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User's Guide and Technical Documentation
KABAM Version 1.0
(Kow (based) Aquatic BioAccumulation Model)

Appendix C
Explanation of Default Values Representing Biotic Characteristics of Aquatic Ecosystem, Including Food Web Structure

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Appendix C. Explanation of Default Values Representing Biotic Characteristics of Aquatic Ecosystem, Including Food Web Structure

The seven trophic levels of the aquatic ecosystem of KABAM are phytoplankton, zooplankton, benthic invertebrates, filter feeders, small fish, medium fish, and large fish. In KABAM, each trophic level is defined by its % lipid, % Non Lipid Organic Matter (NLOM), % water, body weight, and diet. Each of these trophic levels is described within this Appendix, with emphasis on the information relevant to KABAM and explanations of default parameters used to define these trophic levels (in Tables 5 and 6 of the KABAM tool). If the model user wishes to explore the influences of changes in parameter values representing the aquatic food web on EECs and RQs for birds and mammals, this can be accomplished by altering parameter values within the range of reported values for a specific parameter.

Although the % water composition of an aquatic organism does not influence the bioaccumulation of a chemical in that organism (see Appendix A), it is an important consideration for the definition of % lipid and the percent non-lipid organic matter (% NLOM). Often, tissue analysis results and body weight data in the scientific literature are reported on a dry weight basis. For KABAM, input parameters for body composition are entered on a wet weight basis. Therefore, % water composition is discussed in the sections below since it is necessary to understand the water composition of an organism in order to translate the reported data into input parameters for KABAM.

Lipid composition of an organism can influence the bioaccumulation of a chemical (See Appendix A), with higher lipid composition leading to higher accumulation. Since KABAM is intended for use in ecological risk assessments of pesticides with the potential to bioaccumulate in aquatic ecosystems, it is necessary for this tool to serve as a conservative representation of bioaccumulation. Default parameter values for % lipid were selected from the open literature and are intended to represent the high-end of available data (75th-90th percentiles).

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