2011 Conservation and Native Landscaping Award Application
Submission deadline: Thursday, July 7, 2011
The Conservation and Native Landscaping Awards Program is sponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Chicago Wilderness. The goals of the awards program are to provide recognition for site and projects within the Chicago Wilderness region which are exemplary in terms of use of native landscaping; demonstrating the principles and best practices of conservation-style development; restoring ecosystems.
For the 2011 Program we will recognize three categories: Natural Landscaping, Ecological Restoration, and Conservation Developments.
- Under Natural Landscaping we will recognize park districts, municipalities and corporations that make extensive and creative use of natural landscaping to support native species of plants and animals that comprise this region's outstanding biodiversity.
- Under Ecological Restoration we will recognize sites/projects in the Chicago Wilderness region that are exemplary in terms of preserving or restoring habitat/ecosystems and/or cultivating biodiversity.
- Under Conservation Development and Sustainable Development,
we will recognize commercial and/or residential projects which bring to
life the principles of Conservation Development and Sustainable Development.
The on-line form, below, should be used to nominate a site or project. You may submit materials to supplement your application (e.g., site photos or drawings) via mail or e-mail. Addresses are provided at the bottom of the page.
Pictures (especially digital), slides or videos are encouraged. Unless specifically requested, they will not be returned.
THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME! Submit on-line application by
Thursday, July 7, 2011. If
you have supplemental materials you would like to provide, please send the materials
to: Danielle Green
Mailing address:
Danielle Green
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
77 W. Jackson Blvd.
Chicago, IL 60604