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Green Landscaping: Greenacres

Native Plants of the Great Lakes

North Branch Restoration Project Seed Book

Baptisia Leucantha / Family: Fabaceae
White Wild Indigo, Swink/Wilhelm #8

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FLOWERING: June - July.

SEED TIMING: Mid-August through September.

HABITAT: Mesic to dry prairies.

DIAGNOSTIC FEATURES: 3 - 5 feet tall. Smooth, stout stem with widely branched crown like a mini-bush. Smooth leaves have small stipules, short petioles, and 3 leaflets. A tall, elegant, spike-like inflorescence is closely set with very large pale white pea flowers. Flowers later than B. Leucophaea.

TO PICK: Smooth, inflated legume pod is dark brownish-black. Pick whole pod. Remove seeds from pods to prevent further predation by larvae or weevils which may be inside pod.


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