments accepted through November 2, 2009
- Registration Review Decision: Pending