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Developing Design Structure - Design Requirements

Following the guide for the development of a survey design for Aquatic Resource Monitoring.

The next step in the process identifies requirements that must be included in the design.

Continuing with the illustrative example of the design processes based on the EMAP Western Pilot Program.

Identifying all remaining design requirements
Identifying the precision goal and confidence level is key in this step    
EMAP Western Pilot
  • Estimate extent (km or length) of non-perennial streams and perennial streams and rivers for:
    • Entire study region
    • EPA Regions 8, 9, 10
    • Each State
  • +/- 10% Precision at 90% confidence
  • States must be able to complete site evaluations independent of other States
  • Site evaluations to be completed in one year
  • Sufficient samples in mountainous regions to determine if have significant RF3 code problems

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