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The Toxicity Relationship Analysis Program (TRAP) fits a symmetric, sigmoidal effects versus exposure relationship to toxicity test data.  It will analyze binary (e.g., survival) or continuous (e.g., growth) biological effect variables as a function of any one-dimensional exposure variable.  It will provide both best estimates and confidence limits for the parameters of the relationship and for the values of the exposure variable eliciting user-specified levels of effect.  A Windows user interface provides for (a) entering data manually, from ASCII data files, and by copying from other software, (b) specifying options for the analysis and observing results, and (c) printing results and exporting them to other software.  The program is a single executable file compatible with any Windows version and is accompanied by a help file containing operating instructions and information on the nature and performance of this analysis methodology.

TRAP version 1.30a (2.0 MB zip file) includes: "TRAP1.30aAbout.pdf" with installation and other general information about TRAP, "TRAP1.30Help.pdf" containing the program documentation, the TRAP program "TRAP1.30a.exe", and two example datafiles to check program operation. For further information, please contact Russell Erickson (E-mail: erickson.russell@epa.gov or Telephone: 218-529-5157). If you download this software, please send Russell your email address, so he can notify you of any updates, including bug-fixes. (Note: TRAP version 1.30a corrects an output error in version 1.30 as described in the about file but is otherwise unchanged from version 1.30)

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