UST Video Outline & Resources

Underground Storage Tank Management



I.          What are the federal regulations pertaining to Underground Storage Tanks (USTs)?


40    C.F.R Part 280 - 40 C.F.R. 280


New regulations promulgated by the Energy Policy Act of 2005 - Energy Policy Act of 2005


State regulations can be accessed via the following links:


·         AL Dept of Environmental Management

      Alabama UST Program


·         FL Dept. of Environmental Protection

                  Florida UST Program


·         GA Environmental Protection Division

      Georgia UST Program


·         KY Dept for Environmental Protection

      Kentucky UST Program


·         MS Dept of Environmental Quality

        Mississippi UST Program


·         NC Dept of Environment and Natural Resources

                  North Carolina UST Program


·         SC Dept of Health and Environmental Control

      South Carolina UST Program


·         TN Dept of Environment and Conservation

      Tennessee UST Program



II.        What type of UST system do you have?


·         Tanks- Steel, Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP), or Composite (FRP-clad steel).

·         Piping - Steel, FRP, single or double walled, or flexible double-walled

·         Piping systems can be pressurized or suction systems.



III.       What are you required to do?


References:  Musts for USTs, Operating and Maintaining Underground Storage Tank Systems, and Preventing Leaks and Spills at Service Stations


            Please note: All regulated USTs must be registered with the implementing agency.


Release Detection is required for both tanks and piping:


a)                  Tanks- Monthly monitoring is required by using any of the following methods:

·        Automatic Tank Gauge (ATG) (ATG diagram, Automatic Tank Gauging Systems for Release Detection, & Getting the Most Out of Your ATG System)

·        Interstitial Monitoring

·        Ground Water monitoring

·        Vapor monitoring

·        Inventory Control and tank tightness testing

·        Statistical Inventory Reconciliation (SIR)


            b)         Piping- Product piping must be monitored for releases by:


For Pressurized Systems: 

-          Annual test, continuous monitoring

-          All pressurized product must be equipped with an Automatic or Electronic Line Leak Detector.


                        For Suction Systems: 

-          Three (3) year test for suction system if the system is a “safe system” constructed system.



IV.       Release Prevention & Reporting


Since December of 1998 (see Don't Wait Until 1998 ), all UST systems must have the following:


·         Spill Containment - spill catchment basins or “spill buckets” (see Inspecting and Maintaining Sumps and Spill Buckets).


·         Overfill Prevention Types - ball-float valves, mechanical “flapper valves”, audible and visible alarms.


·         Corrosion Protection (only for steel tanks and lines) - Can be of the following types:


-          Impressed current systems

-          Cathodic (galvanic) systems


If you have an actual or suspected product release, it should be immediately reported to your regulatory authority (county, state, or federal).  For more information, please see page 22 of Musts for USTs.



V.        Record Keeping


Documentation must be on-site or readily accessible for the following:


·         UST Registration


·         Tanks

12 months of monthly monitoring records for either:  ATG, SIR, Inventory Control, Ground Water monitoring, Vapor Monitoring or Interstitial Monitoring for double walled tanks (see SIR example)


·         Piping

   Annual line tightness tests

   3 yr test for suction piping

Continuous monitoring if equipped (see sump sensor & sensor status).


·         Corrosion Protection:


3 yr test of CP system (see Corrosion Protection triennial test example).

            - Note: these tests & forms may be state-specific


60 day inspection of impressed current system (60 day Impressed Current  log form)  


·         Closure records


Owner/Operator must retain closure records for three years after permanent closure.



VI.       Common problems found at UST facilities



VII.     Additional Resources


More detailed information on the operation and maintenance of USTs can be found at the following sites:




U.S. EPA Office of Underground Storage Tanks


L.U.S.T. Line



Alternative Fuels


E85 Fueling facilities in the U.S.





Policy Guidance Pertaining to Underground Storage Tanks


Standard Test Procedures for Evaluating Various Leak Detection Methods



Energy Policy Act of 2005


Underground Storage Tank Provisions Of The Energy Policy Act Of 2005





Expedited Site Assessment Tools for Underground Storage Tank Sites: A Guide for Regulators


How to Effectively Recover Free Product at Leaking Underground Storage Tank Sites: A Guide for State Regulators


How to Evaluate Alternative Cleanup Technologies for Underground Storage Tank Sites: A Guide for Corrective Action Plan Reviewers


Revitalization and Reuse


Brownfields are defined as those properties that contain, or potentially contain, a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant that hinders the property’s reuse. The U.S Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) awards Brownfields grants to local governments, states, tribes, and non-profit organizations to assess and clean up brownfields, including old abandoned gas stations and other facilities impacted by petroleum contamination.  For more information on this subject, see “EPA Brownfields Grants For Old Abandoned Gas Stations And Other Petroleum Brownfields.


Additional information relating specifically to abandoned gas stations may be found it the “Reuse of Abandoned Gas Station Sites” information sheet.


Indian Country


The UST Program is implemented by the U.S. EPA in Indian Country.


EPA Indian Policies


Laws & Regulations that may apply to tribal government operations


American Indian Tribal Portal


ITCA:  Tribal UST Inspector Certification Program



Additional Resources


Additional information about USTs can be found at the Office of Underground Storage Tank website:


Further resource documents, including those pertaining to reporting requirements and cleanup of released product, can be found here.


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