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CALIFORNIA GRAPES (Northern and Southern)


The field used to represent grape production in California is located in Southern San Joaquin Valley. According to the 1997 Census of Agriculture, California is the major producer of table, wine, and raisin grapes with 85 percent of California's production in the San Joaquin Valley and the bulk of the remainder in the Coachella Valley. Grapes need at least 3 ft of well drained soil, and are typically grown on sandy or sandy loam soils. Vine rows are usually kept weed free, but there is some growth in the winter. Surface soil around the vine row is usually sealed, but some plants can grow between vine rows. The soil between rows is usually disked. Row spacing varies depending on the terrain. Canopies between rows tend to be much less than 100 percent, while the canopy along the rows is 100 percent. Irrigation is mainly by drip irrigation, but some vineyards continue to use sprinkler systems. The soil selected to simulate the field is a benchmark soil, San Joaquin loam. San Joaquin loam, is a fine, mixed, active, thermic Abruptic Durixeralfs. These soils are often used for vineyards, fruit and nut production under irrigation. San Joaquin loam is a moderately deep, well and moderately well drained, medium to very high runoff soil that formed in alluvium mainly from granite sources. The soil also consists of a duripan. The San Joaquin loam has very slow permeability above the duripan and very slow permeability within the duripan. Some areas are subject to flooding. These soil are generally found on undulating terraces at elevations from 50 to 500 feet above mean sea level and have slopes of 0 to 9 percent. The soil is extensive in MLRA 17 along the Eastern slopes of the Sacramento and San Joaquin Valleys. San Joaquin loam is a Hydrologic Group C soil.

Table 1
PRZM 3.12 Climate and Time Parameters for San Joaquin Valley, California - Grapes
Starting Date January 1, 1948 Meteorological File - Southern: Bakersfield, CA (W23155) and
Northern: Sacramento, CA (W23232)
Ending Date December 31, 1983 Meteorological File - Southern: Bakersfield, CA (W23155) and
Northern: Sacramento, CA (W23232)
Pan Evaporation Factor (PFAC) 0.7PRZM Manual Figure 5.1 (EPA, 1998)
Snowmelt Factor (SFAC) 0.55 cm C- 1PRZM Manual Table 5.1 (EPA, 1998)
Minimum Depth of Evaporation (ANETD) 17.0 cmPRZM Manual Figure 5.2 (EPA, 1998)

Table 2
PRZM 3.12 Erosion and Landscape Parameters for San Joaquin Valley, California - Grapes
Method to Calculate Erosion (ERFLAG) 4 (MUSS)PRZM Manual (EPA, 1998)
USLE K Factor (USLEK) 0.28 tons EI-1* NRI - Average value listed for the soil series San Joaquin
USLE LS Factor (USLELS) 0.2NRI - Average value listed for the soil series San Joaquin
USLE P Factor (USLEP) 1.0NRI - Average value listed for the soil series San Joaquin
Field Area (AFIELD) 172 haArea of Shipman Reservoir watershed (EPA, 1999)
NRCS Hyetograph (IREG) 1 PRZM Manual Figure 5.12 (EPA, 1998); based on crops grown on Eastern side of slopes.
Slope (SLP) 2%Paul Verdegaal
San Joaquin County Cooperative Extension 209-468-9494
Hydraulic Length (HL) 600 mShipman Reservoir (EPA, 1999)
Irrigation Flag (IRFLAG) 2 (cropping period only) Based on recommendations from farm advisors for general flooding for crop irrigation
Irrigation Type (IRTYP) 1 (Flood) Based on recommendations from farm advisors for general flooding for crop irrigation
Leaching Factor (FLEACH) 0.1Estimated
Fraction of Water Capacity when Irrigation is Applied (PCDEPL) 0.55 Based on recommendations from farm advisors for general flooding for crop irrigation
Maximum Rate at which Irrigation is Applied (RATEAP) 0.4 cm hr-1PRZM Manual, Table 5.33 (EPA, 1998)

* EI = 100 ft-tons * in/ acre*hr

Table 3
PRZM 3.12 Crop Parameters for San Joaquin Valley, California - Grapes
Initial Crop (INICRP) 1Set to one for all crops (EPA, 2001)
Initial Surface Condition (ISCOND) 3Paul Verdegaal
San Joaquin County Cooperative Extension 209-468-9494
Number of Different Crops (NDC) 1Set to crops in simulation - generally one
Number of Cropping Periods (NCPDS) 36 Set to weather data.
Meteorological File - Bakersfield, CA (W23155) or Sacramento, CA (W23232)
Maximum rainfall interception storage of crop (CINTCP) 0.25Maximum recommended value for grass (EPA, 2001)
Maximum Active Root Depth (AMXDR) 100 cmPaul Verdegaal
San Joaquin County Cooperative Extension 209-468-9494
Maximum Canopy Coverage (COVMAX) 70 Paul Verdegaal
San Joaquin County Cooperative Extension 209-468-9494
Soil Surface Condition After Harvest (ICNAH) 3Paul Verdegaal
San Joaquin County Cooperative Extension 209-468-9494
Date of Crop Emergence
01/02Paul Verdegaal
San Joaquin County Cooperative Extension 209-468-9494
Date of Crop Maturity
15/08Paul Verdegaal
San Joaquin County Cooperative Extension 209-468-9494
Date of Crop Harvest
31/08 Paul Verdegaal
San Joaquin County Cooperative Extension 209-468-9494
Maximum Dry Weight (WFMAX) 0.0Set to "0" Not used in simulation
SCS Curve Number (CN) 84, 79, 82 Gleams Manual Table A.3, Meadows, no fallow conditions (USDA, 1990)
Manning's N Value (MNGN) 0.023 RUSLE Project; C21GBGBC for grapes, Sacramento, bare ground (USDA, 2000)
USLE C Factor (USLEC) 0.274 - 0.517 RUSLE Project; Variable with date, C21GBGBC for grapes, Sacramento, bare ground (USDA, 2000)

Table 4
PRZM 3.12 San Joaquin Soil Parameters for San Joaquin Valley, California - Grapes
ParameterValue Verification Source
Total Soil Depth (CORED) 340 cm NRCS, National Soils Characterization Database (NRCS, 2001)
Number of Horizons (NHORIZ) 2 (Base horizons)
First and Second Soil Horizons (HORIZN = 1,2)
Horizon Thickness (THKNS)
  • 10 cm (HORIZN = 1)
  • 330 cm (HORIZN = 2)
NRCS, National Soils Characterization Database (NRCS, 2001) http://soils.usda.gov/survey/nscd/ Exit EPA Disclaimer
Bulk Density (BD)
  • 1.84 g cm-3 (HORIZN = 1)
  • 1.6 g cm-3 (HORIZN = 2)
Initial Water Content (THETO)
  • 0.21 cm3-H2O cm3-soil (HORIZN =1)
  • 0.28 cm3-H2O cm3-soil (HORIZN =2)
Compartment Thickness (DPN)
  • 0.1 cm (HORIZN = 1)
  • 30 cm (HORIZN = 2)
Field Capacity (THEFC)
  • 0.21 cm3-H2O cm3-soil (HORIZN = 1)
  • 0.28 cm3-H2O cm3-soil (HORIZN = 2)
Wilting Point (THEWP)
  • 0.1 cm3-H2O cm3-soil (HORIZN = 1)
  • 0.15 cm3-H2O cm3-soil (HORIZN = 2)
Organic Carbon Content (OC)
  • 0.72% (HORIZN = 1)
  • 0.16% (HORIZN = 2)

EPA. 1998. Carsel, R.F., J.C. Imhoff, P.R. Hummel, J.M. Cheplick, and A.S. Donigian, Jr. PRZM-3, A Model for Predicting Pesticide and Nitrogen Fate in the Crop Root and Unsaturated Soil Zones: Users Manual for Release 3.0. National Exposure Research Laboratory, Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Athens, GA.

EPA. 1999. Jones, R.D., J. Breithaupt, J. Carleton, L. Libelo, J. Lin, R. Matzner, and R. Parker. Guidance for Use of the Index Reservoir in Drinking Water Exposure Assessments. Environmental Fate and Effects Division, Office of Pesticide Programs, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington. D.C.

EPA. 2001. Abel, S.A. Procedure for Conducting Quality Assurance and Quality Control of Existing and New PRZM Field and Orchard Crop Standard Scenarios. Environmental Fate and Effects Division, Office of Pesticide Programs, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C.

USDA. 1990. Davis, F.M., R.A. Leonard, W.G. Knisel. GLEAMS User Manual, Version 1.8.55. USDA-ARS Southeast Watershed Research Laboratory, Tifton GA. SEWRL-030190FMD.

USDA. 2000. Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) EPA Pesticide Project. U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and Agricultural Research Service (ARS).

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