This document describes how to install and use the library of S-PLUS functions for analysis of probability survey data (psurvey.analysis). Installing S-PLUS library psurvey.analysis 1. Obtain a copy of one of the following compressed archive (zip) files containing the library, which may be obtained from the Aquatic Monitoring web pages or from an email: S-PLUS 2000: psurvey.analysis_2.2.S-PLUS S-PLUS 6.0: psurvey.analysis_2.2.S-PLUS S-PLUS 6.1: psurvey.analysis_2.2.S-PLUS 2. Using a program such as "WinZip", open the zip file and extract the contents of that file to the "library" folder of S-PLUS, which is located at "SHOME\library". If you are uncertain of the location of "SHOME", execute the following S-PLUS command: "getenv('SHOME')". 3. Installation of the package only needs to be done once. Using S-PLUS library psurvey.analysis 1. Each time S-PLUS is started in a session, you have to separately "load" the package in order to access the functions and their help files. 2. Load the library using the "File" menu (click on "File", click on "Load Library...", select "psurvey.analysis" from the list of available libraries, and click on "OK") or execute the following S-PLUS command: "library(psurvey.analysis)". 3. For S-PLUS 2000 help for using the library is available by browsing to the psurvey.analysis folder within the library folder of S-PLUS 2000 (located at "C:\Program Files\sp2000\library\psurvey.analysis")and clicking on the file "psurvey.analysis.chm" (which is a compiled HTML help file). For S-PLUS 6.0 and S-PLUS 6.1 help for using the library is available both through the help command, i.e., enter "help(function name)" at the command line, and through the "Help" menu (click on "Help", point to "Available Help", and click on "psurvey.analysis").