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Organizational Statement for EPA-sponsored Public Meetings to Discuss Exposure Modeling


Overall Vision

Since 2002, EPA has been holding public meetings for the purpose of discussing and exchanging information regarding technical model-related pesticide exposure issues in the context of FIFRA and FQPA

Mission Statement

The mission of these meetings is as follows:

NOTE - EPA will not discuss issues of EPA policy at these meetings. Should such issues arise, they will be identified by the EFED management representative and forwarded to appropriate Agency personnel for resolution. Further, the purpose of the meetings is not to achieve consensus on the issues discussed but rather to allow participants to provide input individually.


The meetings are facilitated by EFED (a designated co-chair of the Water Quality Tech Team). The facilitator will be responsible for posting Federal Register notices for upcoming meetings and on an EPA-sponsored list server, drafting the agenda, and for organizing the meetings. Stakeholder input will be sought on the agenda, which will focus on technical areas identified by EFED. The final meeting agenda will be approved by the meeting facilitator and should reflect relevant stakeholder input. An EFED management representative (Branch Chief level or above, or an alternate designated by the Director of EFED) will attend all public meetings to ensure that the meetings are limited to information exchange rather than policy development

Meeting Administration

Public Meeting Attendance

All meetings will be announced in advance in the Federal Register and will be open to the public. It is anticipated that core participants will be scientists with balanced representation from stakeholders, including:

Anticipated Public Meeting Attendance
Office of Water/EPARegional Offices/ EPAState Agencies
US Geologic Survey/DOI ARS/USDAIndustry

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