June 14, 2007 Mercury Stocks Stakeholder Panel Meeting
- Agenda
- Attendees
- Minutes (PDF) (14 pp, 84K, About PDF)
- PowerPoint presentations
- Department of Energy National Nuclear Security Administration Mercury Storage at the Y-12 National Security Complex (PDF) (11 pp., 155 K, about PDF )
- An Alternative to Government-Owned Long-Term Sequestration and Storage of Mercury (PDF) (22 pp., 277 K, about PDF)
- Meeting DNSC's Mercury Challenge (PDF) (33 pp., 1.42 MB, about PDF)
- RCRA: Mercury Waste and Commodity Mercury (PDF) (7 pp., 21 K, about PDF)
Regulatory Issues and Storage, Part 1
Welcome (9:00-9:15)
Wendy Cleland-Hamnett, EPA Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics
Introductions and Meeting Process (9:15-9:45)
Sheila Canavan, Facilitator
Regulatory Issues for Mercury Waste and Commodity Mercury (9:45-10:30)
James Berlow, EPA Office of Solid Waste
Break (10:30-10:45)
Presentation (10:45-11:30): Federal Mercury Storage
Dennis Lynch, Department of Defense, Defense Logistics Agency
Bill Fortune, Department of Energy
Presentation (11:30-12:15): Alternatives to Storage by Federal Government
Brad Buscher, Mercury Waste Solutions
Lunch (12:15-1:30)
Panel Discussion on Management Options for Mercury (1:30-4:00)
- What is the impact of RCRA and other existing domestic statutes?
- How do the RCRA regulations impact storage options in the United States?
- Besides storage by the Federal government, what other options, or combinations of options, are possible for each source? Consider short and long-term arrangements.
- What issues arise with regard to cost, liability, security, legal issues, etc. for options other than storage?
Break (3:00-3:15)
Public Comment (4:00-4:30)
Follow-up Panel Discussion (4:30-5:00)
Agenda for July meeting in Denver
Other issues
Name | Affiliation |
Mary Belefski | CEQ (fellow) |
Alan Ray | USGS |
Ray Graczyk | Northeast Lamp Recycling Company (president) |
Pat Rizzuto | BNA |
Ann Strickland | House Committee on Energy & Commerce (fellow) |
Melissa Barbanell | Barrick Gold |
Nabila Elsaadi | Environment Canada |
Cheryl Hogue | Chemical & Engineering News |
Lynn Petros-Winn | Recycle Technologies |
Amanda Lee | Office of Management and Budget |
Glenn Farber | EPA/OEI |
Tim Lehman | EPA/OPPT |
Arnold Kuzmack | EPA/OW |
Susan Keane | NRDC |
Paul Esformes | Office of Management and Budget |
Nathan Guest | King & Spalding LLP |
Steve Barringer | Holland and Hart |
Ron Favors | DNSC |
Jerry DiCerbo | DOE |
Joshua Novikoff | EPA/OPPT |
Linda Barr | EPA/OSW |
Sue Slotnick | EPA/OPPT |
Sara McGurk | EPA/OPPT |
Maria Doa | EPA/OPPT |
DeLicia Ballard | BLH Technologies |
Edward Balistreri | Colorado School of Mines |
Brad Buscher | Mercury Waste Solutions |