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June 14, 2007 Mercury Stocks Stakeholder Panel Meeting


Regulatory Issues and Storage, Part 1

Welcome (9:00-9:15)
     Wendy Cleland-Hamnett, EPA Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics

Introductions and Meeting Process (9:15-9:45)
     Sheila Canavan, Facilitator

Regulatory Issues for Mercury Waste and Commodity Mercury (9:45-10:30)
     James Berlow, EPA Office of Solid Waste

Break (10:30-10:45)

Presentation (10:45-11:30): Federal Mercury Storage
     Dennis Lynch, Department of Defense, Defense Logistics Agency
     Bill Fortune, Department of Energy

Presentation (11:30-12:15): Alternatives to Storage by Federal Government
     Brad Buscher, Mercury Waste Solutions

Lunch (12:15-1:30)

Panel Discussion on Management Options for Mercury (1:30-4:00)

  1. What is the impact of RCRA and other existing domestic statutes?
  2. How do the RCRA regulations impact storage options in the United States?
  3. Besides storage by the Federal government, what other options, or combinations of options, are possible for each source? Consider short and long-term arrangements.
  4. What issues arise with regard to cost, liability, security, legal issues, etc. for options other than storage?

Break (3:00-3:15)

Public Comment (4:00-4:30)

Follow-up Panel Discussion (4:30-5:00)
     Agenda for July meeting in Denver
     Other issues



Name Affiliation
Mary Belefski CEQ (fellow)
Alan Ray USGS
Ray Graczyk Northeast Lamp Recycling Company (president)
Pat Rizzuto BNA
Ann Strickland House Committee on Energy & Commerce (fellow)
Melissa Barbanell Barrick Gold
Nabila Elsaadi Environment Canada
Cheryl Hogue Chemical & Engineering News
Lynn Petros-Winn Recycle Technologies
Amanda Lee Office of Management and Budget
Glenn Farber EPA/OEI
Tim Lehman EPA/OPPT
Arnold Kuzmack EPA/OW
Susan Keane NRDC
Paul Esformes Office of Management and Budget
Nathan Guest King & Spalding LLP
Steve Barringer Holland and Hart
Ron Favors DNSC
Jerry DiCerbo DOE
Joshua Novikoff EPA/OPPT
Linda Barr EPA/OSW
Sue Slotnick EPA/OPPT
Sara McGurk EPA/OPPT
Maria Doa EPA/OPPT
DeLicia Ballard BLH Technologies
Edward Balistreri Colorado School of Mines
Brad Buscher Mercury Waste Solutions

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