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Human Studies Review Board

Human Studies Review Board

Ethics Training for Members and Consultants Serving on the HSRB

October 27-28, 2010 Public Meeting

  1. Carroll-Loye Protocol no Mas 003
    1. CLBR Protocol No Mas-003 (7/15/10) -
      Please Contact Lu-Ann Kleibacker at 202-564-7189 for an accessible copy of this document
    2. EPA Science and Ethics Review of No Mas-003 (10/1/10) (PDF) (30 pp, 246K About PDF)
  2. AHETF Protocol AHE400 - Backpack & Handgun Application of Liquid Sprays to ROWs
    1. Final Submission for Review of AHE400 -
      Please Contact Lu-Ann Kleibacker at 202-564-7189 for an accessible copy of this document
    2. Supplement 1 - SOPs cited in AHE400 ROW submission -
      Please Contact Lu-Ann Kleibacker at 202-564-7189 for an accessible copy of this document
    3. Supplement 2 - Providing Individual Exposure Information to Subjects -
      Please Contact Lu-Ann Kleibacker at 202-564-7189 for an accessible copy of this document
    4. Supplement 3 - Explanation of AHETF Spanish translation project -
      Please Contact Lu-Ann Kleibacker at 202-564-7189 for an accessible copy of this document
    5. EPA Science & Ethics Review AHE400 ROW final 9-30-10 (PDF) (52 pp, 436K About PDF)
  3. AEATF Mop Study - Completed Report
    1. MRID 48210201 AEATF Mop Scenario Final Report 7-28-10 -
      Please Contact Lu-Ann Kleibacker at 202-564-7189 for an accessible copy of this document
    2. MRID 48231201 Supplement 1 to AEATF Mop Study Final Report -
      Please Contact Lu-Ann Kleibacker at 202-564-7189 for an accessible copy of this document
    3. MRID 48231901 Supplement 2 to AEATF Mop Study Final Report -
      Please Contact Lu-Ann Kleibacker at 202-564-7189 for an accessible copy of this document
    4. EPA Ethics Rvw AEATF Mop Study (10-4-10) (PDF) (19 pp, 557K About PDF)
    5. EPA Science Rvw AEATF Mop Study (10-4-10) (PDF) (25 pp, 296K About PDF)
    6. EPA Science Rvw AEATF Mop Study (10-4-10) (PDF) (41 pp, 263K About PDF)
    7. HSRB Comments on Mop Study Proposal (6-25-08) (PDF) (11 pp, 53K About PDF)
    8. IIRB, Inc. Roster and Procedures (PDF) (1 pp, 8.91K About PDF)
    9. AEATF II SOPs (7-15-09) -
      Please Contact Lu-Ann Kleibacker at 202-564-7189 for an accessible copy of this document
    10. Statistical Appendix to EPA Sci Rvw -
      Please Contact Lu-Ann Kleibacker at 202-564-7189 for an accessible copy of this document
    11. EPA Supplemental Science Review AEATF Mop Study 11-2-2010 Amemded Version (PDF) (6 pp, 108K About PDF)
  4. AHETF Revised ML WSP Protocol AHE120
    1. AHE120 Mix-Load WSP Rvsd Scenario (8-19-10) -
      Please Contact Lu-Ann Kleibacker at 202-564-7189 for an accessible copy of this document
    2. Supplement 1 - SOPs cited in AHE120 -
      Please Contact Lu-Ann Kleibacker at 202-564-7189 for an accessible copy of this document
    3. Supplement 3 - Explanation of AHETF Spanish translation project -
      Please Contact Lu-Ann Kleibacker at 202-564-7189 for an accessible copy of this document
    4. Supplement 3 - Explanation of AHETF Spanish translation project -
      Please Contact Lu-Ann Kleibacker at 202-564-7189 for an accessible copy of this document
    5. EPA Science & Ethics Rvw of Rvsd AHE120 M-L WSP (10-1-10) (PDF) (52 pp, 314K About PDF)
    6. EPA Science & Ethics Rvw Original AHE120 Proposal (4-8-09) (PDF) (54 pp, 494K About PDF)
    7. HSRB Comments on Original AHE120 proposal (10-26-09) (PDF) (5 pp, 51K About PDF)

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