Green Globes™
Description | A series of rating and certification systems that encourage improved environmental and health performance for all types of buildings except residential structures. Green Globes™ is administered in the U.S. by the Green Building Initiative. For more information go to: |
Standard Type1 |
Mandatory/ Voluntary2 |
Building Type(s) |
Project Type |
Subject Areas |
Community Adoption/Use |
Certification/Compliance Process |
Relationship to Other Standards |
¹ In the building community, there is no consistent use or definition of the term "standard". EPA uses the term "standard" here in a broad sense to mean "something established by authority, custom, or general consent as a model or example: CRITERION" (Merriam-Webster). EPA uses it as an umbrella term to encompass model codes, rating systems, and other publications that provide criteria for the design, construction, and maintenance of buildings.
² Any standard may be adopted as a voluntary or mandatory program. We indicate here the intent of the authors.