Soundbite 1

(MP3, 0:24, 236 KB)
Transcript: Poison in the ground means poison in the economy.  A weak environment means a weak consumer base.  And unhealthy air means an unhealthy atmosphere for investments.  But a clean, green healthy community is a better place to buy a home and raise a family, it’s more competitive in the race to attract new businesses, and it has the foundations it needs for prosperity.
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Soundbite 2

(MP3, 0:24, 236 KB)
Transcript: Poison in the ground means poison in the economy.  A weak environment means a weak consumer base.  And unhealthy air means an unhealthy atmosphere for investments.  But a clean, green healthy community is a better place to buy a home and raise a family, it’s more competitive in the race to attract new businesses, and it has the foundations it needs for prosperity.
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Soundbite 3

(MP3, 0:24, 236 KB)
Transcript: Poison in the ground means poison in the economy.  A weak environment means a weak consumer base.  And unhealthy air means an unhealthy atmosphere for investments.  But a clean, green healthy community is a better place to buy a home and raise a family, it’s more competitive in the race to attract new businesses, and it has the foundations it needs for prosperity.
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Soundbite 4

(MP3, 0:24, 236 KB)
Transcript: Poison in the ground means poison in the economy.  A weak environment means a weak consumer base.  And unhealthy air means an unhealthy atmosphere for investments.  But a clean, green healthy community is a better place to buy a home and raise a family, it’s more competitive in the race to attract new businesses, and it has the foundations it needs for prosperity.
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